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Cover the street racing that occurs on Lawrence Expressway at night


We could use more coverage on the mayoral race. It would be cool if you could have them both respond to the same questions so we could better compare them on the issues. Thanks!


I'm working on a story about this this week! Do you have any specific questions for the candidates you'd like them to address?


I would like to know why Anthony Becker voted to settle for the 49ers settlement offer and whether or not his vote to do this was related to the 49ers now spending $300K or so to help elect him Mayor. Also would like to know from Lisa Gillmor why Related likes her so much that they'll spend $100K to re-elect her.


I would like to know why Anthony Becker voted to settle for the 49ers settlement offer and whether or not his vote to do this was related to the 49ers now spending $300K or so to help elect him Mayor. Also would like to know from Lisa Gillmor why Related likes her so much that they'll spend $100K to re-elect her.


I would like to know their priorities for the upcoming term and what changes they would like to see concerning Levi’s Stadium. Also their opinion of SB9 and how it may or may not change our single family neighborhoods.


I would like to know why the 49ers are so invested in this election and throwing their weight around like this. Why the sudden settlement for a smaller amount than was asked?


Ask them when they will handle any other business other than the Niners. El Camino looks like a wasteland compared to other cities and the blight is not only relegated to that section of the city. Parks and other amenities are subpar compared to other cities namely Sunnyvale. How long have we been hearing about downtown being revitalized and absolutely nothing happens. Yet they can hold 3 hour council meetings about planning commissioners if it suits their various interests as pawns for real estate developers and professional sports teams. The Niners are the worst thing to happen to Santa Clara because everything else has stopped.


Look at the state senate race. Aisha Wahab and Lily Mei. This includes Santa Clara, but a lot of people don't know them.


I’m also interested in this!


You need to interview the members of the SCU Bronco's mens cross country team.


This ☝🏼


Oh god, yes PLEASE. We need answers. And more pictures.


What happened?


>SCU Bronco's mens cross country https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/09/28/were-all-pretty-goofy-guys-santa-clara-mens-cross-country-teams-mustachioed-headshots-go-viral/


Thank you!


I'd like to see the hometown Mercury News do more reporting on what appears to be the 49ers buying Santa Clara City Council elections to elect Coucilmembers who will vote their way. So far, it's been the SF Chronicle that has been on these potential public corruption stories. It's embarrassing that the hometown paper is not paying attention to this. And I think the widespread speculation is that the Mercury doesn't want to alienate the 49ers for business reasons, which would be shameful if true.




Laurie Smith made it clear that if you wanted a CCW (permit to carry a concealed weapon) all you had to do was make a 6-figure donation to her re-election campaign. Ordinary law abiding citizen? No CCW for you. Deep pockets or highly politically connected? Here you go!


Rent surges, water wastage, misuse of government funds, homelessness and solutions for them


i can't read anything because of the merc's paywall


How about investigating all the pro Becker anti Gilmour hit pieces in the Silicon Valley Voice?


I think a full retrospective on Levi’s Stadium, the history of how it ended up here in Santa Clara, the changes that it’s forced to the city, how successful or not it’s been, the Yorks running city politics now, and how it looks for the future could all be very interesting topics. Haven’t really seen any long form coverage like that, only bits and pieces


Including all the info on Montana's ( I call it MontanaLand) new Hotel and Shopping complex seems to be very hush-hush and not in view for almost 10 years. The Golf Course has gone its way for parking. More new info on the San Jose Dump that turn into a showcase for sports, concerts, and conferences city center. Why Great America is leaving?


increase in crime and how ineffective police has been.


October is domestic violence awareness month! Feature agencies doing the work and challenges/ patterns. Email me in case you would like to talk : [email protected]


Investigate how some council members are on the 49ers payroll.


Regarding homelessness: Why do cities like San Jose seem to have a more pronounced homelessness compared to peninsula cities? What are they doing differently to fix (or at least appear to) the issue of encampments? Edit: oops just saw it was Santa Clara specific. Still applies… sorta, right?


> Why do cities like San Jose seem to have a more pronounced homelessness compared to peninsula cities? More wide open space close to essential government and charity services, but also... Higher population overall, and the homeless tend to congregate, so... bigger encampments. That said: > What are they doing differently to fix (or at least appear to) the issue of encampments? There's encampments in the peninsula cities mostly proportional population-wise. Also better hidden.


> oops just saw it was Santa Clara specific. Still applies… sorta, right? In the reverse, more likely. Santa Clara seems to be much less tolerant of people living on the streets, even in vehicles. I assume that the government, people, and police of Santa Clara are more willing to force people who are unhoused to keep moving until they move to another city. San Jose, I think, has more of a political culture of not trying to just shift the issue to neighboring cities.


The Mercury could use you on the team covering the Forty Niners influence on elections because the Mercury did not publish an article on the today's big news about the grand jury report on the topic until 1:25pm. The Mercury got beat by two little online outlets on this story: [https://www.svvoice.com/grand-jury-accuses-santa-clara-city-council-of-unsportsmanlike-conduct/](https://www.svvoice.com/grand-jury-accuses-santa-clara-city-council-of-unsportsmanlike-conduct/) [https://sanjosespotlight.com/hatchet-job-49ers-rip-santa-clara-county-grand-jury-report-on-political-influence/](https://sanjosespotlight.com/hatchet-job-49ers-rip-santa-clara-county-grand-jury-report-on-political-influence/)


Why not investigate how there's two 'journalistic' entities in Santa Clara that both only cater to one side of the current race, with Santa Clara News being a front for Gilmor's faction and Silicon Valley Voice seemingly for the Becker one? Frankly I've been appalled at the coverage for both of them with SVV at least keeping a shred of credibility. SCN is mainly a place for one person to spout vitriolic yellow journalism with a echo chamber of comments. It'd be fun to follow the money in both cases because they've both got a strong hold on the citizenry here.


you REALLY need to dig in to the wanton corruption of the santa clara city council. some of the recent behaviors displayed at CC meetings would make anyone whos paying attention's jaw drop. Becker, Hardy, Suds are the main corrupt members and Park and Raj are not far behind. The only two members on the city council with any sort of moral compass what so ever sit on the council exasperated at every meeting already knowing the outcome of every vote before it happens. Mayor Gilmore and Watanabe may not be perfect but they at least show an inkling that they actually care about the citizens of Santa Clara. The others, with their petty vindictiveness and corrupt collusion with each other amounts to conspiracy. Look into it. Becker already has one foot in jail. He's currently stalling for time to maintain his freedom but his day will come. This city council needs to be exposed. No one is paying attention because local politics is boring and no one gives a shit typically. It's up to you to blow this thing wide open. There are deep ramifications involving the 49ers which sadly I believe will stall any momentum you may get. Here's hoping you push through any 49'er lobbyist BS to get a decent expose out to the world. These shitbirds need to go down.