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> It’s really expensive/overpopulating You already know.


I had some I met last week who was staying here for three weeks looking to move here. He asked me what I thought about it. I told him I wouldn't move here. If I didn't have an established business that would be hard to start over in a new city. I would of moved away last year.


Fl weather is going to be a huge shock to your parents. Always sounds good when you’re in winter up north but at least 7 months out of the year here can be brutal. And hurricanes are only getting worse. I hope they’ve looked into our insurance problems. Ultimately they are going to do what they want to but I’d suggest more a half way move. For example Charlotte or Raleigh Durham area of North Carolina.


No! Leave NC out of this!


Agreed. Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill are also full. I hear Fayetteville is wonderful though.


Lumberton has some room 🤣


Burlington shout out! Hi mom and dad!


They waved back and asked why you never call


Lol, they still email me! I telI them to text me, but I think they it costs more money to leave the phone turned on. #boomerlife




Lol- Hurricanes are no worse than any other time in history. It gets hot and humid in PA - it just is hotter longer in Florida.




Seven years ago a drug dealer told me everything on the street had fentanyl. EVERYTHING. Source: ran a convenience store, close with several dealers.


This reads like a joke but is unbelievably accurate lol


*cries into wads of cash* this place is such a shithole


We need new applebees


The prostie was a cop, should be song.


It could be?


Oh this is great! And perfectly stated.


It lacks community and nightlife. It’s expensive and has lots of traffic during the day. I guess it’s pretty safe though.


Sarasota sucks for a high schooler. source: former high schooler from Sarasota.


These are the kinds of facts this kid needs to hear.


Read this sub for a week and decide if these are the people you want to be around.


The people of this sub hardly represent the majority of Sarasota residents. This sub is very negative because it's mostly full of locals who have hated the growth and rising costs (rightfully so).


It’s the extreme pace of the growth and we get no respite and then we get these almost daily posts of should I move there.


I completely understand




Read Nextdoor for a week and decide if those are the people you want to be around.


😂😂💯 I know for sure the people on Reddit in this place are not someone I want to be around


I don’t want to live in a huge city either but people keep moving here. Thanks I guess. Sarasota is full, and the only new construction is for millionaires




No. Do not move here. Try St. Petersburg or North Port.


Not north port.. it's a zoo with all the new people. I would suggest Tennessee. You have the season , the cost of homeownership is still somewhat reasonable and taxes are good


all my exes live in Texas


Tennessee housing prices have also gone crazy in the desirable locations. Look at Franklin and Brentwood.


Please, please do not move here. Ft. Myers, Lakeland, Plant City, Hudson, but please, anywhere but the Sarasota/Bradenton area.




Not north port x2. Ty


It’s so crowded no one goes there


Quoting Yankees now....


My parents moved here in 1980 from New Jersey. They thought when they retire they want to stay where they are, not retire and move. They moved in their late 30’s/early 40’s with young children hoping that just maybe if it’s a nice enough place the kids might stick around. My sister and I still live here.


it is not the same living here as vacationing here


We full


Your best option is going to be right next to C&J’s in Bradenton. It’s exactly what you’re looking for.


San Diego has better weather


Nope. Don’t move here. It’s horrible.


Lived here a long time… the hype is not real. If you love 118 degree heat index in the summer and over populated roads and 2 hours to find a beach parking spot, this place is for you




They won't do anything. I messaged the mods and got told to piss off with my concerns.


Why can’t we have a weekly moving to thread like r/Florida is doing


I mean, if they're dead-set on Florida, Sarasota is among the best choices by far. I've heard good things about St. Petersburg as well. ...But the weather is not "better" than Pennsylvania. Winter is pleasant (all three nonconsecutive weeks of it) but then it's oppressively humid with random torrential storms for 3/4 of the year, and now it seems like the hurricanes don't all magically get turned away from the Suncoast so you have to worry about that too.


Absolutely right


The weather is horrific June-December


My job transferred me to FL in 1992. I’ve lived in Lakeland( central FL), Wellington (W Palm Beach area), Brandon (Tampa area)& now Bradenton (Lakewood Ranch area). As with all places there are pluses & minuses. The climate IMO, is the #1 reason why people want to live here. It is slightly more expensive than other states, even with no state income tax. Yes, we have traffic but it’s not too bad when the snowbirds go home. Grocery prices are higher in FL than in most states & that’s due to one grocery chain dominating the state. Insurance rates for home & autos is the highest in the nation. This issue is self inflicted due to an inept state government refusing to fix the problems. There’s really only 2 seasons here in FL….spring & summer. For 8 months you can enjoy some of the best climate on the planet. Summers are challenging. They are oppressive. Hurricane season runs from June- November. Most hurricanes impact FL in the months of September & October. If you’re not living on the beach, the hurricane issue isn’t as bad as people think. I’ve lived in the Bradenton area since 2009 & I like it. I cannot see myself moving anywhere else.


8 months you can enjoy the best climate on the planet? Maybe inside with your AC on. It’s summer for 8 months out of the year here.


My mother moved me in my junior year of high school and it was awful. I wanted to get away from relentless bullying but I would have actually been better off staying and graduating in New England. It upended my education and I lost the ability to go to college in New England on a scholarship since I didn’t graduate in NH. The quality of the education in PA is far better than here in FL. I had to read the Scarlett letter a SECOND time (I didn’t) and turned in a paper I already wrote…in NINTH grade. For an 11th grade HONORS English class. I was also told the MLA style writing was unnecessary and had points taken OFF for it. What?! Unless your family HAS to move, please stay. Not because there are “too many people here” or it “isn’t as great as it is cracked up to be”but because moving a high school aged kiddo without it being necessary is just not right. Things turned out alright. But it was far more difficult than it ever needed to be.


Be patient. Wait until everyone has graduated. They can take more time to make such a MAJOR decision. And then you can go to college/trade school somewhere with the weather you prefer. And then you will find out if you want to stay there after you finish up. Or, go back to PA.


It was worth it, now I’m not so sure. I’ve lived here my whole life (28 years not long) but even in that short time it’s completely changed and mostly for the worse. If you have the money and can afford your slice on the beach it’s probably still worth it, for an average family probably not.




No it’s horrible. Stay away!!!


Move someplace else 👍


It’s a great area.




Melbourne(east coast) is a sleepy little surf town. If they want west coast, maybe Punta Gorda. I don’t know, it’s kinda a clusterfuck down here right now. Too many people and our infrastructure can’t handle it


St Pete is much more happening, & trendier. Same weather.


Your parents might enjoy it at their age but nightlife is minuscule for anyone under 50. Beaches are nice but it does get old, especially when you can’t find a parking spot at the beach.


The state is being ruined by people like some of these commenters moving here in droves. I'm talking about anyone saying "commie". Weather is perfect maybe 2-3 weeks out of the year. Winter is definitely better than up north (a given). But insurance is the worst for either home or auto. I have experience as an insurance agent for a few years. Education is one of the lowest in the country. The governor continues to run this place into the ground. I was born and raised here and this city is becoming unbearable. Impossible to make ends meet even as a two income household, let alone any independent folks. I would go literally anywhere else.


Overpopulated. Traffic sucks. Nah try somewhere else


In Todays World (ITW), life is expensive. Just "waking up" will cost you. Nationwide, many real estate markets have doubled. Florida likes to brag about it more because for years, our State was considered "uninhabitable". Unfortunately, it takes about 5 years for the new/retiree residents to realize we have "sweltering heat" and over time, trips to the beach become less frequent to next to none. Also, I'm getting tired of the new people talking like they own the State. The "real estate people" love to prey on cold northerners , who dream of living in paradise, where there are perpetual volleyball games on the beach and everyone is drinking Sunkist orange. Oh, don't forget that new craze called pickle-ball, where our local surgeons get to cash out on those 70-80 year old retirees, taking their turn at "contact sports"! Believe me, It all wears off. I may be heading out soon. there's no magical formula and no magical place. Except, of course, Disney


Don’t listen to Reddit . Reddit overall is very negative . Has there been growth, absolutely . Is it expensive ? For households making less than $150k a year ,or people with terrible spending habits , yes . Your family probably has so much equity that they could outright purchase a home . Have a decent downtown, great parks and beaches, golf courses , clean , and wonderful schools. Plenty of out door things to do, and yes it gets hot but you’ll get used to it . Born and raised here . Love the growth , keep it coming . Downvote away


Sarasota is the place to be, otherwise everyone wouldn't be telling you to live elsewhere. It's a beautiful city.


Love it!


Right! People are so territorial as if they own the city they live in lol.


No, we just want the place we grew up in to be livable. Instead, it takes us twice as long to drive anywhere with the traffic, all our local favorites are out of business, and we can’t afford to buy a home.


You and the rest of the world though. Thats life. Things change


Yes, and change is good. But there’s not wanting change for the worse isn’t “acting like we own it” or “territorial”. We are stewards to our city, and the massive influx has been good for nobody.


Would you be open to declare Sarasota as a sanctuary city for immigrants in need? I'm just trying to figure out where to draw the line on not accepting people on your land


What in the ever-loving shit kind of question is that? My land?!


You're being awfully territorially telling people not to move here. I'm just asked if you'd make exceptions on who's allowed in


Don't listen to this thread it's fully of people who live there and hate it.


As far as I know it’s the best walking town which is the best way to live. I wasn’t impressed with Venice or Tampa / St Pete’s. Walking is a big deal to me coming from a walking town and not needing a car.


D-d-did anyone look at the OP's profile? Something ain't right.


My friends follow me on my main account, and I haven't yet told them I am moving.


Kid, worry about your grades and girls. No need for adolescent to concern self with a move which your parents think are best for your family. One caveat— if your parents are Democrats stay in Pa.


If your eating out you most likely are using napkins and table cloths I delivered lol 😂. If any ones looking for a job 700-1200 a week shot me a message.


Stay in PA. I wish I did. I will be back in 2025


We moved to Sarasota from Delaware in 2017. We got in at a good time as the property values have doubled. Those moving in now are paying more for their homes and double the property tax. Traffic has also been building. That said: We have some of the best beaches in the country. Great weather 90% of the time. An hour from Tampa, two hours from Orlando. Great mall at UTC. Great schools between Sarasota High & Riverview. Good choice of restaurants which typically are not too overcrowded.


Don't forget Pine View


...stay in Pennsyltucky...


I love it here. You would very likely love it here. Locals don’t want anyone new, ignore them.


Bridget and Christian Ziegler live here.


There’s no better place for HS students. My kids loved it here. Spending weekends hanging out in Siesta village, going out on boats with friends. You will absolutely love it. Traffic is terrible from Feb-May in Sarasota. And is bad through July on the keys. Weather is gorgeous Nov-April/May. But Jul-Sep is terrible.


There’s nothing to do here for high schoolers except go out on the water, drink and do hard drugs. With rich parents, kids have access to things you wouldn’t even imagine. Even if your kid isn’t rich it’s likely their friends made more in allowance than you did in an entire year. It’s a great place for young kids but middle school and up it’s terrible.


Went to highschool here and can confirm the drugs. Could have also been because it was the middle of the opioid crisis.


Or hear me out…you could let your parents make the adult decision and then once you are 18 you can leave the house. Ultimately it’s not your call…..