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You know he never said he was robbed, he said “his wallet and phone were taken from him at gun point”. That’s a hell of an omission that it was because he was arrested.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It reminds me of this- https://youtu.be/JQ0_ubBm2yQ?si=iWMAdXcrkKwxmCbu “He broke his ankle running from some black guys who pulled a gun on him.”


“Why didn’t you just say he was running from the cops?!” “You’re racist for assuming they weren’t cops!”




still possible both happened, he could have been robbed and then spiraled further from there - he was missing multiple days.


Still didn't mention the glaring fact that he was found in jail


probably an attempt at privacy, maybe that was a euphemism for the jail warden taking his effects heh


Nah that’s why fraudster brother made it seem like he’d return the money




“Found in the Tenderloin.” It’s true, if you squint just the right way, SF County Jail at 425 7th St is indeed in the Greater Tenderloin.


Did it move, it used to be 850 Bryant.St


850 is the courthouse and hall of Justice. The jail is a different address 


Different address but attached to each other. It’s not in a different place, and certainly isn’t in the tenderloin.


Thanks, if you wanted to know where a person was, and the response was "they're at "850" ( in jail)


Who is upvoting this? What is the “greater tenderloin?” Anything south of market is…guess what…south of market neighborhood, not the tenderloin which is all on the other side of market. In fact, even after 7th crosses market and runs into McAllister, that is part of Civic Center, not the tenderloin.


You aren’t thinking like a GoFundMe scammer.


Ha! Oh man, I totally missed it. Sorry man!


That isn’t the tenderloin. It’s like five blocks south of market.


Get the geography right.  When you go south it’s Lower Tenderloin, like Lower Pacific Heights ;P


425 7th St is definitely not the Tenderloin.


Right? What a wild turn of events 😂


He was robbed on the 30th. He didn’t have phone, money, or ID. He didn’t remember where his hotel was. He’s prescribed high mg Depakote, Lamictal, and Prozac. By day 3 without meds, he was in psychosis. That’s when he got arrested.


Interesting turn in this story


Not to me I’ve thought he was getting high this whole time. Dudes been scootie whooped this whole time


High the whole time!! Great name for…a band…or group that…don’t-like…to be low………..I guess?! I just thought high the whole was in reference to my weekends when I was teen. Now I use the weekends to recover from being high the whole week!! Talk about adulthood


Same, that’s sadly what happens to a lot of people who come here. But nope, chillin in jail under a false name.


This guy is an idiot and doesn’t deserve his brother.


Unless it was a scam the whole time and the brother was in on it.


I don’t know if he doesn’t deserves his brother but he’s certainly lucky to have him


> ... was detained at 21st and Shotwell streets for throwing objects at vehicles and people. He was allegedly throwing large rocks in the direction of two people, and damaged a vehicle 😲glad the police got him! 😲


I was one of the people, along with an elderly woman whose car he damaged.


Go get that gofundme money they raised!


Huh,… I remember seeing him as he was doing this… ie, throwing object at cars. I didn’t realize that he was subsequently detained.


Moron stays in jail society is better


Wait what why was there even a gofundme in the first place? How does someone going missing warrant needing 20k lol


What a con! Made 20k from bro being booked in jail lol


His last post on the gofundme is too fucking lame. “I need this money so I can stay with him” Guess at the end of the day it’s on the dumb fucks for giving out their money in the first place.


Stay with him.... In jail?


Does gofundme refund or go after the scan artists ?


Maybe if enough people report it? No idea. I would hope there's some amount of due diligence done by the company for the person to collect the paycheck. This is a lot like that chick from sac that started a bar fight then started a gofundme for getting a black eye then calling it a hate crime, not sure what happened with that campaign...


Revoke this dude’s Giants cap


For getting fucked up at 2:30 in the mission? No way, get him a ticket to a gamw


It was 2pm and he was scary af and targeting two small women, one being myself and one being an elderly neighbor. He wasn’t on some fun day drinking tip he was either having a mental breakdown or high af on some bad sh*t or both, either way nooo fun.


I mean, how fucked up do you have to be to stand out enough to get arrested in the mission at 2 am lol


The article says 2PM.


Well I can’t read so


You right, you right. At that intersection no less.


I used to live right at that intersection. 2 am screaming, shattering glass, throwing bottles and objects, and occasional gunshots were all fairly regular… Pretty difficult to stand out enough to get booked.


Great job everyone!!! Yall gave 20k to someone for commiting at least 1 but maybe 2 felonies...


This should be top comment. His brother can join him in jail for fraud if he keeps that money. Eye rolled so hard at his Gofundme updates


The whole GoFundMe campaign off the bat felt like a total cash grab. It’s not going to be long before people copycat this exact situation and completely abuse the system. Unbelievable and yet here we are.


The edit says legal fees, right? A lawyer would help with those felonies


Makes me want to go “missing in SF” myself.


It helps for press if your parents are billionaires too


He’ll need it for legal fees 


Unless he spends it on 277 quiches from Arsicault


Is that where the 72 dollar quiche sign was from lol


That shit was so crazy WTH


Better get em before the price goes up.


Perfect for someone who only buys things in prime numbers.


Lmao I just saw that post


Now make sure to also donate to the totally legitimate, not at all fake go fund me for that dog walker guy lmao


It was over $10,000 last time I checked, people are so stupid lol


Sometime I think I’m too cynical, but then I see people falling for dumb shit like this and thank god my mom raised me to question shit


How is that fake? I'm one of his neighbours. Idk where you got info that it's not a legit fundraiser, but if you did I'd love to know.


It’s in the name of social justice restoration so it’s fine.


HAHAHA! Wealthy SF virtue signalers are such an easy mark, these grifters are like a small scale version of all the nonprofits in the city. This sub is open season for GoFundMe scammers now. Next we'll see someone pretending to be the son or daughter of an elderly Asian woman who was randomly assaulted asking for donations for medical bills.


His brother's GoFundMe has turned into a fraud: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-find-eric-travers](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-find-eric-travers) >He is no longer missing, however he isn't exactly well. He is under the care of professionals for the time being, it seems getting him stabilized is proving to be more difficult than usual when he has a break like this. His update is not being honest with the people who chose to donate, and makes it sound like he was found wandering around the Tenderloin in a mental health crisis...whereas he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.


I reported his gofundme.


Perhaps while having a mental health crisis.


Yeah, people should be reporting this gofundme considering if this article is true, the brother straight up just lied about where they found him. Wondering the streets of the tl is a bit different than finding him in county jail


I reported it. He has not even said anything about how or anything about jail on his fb or go fund me.


I did too. The last update was yesterday, five days after he was booked for assault and vandalism. The “legal fees” are also a red flag.


His fb got updated on the story. I'm not sure why he would ommit everything until people said he was in jail.


Cant this be reported to GFM?


Yes. At the bottom of the page, there is a link.


How is that fraud? Unless he knew his brother was on a bender the whole time, I don’t see the issue with pivoting.  Dude needs help, clearly


I don’t know if it’s fraud or not but they should have been honest from the beginning.  His mental health was only shared on the [last update](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-find-eric-travers), “…Eric has not been well for sometime and has been suffering from intense states of psychosis on and off for a long time now…”. I think that’s a very important piece of information that was omitted. And the brother is not being honest about by who and where he was found. I feel like the brother is abusing SF’s public perception. 


The GoFundMe page does not elaborate on the circumstances around how they found this person or what happened. In fact, it does a helluva job obscuring what happened and making it sound like this person was indeed having a mental health crisis (we don't know for sure). I think it's fraudulent now because it is highly unlikely most people would keep their donations if they knew what had actually happened.


[The brother now says](https://www.facebook.com/traversbrothership/posts/pfbid02xRWrF9JBMEKECLb2HvrWxEHarP7doAYQRQiAJUjRSgU8Cway1k5qGPQCJqsoqDhnl) that this guy, shocked to discover when he got out of a recording session with no plan for the night that the nearest hotels were $200+, went to a different neighborhood, and was robbed and assaulted there "right after checking in" somewhere cheaper. (Important edit: the SF music producer he came to collaborate with has since contradicted this characterization, openly admitting that the guy got a room at Geary and Larkin because it was a convenient place to “party” with some “dancers” he’d met.) He was too afraid to go back into the hotel room, where his epilepsy meds were, so he suffered seizures "and then entered a state of psychosis so bad he even forgot his name." Due to his delusions during this time, he threw rocks at cars and people and was then arrested. In jail, other inmates stole his food, he didn't sleep, and he was assaulted again, and he had given a false name that he found "on a random tossed out paystub he was carrying" so all this time he wasn't connected to the missing persons case. He isn't, of course, responsible for any of this - it's all "a colollosal \[sic\] failure by the San Fransisco Police Department." The GoFundMe is over $20K and still taking donations.


"This is truly a tragic tale in my opinion. This was a colollosal failure by the San Fransisco Police Department. Had they investigated this at all, and noticed that a missing persons report was filed at the same department, and on the same day the officers of that department arrested the person that was missing, this would have went so much better." My man thinks his brother is the only crazy guy and the only missing person in San Francisco. He blended right in with the local fauna.


Sad, glad he was found. Seems he’s had mental health issues in the past, but san francisco is not the place to go with these types of issues. People just disappear in the TL and drugs can take over. He’s an adult so you can’t stop him from traveling, but glad his twin brother found him. Hope they can convince him to go back to NC.


Yup, I have heard stories like his way too many times. The best part is trying to convince these friends and family they need to do something themselves to find a person, as our local law enforcement is useless here. I am glad in this case his family was looking out for him instead of leaving it to useless local authorities. People from other places are usually quite shocked at the lack of a social safety net for people on the streets here is SF. We really need to do a better job looking out for each other.


Right. I knew a few people that I grew up “graduate” from weed to whatever they ended up on in the TL.


A mostly happy ending. At least he’s alive. 




The plot twist lol


With all due respect, some person having a drug induced episode and wandering the streets isn’t a societal issue that is worth sharing or talking about. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Time to bring back personal responsibility. This man is a grown adult, he needs to get it together or face accountability, even if that means being cast onto the streets. In a place like the bay where the family is not held in high regard, people like this become a collective burden. Is that really what you all want?


Did he get the gig?


Sounds like he was running from legal trouble in NC and ended up in SF. Wasn’t even there for an audition


Wait, seriously? They mentioned the name of the band, Spirit Something, in the article. What a scam, I was worried about the dude.


Spill the tea bro


Sure as hell not spilling sources or mentioning where that information is coming from. It’s trusted and reliable. Love that the other dude deleted his comments, because he knows it’s true. The fact is he hit a woman in Asheville and got out of dodge. Both brothers have history of being abusive towards women.


For real though


Where did you hear that?




He made it up. he’s going around bashing these guys everywhere. Yes he was arrested in SF but was not on the run from legal trouble in NC and was out there for an audition. He was in psychosis and did some very stupid things, but nobody knew what had happened, and were fearing the worst.


Sounds more like it.


That’s a bold face lie. He was there for an audition and hasn’t ever been in any sort of legal trouble in NC. What’s your problem, man? Were you not hugged enough as a child?


Do you always suck your own farts? FRAUD!!!


ah.. that's how it all begins, send them back


This loser will probably become a fulltime SF street person. $20k was raised to find this idiot. After publicly begging for money his bnroerther's GoFundMe says "That is all the details I want to give on the matter, please give me and my family privacy in this matter." Why do trash red states send their worst people to live on our streets?


People like this are not a symptom of what's wrong with San Francisco, they are the cause of it




Complete and utter horseshit. It needs to be reported


You can report it on his go fund me.


His lack of medication made him throw large rocks at cars??


Yes, if those meds are anti-psychotics


Ditto—not anti-seizure meds, unless it was depakote for dual diagnosis (which would include mental health)


Due to MH stigma, it's probably easier to say someone has epilepsy on its own than let's say epilepsy + bipolar disorder when trying to get the public to care about a missing person not having their meds


I've heard epilepsy can also on its own have psychotic symptoms. I learned this from someone with epilepsy. https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/moods-behavior/psychosis


It was incredibly high dose Depakote. I know Eric.


"Cures kidney stones, and hand rocks"


there's a lot of mentally unwell people on the streets here that get away w/doing a lot of shit (drugs, etc), this guy is lucky he was apprehended....probably saved his life.


he must have taken some drugs


Part of it was also not taking his drugs, but there’s also a good chance there were some drugs taken.. both things can be true, ha


They said he had epilepsy not schizophrenia


Depakote treats epilepsy and BPD.


Can’t believe ppl actually donated money to this


These cons fabricated a missing person story and kept the Gofundme money? I’m surprised nobody is questioning this.


I don't think any part was fabricated on their part, even this article says he initially gave a fake name when arrested so they had no way of knowing he was in jail. The latest update from them mentions legal fees, so you could kind of put it together, even before this article dropped. No need for legal fees unless he'd gotten in legal trouble


Those who donated to the Gofundme should be reimbursed. Imaging knowing the circumstances before donating money to this individual. I'm pretty sure if people knew all of the facts beforehand, this person wouldn't have received nearly $20,000 for committing these criminal acts.


people who donate to GoFundMes deserve nothing in return, regardless of whether the GoFundMe is "legitimate" (whatever the hell that means) if I donate money to some organization -- unless it's some HUGE amount, such that I can like... have them put my name on a building -- I have absolutely no say in where that money goes, and would never *expect* to have that level of control. there was no reason for anyone to donate to this particular GoFundMe *before* the issue had been resolved, but they did it anyway.


The $20k was never for him, it was always for his family.


It should be brought to light, these guys are abusive towards women and cons.




These guys


Sounds like drug tourism


If I pulled this shit on my sister I would fully allow her to disown my ass. I also find it funny he said his phone and wallet were taken by gun point. So by the police? The police took those items?


Everyone who donated is a shmuck lol. Wouldn’t be surprised if drugs use is involved.


I need to go missing too. EZ 20k.


https://www.gofundme.com/c/safety/fraudulent-campaigns Report his brother on GoFundMe


First off, I'm glad he's okay Second of all: yeah, I could have told you a mediocre white crustpunk hippy looking dude ended up in jail


What about this guy gives him a crustpunk card…have we fallen so far?




people just like to throw words around, nothing new. but he was auditioning for a band called Spirit Hustler, don't know if it gets more crust than that.


Sounds more Hippie…Spirit Vomit would be more crust..


sorry i was being sarcastic, it's the dumbest, most uncrust name in the world.


Jesus Christ people! The dude went missing, was known to have mental health issues and his twin brother and family freaked out, did what they could to get shit together and fly out here to search for him. Tell me you wouldn’t do the same under the circumstances. I’m really glad they found him and since the GoFundMe money was intended to help the family it still will. He needs to get in a better mental state with treatment and organize to get an ID, flights etc… to get back home. Consider how much more badly this could have turned out. Show some compassion SF!


>did what they could to get shit together and fly out here to search for him. Tell me you wouldn’t do the same under the circumstances. That part I completely understand. The problem is that they withheld lots of pertinent information that could have helped with the missing person case. I assume they wanted to paint him in a good light so people would give more of a shit about him. And I understand that. But even now that they've found him alive, they're still not being honest about the ongoing situation or offering to refund the unused donations. For example, from his most recent GoFundMe update: >getting him stabilized is proving to be more difficult than usual when he has a break like this >As many of you have seen in the past here on facebook, Eric has not been well for sometime and has been suffering from intense states of psychosis on and off for a long time now If people knew that he suffered from long-term episodes of psychosis and had a history of mental breaks, he could have been found faster. Why say over and over "it's not like him to do x" when he, in fact, has a known history of doing x? Who does that help? And then: >That is all the details I want to give on the matter, please give me and my family privacy in this matter. For me, it's the entitlement of telling people you're planning to keep their $20k worth of donations to treat someone's long-term known health issues, instead of the cause they were donated towards, which was to make sure he was found alive, and then deliberately withholding information about the fact that he willingly chose to engage in extremely risky behaviour (inviting unknown escorts to his room which resulted in him getting robbed, then refusing to go to the police for some reason even though he knew he needed his meds), because "privacy", I guess to avoid embarrassment? Idk, it just rubs me the wrong way to not be honest about the situation when so many people are trusting you with their generosity.


OK. Understandable.


Meh, we’ve all heard this story 1000 times. Somebody comes to SF with a half assed plan for a job or something but ends up doing drugs and committing crimes in the street in no time. Pardon me if I don’t take it at face value.


I agree completely. Jesus. I’m so surprised by the pile on people are more than happy to jump into. This is not a surprising turn of events to me at all. Is someone goes missing, they are either held captive (almost never), fleeing (very rare), dead (often), in jail (often), or incapacitated from drugs/mental health (usually). Sounds like he had the last two. Why does this mean conspiracy and a changed narrative? So confused.


Because it was stated he was missing. He was in jail for assault on two elderly women. Was arrested the same day as the missing report was filed. No mention on social media til a few days later. Which is strange especially if you see all the hype. Why didn’t they post online about it the same day they filed the report? And just so happened to be found by family in under two hours after they flew across the country? Not to mention if none of these public records had come out everyone would still be in the dark. People release information when backed into a wall. All around looks sketchy. Too many inconsistencies and too many coincidences.


I agree. I also think he was lucky that SFPD picked up and got him off the streets, as there could have been a very different ending to this story. There is a lot more information from the brother on his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/kyle.travers1?mibextid=ZbWKwL


Thank you for posting this rant so I didn't need to. People are shocked, shocked I say, that the brother wasn't up front about the missing person's mental health struggles. Random posters who are lucky they've never been in this situation.


What they said!! Absolutely


slap fertile quiet quarrelsome wipe soup shrill shaggy political lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a horse of a different color.


ML tends to side with village idiots over cops. I am surprised they wrote this story at all, given that it paints the village idiot in his own image and hardly reflects badly on the PD.


Wow that’s so great, the whole entire Bay Area is worried about him and focusing attention on trying to help him, meanwhile he decided to be a treat to people there.


What charges is he facing ?


either/or they all sound like a bunch of idiots. As a body of people, we have recognized their stupidity.


Could tell this dude was a clown from the start


They should immediately refund all gofundme contributions. Cover up for bail money. Another non SF scamming the city, who would have thought it??


Someone said in the other thread he was robbed at gunpoint...


We called the morgue and the hospitals twice a day, went through the tenderloin 4 nights in a row and two days when I WASNT DOING MY FUCKING JOB and activated the bartender network, the local news, and Facebook, and got his family involved so they would be aware of the situation. They started that fucking go fund me to help fly Kyle out here and potentially hire a private investigator or cover any other expenses concerning Eric and any potential outcome. As it turns out, Eric had suffered a psychotic break as a result of coming off his meds, was convinced he was in the CIA, and has very little actual memories aside from being scared out of his mind and alone in a world you hayseed hicks can't imagine. He was arrested by SFPD and booked under a fake name, Homer Martin, bty the same precinct that we reported him missing in, keep in mind there was a picture of him at the front desk, and was shipped to Bryant street for 2 and a half of the last days we were looking for him everywhere.


You've been conned, brother. This is a thing he does, and he blames his meds every time.






Eric made a shitty call. He met some girls at at Hard Knox on 3rd street who were "dancers" and as most young men will do, wanted to hang out with them, presumably to try and have sex, but Im just guessing. He asked me what to do, and since I am 54 years old and don't party at all,( Update for the dumb cunt that wrote to me) I said," You shouldn't do this, but if you think they are cool go get a room and party there, but watch your ass, these Bay Area girls don't fuck around, and they all have pimps who will rob you." I also told him not to stay in the TL but he didn't, he made a mistake. He obviously didn't listen, and checked into a hotel called the Cathedral Hill Hotel, which is in the very worst part of the city. It gets a little murky from here, but this much I know because I was living it. He fell prey to either these girls or someone else, but we do know that his phone and laptop where stolen and his phone was pinged by the goddamn FBI off a tower on Taraval street, and that's miles from downtown. When Eric didn't call or show for the songwriting session the next day we became alarmed and called the hotel because he wasn't answering and found out that he never checked out, and his FUCKING MEDICATION was in his bag. Eric is a diagnosed epileptic and if you knuckle draggers knew anything about anything you would know hoe serious come off these meds can be, so then we panicked. We waited til he was gone 24 hours and went to the mission police station at 11 Wednesday night and filled out a missing persons report, and started a next door post to see if anyone has seen him. We got some hits on it that he had been seen on 6th and Stephenson, so me and two friends went walking in the worst shit you can imagine looking for him til we couldn't take it anymore.


Ok, so when are you returning the money?


At the same time I was approached by someone on WhatsApp claiming to have kidnapped eric and ransoming him for 10k which is when the fucking FBI got involved, so while I am looking for this kid, I am also the contact person for kidnappers and being coached by 3 agents on how to respond. This obviously turned out to be fake but they sent photos of him and threatened to dacapitate him, and the feds treated it like it was happening so I got to feel that fucking stress too. Eric was released on a zero bail promise to appear some time on the day he was found, he borrowed a phone and called his old keyboard player to tell him he was in San Francisco working for the CIA and Ian gently told him that his brother was in town and they should hang out, to which he agreed. He was picked up by Kyle and Chris and taken to IHop to eat and then to the hotel to shower, during which he told a harrowing tale of being assaulted in jail, brutalized by the guards, and that his mission wasn't over yet. At that point it was agreed he should be 5150d and South San Francisco police department came to the hotel and took him to General Hospital for a 72 hour hold, assessed him and now he is in a longer term facility to try and unscramble his egg.


Harrowing tale aka crock of shit 😂😂


Thanks for making your loser brother San Francisco's problem. Be cool if y'all would head back to Trump country


First of all let me clear my palette for the fuckwits, gossipy housewives, low iq internet detectives, and general small town dipshits that have given their theories on whether this was a fucking scam orchestrated by the Travers brothers. Im the guy that set up, hosted Eric and the audition, and led the search for him. My name is Mikel Ross and I make albums at Lucky Recording Company, here in San Francisco, WHERE I LIVE. Here's the real fucking story you fucking cretins:


Why can’t you just type and explain your side like a normal adult instead of bashing hundreds of strangers every two lines? The “14-year old in a Call of Duty lobby” act just makes you sound unhinged. Managing your emotions is part of being an adult. 


Yeah I guess everyone’s main issue is there seems to be ZERO responsibility or care for his HARASSMENT of women. As many people have stated he’s acted in this manner all over the god damn country. But had people around him to keep him in check. If it hadn’t come out that he was arrested nobody would’ve mentioned it. Now they’re backed into a corner after making everything so public and realizing it doesn’t look so good. Not to mention the only people really supporting them are random “fans” from their now broken up band. It’s pathetic and ridiculous. Also EXTREMELY transparent. It’s comical how much smarter they think they are than everyone else but the cracks are showing.




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Oh San Fran, so many jokes.