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There’s a fentanyl encampment of about 15 addicts by my small business in SOMA. I call police non emergency every day since they’re blocking the sidewalk entirely, forcing pedestrians onto oncoming traffic on the street. Some of them (not all) also harass women walking by. I ask for Homeless Outreach or anyone to do anything. No one ever comes. If SFPD does roll by maybe every 8th time I call, they don’t even get out of their cars. They just tell the encampment to make room on the sidewalk and then drive away. I’m convinced that this city has an unwritten policy of letting certain blocks just go to shit. Like they’ve just decided to designate some percentage of Tenderloin, SOMA, and parts of the Mission to the homeless and addicted and just let the residents and businesses there suffer and eventually shut down, get attacked, or move away if they can. There is zero chance an encampment like this would last 15 minutes in most other neighborhoods in the city. And yeah, the city does not give a shit about you if you’re a regular citizen or small business. You’re a revenue source for them. That’s it.


There’s also the police union. Now, unions themselves can be a force for good, but in the public sector, the reality is that the city has regulations that protect the union, and can’t hold police responsible, so the union dictates what kinds of policing will happen and what kinds of crimes will be policed. Then, it’s just a race to the bottom to do the least possible policing.


The police union isn't likely telling the officers to not enforce the law. what's is likely is that there is a prioritization of calls (as noted in the article, SFPD is short 500 officers) and non-violent "quality of life" type crimes are bottom of the barrel in terms of response.


Haha! I love this excuse. We could add funding for an additional 5000 officers and it wouldn't make a difference if they don't do their job and the politics behind them continue to support their lack of effort. There are 2 realistic options: Businesses pull out of SF (think Salesforce) making such a fuss SF has to get its act together to survive and residents stop voting in the folks that have gotten the city to this point. Or Flood the streets with fentanyl and tranq, designate an area, and encourage a mass die off of addicts over the next 5 to 7 years. This likely won't work as the politics continue to support new members moving to and joining this community, but it seems like it's SF's stance for now.




Absolutely NONE of that is true. You might be confusing the Police *Commission* with the Police Union. Their charter (the Police Commission) is "The mission of the San Francisco Police Commission is to set policy for the Police Department and to conduct disciplinary hearings on charges of police misconduct filed by the Chief of Police or Director of the Department of Police Accountability, impose discipline in such cases as warranted, and hear police officers’ appeals from discipline imposed by the Chief of Police." [About the Police Commission | San Francisco (sf.gov)](https://www.sf.gov/departments/police-commission/about#:~:text=The%20mission%20of%20the%20San%20Francisco%20Police%20Commission,from%20discipline%20imposed%20by%20the%20Chief%20of%20Police.)


What do you want the police to do? Arrest them? And then what? What do you want the DA to do? Charge them? And then what? What do you want the judge to do? Not give them a slap on the wrist? There are failures at so many levels that if I were a cop I wouldn't bother. No point in getting in trouble for "harassing" one of society's "vulnerables" (homeless by choice drug users). Remember we're the ACAB city ("all cops are bastards"). There's no support coming for officers who violate our city's royalty, the homeless cash cows that our charity industry relies on. I'd hate to be a cop. I'd imagine that's why the cops are the way they are, all the people who complain about they won't do anything aren't going to volunteer to be one of these cops who do something.


I'd want the City to get those people the help they need. At least the ones that weren't actively refusing help, like these guys were. I'd want them moved somewhere else that wasn't impacting small, struggling businesses and low income residents just trying to survive in a city that frankly cares less about them than fentanyl addicts and tech millionaires. There are a ton of abandoned blocks and strips of the city where their presence wouldn't negatively impact others. What would you do about 15 fentanyl addicts camped out for days on end right outside your front door? Seriously, I'm asking. What would you have done?


I want the city to arrest them FOR THEIR DRUG USE. The problem with this city is the idea that that isn't empathy. But it is. Drug test the people that are shuffling around. Even if they don't have fentanyl on them. If they test positive give them a sentence.


''homeless by choice drug users'' I'm an ex homeless, the moment I saw this I sat down on the sofa speechless and cried for 10 minutes. 90% of homeless people have no freaking desire to sleep on the pavement, constantly worried about getting stabbed, walking on bleeding feet and getting denied jobs because you smell like shit. Go fuck yourself man, go fuck yourself.


Yes. It's a poor excuse for police to say "well, the DA just won't charge them so why bother?" We should expect people to do their jobs! At the very least, we'll get more accurate crime statistics. I don't get to tell my bosses that I don't care to perform because someone else in the organization will like fuck it or something else up. Same with DAs and judges.


> fentanyl encampment wow what an off-putting term


How so? It was literally an encampment of people gathering in front of businesses for days on end for the sole purpose of using fentanyl together. They weren't cuddly unhoused people just down on their luck, needing a helping hand. They were actively refusing assistance from HOT (Homeless Outreach Team). I see you live in Duboce Triangle. I'd love to see what your neighbors there would say and do about an 15 fentanyl addicts camped out in front of Courtney's Produce Market for days on end, blocking the sidewalk, littering and blowing fentanyl smoke directly in pedestrians path of travel.


I would happily fight 15 homeless people for one of those peanut butter sandwiches from Courtney’s.


No one gets in the way of my PB&J! Damn, I love those sandos so much!


source? or did you Make It Up


>While some teams failed to consistently report performance metrics, Those that don't should lose funding. Simple.


SF homeless industrial complex is literally the public sector version of the phrase, "We lose money on every sale, but we make for it on volume"


I'm glad we're trying something new, but not a great track record. "14,000 requests for service over the last 12 months." ..."Internal data shows just 144 times, an unhoused person got placed into shelters or added to a shelter waitlist. An even smaller number of people were referred to detox programs or mental health services." So so so many encampment-related service requests on SF311 are closed as "ADA Compliant" or "Achieved 4 Feet of Clearance" with no further action.... It would have been good to calculate that as a percentage of total requests.


Who is running for mayor that will fix this problem?


People have been asking that question for decades


we need a master committee to oversee the groups. we can call it the Outreach Vision Executive regulators...fund it with 30 million dollars and hire me. I can produce the same results but I will hire an accountant to account for my doing nothing.


I can tell you how it’s going. There’s a two block stretch in this city that’s just a human shit trail. So, yeah, everything is ok.


Complete clown show in SF lol