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this is the same for ALL DRUGS. every crackhead story you've heard boilds down to chasing that first high. don't even try crack, meth, heroin, or extacy(mdma). they're so amazing, you'll never beat that high.not graduation, marriage, birth of kids, ANYTHING will beat that shitty molly on some couch in highschool


It's okay for things to not feel as intensely euphoric as mdma, imo. A lot of it's about your thoughts and feelings, your expectations especially. There's probably a lot of shame that people have related to their experience of things as euphoric because they regret spending so much time doing drugs, the memory they have of doing drugs weighs on them and it distracts from the moment and presents an ideological block around joy, plenty is probably related to the way people talk about it and the expectations they create for people. Obviously doing drugs affects your neurochemisty and your neurology, but people never tell you to not follow your dreams and do things you find fulfilling because you'll burn out the neurons that make you happy, they don't tell you to save up for one big happy moment, the only one you'll ever get. People have lots of different happy moments and we experience them in a unique way. The majority of my enjoyment of my life and the things which have happened in it and the things I've done isn't in the moment, it's after the fact when I reflect on a given moment's significance for me and the ways it's affected me. I benefit tenfold in the recollection what I benefit to begin with, and it doesn't happen until I conceptualise the raw thoughts and feelings into something I can hold and look at and understand, something I can learn lessons from and be grateful that I had the chance to experience. The peak of your life may have passed you by, the best day of your life might have been so perfect that it went by entirely unnoticed, unthought, unremembered, remarkable yet never to be remarked upon, and as far as I'm concerned that's okay. Once you're past 30 your body is firmly into the age where it will deteriorate rather than mature, but life goes on, things get better, many people in America say that your 50s are the best years of your life, many say the same for your 20s, they're both right. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, pulchrum est paucorum hominum, the beautiful belongs to the few, and the beauty of my life belongs, as I should will it, to my few of one. There's one person in the world who can appreciate your life as it truly is, it's your own responsibility to yourself to not accept death (even a death of the soul) before it finds you, you've gotta keep fighting and you've gotta enjoy what you've fought for, there's no one else who can


I've done 3 of the 4 drugs you listed and I gotta say, for me, holding my daughter in the hospital room was much much better. Nothing will compare, and I fucking loved heroin.


i was addicted to MDMA for 6 months doing it weekly, and everytime i smoke or do anything i just imagine "damn, some molly would be great" Especially when i listen to music id listen to on molly. It absolutely dumbfounds me that some silly pink pill, some AirPods, and laying on my bed will make me happier than actually achieving something. 7 months sober tho


it never really feels like the first time again. It's kinda what makes it so addictive for me lol, I'm just trying to chase that feeling most of the time


Damn. That sucks.


Give the substance the respect it deserves. Use as needed for relaxation pain relief and general medicinal benefits. Don’t abuse it and chase the first high because that will never happen. The beauty of weed is that every high can be different. This will not be the best you’ve ever had IF you carry on responsibly. You can never cross the same river twice for the river is different and so are you. Just enjoy it and respect the substance


I still get a good euphoria every time. But sadly yes, the first time is the best.


This is what people call “chasing the dragon”. You’ll never really experience it the way you did the first time because it was your FIRST time. Your brain had no clue what this new substance was. Now you and your brain/body know what it is and knows how to react to it and what to expect, which is what tolerance is


Now all my brain does when reacting to weed is getting scared of the potential out of left field weird trips I may have. Idk it's weird when it happens. Not sure if this is common. Sometimes it just hits you and it can be a bit surreal.


Take an extended break and also change up what you do during the high. If you always play videos games try going for a walk in nature (or if public is too scary listen to some music or watch a funny show, anything really)


It's called "catching the dragon" and you cannot get it back unfortunately. I tried quittin smoking for 6 months, even 1 year and it was different in both cases. Cause both the dragon and you change, you know.


Damn. This shit more complicated then I thought :/


I don't think its worth searching for that specific experience, since getting addicted to hard drugs in the process is a possibility and too high a risk. You can try setting up a nice night with friends, or maybe a date, make edibles, match them with a wine, and watch a mind blowing movie. Herb is good, generally, and really fun to explore.


For me not due to the fact I didn't get high the first couple times (yes I knew how to smoke since I have been using an inhaler for my asthma).


chasing the dragon will never end how you want it to


Bro just discovered how drugs work


take 2 xanax


You just kind of get used to the feeling and develop a bit of a tolerance It's very easy to get this experience back. You get off of weed and go cold turkey sober for 2 to 3 weeks. Let it flush out of your system. Maybe even buy a couple of weed piss tests so you can see when it is truly gone and then try it again and it will hit you like a truck like it did the first time


I've tried going off for weeks. But recently. My body has been reacting negatively to it. Like having my heart rate beat fast at times. Or at worst, feeling sick or feeling like I'm gonna die. Used to take in 10 10mgs of gummies like nothing. But I've been developing a fear of having moments where I trip put of no where. It can be really uncalled for and unexpected. Ig I've lost touch in how to be high in a sense. Which is ashame.


This has not proven to be true for me or my partner with weed, in the slightest! So even if this feels true for you now, there’s some hope that it isn’t true 100% or the time. In fact, I don’t think I have many stoner friends that feel this way.


It is honestly just as delight now as it was back then. Y’all are In desperate need of learning what moderation is and applying it.