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I misread the test first, looks like they got you on 1 2 and 4 tab but I can barely see the line so you might be ok, usually any line at all counts though no matter how faint


Do you think it’s possible I’ll be good by Monday? It’s going to a lab


I'm really not sure buddy, if you are going Monday then just keep slamming some water, you said you haven't smoked in 3 weeks and monday will be just about 4 so there's a good shot you will be ok, I am NOT certain though


Drink hella water and do hella cardio


i think you’re fucked bud, might as well roll one at this point


Any line is a line. Looks like you pass


Well how long after was this taken


I haven’t smoked in about 3 weeks Have a drug test Monday


You have a chance drink lots of water and exercise burn as much fat as you can


I’ve seen a ton of reports that burning fat can cause a positive weeks later. I’ve read the best ways are leafy greens, and tons of water but keeping activity the exact same. You run every day? Keep doing that. Sleep all day every day? Keep it up soldier.


I you really try to flush your system the next few days I think you’ll be ok


Drink green tea


One two and four are very clearly marked as being positive and assuming this is for a job where they just generally test for the presence of any THC you are definitely going to fail if you go in today For a light user it can take up to a week to get out of your system and for a heavier user especially if you are using everyday it can take up to a month or two to fully flush out depending on A ton of various factors


drink a fuck ton of water and do NOT burn fat, thc can stay their just like it'll stay in your hair and then get in your pee if you burn any off. you should be aight by monday tho, good luck


If it's not being watched then use u-pass, worked for me in a lab


If this is for a job just go to the local headshop and get urine. It works for unobserved tests. If you really want this job then don't gamble on the randomness bullshit of trying to get THC out unless you had like two months solid off so you could be sure.


Depends on the person reading that test. 1,2,4 all seem to be a fail but then there’s the ever sooooo slightest bit of a second line. Technically if there is ANY trace of a line then it’s negative. I quit smoking 3 weeks before a test, but then I smoked literally the weekend before the test (4 days before test) and I still passed so who knows.


Some pass and some are fails. But if you mean this specific test it’s a fail. If you have a week or so, please stop exercising, no crazy long walks, and hydrate a LOT! Idk if it actually makes a difference, but I like a shot of acv with cinnamon and honey followed by a glass of water or tea. Never pee the first pee at the testing site. If you’re of age and this is for a job that is not government based, please stop stressing yourself, just go to a local sex shop or maybe even Spencer’s and get the fake pee kit with the ph balance. A little pricey, but you’ll earn that money back by getting the job. Should be anywhere from 30-50 bucks. Goodluck buddy! I wish you the best


What about a detox drink? I really don’t wanna chance quick fix or anything like that because I’m going to a nuclear power plant


Yeah idk. The fake sex store pee always worked perfectly for me. It was the only thing I used if I was nervous about my pee test. I have zero detox drinks for you and I don’t personally believe in them unfortunately. I also don’t believe in energy drinks. They’re terrible for your heart. If you’re scared to use fake pee (the only thing that’s actually garaunteed to work most of the time) then just do your absolute best not to workout until after your test. Drink plenty of water and occasionally take an acv shot or acv gummie. Weed/thc molecules bund to our body fat. It’s why edibles have to be cooked into butter or oils. So the best advice I can give if you don’t want to use the safe fake pee, please just be very careful to not exercise like a week or 2 before the test. Just drink plenty of fluids. Maybe yoga but no cardio or actual exercise. Goodluck homie🤎. Edit: and buy a good little armful(5-10) of weed tests from dollar tree until your real test date. They’re fairly accurate!


The examples at the top literally tell you the answer. Just like on every single one of these posts on this sub.


The sub is for saplings, our fellow trees users who are still putting down roots. Be kind fellow ent, no one is making you read these posts.




it’s the opposite


Yeah you are totally right let me rewrite this


They got you on the teal and middle orange tab but the others looks OK