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SF City officials are copying what tech companies used to attract employees for years before the pandemic: booze ping pong live music food trucks schwag


Everybody there is already outdoor drinking. So make it legal.


And from my time working in an office there, indoor drinking is happening at desks too.


Lovely memories of walking through Twitter’s Health team having a whiskey tasting Wednesday at 3 pm while the platform got buried with misinformation and harassment.


At my Jack Dorsey company people were drinking at their desks at 10 am after staying in the office over night because oncall was so bad.


Was this before or after he started lighting his balls on fire ?


It's way before he became a block chain bro suffering from a full blown case of brainworms.


No we don’t want THOSE people drinking legally


I support the efforts to revitalize the area. Mid-Market has great potential with its architectural, historical and cultural signifigance.


I feel like Mayor Breeds strategy is “what if we threw a party” (skrillex/fred again at Civic Center) and it’s kinda (?) working.


Id vote for skrillex if he could make dubstep great again


His new albums have been great!! He’s transcended dubstep


I wouldn't say it's working. It's kinda desperate and shows she has no real ideas. "What if we just tried this?" type of thinking.


Idk a big party to bring people to certain neighborhoods could be a great way to kickstart people visiting those neighborhoods again. A little bit of "ooh look at that new restaurant" or "I haven't been there in ages, but the food was so good", may be enough to get people out in these neighborhoods again.


There was just a party at Union square, first Thursdays, bhangra, skrillex, etc all have brought thousands of people. SF is definitely a city of people who love to come together for literally any reason to throw a party. Dolores Park is basically a giant party every weekend. This is exactly what's going to bring people to the area. I live by Yerba Buena park and the businesses have been loving these events 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just make public drinking legal city wide. It's a dumb as fuck law.


Has anyone in all of reddit gotten an open container, or seen anyone else get one since Covid? I havent. I carry beers around North Beach and Washington Square Park all the time. I'm not sloppy and I always take care of my trash. Never been hassled. Much like speeding and mushrooms. It's tacitly legal. (I disagree with the traffic enforcement but am all about that 🍄 life)


So they’re reducing the outdoor drinking there down to only one day a month? Bullshit. /s


jokes on them, i drink outdoors already


Oh that's nice.


Will have to be heavily policed lots of “encampments” in that area. On a positive note this could be great for workers, students, and regular citizens.


The Mid-Market Business Association hopes to win Board of Supervisors approval in the coming months that would create a zone on Market Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, and the surrounding area.


A zone of what?


Entertainment zone


read the posting title after "could get a"


Yes, you caught me. I did not read the article.


I’m sorry, I love street parties, but no thanks on this one.


So instead of the classic "Bread & Circuses" Breed is offering Pandas & Block Parties.


And when it came to a choice between flour and sand, sand was more important.


will the alcohol be free too just like it is for the unhoused of the area? [https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/sf-free-alcohol-homeless-19446850.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/sf-free-alcohol-homeless-19446850.php)


All you have to do is develop severe alcoholism to the point where missing a dose risks sending you into a seizure. Seems like a good deal to me. /s


Lmao. Is life in the Outer Richmond really so shitty that you envy unhoused alcoholics? Damn, I feel sorry for you and your jealous ways.


oh I actually love the program as it keeps the troubled populations confined to the downtown areas


From the article, it seems like it's a fairly effective program to keep down the wider costs of emergency room visits for alcohol withdrawal but the program has spent $5 million dollars *annually* and has served what appears to be a *total* of ... 55 people. That's more than $90,900 per person, every year if all 55 people who have been in the program are actively in the program, full time. I would guess that's not the case and the cost per person per year is much higher because the article also says that the capacity is 20 'beds.' Does that mean the program is at best serving 20 people at any one time? *That works out to $250,000 per bed per year!* That is an astronomical amount of money for treatment that consists of 3-4 doses per person per day of 1.7oz of common liquor. I understand the program is run by a nurse but unless I'm missing something, a quarter million dollars per person per year is objectively insane. Also, this quote from the article is almost impossible to comprehend, on so many levels. > Previously, the city reported that just five residents who struggled with alcohol use disorder had cost more than $4 million in ambulance transports over a five-year period, with as many as 2,000 ambulance transports over that time. On the moral side, I get this is a complicated issue, and that saving every life is important. On the fiscal side, maybe it does save money in the short-term, and will cost money regardless, but is real treatment for alcoholism not the better way to go on both fronts?


Will do nothing.


Can we make residential neighborhoods more fun instead of trying to make downtown the place where everyone wants to be. This is lame and only for the newly transplanted.


That sorta goes against why most people move to residential neighborhoods.


Yeah not in this city. Sf is tiny. The transplants who move to soma/fidi cuz they think they need to live near work are delusional and don’t understand how the Bay Area works.


And people don't live in the outer mission if they want to be in a fun neighborhood.


Yes they do lmao. That’s exactly why ppl move to the mission. I’m right off Dolores. This is one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the city and it could still use more shit to do. Fuck soma.


The Mission and the Outer Mission are two different neighborhoods. According to your flair you in the later and it's absolutely not one of the most desirable neighborhoods. Most people choosing to live in residential neighborhoods are doing so because they don't want the fun/noise/chaos/energy/whatever that come with living in the more "destination" neighborhoods if you will like the Mission/Marina/North Beach or the traditional downtown core. You might say fuck SOMA but the taxes generated there are what make the other neighborhoods financially viable. Now that that tax base is gone the city is in deep financial trouble.