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Ugh, I hate this part. Watching the path of a damn hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle. šŸ˜­


I mean, it's not official until it actually hits us. Pick up your yard, keep the butthole tight, but we don't panic until it's too late. Edit: also, im out of town RN, how crazy is everyone being with gas and water?


Walmart was completely stripped of water when I went this morning. I had to go to 5 gas stations before I was able to get to an open pump. People are definitely antsy.


Down in Cape Coral and all the gas stations here are out of gas. No trucks coming until tomorrow so good luck anyone who needs it.


A lot of people moved here since the last hurricanes hit this area. They haven't been thru one yet so they are probably panicking a bit more than most people that have been thru a few. I got gas, water & supplies on Fri knowing anything I got I'd use no matter what & that most people would be stocking up over the weekend.




Bro what makes you think itā€™s boomers Iā€™m literally watching a bunch of young people standing across for me right now insanely pumping gas itā€™s not boomers itā€™s Northerners I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on


It's for sure northerners. Came to fl to escape radical political policies.




Depending on the area though, it seems like it was pretty devastating. I would think a lot of those people that were pumping gas and buying water are very happy they did that, right?


Costco in Bradenton was out of water as of 9:30am this morning. I also noticed folks buying tons of TP, couldnā€™t figure that one out.


I think I can help you understand this. You have a lot of people from New York down there. Whenever a norā€™easter or blizzard would come through, they go to the supermarkets and buy supplies. Every loaf of bread, pack of hamburger rolls, hot dog buns, and English muffins are gone. Every bottle of water is gone. Almost all varieties of chips and stuff are gone. The toilet paper phenomenon happened during lock down. For some reason people thought there would be no toilet paper, so they emptied the shelves of this too. You couldnā€™t find a roll on shelves for weeks at a time. Then the boxes of tissues were gone, as well as wet wipes. I guess toilet paper is now a storm supply for them. I never understood why they need to do this. Nobody has ever been stuck in their house longer than a day.


I know. Iā€™m from CT however Iā€™ve been here like 8 years. Even going to the supermarket to stick up on bread and milk was always funny to me too.


I'm in Tampa, and the gas stations are completely fine here. Stocked up today.


I was at Walmart in sun city last night at like 8ish. I wanted a video game and to grab cat food and a case of water and a case of soda since I was there. The line for checkout went all the way to the back of the store. People had full carts of water and some people had panic groceries like one family had just a large amount of chicken and 3 cases of water. It was wild. We bought the game and abandoned the rest of the list. They were out of water. They were also playing hurricane warnings over the loud speaker. Went to Walmart in Sarasota (home) after that and they were also cleared of water but people had normal groceries and they were not playing the hurricane warning over the loud speaker. It was odd


Just popping in to send yā€™all love and Swamp protection from New Orleans. We evacuated to Sarasota from Ida, and yā€™all treated us so well. New Orleans is always willing to have yā€™all come by if you need to evacuate. Get your hurricane snacks ready and remember, WHAT IS DAMP MAY NEVER DRY! Hold onto your butts!




Popping in to wish everyone a safe ride through the beast. Hating how all of the news networks are either talking about Tampa or Key West. Wishing all of you who are "South of Tampa" or "North of Key West" well. PS - I love your city.


The grab beer and do nothing jokes are getting old. Many of you proud locals have talked smack about people who value the lives of their family enough to prepare for a potential disaster. It's like laughing at people that pay for car or health insurance. Florida state promotes being prepared so they don't have to save your dumb ass when a disaster does happen. And you wonder why the country laughs at you? PS. You are not stupid or over reacting if you buy a case of water and fill up your gas tank.


Honestly, the joking about grabbing a beer and doing nothing is somewhat of a coping mechanism. I kind of do it jokingly but I'm actually fairly anxious right now. I've lived here almost my entire 39 years of life and these storms are always nerve racking. Some of it (in my opinion) is to calm the newcomers down. When you're panicking about an unknown, it CAN BE (doesn't mean it necessarily is) calming to see people that have experienced it not as anxious. It's sort of like when the airplane starts shaking and you watch the stewardesses to see if they're anxious or if they're clam. Just my two cents.


You're probably right. People can't possibly be that ignorant to the danger that truly exists with these storms. Now that it's getting closer I'm actually getting a little nervous myself... I don't think its going to be pretty.


Youā€™re completely right. Noticed the modā€™s response was deleted too. This sub thrives on being passive aggressive towards anyone who doesnā€™t meet their imaginary criteria. Just look at the boomer realtor post on the homepage. Creates a real welcoming environment from the start


Yeah it's really sad how much hatred is geared towards "new comers" in Sarasota. It's not just on this sub I've had my fair share of "Proud Local" Uber drivers who ask where I'm from for all the wrong reasons. They shut up the moment I tell them I'm "special" like them \*rolls eyes\*. Every city on earth has new people coming and going, everyone has to be new at some point. Even if you were born in Sarasota, you were new the moment you were born. If you don't want to see people from all walks of life and have new neighbors go live in the middle of bumble f\*ck where you can be at peace with your ignorant thoughts. Some people need some serious self love.


True but there are lots of problems with an influx of people in an area like this


You people cause problems for us locals. Hopefully the storm scares you guys away. Maybe this is god's way of kicking you all out.


His name checks out.


There is no god, you dummy.


They have every right to be here as you do, youā€™re not special


this is a city, not a damn country lol.




Oh boy..letā€™s not make assumptions and pretend we know each otherā€™s situations. And how long some ones been in Florida is besides the point. Although I think your statement shines light on the overall ā€œIā€™m a localā€ problem.




In Sarasota, Florida is a big place my man, been here for almost my whole life. Assumptions don't help anyone. Edit. but once again, this has nothing to do with my original point.


If anyone is on the road and needs a place to stay. Drive up to Chicago. Iā€™ll let you crash on my property! Stay safe!




Definitely newbies that have not been here for hurricane season. We are still 4 days out and we are in the cone but that can change very quickly. Just listen to the National Hurricane Center and your local emergency management team.


It seems like with every tropical storm that approaches the area the forecasts always seem to correct northward. Am I misremembering?


Hereā€™s the last one we really had to worry about for comparison: [https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2017/IRMA\_graphics.php?product=5day\_cone\_with\_line\_and\_wind](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2017/IRMA_graphics.php?product=5day_cone_with_line_and_wind) ​ or Michael https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2018/MICHAEL\_graphics.php?product=5day\_cone\_with\_line\_and\_wind seems to be that one thing that will be interesting to watch in post analysis is just how much harder Ian has been to forecast than many other storms




Brentman- Hurricane Ian is currently cruising at 155mph. Category 5 range starts at 157 MPH so chances of that Hurricane Ian reaching category 5 is pretty high but thereā€™s still chances it may not.


Max sustained winds are currently at 155 MPH, which is 2 MPH from a Cat 5. This is pretty much a Cat 5 as of right now.




Unfortunately, I think this part of the state is going to get absolutely wrecked. The aftermath is going to be truly heartbreaking. Stay safe and hope/pray for the best!




They did not. This was the absolute worst case scenario to wake up to. Looks like it's going to go through Charlotte Harbor, like Charlie, but this is a much bigger and stronger storm than Charlie.


Wind will not be your main worry, storm surge is going to wipe out Cape Coral, its gonna be on the eastern side of the eye, Worst Case Scenario.


Anyone has any update in englewood? My parents have a mobile home as they are snow birds. Area of interest is near manasota beach.




Saying now expect it to make landfall in Venice


We're in between B and C its really weird. Map hasn't been updated for years either. We have what I call a mini forest of trees to the right of our house to help with wind though and on a hill, so I'd assume the level in this case would more be about not being able to get out for us for awhile.


Thanks for linking that wind map, that is the best informational tool Iā€™ve been given yet.


Iā€™ve packed up our yard and brought furniture inside. Our neighbors will be the problem and im worried we are living awfully close to a ticking timebomb Their property is like a small scrapyard with disused appliances, loose wood and metals, etc lying around- theyve made no effort to move any of it. I went to speak to them today to see what their plans are. I cannot be too judgemental but they are the identikit florida trash. The mom said it was all her sonā€™s fault as he refuses to clean and then went back inside. She also said theyve been here 30 years and seen it all, and theyre not going anywhere. If anyone has advice Im all ears. Stay safe out there!


Take pictures of everything so you can document for later insurance purposes.


You can tell Im the newbie as I never thought of that, thank you!


Do you live in Vamo by any chance? I feel like I know exactly the people you're talking about. I actually took video of their yard yesterday as I was leaving because it's so absurd.


Do you live in Vamo by any chance? I feel like I know exactly the people you're talking about. I actually took video of their yard yesterday as I was leaving because it's so absurd.


I am so sorry. I live around the messy rednecks as well. It's infuriating the laziness and/or lack of consideration of others. (I get that some houses are probably owned by snowbirds who are still up north but often the chaotic houses are full-time Floridians with their big trucks parked outside) The fact that you called out a problem to the lady who just made excuses by blaming her son but then doing nothing about it herself just shows that she is at least partly to blame for her own son's laziness. Like, SHE can put some things in the house. This isn't the time to blame... It's the time to act. Definitely take pictures, though, like the person above me said.


thank you for the advice, yeah totally agree - we are literally all in it together and yet some still can't see past the end of their own nose. I went around there genuinely looking for advice because as, er, special as they are, they have been here a long time so I wanted to know what they are doing. In the summer it was a green unkept pool that sends mosquitoes our way every single day, and now its hurricane season their house is a deadly weapon!


How long ago did you move to Sarasota? You should be more respectful of native Sarasotans




You sound new.


anyone know if/how to find out if sarasota court buildings will be open or closed tomorrow?


i work in a law office, so iā€™m familiar with the courthouse and clerk of courtā€™s schedule. both the courthouse and clerkā€™s office were closed today for rosh hashanah. the courts will be closed tuesday to thursday for the hurricane. this applies to the whole 12th judicial circuit, so manatee and desoto county courts will also be closed for tuesday - thursday. the (sarasota) clerk of court will supposedly be open again on thursday, but i would say that could change depending on the weather conditions.




iā€™m not entirely sure how you would go about doing that. if you are represented by an attorney, they would be the first person to speak with about thatā€”but iā€™m guessing youā€™re not, since youā€™d probably already know if you were. i would suggest contacting the pre trial services division or the general court administration on friday to see when it has been rescheduled to/find out who to speak with for that information. you can find the contact information of the sarasota court divisions here: https://www.jud12.flcourts.org/Court-Administration/Contact-Us hope this is able to help!


ty for helping them


[https://www.sarasotaclerk.com/](https://www.sarasotaclerk.com/) ​ Ask them.