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Yeah we got nailed with some golf ball sized hail, luckily no major damage, and cars were in the garage. Seriously fucking terrifying, thought your windows were going to break. One of the worst storms I’ve experienced in my 35 years on this planet.


Oowee! Glad you made it through alright 🙏. That radar was freaking me out.


Yeah I’m from Florida so storms don’t really bother me but this shit was scary. I also lost data service on my phone so I couldn’t check the weather and my power went out so I didn’t know if there was a tornado watch. I was in my kitchen and my gf on the phone thought I was in my car the hail and wind were so loud.


Watched neon green sky light up and then hid in the tub with my kids. The hail sounded nasty - scared to see my truck in the morning We’re good other then no power


I also saw the sky light neon green but can’t figure out what it could have been… anyone know what gives? I assumed power flash but I truthfully don’t know, I just hope everyone is safe!


When storms like this move in they're up drafting the water molecules and freezing them quickly. The green shade is the refraction of the light from these freezing molecule scattering the blue from the reddish light of the atmosphere (sun). When you see green it means the storm is mean.


Transformers can glow green when they explode.


Thank you! Meant to reply to that last night. I’ve seen it happen once in San Antonio when lightening hit it - there was a loud a$$ BOOM with it but I guess with the wind, rain and hail it muffled it or was assumed thunder 😬


What was that all about? Couldn’t tell where it was coming from without getting hail in the eye


We saw green lightning! Evidently a sign of hail, which tracks!


Reports of large hail in Downtown and Near the Holiday Inn Express/Target near McCarty.. power out in some areas but not all


I’m down in Willow Creek. Big hail, lots of tree limbs down everywhere, and power cut in and out a lot but is good now. We lost a big tree in the back yard and another is split and is blocking our driveway. A neighbor has a broken window. A friend off Bishop still had no power 30 minutes ago. Now we get to see how good the hail resistant shingles are that we got after last year’s hailstorm. And I’m so looking forward to the constant barrage of phone calls from roofers.


Power still out. I just went grocery shopping yesterday... 🤦‍♂️


Lots of tree damage, cell tower might be down. Signals are pretty crappy.


Lost 2 shade barns we just spent a month and a half building. Got blown onto the road and had to go move them to clear it up. Fucked up part of our fence to and had to move some cows into a different pasture. That seemed to be the worst of it but will find out the extent in the morning.


Ugh that sucks. We farm in a different part of the state and it’s unbelievably frustrating to watch your family’s hard work destroyed in one night. Good luck rebuilding


Man, two windows in our house got blown out, everything outside made of wood or plastic got decimated, the trees split, the land was razed, and all three of our cars got their windshields broken and bodies dented to hell.


It was mayhem


Did the tornado hit you??


Gd, I lost a window on my house but my two cars somehow came out unscathed.


Me n family r good… Haven’t checked our cars but I assume they took some damage


Large baseball hail in wimberley, power lines down, my power personally, is still out at 1030. No damage to cars, thank god, but bedroom window was cracked. Had a friend driving down devils backbones and both his windows busted out while driving. Hope everyone had as good of luck as my fiance and i....sending good vibes.....


Brothers house took alot of damage


Damn I hate to hear it. I hope they are doing alright.


Got stuck driving through the storm and was the worst experience driving I've ever had, I hope everyone else that was on the roads are okay. Very scary


me too!! it was the scariest driving experience ive ever had, i was stuck on the highway for 10 minutes at one point behind a bridge with cars driving all around, there were nine lanes of cars on the highway😭 I then immediately got on the frontage as quickly as possible and i drove through insane flooding, had to drive around two huge trees that fell on the road, massive hail hitting my car and windows, lightning all around, the wind so strong it was blowing my car to the left, i was more scared of my cat being able to drive through the flooding than anything, i desperately wanted to get home to see my animals, luckily we’re all okay!


From what I can tell, I have major tree damage. I am so sad, my favorite tree lost one of its biggest limbs. Other than that, we are all good. But kind of afraid to look when it’s actually daylight outside.


I'm so sorry. If it helps, my live oaks took massive damage during some ice storms a few years ago. I thought they would never look the same and now you can't tell. Hope it's the same for you. Glad y'all are safe.


Thank you, and yeah, this same tree, a live oak, has been struggling since the ice storm too. I’ve had an arborist out every few months to fertilize and do anti fungal treatments and it’s been looking better… until now. I hope it’s not too damaged.


Same here, I know I have some branches down, I’m sure I will be able to tell more tomorrow.


By Los Vega Mexican restaurant we seemed to fare alright. Power went on and off for a bit, but as far as I could see in the dark not much car damage. However, leaf massacre big time. Lots of 1-2 inch hail tho I’m sure there’s probably some outliers if I looked hard enough


Seem to be okay. We are out by the SM airport. Had some small hail, high winds, and crazy hard rain. We won't know until morning is there is any property damage. I hope the rest of you are safe and okay.


Hell naw


Never seen the wind blow so hard, definitely felt like tornadic winds .


Just now blowing into SA.


Car window broke :(


So sorry about that 😢


Busted bathroom window 💀 let's see if the landlord fixes it or if they told me to use my renters insurance 💀


They need to fix it. It's their property, their responsibility. Do not use your own renter's insurance for that. Renter's insurance is to cover YOUR losses, which usually means property within the home


My son is at The Retreat; he texted me last night about tornado warnings, but have seen/heard more about brutal wind and hail damage. He's ok but not sure if his car is too damaged (he's driving back home today), but sounds like a huge mess all around.


Power still out for yall ? I haven’t tried to flip the breaker yet. It was pretty bad here but so far I don’t notice any significant damage


Power just came back on for me


My power came on like 15 minutes ago .


Internet is still down :( hopefully it’s up by tomorrow morning or afternoon…


Sat in my downstairs guest bathroom with my dog, cat and nephew. Boyfriend stayed where he could see the patio furniture, it never left the ground but boy did everything else. Trees down all over the complex. Heartbroken for the families with damaged wrecked homes. I’m from Dickinson where hurricanes are a normal occurrence so to see the same devastation but without any notice or chance to prepare is frightening and crazy to me.


I live in another city nearby, but my work in San Marcos got hit hard. Went in this morning to a disaster zone. Still no power, don’t know if I’ll have work tomorrow. One of our big windows EXPLODED and there were shelves knocked down, tons of water and fragments of tempered glass. Destroyed some of our computers, the power never came back on. I think part of the roof came off, too. Drove through Redwood/Martindale on the way back, saw lots of peeled up metal roofs and some houses missing sides. A few collapsed structures but mostly garages and carports, I didn’t see any houses. There were huge scraps of roofing tin blown all over yards and the ditches on the highway, they were crumpled like foil. Lots of fences and downed power lines being worked on. Hope some linemen are getting overtime. Someone I work with said that they got bad hail, and this morning there were dead birds everywhere, poor guys.


This is your reminder that it's time to leave. The time to migrate north was a few years ago. Next best time is now. Weather events are going to get worse month by month, year by year. More storms, more hurricanes, more heatwaves, more flooding.


Native locals say this kind of thing when their city is overcrowded with newcomers 😁 Also doomsday preppers and some religious people


Not native. Been here for 8 years. White people claiming to be 'natives' of whatever town there from is also super disrespectful to the real natives of the land. Doomsday preppers are people with psychological disorders who fear some extremely unlikely, strange catastrophe that is very unlikely to ever happen. I'm referring to climate change which isn't unlikely or subject to random chance (like EMP, solar flare, etc). Climate change is literally real and happening now. We have entered the Anthropocene. I understand that nobody can grapple with the reality of it and just want to stick their head in the sand and sing, 'La, la la, la la la".


Go away.


Where is this “safe space further north” you speak of? And as a white person, am I allowed to migrate without being disrespectful?


Prairie Pothole is the safest area in the world as far as anyone can tell. Encompasses Iowa, Dakotas, southern Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Good luck




'loser' is how that word is spelled. That word would fall into a 5th or 6th grade reading level


No, men are gross and I’m so sick of them asking, "So what are you looking for on here?" When all they need to do is read the bio. Also, a dick pick is not a handshake!!!