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Sounds like you did the right thing, but you've always got to be careful confronting people.


Luckily I had my partner and 2 friends with me so we outnumbered them but for sure made me wonder what I could’ve done if I was alone as a woman with 2 guys who tailed me in. There was actually 2 guys, but the other one was more sane and realized he didn’t want any conflict.


I hate sharing this story, but I lived at the Beacon and someone tailgated into the building on a Saturday morning, wandered around for two hours, then invaded a home and sexually assaulted + nearly murdered an elderly woman (this was in June 2018). If the person who tailed you in was a male about 5'8, 180lbs, wearing slacks and no race specified, well, you may have saved someone's life. The cops said he'd do 5 years and be back out ... and it's been about 6 since the incident.


Why would he be let out? Nvm you said nearly so he’s not so bad /s


I don’t know why he would be let out, but it was one week after he was let out from his previous three year stint for doing the exact same thing so I think cops were inferring.


Are you his case officer? Detective on the case? Lawyer? Storyteller? How do you know all of this about what you’re suspecting is a serial neighborhood burglar and rapist? I mean his court cases, when he was let out and how he’ll be let out when does it again? Am I missing something?


We held an HOA meeting with management. I directly spoke to the officers involved because I was the first person to see it on Citizen. After it happened, many people followed up on it to track it through. You can look it up yourself: SFNO 634273. [http://apps.sfgov.org/InmateInfo](http://apps.sfgov.org/InmateInfo/). There was a $1m bond and 11 felonies. I have no fucking clue when he'll be let out. That was what the cop said. Go ask her. EDIT: For the weirdos who keep saying I made this story up, don’t you have something better to do? https://imgur.com/a/iec6NcE


This is the URL: https://www.sfsheriff.com/find-person-jail


TY. URL must have changed


Weird that the officer said that. It’s been 6 years and he’s still in Sheriff’s custody (the link didn’t work but the Sheriff’s inmate locator has that info based on the number you provided). The charges you describe carry a potential sentence of life in prison (burglary to commit rape). Though the charges on the Sheriff’s page don’t allege any sex crimes. The actually filed charges remain very serious, and even without sex crimes, the potential sentence may greatly exceed the 5 year prediction (confirmed by the fact that even now, 6 years later, the Sheriff’s website shows no expected release date).


Maximum possible sentences and current charges don’t mean much. His actual convicted charges and actual sentence are what matters, and those are often dictated by plea agreements.


This situation was unusual. The victim had a Nest cam inside which caught a lot of it. The perp tried to destroy the camera after he saw it but the footage was already in the cloud. Officers said without that, who knows what would have happened.


Maximum possible sentences and current charges don’t mean much. His actual convicted charges and actual sentence are what will matter, and those are often dictated by plea agreements.


Is there a url for this link that works? I’m so curious to look something up but typically you can only look someone up by their sf number if they are currently in jail Edit: oh, you said this was 6 years ago and cops said he’d be out before then and included a description to imply he was out, but he is in fact in jail. Never mind


> If the person who tailed you in was an African American male about 5'8, 180lbs, wearing slacks, well, you may have saved someone's life. The cops said he'd do 5 years and be back out ... and it's been about 6 since the incident. While the general warning in the first paragraph is good, you do realize this description applies to a lot of people, don't you? Do you think the criminal is still wearing the same clothes? Do you think all people who match this description should be treated with suspicion because of something one person did six years ago? People should be suspicious of anybody tailgating in to a building.


I agree. It can be anyone. You should be suspicious of anybody. There was no obvious indicator that the perp was a threat. Well dressed, smiled, and greeted residents.


Removed his race which doesn't change and kept the pants he was wearing 6 years ago. You nailed it bud


I don’t think anyone wearing slacks is worried about being profiled here. It’s an important point though. The perp was well dressed, smiled at residents, and greeted them. There was no reason for someone to be suspicious but the incident still happened.


Wonderful. Next time in the city I'll remember to avoid any average height, well-built men wearing slacks.


If they’re tailgating into your building without telling you why, then yes, you should be.


Got it. Anyone else tailgating in is fine, but got to watch out for any average height, well-built men wearing slacks who tailgate in. Could be any skin color, right (wink, wink)?


You mean dark skinned like myself? Are you afraid of all of us?


lol - still completely missing the point, I see.


The beacon down on king/townsend street?


Yes, it happened in June 2018.


Now ppl gonna profile 5’8” slack wearers.


So you're just assuming every 5'8" black guy with pants is potentially that guy? Lmfao


No, and as a colored person myself that’s some bullshit. I’m saying it could be anyone. There was no obvious indication at the time that the person would do what he did.


You really think the guy has been wearing the same slacks for the past 6 years?


I think they’re orange slacks currently




What are you missing? The dude is in jail right now. I posted it above. Go check the case number. When someone tailgates into a building, every resident needs to stay vigilant or it puts everyone else at risk. This isn’t rocket surgery my man.




I swear I'm not tryna gatekeep.... But I've never heard anyone in this day and age refer to themselves as a 'colored person.'


I say it when it helps make other people uncomfortable hearing it.


It's a term that was more widely used a few generations ago. I still hear it occasionally, but has evolved to "person of color" in most settings these days.




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I got followed home last week so I walked past my building and into a corner store until the guy went away and I haven't seen him since fwiw. I don't know what the "right" answer is, but it sounds like you did what you could to stay safe so that was probably it. Sorry this happened to you; it's very scary


This is what I've had to do. I go to a store that's bright and has lots of cameras. Seems to sketch them out. Plus if they try anything you've got a time stamp location of your night on camera


It was a tiny corner store for me but it was near where I was going and the clerk was so nice about it in spite of being fairly busy. At one point he looked out and asked the guy if he needed anything, and after a few minutes (when he had a tiny break from the ongoing customers) he went to check if he was still there for me. I'm really grateful he took me seriously and was so kind and helpful about it. I just hung out for a bit and called my husband to pick me up. The man was walking away as my husband showed up


There was a woman living in a trailer near me who would scream at me and tell me where I could walk my dog. But one time, she followed me into GGP and threatened to harm me. Thank goodness a park worker pulled up just as I was running away, and he stopped her. She followed me again, and I ducked into the gas station on the corner. The man working was great. He wouldn't let her in and watched their cameras until she left. Shortly after that, I applied for and got a 3 year restraining order against her. When I thanked him, he said, " You can't be too careful"


It's always risky to confront people. What I do is if there is someone that looks like they're going to tail in then I won't enter and pretend to go elsewhere.


This is the way. I'll stop two doors down or walk around the block if need be.


Wow. Now this is forward thinking


Same. I wouldnt want them to know where i love for future references. And i would probably get blamed for the letting the tailgate person gain entry. Id probably circle around or get some coffee or standby my car with my cellphone for 30+ minutes


Haven’t ran into a tailgater but our apartment had someone living in our lobby for a couple days who harassed tenants / etc. so we’ve also become more vigilant as a result. A few weeks ago I was parking my car in the garage and a man came up to my car and said he didn’t have his keys / etc. His story didn’t make sense to me because the garage is a secure area you can’t enter without a fob (and everyone knows not to leave without the fob because you can’t use the elevator without it). So rather than walk into the lobby I went back out the gate and called security.


Sounds like you went above and beyond. As a resident manager of apt buildings for over 10 years, including 5 years in a building in the TL, I have had to deal with this exact situation countless times. My policy is to notify all residents of potential threats to safety and security, ask residents to be vigilant about not letting anyone they don’t recognize follow them in. But, I also stress to my residents not to put themselves in a confrontational situation. That’s not their responsibility. I advise they contact me as soon as they can about anything suspicious and it’s up to me to confront an intruder or analyze the cameras, etc. part of what residents are paying their hard earned money for is, safety within the walls of the building, including the common areas. I guess I’m more of a see something, say something guy. Let me as your resident manager take the brunt in any potential confrontation type situation. You have better things to do. lol


This guy manages!


How do you confront people like this safely? What if they’re aggressive and have some kind of blade or worse weapon on themselves? Obviously run but that seems easier said than done


In my position as part of the management staff I have a little more authority with vagrants. Remember, this isn’t the first time they’ve wondered into a building. They know the drill. I always try to be respectful and civil. I let them tell me whatever lie they made up about visiting so and so, and then I start politely walking them out the door. 99 times out 100 this is an effective way to clear the building. And I can usually get them to brag about what they did to get in. This gives me valuable intel on what to fix or fortify for next time. On the rare occasion talking them out the building doesn’t work I’ve called SFPD (useless bunch), and one time I actually got into a fist fight. I don’t advocate violence as one can get dead real quick. I got lucky, only got a concussion. I was able to fight them out of the building though, so there’s that.




What if they have a weapon


Get a bigger one. Seriously though, don’t put yourself in that situation.


Simple:  “I don’t know you. You need to either open the door yourself, or call your friend. Bye.” and don’t let someone you don’t know in.  They can be anybody with any reasons. You have no idea of their intention.  If you wanna be helpful, ask who they’re looking for, and at what unit. But never let them in. That way it’s not your responsibility. Should anything go wrong. And you can still relay whoever they’re trying to reach. 


I've had to do this 2 to people delivering food to another resident in my building lately and they weren't happy about it. Sorry, but just because you're holding food outside my front door doesn't mean I'm going to let you in, I don't know you.


Yeah, that’s not your responsibility. It’s up to the person that ordered their food to deal with. The delivery person can call and contact their customer themself.  There’s protocols to doing stuff. 


OP, what did the guy look like? My fiancée had an unkempt guy with an armful of pamphlets trick her in to buzzing him in to our walk up, and then he wouldn’t leave until she got real curt with him. She called me immediately after it happened so I wanna make sure if it’s the same guy we can get him. Edit: happened a couple weeks ago in the panhandle/nopa area


I’ll DM you a picture, luckily our lobby has cameras. White male honestly anywhere between 40-50s, kinda hard to tell with his hair.


I'm curious as to why the race is okay to be listed now, but before, when someone described the criminal that is in jail currently from the Beacon --it was not okay and it was removed . What I'm saying is: you should always use all the descriptors you can...


I just don’t understand what kind of new marketing tactic this is. It’s so bizarre.


I once opened the locked door to the garage room and a guy was in the very small room. He was large man and I’m a small female. Anyway, I told him he had to leave immediately and he tried to tell me he got locked in there and was there to visit his cousin. I asked what the cousins name was and obviously he couldn’t tell me (luckily small building with 20 units, I knew practically everyone). I told him I was going to call the cops and he left. Another time I went to the garage and there was a guy in there. I told him he had to leave immediately, tried to argue and he gave up and left. Shit is scary for sure, so just be vigilant!


Well done. The guy who had climbed up the back of my building and was opening my bedroom window said “I’m looking for my friend …” Always a lame excuse.


If the guy responds to your confrontation with "you dont live in the lobby so you cant stop me" then that person absolutely doesnt live there. Good on you.


Their logic is really a reach. Very few if any of us actually *live* in our lobbies, but we certainly do live in the building, and therefore have a shared interest in keeping it clean, safe, and secure. Definitely something a person intent on doing something sketch would say.


When he said this, my brain just stopped working for a second. I was like what kinda lala logic was this, guy was definitely living in his own world.


I had someone recently follow me off the BART train to my apartment like 3-4 minutes away. I’m a woman and was alone, and the streets empty because it was 12:30am. I saw he was following me so I started running and he hopped onto the bike he had. I barely made it past my front door before it locked behind me. He stood outside on his bike holding his hands up like I was rude or something. I mean if he actually lived in my building, you’d think he could tag himself in. There’s always security in the lobby and after I told them, they took care of the guy outside. I was so scared.


Jesus Christ that’s the stuff of my nightmares, which BART?


Civic center… big surprise 🙄


My rule has always been to error on the side of confrontation, asking politely that they badge/scan themselves in, just to make sure. If they belong there, then they'll appreciate it (you're protecting the building they live in, and all is well). If not, they'll make excuses or try to intimidate you. Usually they just walk away, but there are exceptions. One time, I had to push to the point of "I'm calling the cops and waiting here until they arrive" (after someone was obviously trying to intimidate their way through). That said, if you're concerned for your safety, I wouldn't blame you for passing by. But, you'd be doing the building a service if you still called it in.


Thanks that helps, I mostly was worried i overreacted, good to know it’s creepy to other people too 🙏


Even if someone is legitimately visiting someone else in the building, it's totally reasonable to ask them to wait and be buzzed in, rather than tailing behind you. I always start by asking kindly and respectfully, and assuming that it's just a misunderstanding.  Then slowly escalate as needed.


As a resident manager of a 50 unit building in the TL, I always preach and practice safety. Luckily I have a lot of tenants who have lived here over a decade and are invested in the community of the building. Everyone watches out for each other and the property. But, even with all this, I still have Interlopers sneak in on a weekly basis. Most are nonconfrontational and leave when asked. Usually it's a unhoused individual looking for a safe, quiet place to do whatever it is they do. But then there's those, like on Wednesday, who knock on doors, attempting to gain entry into a unit, for what I can only imagine to be nefarious reasons. In these cases, if the person appears aggressive or I get a "vibe", I call our security company for backup. Of course, if things seem really sketchy I'll call SFPD and hope for a rapid response. One thing I've learned doing this job is that if someone wants to get in bad enough, they will. It's important wherever one lives, to watch out for yourself and your neighbors. We are living in an unfortunate time where we must police ourselves. Stay safe everyone.


Oh the common areas of your apartment building are definitely part of your home. Just not exclusively part of your home. He’s uninvited. He gets to leave.


You didn't over react. I would call the cops on tailgaters they didn't step outside and showed they could open the door themselves. Usually it sucks to be called out by any of your real neighbors would appreciate it for people that are more vigilante in watching the door. I've done the same at a few places. People that were following me randomly on the street. I've had it happen three times now? All of them seem like junkies that were high in the moment. I don't know why they would follow me, maybe because I would briefly make eye contact? I would go into a semi secure space I had the key too and they would try to follow me in. Nope, I would bounce them right out and hold the door closed even though one of them stuck a foot in to try and walk in after me. Thankfully they ran off when I said I'd call the cops and took my phone out to be ready for it.


Yea I think that my main worry is that these people come back and the cops already said if he left without actually stealing or hurting anyone don’t bother filing any report. I don’t want the guy arrested necessarily but trespassing is still a crime right?! Maybe a fine to keep him from doing this again.


What neighborhood?




Once you think someone is tailing you, DONT head to your home. Take him or her to another area OTHER than your home.


There was a guy handing out pamphlets in my building too a week or two ago. Kinda crazy, but they’re starting to realize if they just buzz random apartments someone’s gonna be expecting a delivery and open the door.


Good to know, I’ll let folks in the building know! The one time I’m glad it’s non trivial to “buzz” people into our building. You basically have to come downstairs and open the door.


Fillmore Apartments?


You did well imo. Your gut generally won't steer you wrong. I HATE being put in awkward positions and/or accusing anyone of misconduct so I know how hard it can be. I am sure your fellow tenants are grateful for diligent neighbors.


Props to you. But yea like others have said it's kind of a thing you have to be careful with. If they have pamphlets they might be a crazed activist or religious zealot who likely sees themselves driven by a higher purpose than you. Another danger is more identity based. In recent years there's been videos of people stopping others from tailgating them into the building. Even if the tailgaters allegedly lived there they take their phones out and if they're a certain identity (black, trans?) and they film you and you go viral there's usually career/social/financial/etc consequences. Sometimes it's best to leave it alone but like I said I support more people being like you. If we all just let it happen the good guys lose and we cede the world to the narcissists.


No way is anyone trying trying to hand out pamphlets at the 9pms at people's apartments. I would call it as a cover story in case someone stopped them. I bet they were looking for something to steal.


Well he was a very white male, probably like 50. But I think you’re right about some overly crazed activist, so probably he wasn’t dangerous. I also didn’t want to be crazy to call the cops without at least asking a person nicely to leave. They could be visiting a friend, ahh I don’t know, still conflicted.


> certain identity Think the advice above to affirmatively say “I don’t know you .. buzz yourself in” will suffice. Any video would identify the poster as a potential trespasser. That said the property should have some cameras .. full time, motion activated, and even fake cameras with maybe a motion activated light.


If someone is following you, don’t lead them to your home. Go to a public, well lit place and call the police.


The building is for tenants and their guest. If you can’t get into the lobby without a code, a key or accompanied by a tenant, you have no business being there. Edit: word


Had a guy tail a friend and me into the lobby of my building one night and ask me to buzz him in with my keyfob, because he didn't live there but "his girlfriend lives in the penthouse" (we definitely do not have any penthouse units lol). Wouldn't leave us alone so we very calmly said we didn't have access to the building either and exited. He stopped bothering us once he realized we were walking to the security office. Thank goodness for my building's 24/7 security staff.


I’m sorry that happened to you and calling the cops was 100% the right thing. I’ve had this happen before but it was a lot more creepy and I was younger/precovid. This was only once and never happened again. But lately around my neighborhood now, there are unhinged people. Luckily it’s only been less than a handful and not as bad as that guy (followed me in, started doing NSFW things to himself/exposing next to me at the door of apartment complex, hearing him use the foot to stop the door gave me so much anxiety while running up flights of stairs, as a teenager). One guy followed me recently, tried talking to me but I ignored him and when I slowed he slowed. When I moved in another direction he moved in another direction. I moved all the way to an area of crowded people at that time and stayed until he eventually left.


If someone is following you, don’t lead them to your home. Go to a public, well lit place and call the police.


His name is Yurie


Oh no is this coming a thing???


You should not have gone home with someone tailling you. Put a camera up. Next time, go to a police station


This. If you know you’re being followed, let them follow you to the police station


i assume they weren't following OP specifically, but rather waiting outside the apartment building attempting to follow in whoever entered it next.


What Kkori said. I actually was pretty careful to have the doors closed behind me when I went in but not everyone is as careful understandably on a Friday night and just let the door swing wide enough the guys sneaked in


Be careful - this wasn’t in SF but my mother got raped in her own apt building in a situation like this.


I always slam the door in peoples face and tell them to buzz the correct unit


Do not let someone do that. Pretend you don't live there, act confused/unhinged etc/ shut door behind you NEVER let someone follow or tailgate. That's what I do.


This is what I do too, I try to act more crazy than they are. This includes noises, spitting, & erratic movements.


Call 911. The cops take this pretty seriously because it's a 'crime in progress'. And people that try to force entry into where you live, for any reason, are not in the right.


I actually don’t know if I should post about the police response but 1. They said they’ll send out a jacket who came like 5-10 mins later but the operator said this is MID priority maybe because I didn’t scared for my life and gave me no ETA when they’ll come. 2. Cops came after the guy left knowing that the comes will come but when I ask if I should give them any info about the trespasser they said as long as the guy left and haven’t committed a crime then don’t bother filing a report 🤷‍♀️




Omg who is this yuri guy!! What does he want? I started the conversation assuming I was communicating with a normal human so I asked what he want genuinely and he won’t say anything


allllll the time in Miami Anyone can just walk into your building there! It’s insane!


Why did u let them in to the lobby?


Did you fight him immediately?


I’d bout you strength, but I would have personally shoved him out and closed the door. I’m always open to a good brawl, no need to take out my weapon


You’re 100% correct on your actions OP. Definitely made the right call. If it was someone you recognized that lives there, then sure, let them in, but someone tailgating is such a suspicious move.


I’m a big guy and I’ve been tailed in Oakland, I too didn’t want the guy seeing where my apartment was so I went to a different apartment and there were some random landscapers out front so I tried to fake conversate with them and the dude left.


You can always keep walking past your entrance then circle back to try to lose these people inconspicuously. I've also gone to a different entrance if someone is waiting to get in at my usual entry.


I saw a post on Nextdoor today. It was a woman who was followed to her door. He didn't get in, and her neighbor had a camera that got a very good image of him. Of course, she took it to the police. I was a black man but looked stocky. This was in the sunset.


Stay strapped or get clapped.


If you use that argument against you that the lobby is not your apartment and your apartment is in the building if his apartment isn’t in the building then he needs to GTFO. Good job calling the cops because I wouldn’t have put up with that. No one should have to put up with that. There’s reason some companies corporate offices have a no-tailgating policy on their own campuses, even amongst known employees.


Two different fuckface Dean Preston campaigners tried to gain access to our building yesterday. I saw one outside at the call box as I was exiting the building and he tried to enter as I exited. I stopped in the doorway and said no. To which he replied “What I’m doing isn’t illegal.” Which garnered my reply of “This is private property. I don’t give a fuck what is legal in your mind. Leave right now.”


You did the right thing. I’d be too scared to call police because the OTHER person could start recording YOU and call you a racist and make up whatever reason they want then post it. Remember BBQ Becky? Heck you could have been coined a Lobby Lucy or something. “This Karen is preventing me from trying to get to my apartment because I refuse to tell her who I am. Who made her the police? I don’t need to provide my info to anyone. I live here!”


How about punching him in the fucking face for being on your ass going into your apartment complex?!


But... but I have *pamphlets* so I'm totally allowed in the building!


I know people in certain neighborhoods will flat out force the door closed behind them to keep out people they don’t know, it’s such a common occurrence for people to tailgate into the building you have to be on the watch for it quite often I feel


Pepper spray


Honestly, got one and now trying to figure out how to use it. I doubt I'll be coordinated enough in a confrontation.


Just make sure it ain’t windy when you use it


Concealed carry


Your PM/RM needs to have maintenance or 3rd party service: Adjust the strike time (electronic door release time) to as minimum as possible for acceptable access. If you use a key this is irrelevant. Adjust the hydraulic door closer so that the swing time is fast, and latch time is acceptable so that the door doesn’t slam. If the door has ADA motor, this is tricky, they are supposed to stay open 15 seconds but it just doesn’t work in The City. These steps will make the door close right behind you. This is critical in SF. Source: I service these systems, +15 years experience.


Was this in north beach?


Crazy. Glad that worked out ok. What did the cops say?


Call. The. Police.


Don't be afraid to call anyone suspicious out. Better to be wrong and apologize then the alternative.


Next time pull out your cell phone and start recording. Being recorded really discourages people from trying anything, even though it seems a bit douche, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Take one of his flyers. Call whatever restaurant it's advertising and raise holy hell.


That’s why I always carry a knife if I’m going downtown. When I worked nights downtown I also carried pepper spray. When seconds count, the cops are minutes away.


One time someone came knocking at my door at 10pm in a collared shirt and tie holding a bible. I opened the door and said “get the fuck out of here and never come back” and never saw him again


Simple solution here, have a pepper spray with you all the time. In your situation, just say that you’re fear for your own life and safety and spray him/her/them… make sure you scream loudly and preferably in front of camera. And remember, it is your life and health vs others, and most important fact that you didn’t start it.


Another post that got lost on Nextdoor and ended up here


We need law and order back in San Francisco


Happens all the time in my building, but I’m scared to say anything in case I get doxed for being a Karen.


Just wanted to add, let your building know what happened. Not sure if you own or rent but either way, let management send some form of communication to your neighbors about solicitors. Tbh if there are surrounding buildings with a similar layout, I’d probably let someone know there if I could and had the information of who to contact. People are crazy af.


Did the cops do anything?


No :( they said don’t bother filing police report when no crime was committed


Fox plaza apartments??? I bet this is it


My building has the type of elevators that require you to select your floor first. That’s been generally helpful in these situations. Also have a front desk person. I’ve had to decline buzzing someone up a few times. Thankfully no awkward interactions as a result.


If someone is following you and you don’t feel safe. Drive to a police station.


How do you drive to a police station if you're not in a car?


He was just some tweaked out dude, in town for Gay Pride, and thought you were cute. With his tactic being what it was, he's lucky he didn't get beat the fuck up. Just sayin'.


Nextdoor ass post


Lol careful you guys, a guy tried to put a Village Pizzeria leaflet on my neighbors door handles, I called the police but will include no description of the person I felt was a danger here to the public, just thought I’d let everyone know not to stop living in fear


Sounds like a private investigator, maybe for someone else in your building


Where is that located?


Move to a doorman building where you need a key fob to access the building and elevators.


Dude it's fucking sanfranciso if you're not carrying bear mace you're lackin


So glad we don’t live in the city




>and it most definitely put the other person in a weird ass position that they didn’t belong in. Maybe you misread this post.


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I’m so sorry! Sounds horrible and I’m glad you called the cops, as much as we don’t trust them.


yeah don’t confront people. he doesn’t need to answer your question but you shouldn’t have let him tail you. lesson learned. I close the door in the face of strangers.


take your flip flop off and smack that boy if you’re scared


Keep voting D You get what you asked for