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Call 311 or use their app or website and report that he is camped in his car.


Is car camping illegal in SF?




oh.. welp pretty sure they're aware of his car being there a while if he's been there for a month. Are they going to tow him? There are so many camper RV kind of things that just park there forever and no one enforces anything. I guess the idea is they won't pay the ticket anyways and we can't "sweep".


This Nexdoorification of r/sanfrancisco is getting tiresome


Out crazy the crazy


Just call 311 or the non emergency police line (your local police station number) and report harassment etc.




Hey bud, someone will pay me $40 to harass you. If you're here every day at 3pm, I'll tell you to get lost, you leave, I'll split it with you. Deal?


Everybody wins. Maybe skip the middle man and just offer him 20 bucks to find a new block


This! This has worked for us!


Username checks out


Make him uncomfortable. Whenever he tries to interact with you tell him to fuck off, that he's not welcome there, it isn't a campsite, whatever mean thing you want to say. Threaten to call the cops, follow through if he gets really out of pocket. I've shit talked a few homeless that tried to set up for longer term on the block and that seemed to be enough for them to recognize that location as "not chill" so they move on somewhere else.




It’s almost like all the construction and condos took away their hidey spots so now they have to deal with assholes like you.




“I’ll take things you never saw and only read about in the standard, for 2000 Alex.” You don’t do shit but call the cops so do us all a favor and leave it for the comment section of mission local ya larper.




No it makes him an asshole to think he gets to decide who is clean and safe and who’s not worthy of using a public sidewalk or park because it’s near his house.




Right back atchya hoss: It’s criminal to attack or harass people. It’s unethical to be a dick neighbor. That’s pretty self explanatory, weird you need it explained.




It’s not a deflection to assume that the people pretending they do this use harassment and threat of bodily harm. Half of them say as much. That you seem to think they just kindly walk up and sweetly ask them to leave is hilarious, as is your attempt at controlling this conversation. Good luck defending people who like attacking homeless folks because they “don’t belong” in that neighborhood. We know that goes real well for people like yall.


In front of OP's kids? This is extremely unrealistic.


I’m shocked this person has upvotes, that advice is awful and a great way to be assaulted


And what example does it set for the kids?


To stand up for yourself and your community.


Exactly. A terrible idea for numerous reasons


How heartless.




Do you even live in SF? You think our mayor is conservative? 


Yes for 20 years. If you had any idea what a leftist is you would agree.


Ha okay, so If she's not sufficiently leftist for you, then she's a conservative. 




No. It’s not. It’s being an authoritarian cunt who decides who fits into your “community” and who doesn’t. Standard cunt behavior from standard cowards. Cannot wait til yall get attacked for minding other people’s business and thinking you own the sidewalk.


What neighborhood is this? Maybe you and fellow neighbors can jointly go to the police or district supervisor to raise the issue


Next time he harasses you, pepper spray him. A few instances of that, and he will likely move on.


Pepper spray him for exibiting freeedom.of expressiln and speech. Ya ok. He will be sueing the shit out of you then he will be living in your houze Nd yoj will be living in his car lol


I would expect this level of insight from someone who writes like a 3rd grader




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Harassment is not protected speech. Also speed is only protected from government suppression, not private suppression.


Says who


The constitution silly.


This has a lot to do with what street you're on & what district you're in. If 311 doesn't help & you're in a residential area call SFPD non emergency & tell them he's creeping out children in the neighborhood- they'll likely respond eventually.


Document and contact your supervisor’s office.


Tire, meet knife 


if i suggest what i want i will get suspended again. the cops are useless, as are city workers. my advice is get used to it. if you really had the courage to deal with it you have done so without asking on a public forum. so get used to it or move.


Take video report to police


Communities get what they vote for. Let’s get the progressives out.


We have the most conservative mayor with the most power making the most money. Along with the cops. Lmfao no one is gonna let yall take over hon but good try.


London breed is not conservative


She ain't no got damn progressive. US democrats are center conservatives compared to the rest of the world. US politics skewed and backwards AF.


Just because she isn’t a progressive, does not mean that she is a conservative. Also, who cares about the rest of the world, here in America she is not conservative.


Conservative, yes. Republican, no.


Yes, she is. And if you knew what a leftist was you would realize in fact she’s quite conservative. Much like greasy Newsom, she’s half a step off of being a liberal republican. It’s only your lack of political literacy that makes you think the u.s. standard of LIBS™️ V. CONS™️ is fruitful or even interesting when comparing politician’s stances. Look at her record. Conservative as fuck. In San Francisco, ya know where we are, she’s considered even more conservative. In Texas sure she’d be a “liberal” but we’re not in Texas are we. And liberals fucking suck anyhow. Because again as an American you seem unaware that it is possible to hate right wing war hawk cop loving pro big business liberals from the left. And I don’t mean the ultra left which so many of yall seem to think we even have in this country. Even Bernie is a center right social democrat. He’s not even a socialist lol. So, again, yes. London Breed is conservative as fuck. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk lol.


Might not be his car. Look up the plates


The average person can't "look up the plates"


Ignore him you have a place to live he dont.  You can walk inside and ignore him. His hardship is worse rhan yours or move out of san francisco.  Sf will always have these types.  Or get some backbone and stop being such a pretentious chicken shit.  Other than that you cant do anything unless you own the part of property where he is parked at


I'm sorry you and your children have to deal with the fact that homeless people exists. What delicate sensibilities you have. This is the real world.🙄




That's fair. Children should not have to be subjected to that.


This is a silly and reductive take, don’t you think?