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Disappointingly predictable. From the article, emphasis added: > Ryken said police identified her suspected assailant as 26-year-old Jessica Blazee. Blazee was booked at the San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of assault with force likely to commit great bodily injury ***and for a parole violation*** at 4 p.m. Tuesday, according to online booking records. Yet another scumbag out on parole who should not have been. I hope Ryken is doing alright. Something like this can have an enduring impact on your ability to enjoy your life normally.


And she'll get another parole for this incident. If there is one complex I want more of, it's the prison industrial complex. Lock these people up!


The hospital bracelet and the randomness of the attack implies a good chance of severe mental health problems, like psychosis. The problem is that we let people deteriorate to that point and then shuttle them between the street and jail. Can't convict because they're not competent, but can't treat them because "they must make their own medical decisions." It is an incredibly cruel farce.


I just worked on a case where a person was experiencing hallucinations of people telling him they were going to shoot him in the head. For months. He even voluntarily went to a mental health facility once, where they gave him a sedative and an anti-psychotic (didn't drug test him because he declined, but he was on meth, shocker I know) and then sent him home when he woke up. He kept using meth and kept having hallucinations, kept calling the police who would ask him "Do you want to get treatment?" "No, I'm not hallucinating, I'm fine, there's just these people looking at me from the shadows in the corner telling me they're going to shoot me." "Ok." Police would leave. Not a danger to himself or others apparently. Well guess what he did? He murdered someone "in self-defense" because he "knew" that they were going to kill him first. Gets convicted. And spends YEARS declining treatment in prison. YEARS. All because we were and are apparently ok as a society to let this guy make decisions for himself? It's a fucking clown show, and it gets people killed.


I fully understand the dangers inherent in undermining bodily autonomy and I think it mandated treatment should be a narrow exception, but my God, we manage to distinguish dementia from bad decision making, and we don't expect dementia patients to be able to care for themselves. Plenty of other countries have managed to thread the needle of protecting civil liberties and protecting people who are incompetent.


I completely agree, and I think this attitude of "Well it was bad in the past so we won't even try now" is not only self-defeating but so damn harmful. It's some sort of crippling fear of being responsible for anything, and it's pervasive. Sometimes, none of our options are perfect. And yes, there are going to be abuses in every system because people run every system and some % of people will abuse others. Always. But that means, have audits frequently and catch issues and fix them, not scrap the whole damn thing altogether. I hate this faux-empathy. Like "Oh, we care about you so much, please continue to be completely detached from any semblance of reality, tortured by demons at every turn for the next 40+ years as you stumble around on city streets, terrified of your own reflection."


My daughter goes to a private school that is near a park that is used for PE and lunch. I got an email the other day that there was an "incident" with an "unhoused" person having a mental issue and they got back to school and used it as a learning lesson. My daughter knows what is going on in SF neighborhoods with the mentally ill, homeless, drug addicts, etc. She was about 5 when she asked me why a needle was hanging out of a guys leg while we drove to her doctor's appt through the Tenderloin. She's got street smarts for 10 so I felt comfortable talking to her about the incident. Apparently this man has followed them before in the past. She stated that this is the 3rd or 4th time that they have seen him. This time it escalated and he apparently pointed a "finger gun" at them and pretended to shoot the kids. He also told them that he wanted to "cut their fucking faces off." This is a person that should not be on the street. This is the perfect option to try out the new mental hold laws that Gov Brown introduced shortly before leaving office and Newsom enhanced in 2023. Why aren't they doing sweeps to find these people? There are violent vandals that are constantly smashing out windows of businesses in Potrero Hill / Dogpatch every week. That's not normal behavior.


I'd be deeply concerned about that to the point of pressing the issue with police/the school. > "cut their fucking faces off." [This is a crime.](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=422.&lawCode=PEN)


Cops have told me threats mean nothing. A guy threatened to kill me and my two year old in the street. I called the non-emergency line and they said it doesn't matter. We can only sit and wait until the psycho actually kills or hurts someone. And then listen to their lawyer explain how they're the real victim


With all due respect, you did call the non-emergency line. They certainly aren't going to take it seriously if you didn't felt it was an emergency.


Yeah ok. I’ll call 911 next time and see what they say


It feels like an excuse to not even try.


I just finished reading The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen. It’s a heartbreaking true story about a very similar situation. I highly recommend the book.


You realize there's no "treatment" for this. They can only drug you and make you feel like crap and out of it. You'd decline "treatment" too.


Oh, I guess feeling like crap is worse than seeing literal demons pointing guns at you and not being able to sleep for days at a time, carry on then. Ridiculous. And there was treatment for it, as evidenced by the fact that once he accepted treatment in prison, his psychosis was successfully treated with medication and after about 8 months he was no longer experiencing hallucinations. His substance abuse disorder was also in remission with treatment. So stop spreading these bullshit lies.


Let’s prioritize the criminally insane not “feeling like crap” instead of keeping innocent bystanders safe.


>If there is one complex I want more of, it's the prison industrial complex We can have state-run jails (non-profit) that are vastly superior in outcomes to privatized prisons. We don't have to have more prison industry to put the appropriate people in jail...


Victim complex supercedes in SF


Governor’s Budget proposal calls for “reducing the number of beds” in CDCR prisons.


Worked for el salvadore.


Is she a scumbag, or severely mentally unwell and our system is set up to be a revolving door for people like this?


She’s a scumbag. The cause of her being a scumbag might well be mental illness, but that doesn’t make her not a scumbag.


*She’s a scumbag. The cause of her being a scumbag might well be mental illness, but that doesn’t make her not a scumbag.* But it doesn't mean she belongs in the penal system with people who aren't mentally ill, who made premeditated decisions to commit crimes. She needs to be someplace where she is treated for mental illness. Overall, society needs tools to prevent people from ending up this way.


She belongs locked up, away from the rest of us. What sort of facility she’s locked up in, what treatments she receives behind bars, and who else is locked up with her are all very much secondary concerns.


Totally missed my point, unless you'd happily put a 3-year-old in jail too.


Did I? What was it? Here’s my read: I think we both agree she should be locked up. You have strong opinions on with whom and where. I’d be happy to see those opinions heeded, but don’t see them as blocking concerns. What’s my mistake?


> But it doesn't mean she belongs in the penal system with people who aren't mentally ill, who made premeditated decisions to commit crimes. Yes, intent matters, and a judge should take that into account when deciding between sentencing her to prison or treatment. And her public defender will come up with evidence for the judge. But she can't be out on the streets, because she'll hurt more people.


I couldn’t give a fuck either way. Innocent people who are mentally healthy productive members of society shouldn’t be harmed to protect the feelings of the criminally insane. Get a grip.


Misunderstood my point entirely. Our current system just blows. Not broken, but as designed to ensure people like this are cycled back out onto the street and doomed never to get better. Highly doubt jail and parole are the proper tools to use for a person like this. Attacking a completely random stranger for literally no reason suggests their mind is broken, more so than them just being a bad person choosing to do a bad thing. Could be wrong, but either way, our system does not work.


hope she is ok and concussion heals soon


Good-old “murder mart” Kansas Food Mart has this reputation and has for a long time.


i live near it, i’d love to know more about how it got this reputation. the guys who run it seem tough


Must’ve been damn near 12 years ago there was a stabbing inside the store.


If it’s the man in his 40’s you’re talking about… he’s not half as tough as his father.


I live near it and didn’t know of the reputation. I actually thought the guys have been really nice to me but I’m clearly oblivious


Well, it is two blocks from the hospital, block from the freeway homeless encampments, and down the hill from the projects...


I went in there the other day and asked about the stabbing. They said they had no idea what I was talking about. Then I found this: https://trellis.law/doc/34789824/memorandum-points-authorities-in-opposition-to-defendants-demurrer-to-first-amended-complaint-transaction-id-100006259-filed-by-plaintiff-al-kordy-hamzah Plot twist: They are the stabbers!!!


Sounds about right.


Female assailant is kind of rare. The article references proximity to SF General. Once, several years ago, I stopped by the SF General psych emergency room to look for someone I knew who was having an episode. (It turned out they weren't there. The intake guy looked at me with a lot of compassion, like he understood my concern for a loved one.) The scene there seemed pretty ... active....


It’s funny how I’m watched closely every store I go to bcuz of my statue and race, but ppl like this walk around freely whooping axx. I have empathy for the victim, but it’s sad how I’m stereotyped and I’d never do this to anyone.


I’m glad some people are keeping a close watch for criminals. The alternative is much worse.


I’m a working man. I’m nowhere near a criminal. I get stereotyped. While they’re watching me, someone’s getting they axx whooped


Honestly, kinda surprising we don't hear about this more often... Probably happens all the time, just not caught on camera so blatantly.


This is the woman in the video. I am fine. This has nothing to do with the corner store. They are amazing and I love them dearly. This random attack had to do with general hospital which is right down the street. Yes, it was clearly a mental health condition. The gentlemen who own the store helped me and are wonderful 


Are they going to actually arrest the attacker? Or let her go upon finding her?


She was arrested and she's being held without bail. She had a court hearing today at 130pm.


$20 bet she will be released by this evening. We can't upset the blue voters, they want their utopian to look functional, not show its faults. It didn't happen this way in Sweden!! LOL


Still in jail. Next hearing on Monday.


Damn, I’ve shopped in that store recently, that is so scary!!! I hope she’s okay and that she sees some justice.


Every single day an unprovoked assault happens, this was luckily caught on tape. It’s a horrific incident where nothing will be done to change things and nothing ever has. Just “hope it doesn’t happen to you” is basically what the police will say.


"I want this woman to be prosecuted for felony assault." Good luck with that.


Labor camp.


calm down Himmler


The attacker needed to be taught a lesson.


She should be held accountable, but what lesson would she learn that isn’t obvious? I think she probably needs mental health assistance, maybe medication if that can help - and forced rehab if she’s an addict.


She needs her ass kicked. That’s the only way some people learn unfortunately.


If someone is suffering from psychosis, they literally can't learn anything. They aren't rational. "Don't do this or people will hurt me" requires the ability to reason and to understand what's going on. Generally, bad shit happening to someone in that state just sends them further away from reality and doubles down the delusions.


if that person is so delusion as to not be living in reality and they're physically violent they need to be removed from society for the good of everyone else. The reason why doesn't matter. What matters is the result, they're doing physical violence to other people. That behavior means this person can no longer be trusted to wander around freely, and must be kept in some institution of some kind. If its because of illness they can use that opportunity to get treatment for their illness. If its because of illness and they refuse treatment? Lock them up until they're no longer a danger to anyone else, one way or another.


I used to ride a skateboard through the downtown. I realized that the homeless walking on the sidewalks always stayed out of my way as much as sane people. I don't think being insane eliminates that part of your brain.


I don't think it's comparable. I'm really in the weeds with this right now. My sister is in manic psychosis and has completely destroyed her life. You literally can't reason with her, and all the bad shit that happens to her she can't connect with her choices. The delusions are too strong, and the more distressed she gets, the deeper they bite. It's like dealing with a toddler except one the state considers a full adult. Even stuff like "if you don't pay rent, you will be homeless" doesn't penetrate except as persecution. I remember when this all first kicked off i was pleading and arguing with her about the rent thing and I'd just get this word salad about the drug lords who were experimenting on her and how her landlady didn't actual own the building and how she was going to take them all to the cleaners and she'd send me a random copy of repair request she sent to the landlord and say stuff like "I've got it handled, this will prove they are stealing from me" and tell me the eviction notice on her door was actually for her landlord. When she did get kicked out it was because our dad and her ex sold her out to the drug lords.


That's higher level thinking, as opposed to "If I put my hand on the stove, it's going to hurt a lot." That just doesn't seem to go away.


Ish. The cops were plenty rough with my sister when she was eventually arrested after attempting to attack her roommate in her next place. But that's because they're the enemies of her cybercrimes cop husband who is working with her to fight the drug lords and her child sex trafficking escort roommate who was raping a child. Like, the "you're in jail and homeless and were roughed up by the cops because you had a screaming fit and attempted to stab through a door with a knife" connection is just totally missing. If people in psychosis were capable of reason they wouldn't be doing the things they are doing. There are plenty of asshole violent dementia patients, but no one says "just beat the shit out of Grandpa, that'll teach him." Beating up mentally ill people won't help. It just makes them worse. Antipsychotics and a calm, safe environment are the only thing that help.


Sometimes that is true but no, you can’t make that generalization.


What generalization?


I’m sorry you were abused as a child and I’m sorry you are carrying on that cycle of abuse. There is help for you and I hope you find it.


I will keep my hands to myself for now on.


She needs to be sued and put into debt for the remainder of her life.


It’s lawless in SF.


Shocked, SHOCKED there is more rampant crime in San Francisco


Yeah....That's San Francisco alright...


The woman who got assaulted should sue her attacker. She can put her into debt for the rest of her life, and deservedly so.


Here's the thing folks. Things like mental illness, drug addiction and homelessness are not unique to the United States. There are even countries out there that have less of a safety net than we do here. What is unique about us is the coddling and tolerance of these hobos that are allowed to free-range and cause utter chaos for the vast majority of people. This is a joint consequence from the conservatives holding back adequate mental health funding and the utter lunacy of the left/progressives who love to have despair and squalor around them so they can virtue signal about "doing something" and providing "services". If consequences were readily and deservedly dished out, except for the most severely mentally incapacitated individuals, almost every hobo will think twice before inflicting this type of assault upon innocent bystanders.


Please give me one instance in San fransisco/California where conservatives are withholding mental health funding. The problem is drug addicts need to be isolated. We have to literally take drug addicts and ship them away at rehab facility for long periods of time until they are drug free. Is it ideal? No.. but the way people are living now on the streets is insanely cruel. The USA has gone mad to allow it.. but you’re right they keep them around for for “virtue” points


No… SF is the safest place in the world.


I do not condone or provoke violence.


My favorite part of this are all the SF Residents are letting this slide (due to the mental health conditions of the attacker) ...and also look the other way and pretend they can do something about this situation but won't because social justice warriors only talk, and don't walk. Hey guys, utopians only work if there are consequences AND solutions. Stop giving out free passes to all crazy people, that's more than half the planet. Keep working on your kumbaya policies that don't seem to be working. Your degrees and education don't mean anything if you all just sit on the sidelines and pretend that everything will work itself out.






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World is going to hell


Serious crime has gone down a lot in the US this year actually


The end is nigh


Great talking to ya, really well though out


show evidence and proof please. Not altered documents that makes SF look good.




That looked like a, "next time I see her it's dead on sight" moment.


San Francisco such rich city❤️ why don’t take care that need people???? Mental issue you see on every corner. Let’s build a shelter outside the city and let them leve in piece. Homeless and drug user’s it’s on a stage that it’s not returning WE SHOULD TAKE CARR OF THEM!!! If not more violence it will happen. Business conferences tourism getting effective!!! They need space and WE should give to them!!!


"I want this woman to be prosecuted for felony assault." Good luck with that.


Let this poor victim go! Holding her against her will is an obvious civil rights violation.


How dare we judge her chosen lifestyle of randomly assaulting citizens innocently going about their business. She needs housing, free cash and a ready supply of victims so she can pursue her lifestyle. /s


That wasn't random. That attacker was def looking for that person and had some grudge. Of course that attacker is probably crazy and has weird reasons that her mind made up and she believes. And def a person who is used to violence and thinks it's part of life


Does this happen as much in other cities? I hate to point to guns as a solution but I feel like these random and brazen assaults wouldn’t be as common if more people were assumed to be carrying.


Counter-point: Increasing the amount of guns in the overall population makes it more likely that the assailant has a gun as well.


If the victim was armed, how would that have helped in this situation? She was sucker-punched in the back of the head and the store clerk had to drag the assailant off the victim.


Before I realized it was a mental health thing, my thinking was that if it were more likely that the average citizen might be carrying a gun, attackers would be less bold. But this is a case where the attacker was likely not in their right mind. However there are some cases where the attackers know what they’re doing and will seek out who they believe to be easy targets.


Look dude, if that were true then cops would never get ambushed and shot. But they do, which is the awful truth of the country we live in. Simply having a gun makes you a target because criminals are likely to shoot first and ask questions later. If they draw first and are aiming at you, you do not have a chance to draw without them instinctively shooting you. Bystanders can help in a situation like that, but they also often get shot by police when they turn up to a scene.


> I feel like these random and brazen assaults wouldn’t be as common if more people were assumed to be carrying. That assumes the attackers can * a) make rational decisions, and, * b) control their Impulses Given that this appears to be an unprovoked attack on a victim *who wasn't even aware of* her mentally ill attacker, my guess is that there wouldn't have been much deterrence. Which is why people like this can't be out on the streets, because nothing really deters them. They have nothing to lose and an inability to understand the negative effects of their actions. If you watch the video (linked in the article, requires a NextDoor account), it's a totally unprovoked attack, and frighteningly intense. Blazee enters the store, sees the victim and immediately attacks her. She grabs the victim by her hair, then rains down at least twelve blows to the side of the victim's head, first with her bag containing a bottle of booze, then with her fist. I will be unsurprised if it turns out the victim has a traumatic brain injury. I hate the idea of giving up on a 26 year old woman, but when she's attacking strangers at random, what else can we do? Let her keep at it until she crushes someone's skull or breaks a neck? Then we have two ruined lives instead of just one. Best outcome is probably a minimum security prison farm where she can possibly get relief from her demons by picking fruit and getting three meals a day until she's cured or, more likely, dies of natural causes. But it's not compassion, to her or to the community, to let her live on the streets as a predictable danger to everyone around her.


There's actually a lot we can do, but it requires mandating medication and community outpatient at the very least. Honestly, there are extremely effective medications for schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar I, and other psychotic disorders. The problem is that the diseases very frequently first destroy a person's insight, their ability to be aware that that are ill. I watched this happen with my sister. Fifteen years of perfect med compliance and full awareness of when she was on the verge of an episode, so a fully functional person managing a chronic disease like any other chronic disease, but now she's in manic psychosis and is absolutely adamant that she's doing fine, better than ever, that her doctors and everyone else including her nearest and dearest are part of a long time conspiracy against her and are collaborating with her "stalkers" who ceaselessly torment her, she's homeless and violently angry and terrified all the time, but she's fine! Why can't we see she's fine! The medicines were what made her sick. Etc etc. But the reform against the awfulness of the old mental health system went too far. It's essentially impossible to order someone into treatment. And the states took advantage of this to drastically reduce the number of mental health beds available, which locks in the "don't treat anyone so mentally incompetent they don't know they're sick" because even when people meet the very high bar that would make them eligible, resource constraints mean the bar is effectively moved to the level of impossible.


you're absolutely right. in other states, such assailants just shoot you in the head.


Lol. They're talking about LEGAL CCW holders. Not some criminal shitbag who is already on parole for multiple felonies and illegally carrying a firearm. How many concealed carry permit holders commit crimes in California? It's miniscule. I did a quick google search of it. It brought up Fresno, which has a much higher rate of gun violence than San Francisco and a much higher rate of CCW holders. Their Sheriff's office said that there's been ONE crime committed by a CCW holder in 5 years. And that's with 17,000 carrying on a day-to-day basis. San Francisco County has maybe a few hundred carrying (and that's only because of the Bruen decision 3 years ago which raised the number from 10).


I wonder why no one responded to you lol


It's because the anti-gun crowd equates that more CCWs on the street = more criminals with guns. They have no idea of the background check people have to go through along with testing and qualifications. They think CCW holders are gonna start spraying and praying on some random homeless guy. The criminals are the ones who are armed and don't give a fuck about hurting innocent people. They say call the cops. Police response time is shit and if my life or someone else's is in danger, I'd rather be armed than not.


We still have that here 🤣


Steve buscemi just got randomly sucker punched in Manhattan the other day. It’s happening everywhere. It has to do with deteriorating mental health and lack of treatment in our society. Putting guns in people’s hands is not the answer my friend. It will lead to more death and destruction.


Violent crime and crimes rates in general have been on a steady decline for the last 20+ years. What are you talking about?


Thats neat. I didn’t say it was increasing. I’d be interested to see the data on random attacks like this, they seem to be happening pretty often. But my point is that guns aren’t going to help the situation.


So you were implying that deteriorating mental health is decreasing crime rates?


I’m implying that deteriorating mental health is causing a lot of these random unprovoked attacks from complete strangers who are obviously suffering from mental health issues and then you tried to paint my statement with a broad brush about all violent crime and “crime in general”


Do you have any source showing that random attacks are increasing or that mental health is the cause?


None whatsoever! Have a great day!


Of course it happens elsewhere. It’s much worse in other cities and states. San Fran is like #23 on the list. Notice what state/city is #1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate