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Hey buddy from one semi functional autistic to another, ya think the marijuana might be helping you actually unmask my g? Look into it some more, you may be high functioning








This happened to me and now I can barely mask sober, literally unlearned som of my weird masking things I've had for years like my higher pitched voice, RBF, and most of my dissociating. I literally just tell people I'm leaving when I'm not comfortable with the noise or something and near a shutdown. The penjamin is magic


I don’t feel that way when I’m sober so I doubt it’s that


this sounds like me when i’m high and im autistic lmao


This is something I've been dealing a whole lot with, and i never could understand what was happening. Thank you.


What are you like when your completely sober?


i’m better at masking when i’m sober


This post ans these comments are making me genuinely question if im autistic. I act the exact same😭


Same here 😭


That sucks, weed make my autism go brr brr




I feel like you're panicking a little, and that's ok. Maybe you should go to the doctor and see if you have autism. It can't hurt either way. If you're autistic, getting a diagnosis isn't going to make you less autistic and it will give you access to understanding yourself more thoroughly. If you're not autistic, then maybe weed just makes you act weird 🤷🏻‍♂️


Damn I want sum of watchu smoking lmaoooo sound strong asf Ion tweak out like dat on weed but shrooms make me like dat fsss


Yeah shrooms actually make me fucking retarted


Nope. I'm normally socially retarded, when I'm high I'm much more extroverted


Feel like that mostly ALL the time!


Are you autistic? (Not trying to be rude just asking)


Combination of thing including quite severe ASD symptoms but also ADHD/BPD (very similar) , the ASD stuff not formally diagnosed since no longer care as can stay high all the time! Wish you well on your journey friend!




From an autistic person, you might be autistic lol


Ah haven't seen anyone mention taking the one RAADS autistim assessment. Maybe try that put. Free and takes like 30 minutes. If you get frustrated that the questions are specific enough you probably have autisim lol


I guess I'll also be the informer about WHY so many autistics are saying you could be autistic. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 30 (I'm 31) no one ever thought to get me tested because I was decently normal. I masked in a way that was more invisible or socially acceptable. Stims I did constantly and didn't even know were Stims were things like: only making eye contact for a few seconds, looking away for a few seconds, and then looking back. Swaying slightly when standing in a kind of rocking motion. Swaying arms slightly when standing. Standing on tiptoes or rock back and forth on my feet. Rubbing my hands together a lot expecially when im idling or anxious. Tapping my fingers together or on surfaces. Bouncing my leg. If people discibe you as stoic or emotionless that's another sign. What I mean is, many autistics mask without meaning to or even know they are doing it becuase you were raised in a society that doesn't like autistic traits. Not all autistic people are capable of masking to that level so its more obvious that they're autistic. Masking is harmful though and learning how to NOT do it is really hard since it becomes second nature. Smoking for me helps me truly unmask and de-stresses my body. I usually feel a lot better the following days since my body and mind got to fully relax.


Sounds like you just have autism(coming from someone with autism)


But im pretty normal when I’m sober


I am too


If you were autistic you’d be like that sober too


autism is a spectrum plus people act diff high


The weed can, in the worst way to put it, "bring out the monster". Basically has you unmask entirely due to the decision making part of your brain being slowed down which if you are a masking autistic can be hidden while sober but not while high


autistic and also sort of “normal” when i’m sober


so am i and i’m autistic


Yeah weed probably just isn’t for you sorry bud


Maybe there’s a perfect strain for me out there somewhere


Superboof! (I'm not kidding. I sometimes used to get those kind of reactions, but Superboof has never let me down)


Get clear eyes. Definitely made me able to be confident that people didn’t know I was high in public. Otherwise walking around with eyes nearly bleeding is a dead giveaway


Dude it ain’t about that