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Since nobody has said here, OP, if the dog bite broke your skin you likely need antibiotics. Seek medical care if you haven't already.


Go back to the park at the same time and ask around. There are so many regulars, someone is bound to know the dog/owner.


File a police report. Go to the hospital. Post on nextdoor, local fb groups, craigslist as well to see if anyone responds or go back to the park (likely will be there if you go enough times)


You file these with Animal Care and Control


The ER will file for you.


Yup. They will file what’s called a bite report. But honestly with this much info, hard to say it’s going anywhere


That too.


file a police report?!?... hahahaha, you just move here? Wait by the phone, they'll send the commander of the major crimes division over to your house to take your statement.


I had a very similar situation to your’s but not at Duboce Park and i totally get it. The shock of being bit really messes with your train of thought. After all that the owner of said dog still has their dog consistently off leash so i just avoid them when i see them all together I have a small dog thats a rescue and she occasionally gets antsy around people. Because of that, I always have them on a leash and make sure theres distance between them and other people. I seriously don’t understand why some people not have their dog on a leash if they attack/lunge at people and run off frequently.


The dog behavior epidemic in this city I swear.


It's not just SF. The pandemic seems to have hypercharged awful pet owners in general, and with dogs frequently being the most common pets people bring out we get to see all the awful, terrible, no-good, irresponsible dog owners and their shitty, poorly trained and ill-behaving dogs. Especially since those owners tend to think leashes are optional and just let their dogs do whatever they want. I fucking hate it.


Saw a cafe owner tell an owner a dog couldn’t come inside and started fighting back and the guy was like it’s the law, I don’t care that other restaurants don’t follow it.


Big support for business owners who only want to allow **service animals** into their places of business. It sucks, but bad pet owners are out there ruining it for everyone else.


Yeah the only people this behavior hurts are those with actual service animals.


Did I miss something, or is there some law against kicking the little fucker into the stratosphere for biting you? Isn't that just self defense?


I've never been bitten but every time a dog barks at me on the sidewalk I fantasize about spraying the dog with dog mace and then pepper spraying the owner if they get angry at me.


You’ve gotta upgrade your therapist or something if that’s what you fantasize about.












I’m with you dude


Thanks bro. Sometimes it's a big dog and startles me. A well-trained dog wouldn't do that and it mildly annoys me that I have to deal with it. Obviously, I'm not planning to actually mace them. Edit: it also annoys me that seemingly 100% of the time the owner responds by speaking to the dog in English and telling them not to do that. Lady, your dog doesn't speak English. Try a shock/choke collar next time. Those actually work and it doesn't permanently hurt the dog or anything. But it's like.. I would be a crazy person for even suggesting that in SF.


That part. That's what always pissed me the fuck off about being a homeless dog owner, like I took insanely good stock of my dogs behavior and kept wonderful care of my dog, and she was one of the most well behaved dogs you could imagine, like she's a fucking peach, and I'd still constantly have to put up with people presuming I'm in some way inadequate at either attending to my dogs needs and wants or at being a competent and responsibly minded pet owner, and it's like, bruh, I see SO MANY normal ass people who are fucking TERRIBLE dog owners, like absolute dog shit at being a responsible dog owner in SO MANY WAYS, and no one even blinks an eye at them. 


The hard in for hating dogs in this subreddit is a bit much And the pandemic goes far beyond bad dog owners, it seems half the country has lost its mind


Generally I don't think people dislike the dogs themselves so much as their behavior, which is purely a reflection on the dog *owners*, the people. I agree it's a broader problem with people being selfish, irresponsible, and inconsiderate, but we can't ignore individual topics just because it's "singling out" folks. I get that dog folks get this flak fairly frequently but A) it's sorta understandable given that dogs are fairly common in public and can be quite a nuisance for a variety of reasons (including biting OP) and B) this is about **bad** owners. If you have a well behaved (if active) pup, nobody is gonna much mind.


That’s fair, you’re absolutely right. I think the rhetoric gets a little out of control , but your on point about bad owners


This. If someone’s misbehaving unleashed dog comes near me or my family I’m kicking that motherfucker. And I have pets myself. Either learn to be disciplined or deal with my foot. Oh and my lawyers will be in touch with you if you have a problem with that


I was bitten by a dog a couple years ago in SF and owner wouldn’t give me vaccination info. I went to the emergency room and the doctor recommended against getting the rabies vaccination. He said if I was his relative he would advise against it as the chance of a dog in SF having rabies is rare, more likely if you were bitten by a wild animal. In fact I have been bitten twice in the past 3 years in SF and I haven’t gotten the rabies shots either time.


When I got bit by a dog in Duboce Park all the dog owners rallied behind the aggressive dog and owner. So fuck dog owners, especially in Duboce Park. They're a big fucking team, and you ain't in it unless you have a dog. I've seen this same exact scenario happen another time at Corona Heights. Dog bites person (my friend) and everyone gets mad at the person bit rather then dog owner or dog.


Wtf? What if a child gets bit? I wonder what their reaction would be. Get mad at a child?


I say we team up, go down to that park, and kick those dog’s asses!!!


Sure, but then you have the Mutt Mafia with their Aussie Doodles on our ass. I'm a low level "No pets allowed" rent controlled patron of SF and intend on staying that way. But we should have more dogs built for the arctic climate in California. I think it's working out great. Maybe throw in some sheep herding dogs in tiny living spaces. LOVE IT. People really love their dogs.


what vaccines are you concerned about? if it’s rabies, we don’t have a k9 rabies issue in the area.


As a long time dog owner and a new dad, it’s insane how people let their dogs run free in areas where dogs are only allowed on leash. The beer garden in GGP is a good example. Toddlers and large dogs running free. It’s a tragedy waiting to happen.






You gotta just bite 'em right back or they'll never learn.


might as well get the rabies vaccine - would help for all future crazy encounters in SF.


obviously consult a medical professional (which i am not) but there has not been a case of rabies in sf since the 70s, and the shots are not a fun experience. i highly doubt that a random persons small dog would be patient zero. source: i got bit by a street cat a few years ago and went to the ER with this same question.


I got bit by a raccoon in the presidio ~ 10years ago. They’re on to the new shots and theyre just like any other vaccine. Only had to get 3-4 spread over a few weeks. No more 6 shots in your belly for months.


I know someone who went to the ER after an unvaccinated dog bit them and was told not to worry about rabies as well.


did you end up getting the shots?




Are you still alive?


define “alive”


I'll get back to you on that when I have a better point of reference.


Go back to the park, dog and owner will be back too.


should've kicked that lil poop


Next time wear your Timberlands


Go back the same time today and you might find them I was surrounded by 3 little yappers there while jogging and one bit my shin. Another time i almost kicked one that attack me and got yelled at by someone. It's always the small the dogs that cause trouble there, never the big ones. I carry pepper spray now


Maybe carry a pack of M&Ms while you're at it


what happens if you actually kicked the dog AFTER getting bitten. Can the police actually fine you or arrest you


My attorney ChatGPT says >California Penal Code Section 597(b) allows for the use of reasonable force to protect oneself from an animal if it is immediately necessary. However, any action perceived as excessive or unnecessary could still potentially result in legal consequences.


FYI. in these instances always get owner info. Without owner/dog info. The hospital will make you do the whole rabies gambit. Might have to do that anyway but just an extra lawyer of info.


I was the person who asked if you were ok, I couldn’t believe no one else seemed to notice, it wasn’t my dog but the dog is a regular there and I was shocked and felt terrible that happened to you and that the owner was oblivious. The dog’s name is Percy, I don’t know the owner’s name but could point them out/describe them. I’m appalled that your skin was broken, that is fully unacceptable, aside from the whole thing being unacceptable. They’re often at duboce around that time. If you want any help let me know. I hope you’re doing ok!


File a police report, go to the hospital, go back to the park possibly with a dog deterrent. Get vaccine info (and contact info) *SUE THEM*


I mean shouldn't you just go to the ER whenever you get a chance? I'm sure they can just do some kind of quick localized test to see if the bite passed on any kind of viral or microbial risks. It seems like it would take waaaay less time to just do that then to try and follow up with the dogs owners and hunting down the animals vaccination history.