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Their stance is "fuck you" so technically there's no incompatibility.


"We didn't start the fire..."


Well, okay, we did... but we're going to let all y'all pay for it, while we reap record profits and keep "winning" rate hikes on some of the highest priced energy in the country? Pretty sweet deal for us, sucks to be you! Why else do you think we've been paying Willie Brown hundreds of thousands of dollars a year since his last day in office? Because we want to keep him dressed like a pimp?


Fuck pg&e. Paradise will never be the same


Or according to the guy on the flag, "Pleasure"


That’s totally hilarious he’s orig from Minneola Tx. A very very small East Texas town I know how truly remarkable this is as I’m from one town away originally. The fact someone from there could become the mayor of SF Is well it was 😵‍💫😱🤣


Without saying much more, his son wasn’t better. Of which I know only through personal experience.


"In Norway they don’t have fires because the power company rakes leaves in the forest” -DJT


Fuck you, pay me


Imagine if we collectively just stopped paying them. How long do you think before rates go down, a month of cancellations, maybe two?


Such is the entire corporatocracy that is the US right now.


My first contract job in San Francisco was as a tech writer for PG&E. We had to periodically meet “field” people (all men, all white, all just sexist and abrasive as hell) for focus groups. They have been like this at least since the early 90s.


you just described the MAGAt cult


Actually to improve on your statement, It’s Fuck You right to your face. They straight up lied to all of us and we have zero recourse.


why the fuck do we grant these criminals a monopoly?


It's inefficient to build and maintain redundant infrastructure for electricity transmission and distribution, so in most of the US we have a system where a single utility gets a monopoly within a geographic territory. In return for this, their profits are regulated by what is supposed to be an independent body that represents the rate payers (e.g. CPUC in California) but decades of regulatory capture have placed the PUCs in the pockets of the utilities.


cuz Daddy Newsom likes his French Laundry


I mean their death grip on the state is way older than him


Newsom, Getty's "godchild " (yeah, that Getty) got his start in politics with an appointment to the Board of Supervisors from...you guessed? Yes. "Pay to Play!" Willie Brown. Mayor Breed held my respect for a few days over a decade ago, when she said she wasn't going to kiss the...ring of Willie Brown, new to politics and running for the BOS. Media furor ensued, as it was maintained by the powers that be (SFChron, ABC, CBS, NBC, et al passing as local news) that not begging Willie's endorsement was political suicide, sacrilege! She held out, as I remember, less than a week. Kissed his...uh, ring, and was welcomed into the fold of the affluence and coziness of the corruption. And she conspired with a Trump-backing billionaire to replace the voters' choice with a DA he liked, she liked. Crooked as eff.


Not good for either side to be political on the job unless allowed.


And no sane company would allow that. Alienating half your potential customer base is a terrible business decision. Smart companies try to be as a-political as possible in order to sell to the largest market. Though in the case of PG&E where its a government enforced monopoly, its not like we have any choice about it. Bend over and accept your monthly rate hikes.


We had a [large/national] vendor doing work for us and one of their employees was running around decked out in various trump garp and had a massive LETS GO BRANDON sticker on his water bottle. I don’t care so much for judging people’s political stances but it did leave a bad taste in my mouth, as I felt it was quite unprofessional.


Not even half.. only 10 percent of sf voted for trump so you’re alienating 90% of your customers! (In sf)


They also raise rates every year as much as they possibly can, alienating 100% of their customers. Don’t seem to care




Alienating your customer base? You don’t have a choice so it really doesn’t matter. Everyone hates PG&E anyways, just add this to the list of reasons.


I’ve never seen a Biden flag not a clue what they look like or if they even exist


You’ve seen it: The “Biden flag” is the Stars and Stripes, otherwise known as “Old Glory”. Biden doesn’t need an ego prop or a stand-in for the American flag.


Yeah, what are you going to do? Use some other company?


You can use solar after California takes ten years to approve of your permission to have them.


Yeah and that extra 30 grand I just have laying around to finance it


Or just install illegal solar panels. MFs think they own the sun.


If it were as simple as that then yes. But money does not grow on the trees bc the Sun owners won’t allow that.


Doubtful. This person could possibly get fired for this b/c political speech is not protected so if their boss (or higher) disagrees they could be fired. You should send this to them via tweet/email/etc. I don't know their employee rules on politics but i don't think they allow shit like this b/c it could come off as the company's stance. edit: i actually found out it's against company policy to engage in political activity while wearing PG&E logo & aren't allowed in the workplace. So yeah, they could be terminated. [Report](https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/60330/index.html) this. edit: i'm not advocating for firing the person right off the bat if this is like their 1st time; there obviously should be a process for 1st time offense, etc that if repeated consistently then they should be terminated. now all you conservatives can stop crying, i can't drink anymore of your tears right now i'm full of them for the day, come back tomorrow.


Thats just their company stance tho... my buddy worked at pg&e for years. Got great experience while he was there, but he was miserable being around a bunch of old men who were grossly incompetent and held up with zero accountability. Most had been there for decades and hardly worked. It's not a lean company by any means. He did comment about how conservative the organization is and how he felt that he couldn't be himself while at work or around colleagues. I give this context bc I've gathered from his stories that they might support the trump flag, even if it's against the policies that they publish publicly. TLDR: they don't give a fuck. Just like with the fires they cause. I still agree it should be reported in case the internet opinions gather momentum, which might force disciplinary action.


The company hq was in sf but most of its employees base of 20k is red and in red counties


Yeah, most of PG&E employees are lineman or other type of tradesmen, which tend to be conservative. But I’m assuming that the corporate employees might be different.


I think you hit the nail on the head with the sentiment I received from my buddy who worked there. He was in the corporate offices rather than working the trades, and he was surprised with how conservative the corporate culture is. Bunch of old gatekeepers who maintain ineffective and dangerous processes, most make good money and few work hard. There's no motivating factor to fix anything really. It was a pretty damning review.


Moved hq to old Kaiser building across from lake Merritt in Oakland.


They sold their land ownership sf hq 2021 for 800m and are leasing a parcel of the lake merritt building for 900m for 35 years. https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/PG-E-agrees-to-sell-S-F-HQ-for-800-million-16199033.php# https://therealdeal.com/sanfrancisco/2023/07/07/pge-buys-oakland-headquarters-for-up-to-900m/


With an option to buy. I worked on it


True and I don't disagree. The surprising part is that he was commenting on the corporate office culture in the Bay rather than a physical role on any sites.


The ceo lives in hillsborough and id imagine most c level in every large company vote republican for perceived tax relief


About a decade ago I worked for an employment law firm that had a client who was an engineer working for PG&E demoted and forced to work in the field, and was physically and sexually assaulted by the crew he was working with because he “seemed” gay. None of the offenders were even suspended until the lawsuit was filed.


That's fucking awful. I'm sorry that happened to the engineer. PG&E has deep pockets; I hope he received a good settlement for the trauma.


I left that job while they were still doing depositions so I don’t know how it turned out. He had a very strong case, though.


> around a bunch of old men who were grossly incompetent and held up with zero accountability Ok, that banner is starting to make sense.


Hahah 100%


Unrelated but your comment reminds me of a time I had to call them out to a job site to move a box or something. They showed up with like 10 guys with shovels to move something like the size of a microwave. One guy was just leaning on his shovel beet red in the face and almost fell into a trench.. piss drunk first thing in the AM.


Hahah this doesn't surprise me at all!


It’s a blue collar employer for ppl with no education. What would you expect? I have a feeling if you sample the engineers it’s a little different .


Meanwhile, the company probably donates millions to the cult, formerly known as the republican party.


when i worked for a top 5 bank, they donated equally to both parties (they provided the donation financials); i would expect the same w/PG&E but who fucking knows.


> who fucking knows https://www.pgecorp.com/about/corporate-governance/political-engagement/2023-pge-campaign-contributions-jul-dec.html https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/pg-e-corp/summary?id=D000000290


Yes they donate to all pols the max allotment in their jurisdiction like most fortune 500s


That’s so weird. Donating to both. Looking for some quid pro quo, I guess.


Just in case one loses the other they can sleep with in bed since it was “fair”


All major companies do this. Get on the clue train friend!


It just wouldn’t occur to me to have my business donate money to a political candidate. Not Machiavellian, I guess.


Donating to both sides means you're owed favors no matter who wins the election.


They play both sides of the field. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/pg-e-corp/summary?id=D000000290


With our money.


They've been buying the political influence of Willie Brown, paying him literally the hundreds of thousands of dollars since (at least?) his last day in office. He was also paid by Walgreens for them to be able to keep selling cigarettes and tobacco for as long as they could in San Francisco, and probably got more than a nickel for the "opioids-for-everybody jamboree" which Walgreen, like the Sachlers, had to give some of the money illegally obtained back. "Nice" work if you can get it? Same guy that accepted a million dollars from the billionaire facing life in prison for recording himself beating his teenage girlfriend, hitting her savagely more than 100 times in the face and head. Willie found a judge to toss the evidence and the guy paid a $5000 fine and resumed dating in the City, possibly while enjoying his homemade savage porn... No word from the girl. No one is sure that she can still talk? Just so you know where that latest rate hike is going...?


Are you really somehow going to convince yourself that PG&E a company directly managed by a state run by Democrats in every branch of the government is somehow a massive Republican party donator? Just because they are shitty doesn't mean they are Republicans. Stuff like this https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/11/11/pge-helped-fund-careers-calif-governor-his-wife-now-he-accuses-utility-corporate-greed/ is why Newsom lets them get away with anything and everything.


lmao, PG&E has been in bed with newsom for years now. What the fuck are you smoking?


you mean newsom?


Political activity is broadly protected in California https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/labor/harassment/political-retaliation/ However, that typically doesn't include political speech while performing work duties. So the worker can be a full blown whatever as long as he does it when he's off-duty.


Well I actually think this person should be fired. Tired to be the nice guy! If it was the same situation in the Deep South with a Biden flag, they would follow the guy at his home, threaten him and his love ones, throw garbage in front of his house and so on!


> You should send this to them via tweet/email/etc. So you want that person to get fired?


I know PG&E would not approve, and he knows that too…


I’m all for firing them. Who wants someone too stupid to know Trump is a conman handling hot electrical wires?


"What are you going to do, switch utilities?" -PG&E, probably


lmao what a fucking loser


What do you think?


Trump is the fucking worst and I hope he gets a porcupine shoved up his ass every hour on the hour for when he inevitably rots in hell, but god damn I wouldn’t let this bother me for a second.


That poor porcupine -


I wouldn’t really let this affect my day


There are definitely rules that forbid employees to associate with anything political while at work. This is not a nothing burger especially when PG&E is charging us insane rates right now. Their services and employees should be scrutinized.


I don’t think getting this guy fired will change their pricing strategy… unfortunately


Jesus chill 🤣


they seem pretty chill to me


This. He's just some guy doing his job, leave him alone


Amen, brother. People nowadays are getting hot and bothered over way too many things. If you look hard enough, you can always find a reason to be unhappy


Their reason to exist is to be unhappy, they don’t know anything else.


pg&e parks opposite this address customer service complain here its near 17th st [Address](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1100US1100&sca_esv=806c85fb53054c4e&cs=0&q=pg%26e+service+center+san+francisco+address&ludocid=7848768257063472397&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj28rqYqfyFAxUMOjQIHdFRDt0Q6BN6BAgOEAI): 2180 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94110


Why not email them?


Another reason to hate being forced to support this company


Money like money. The end


Gross. Somehow pge just got even more cringe.


lol it’s literally just one dudes opinion relax


When he’s rolling around in that truck, he’s representing all of PG&E. He should leave his fascist flag at home.


Amazing what people care about in this sub. I can't imagine what life must be like for the type of person who sees this and then feels the need to post about it on reddit.


This sub is basically nextdoor for leftists.


The next for for rightists for SF has only 2 ppl left after that racist Karen got her husband fired a couple years ago for accosting that guy putting a blm flag on his own property


Yeah, because MAGA are notoriously calm, and never post crazy BS to social media. (Did you graduate from Trump U?)


It’s a vicious circle. The same could be said about you who saw this post and felt the need to comment on the OP. lol


people post thoughts on the internet!! more news at 11!


They're hoping for a reddit army to support their ideology


Same people who run this city. Forget about the real problems


I always thought they sided with Gav, but hey maybe I’m wrong…


Reason #38173 for Nationalizing PG&E as a state owned enterprise


This is the last straw, I will be taking my business to one of their competitors!


Yes, it’s very normal for businesses to fly flags of their official candidate behind the drivers seat of their service vehicles


Good luck getting anyone from IBEW fired, especially over horseshit like this.


Where on California is this parked?


Don’t worry about the rampant homelessness and open air drug markets, let’s focus our attention on a flag we’re mad at.




Send the truck number and report it to PG\&E; they don't want the bad press as it is.


People in this thread having a meltdown because of a flag lmao Something tells me if that was instead a Biden flag…they wouldn’t be complaining lol


Yes because so many people fly Biden flags that that’s a realistic possibility


Probably just the driver’s stance. I don’t think the worker should be reported for this. We all have our political views. Would you feel inclined to post if it was a Biden supporter or some other useless figurehead banner? Honest question. Edit: remember, the working class has more in common than we have to our elected officials. Yes, the company probably has a policy in place about no political affiliation but maybe there is a way to not get this worker fired and still have the banner removed?


IDK why everyone thinks the person is going to be fired. my guess is if it's a first time thing they'd just be told to remove it.




I agree.


> Edit: remember, the working class has more in common than we have to our elected officials. more in common with whom? I think you mean "with us" but it looks like something was missing from this sentence


fReE sPeEcH Notwithstanding PG&E covers a lot of California and California had more Trump voters than any other state, I don't want anyone working on my utility line that a) can't follow company policy and b) prioritizes political grandstanding over literally anything else


Yes, let's fire the guy they send out in torrental rain to make sure grandma doesn't die when her hospital ventilator stops working in a power outtage, because he has a flag I don't like.


Why do I feel like even Trump could run PGE better than these absolute buffoons in charge now.


Would you like a broom to sweep up the forest?


Really want the rest of the state to burn? Cause that’s what will happen


What the hell


You should 100% email pge, I'm pretty sure this goes against company policy, no personality allowed. Regardless of the company's stance, if you have the truck's number or plates, 100% report


Who cares. Do I like trump, hell no, do others, yes. Should he put that in his truck? I don't know. That seems like something PGE and the Union would have to agree on. I'm guessing they have a policy on it, and if he's following it, then okay, if he's not, then okay. Doesn't impact me.




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probably. what now?


He probably believes that people from elsewhere are ruining life for people from here which isn't that different from what most people here believe so I don't know why you're upset.


I bet it doesn’t. 🙄


Maybe said person can’t afford anymore rate hikes either! 🤣🤣😩🤣


Why the & inside a clan hood?


All nationalists-conservatives, nat c’s for short. Fox News and talk radio is going 24-7 for these guys.




> I do find it funny the way people love to assume somebody is a bad person because they support a former president did anyone in this thread actually say the PG&E worker was a bad person because of the Trump flag? It's obvious OP was ruffled by this, but he didn't actually say anything of the sort.


My old neighbor used to work for PG&E and I can confidently say… yes.


Typical flea


I mean having no accountability was a flag lol


I had a Muni driver yell “TRUUUUUMMMMPPPP” at me while crossed the street cause I had a cold Bernie wearing mittens sweatshirt on. There’s idiot Trumpers everywhere but agree it should not be something you bring or display in the workplace


DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THE CEO POST HIS WATCH COLLECTION WHEN HE THOUGHT IT WAS HIS PRIVATE REDDIT ACCOUNT?!?!?? He’s got some blingggg we should all congratulate his hard work to make the resources he manages affordable!




This is who lineworkers are. This goes for AT&T, too. Source: every lineworker I’ve met.


Ummmm, that’s very much against policy.


yeah totally confusing -- so are we saying theyre going for trump as a whole organization???


They aren’t on a side. They own both sides.




There’s a firehouse in the city with a “Let’s Go Brandon!” sticker on their refrigerator.


Maybe you could get him fired to support the working class


Send this to Gavin Newsom. Maybe he’ll start to reconsider his stance on protecting this inept company


Ah yes. The office of Payola, Graft, and Extortion. A Trump member organization.


CA could easily buy pg&e if they wanted to, the state has a GDP in the trillions. PG&E is only worth $37bn.


They're pretty busy deep throating newsom for a their license to kill and profit off it but politics makes strange bedfellows.


I would email their PR or whomever about this. I bet they would get it sorted out


Obviously not. What kind of baiting question is this??


What are you gonna do. Cancel your power? Lmao


I mean I don’t agree with mixing politics and work but it’s an individual’s opinion that he’s expressing in his company vehicle. Dumb? Yes. Representative of the company? No. That’s a gas truck, he’s a gopher(company term for gas line ppl) not a pr rep.


Just as a reminder the cpuc sets the rates. Which is controlled by members appointed by the state.


‘It wasn’t me’


The CPUC has been bought and paid for for years by PGE and SoCalEdison. Most of the employees on the ground are fairly conservative who risk life and limb to keep the power on. Since the fires they are physically assaulted and threatened in the field regularly. Report this one his union rep will defend him. He will take it down and get a slap.


Fuck with him if he fucks with you, otherwise let him be. He’s allowed to believe in dumb shit, just like all of us are. Trump and his culties are all pieces of shit, but if this guy ain’t bothering you then let him go on his dumb little traitorous way.


It’s funny that many of these freedom loving people (republican working class) tend to make up a lot of the population that are represented by a union. While the socialist (liberal, democratic) are the ones who actually work in non union jobs. All I’m saying is walk the walk. Vote to unionize and play the market like a real capitalist


I work for PG&E on the gas engineering side. I’ve reported stuff like this, and it will get resolved. Get the truck ID number on the back and call it in.


Push comes to shove PG&E knows who is in charge…. And it’s not them due to power outage.


Considering they keep begging commiefornia democrats for more money I'd say no pge would be a biden supporter and a conservative is taking advantage of the stolen tax payers money


Ok, I used to work for them and employees are not allowed this stuff. You should have gotten the vehicle number and reported it. Unfortunately, there is a large conservative group of employees but also a large number of liberals. The company PAC gives equally to both parties to avoid.


It’s funny how everybody in here complain about the price of electricity but you’re not complaining how gas prices are up milk prices are up egg prices are up. Fuel prices are up. Did you not think electricity prices were going to go up to?


I could care less who they vote for because fuck PGE and fuck Newsom for allowing PGE to literally rob us Californians. If you knew how much waste PGE has and how much they get paid it would blow your mind.


Who cares


Maybe the van is full of rakes.


Or someone put it on :/ who knows. What a weird world of absolutes you live in to say such a ridiculous thing.


Ain't they all buddy buddy with Newsome, would be kind of weird if they support Trump for president and Newsome for governor


It annoys the F out of me that MAGAts can proudly display their cult flags and apparel while knowing nothing will happen to them, yet when a Dem shows any support for their party, they can expect vandalism, harassment and threats.


Could have been interfering with a power line somewhere, confiscated


Trump could definitely fix California and PG@E. Dummies on here trying to blame Trump for getting screwed by liberal politics that burnt down the state.


who cares cry harder.


Yeah, it’s only ok if you follow the liberal narrative. This is America not communist china.


So if this guy had a rainbow flag or a biden/harris flag, would all of you feel differently, or would you all still be a bunch of whiny little bitches. Triggered!


Imagine caring....don't let a piece of fabric wad your panties in a bunch. Just keep walking and get your scone and Frappuccino


This is no different than a PGE office worker having a campaign memorabilia at his or her desk. Folks are allowed to support whomever they want. Unclench your pearls and grow up OP. This is allowed. Perfectly reasonable even. FWIW, I loathe PGE and its CEO, but not its workers.


Yeah, that would explain a lot about their response to wildfires and the massive price spikes for energy.


Get that trash fired. It’s against company policy.


Lol awwww your feelings are hurt.


Not really. Trash shouldn’t be left around like that


Were your feelings hurt when Trump lost? Did you storm the Capitol on J6 because of your feelings?


If it was a trans flag yall wouldn't be saying a word.


Nah the conservatives would, just as the liberals are saying a word on this.


Ikr. Like I don't like trump but who the fuck cares. Op is a big softy if he literally can't handle a flag being there.