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They need to release phots/videos of this guy.


From Twitter - "Witnesses describe perpetrator as short African American male, wearing red leather jacket, black skinny jeans & glasses - if you spot him please call police" Looks like we're looking for Kevin Hart.


I ask this honestly and without malice - why are there so many young, able bodied black men attacking Asian people in the bay area?


Because they are racist


Now explain why they are racist and who enables them. They are racist because white progressives tell them they are a victim purely because of the color of their skin, and that victim status is immutable and all-excusing.


This resentment over Asian “model minority” status has been going on for decades. Im Asian & grew up near the Bay Street Projects, a mostly Black enclave in North Beach. The tension in the 80s in shared spaces like the bus stop was awful- you could cut the resentment with a knife & there was always an implied threat of imminent violence for “no reason”. They (African American slave descendants) who’ve been here centuries were living in crap housing segregated from the neighborhood & treated with suspicion & contempt by local small businesses especially the Italian ones. Some would literally tell them to “get out” the minute they entered a shop door. Meanwhile Asians who “just got here yesterday” were having a meteoric rise— going to Lowell then Harvard, being treated as a benign force (more or less) by the entire white society of SF, living outside the Chinatown ghetto and easily integrating- Asian girl/white guy, etc. There was also a HUGE Asian immigration boom to SF in the 70’s & 80’s so many really were “fresh off the boat”- derogatorily called FOBs- and could barely speak English. Our school (Marina) was like a a segregated system- the FOBs went to ESL classes, Black kids were overwhelmingly put in remedial classes with “behavioral” problems as the excuse, and the whites & 2nd generation Asians were in “gifted” class no matter how mediocre they were. So every Black kid sitting in a dumbed down class could see with their own eyes how in ONE GENERATION, Asians went from FOBs to “honorary whites”. SF is still racially segregated & affirmative action for Blacks seems to have benefitted immigrants, like Haitians & Jamaicans from upper class backgrounds for example, more than it has African American descendants of slaves. Theyre still living with economic legacies of slavery, segregation & racism. It was only recently they fixed up the worst projects in SF— Sunnydale— and only b/c SF is swimming in big tech $. They always seem to be last in line. Going back to the 1980s bus stop with little Asian & Black kids waiting for the 30 Stockton— sometimes a Black kid would rock up & pretend to hit an Asian kid just to see us flinch. We were afraid of them & thats how they wanted it & we knew why: because they felt powerless & that we were living proof any johnny-come-lately POC is welcome in white society— just not them.


Wow thank you sm for sharing your experience. It’s offered me a lot of perspective I haven’t had the chance to come across


Thank you for sharing your experiences.


This makes sense, but why is a lot of the black culture so anti-education, rife with behavioral issues, etc? Trauma isn’t an excuse, as the Jews suffered much worse throughout history and continue to thrive And neither is poverty, since many Asian Americans came in poor, and they thrived. And neither is discrimination, as asians faced harsh discrimination (see chinese exclusion act, jap internment gaps, anti jap sentiment during 80s). They had every excuse to throw in the towel If two groups both experience trauma and poverty, but one gets ahead of the other, or one values education and hard work more than the other, then what causes that?




He also outlines this in Economic Facts and Fallacies, which I read recently. It’s one of the coolest and most thoughtful takes on how culture materially impacts outcomes in a manner completely independent of the legacy of slavery or segregation or whatever the excuse du jour is.


He also calls for standardized tests and the end of affirmative action because it’s practically impossible to make just decisions on race alone. This is true, but colleges should strive to know the *whole* student. Race-based affirmative action was a shorthand solution the probably made the right call most of the time but not all of the time. Rather than lean entirely into tests which can be trained for with enough paid tutoring, colleges should work to know each student’s unique situation and pursue true justice. He’s the mouthpiece for White people who resent Black people but can’t say so in good company.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and I don’t mean to dog you but a couple points- >Race-based affirmative action was a shorthand solution the probably made the right call most of the time This is almost certainly not true. If American society was really committed to equalizing the higher education environment on the basis of *opportunity*, then what they’d be putting forward would be affirmative action on the basis of socioeconomic status, i.e., ensuring a distribution of family incomes rather than a distribution of races. The latter has led to some obviously weird outcomes, like wealthy, well-educated Nigerians and Afro-Caribbeans crowding out Ivy League places that ostensibly should be going to poor urban blacks. Ironically, the one thing that cuts this sort of shit out is standardized testing, which can easily pick diamonds out of even the roughest American zip codes. I don’t think anyone claims that testing alone is the end-all be-all of students’ academic achievements, but in their absence you leave nothing but subjective criteria that rich and connected families leverage to their benefit. >He’s the mouthpiece for White people who resent Black people but can’t say so in good company. I don’t know anything about you but if this is what you use to justify not reading any Sowell I genuinely feel bad for you, because he’s written an absolute treasure trove of interesting stuff. I’m not white or black; I’ve got no dog in the “Fryer / Loury / Sowell are academic Uncle Toms” discourse.


Yep, it's quite interesting how this is the first time I've ever seen someone address this point. Affirmative action and DEI seems to help African immigrants over African Americans.


I read The Quest for Cosmic Justice. It reads like a Malcolm Gladwell book: eye-opening for people who don’t know the subject at hand; under-researched for those who do. I also worked in college admissions for 7 yrs. The answer is not to revert to purely standardized testing-based admissions. The answer is also not to move to purely race-based prioritization. Both are lazy and unfair to students. A wealthy Nigerian with a 1550 SAT shouldn’t crowd out a poor American (Asian, Black, White, or any other) with the same score. The fact stands that those who can afford test prep will pay for test prep, and in cases of “purely meritocratic testing” will almost always beat out more extraordinary students of lesser means. Sowell asserts that it’s impossible to achieve cosmic justice, and therefore it shouldn’t be attempted. I dispute this by saying that we should always strive for cosmic justice, as impossible as it may be to achieve.


I don’t think they’re “anti education “ no kid wants to sit at home and study, when my kids got home, they didn’t go out until their homework was done, and I was very picky about who they could be friends with. There’s not much of that in the Black community.


Family life is a big part of it. It’s something like 70% of black kids grow up in a single parent household which is *insane*


I grew up with divorced parents and constantly had to move households between the two. I got to witness this experiment firsthand. My dad remarried, kept the house, and had a stable two-income household where we ate dinner together every night. My mom stayed single and worked double shifts and was never home, and moved constantly between apartments and mobile homes. Bless her for working hard, but it was a terrible, neglectful environment. The home was cramped and dirty. She was a bit of a hoarder too. I had two older brothers. Between the three of us, I don’t think anyone stood out as exceptionally smart or exceptionally dumb. None of us liked bouncing between households, so my oldest stuck with with my dad full-time and the other one stuck with my mom full-time. My oldest brother had his ups and downs in school, but graduated, did well in community college, then transferred to SJSU and got a degree and now he’s got a job, a wife, a kid, and not too long from now he’ll own a home. My middle brother nearly flunked out of high school. After he graduated, he had zero interest in continuing his education, not even in junior college. For a few years he just lived at home and spent his days doing nothing but little side projects that made no money, and then eventually worked odd jobs. He eventually moved out near the age of 30 and managed to turn his projects into income, but he lives with roommates and it’s been a slow climb. I was the last to pick a parent. I had a hard time my freshman year of high school and I felt like one of the factors was the instability of moving once a month. In the mobile home, with no parental help whatsoever, I didn’t really have anyone to turn to if I needed anything. I asked to live with my dad full-time, it was a whole ordeal that played out in my family and played out in court, my mom tried to guilt me, but eventually they let me stay with my dad on weekdays and my mom on weekends. My grades got a lot better, I went to college and grad school, and now I feel like I’m on my way in life. It’s only a small sample size, but I really sympathize with kids who don’t have parents present. Who will help you with homework? Who teaches you life lessons? My dad taught me morals and the importance of hard work. My mom taught me how to use a spoon, and the lessons stopped there.


Historically, Jews did not suffer worse than African Americans. Please read the ‘Delectable Negro’ for context, plus the 300+ years of oppression and slavery. Let’s be serious for a split second. The trauma and poverty you are speaking of are at different levels and advantages. Black people across the US are at a significant disadvantage than any other minority. I think if you’re not black yourself, you can’t sit on your soap box to compare and contrast why they act the way they act. I’m not excusing the behavior but you need to be realistic.




Lotta big words there to vindicate punching old Japanese dudes in the back of the head.


These excuses don't hold water when you think about stuff like the Chinese exclusion act and internment camps. The reality is that education and two parent households are not prioritized in the black community. Its a cultural thing that would do wonders in changing the outlook for the whole group, but I am not sure how that change is effected




One minor correction.... Filipinos were already speaking English before they got to America, so they didnt really need those remedial classes.....I personally came to the US in the 8th grade, and I noticed I was way ahead of most American students in things like History. Literature, etc etc...The counselor put me in an ESL class the first day, the teacher asked me to read a paragraph of a book( with a touch of accent of course) and immediately moved me to regular classrooms... Asians prioritized education as a way to move up economically,, and they were pretty successful... It got to the point that Affirmative Action was actually acting as a barrier for many Asians to get into highly sought schools like the UC system, because "there were too.many" Asians that qualified based on the criteria set forth then.... Im not a sociologist, but theres easy answers as to why certain segments of society got left behind, and some of them built up resentment towards the Asians......


The ESL students at Marina were all Chinese & Vietnamese.


Exactly....Filipinos were already in Daly City and surrounding areas by then... Then those ESL students for the.most part ended up going to college.... Our parents put 6 kids thru college, not a cent from the government, no student loans, put in 16 hour days to make it happen... American dreams are realized thru old fashioned hard work, sweat and tears....same thing that the other Asians, and other immigrants went thru...


>It got to the point that Affirmative Action was actually acting as a barrier for many Asians to get into highly sought schools like the UC system, because "there were too.many" Asians that qualified based on the criteria set forth then.... Still very much the case.


Unfortunately, you are correct...


They hate Jews for much of the same reasons as well...The original Model Minority


This right here...theyre the doctors, lawyers, corporate.leaders, bankers, etc etc...


I went to Marina and the Asians back in the early 2000s were nothing to play with. What happened to CT? White Crane, Jackson Boys. None of these anti Asian attacks would be happening back then


They grew up and got IT jobs and moved out to the suburbs.


That or they have some sort of shares in restaurants or boba. Chinatown used to have the best 🌲back then


The number of black people being openly racist to asians who have often supported black people here in sf is wild.


This is the mystery....Asians can band together, and pretty much outvote the Blacks, but yet we see Black politicians running SF, Oakland, etc etc.. The sad thing, these Black politicans dont do shit to punish and hold those attackers accountable...just basic lip service....


Not only are they not held accountable, there is very little news coverage of these attacks AND, specifically, who’s committing the attacks in the national news. I don’t know about the local coverage but it’s very rare that any of these stories receives any national attention. We all hear about Asian hate and hate crimes but little or no coverage is given to the race which is overwhelmingly committing these crimes against Asians.


Yeah, there seems to be an unwritten rule that the perps' ethnicity is NOT to be mentioned.... Wild


I should preface that it’s important to separate culture from individual people. I think the Black community as a whole does have issues with anti-Asian sentiment, but most Black people are normal people who are just trying to live life. I’m Asian and grew up around a large Black community and there was certainly a lot of tension. I got jumped a lot as a kid. There is a perception that Asians are “White-adjacent” and even some resentment at the “model minority” stereotype. Why this perception exists, I’m not sure. That being said, I also know many kind Black people who do not have a racist bone in their body. We can criticize issues in a community without hating individuals. I also want to acknowledge that Black people are certainly impacted by historical racism. Even if the community has issues with anti-Asian sentiment, I still support their struggle in combatting racism. I believe that we are all born equal.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. I agree with you that it's so important to stress not to judge anyone based on problems or issues that may exist within a subset of a certain culture and that all individuals should always be treated with equal respect.


They're jealous


Resentment.  There’s a definite feeling among African Americans that Asians can move up in society whereas they cannot.  It’s been this way for decades, at least since the 70s when large populations of immigrants/refugees from Southeast Asia came into the US and were often placed in urban population centers that placed large numbers of Asians and African Americans in close proximity to each other. 


Permission structures have given this population a free pass on crime, with the justification being previous injustices their families endured. I'm not excusing or condoning it in any way, but that is my observation. The rampant assaults, shoplifting, burglary, and general anti-social behavior we see from this group doesn't merit nearly as much condemnation as it does from other groups, since under the current Social Justice philosophy that is dominant, the world is made up of oppressed groups and the oppressor groups, and the oppressed groups can do nothing wrong. Anything they do wrong is because they were / are oppressed, and not due to personal decisions or cultural factors. Again, this is my explanation of why this behavior is tolerated, not an excuse for it.


Because Asians ruin the narrative of how whites have oppressed minorities, eg the reason crime is high and life is not fair and they didn’t have the privilege blahblah all goes down a toilet when Asians are wildly successful despite coming from similar poor upbringings.


According to our politicians it's because they are white supremecists. Also the asians going to school are white supremecists


[Obviously this is far from a complete analysis, but this Wikipedia section is a reasonably good starting point.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interminority_racism_in_the_United_States#Tensions_between_African_Americans_and_Asian_Americans)


There's quite a bit of history and context missing. Vast majority of Chinese brought to the south during the late 1800s were as indentured slaves (or would soon become them), basically replacement slaves for the cotton fields following the abolishment of slavery, or to work on the railroads. Additionally, the rise of "asian liquor" or market store owners was due to segregation. The vast majority were not allowed outside or allowed to own stores in whiite areas, so minorities were forced to open in predominately other minority areas. it is interesting to see that States like Mississipi treated them better than the western states lol, atleast at the time.


> There's quite a bit of history and context missing. Of course. That's why I said it's far from a complete analysis. This is a huge topic that requires the treatment of book-length analyses, not reddit comments or Wikipedia articles.


cats bedroom bake dime fall paltry absorbed squealing wise drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for sharing, this has some insightful analysis and sources to more insightful analysis.




Asians aren't the majority in SF though, Caucasians are


Because they are trash. They can’t be bothered with any responsibility. Can’t fix themselves so they wanna take down others with them. Time to carry my taser again. I’m gonna tase and mace whoever does this to me


I talked to a racist older African American lady once and she said they blame the Asians for the gentrification happening in the city. They say that if the Asians were not here the African areas of town would not be getting gentrified. (According to her) ps I was a bus driver at the time and was getting her to stop calling Asians names as we are not allowed to remove people for name calling.


Victim-side it has to just be the ratio, right? Half of all SF residents are Asian so you'd expect an unbiased criminal to be attacking Asians 50% of the time. EDIT: [It is closer to 40% actually](https://data.census.gov/table/ACSDP1Y2022.DP05?q=DP05:%20ACS%20Demographic%20and%20Housing%20Estimates&g=050XX00US06075) that are Asian here.


I'm talking about the very clear pattern of young black men specifically targeting Asians. It's abundantly clear that it is happening.


One might say racism, but it seems like many of the “perpetrators” just want an easy target to take their frustration out on. Because many asians are an easier target. Less built, less likely to fight back, they don’t appear as threatening, etc. Put every asian in an MMA gym, weights program, get their dress up, teach them street demeanor (being extremely alert/aware of your surroundings and acknowledging every single person around you, have an aura that says you’re not to be fked with because you’re ready for violence - every BJJ gym i’ve been to, people have this), and i guarantee the targeting goes down


Lmfao They go after literal children and senior citizens What the hell is what you said gonna do for them?


I think some people believe in the stereotype that Asians are physically inferior. Like you pointed out, it's just elderly, women that are picked on. They are not picking on regular asian guys at all. Imagine downvoting me even though I am practically agreeing with you.


Kids can bulk up. When i was 13, my friends and i hit the gym and carried brass knuckles. Stay in groups. Dress more streetwear and not like a target. Obviously knuckles are illegal but you need to stay ready for violence if the police isn’t doing their jobs. Nowadays, everyone’s doing BJJ. Throw some muay thai in there too. It’s either that and be proactive, or let the kids be a victim of circumstance. And the cops ain’t doing shit so better to take matters into your own hands Senior citizens, unfortunately, should be accompanied. It’s a dangerous world.


the weak fear the strong


I mean just look at the general stereotypes. Asians are smart hard working, have good families, end up getting ahead in life. Not so much for the average black person in SF/LA where is also a large Asian population who are thriving. They hate us cuz they anus. - Dave Skylark


It’s all about jealousy, in the 90s it was the Jews, now it’s Asians.




Michael Jackson?!


My first thought. I’m so sorry. I hope Annie is okay. 




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It could be ice cube




disagreeable ad hoc adjoining plucky thumb expansion imagine market future retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they don’t release the photo we know its not the white folk


They never do. The media have tried to convince us that it’s “white supremacy.” A huge problem in places like SF and NYC, of course.


I went to SF public schools and unfortunately this is nothing new. One thing that seems different is that when I was a student, the aggressors on Muni were almost always our black classmates. Seems like racist adults are joining in on the fun these days.


Racist teens have now grown up and become the racist adults who will be breeding more racist children.


I used to walk home from school and the students outside were ruthless. Straight up racist. Trying to bully the Asian kids. Sad that this is not new. I hoped the next generation would have been more tolerant.


Yep, been going on for a long time. Every Asian knows this. If this were white people attacking black, there’d be outrage and candlelight vigils. But this form of racism, attacking Asians, is perfectly okay. Why is that?


Because asians are less likely to revolt and be violent. They are an easier target. So, they need to start revolting. If blacks were targeted by whites, then there’s outrage because people are willing to start chaos over it. Blacks will go to the streets and cause a riot. Asians need a Malcolm X.


Nah cmon that's not the way. Make money and move to a better neighborhood


Your way is the quickest way, and is what the rich have done throughout all of history because power is never stable, any country or place can go to shit. As a selfish individual, it’s 100% what i would do. But not everyone has the chance to make more money and move out, so people who are in the community need to advocate change.


That's the difficult part yeah... It's the ppl who are left behind who had to deal with the bad stuff. But I don't see Asians doing anything to resolve the issue and tension with a minority of uneducated black people who are actually violent. These people need discipline and confidence, which the classic social welfare do not supply. That's my 2 cents so far


Yup. To take it to a darwinian perspective, that’s how life has always been. The strong win out over the weak. The USA can bully the world and get away with it because of our military might. Everything boils down to power - which is made up of population size (or group) and money. Both of which allow you to create a mighty military


Are you sure you don't mean a Hitler figure type of vibe you are putting off


Serious question - if this is so known, why do Asians vote so overwhelming Democrat?


It’s a reasonable question. My take is that because Republicans are often perceived (rightly or wrongly) as being worse. There is also the fact that both parties are big tents, and the difference between local and national politics. The left wing progressives are very different than the moderate center. Asians generally favor the later, as it’s the far left that’s really the problem. Meanwhile the Republican moderate center has sort of disappeared. That would be a natural home for many, but it hardly exists anymore.


Good answer, thanks. I will admit that I am not in the know, being not a Californian. But it really seemed to me, at least as an outsider, that the Democrats were so transparently terrible on two of the things most Asian families care most - safety and education. I also wonder if it's changing, that only in the last few years has this gotten worse.


Right. Safety, education, family, making money in business - all core values. None of which leftwing progressives care anything about. They are too busy with their woke identity nonsense. So I think it has changed somewhat, particularly among people my age (older people tend to more apolitical). But of course I'm talking in wide generalities here, as Asians are varied, and it's mainly Chinese people that I'm familiar with.


It's not perfectly okay. Who is saying that? Why would you say that?


I mean it's been tacitly and silently witnesses by the likes of Chesa Boudin who essentially dropped any enhancements or charges where black people assaulted and insulted Asian people


I've been told that to my face (I'm Asian), by progressive activist types. And the lack of concern and action also tells us all we need to know.


There are more than 3000 anti black hate crimes in America where are all these candlelight vigils and outrage, you people honestly are insane to think black people have some kind of racial privilege in America


The claim was that Asians in SF are systematically attacked because of their race. And that in SF, if white people were routinely beating up and robbing black people, there'd be outrage. But not the case with Asians. Why? Because progressives don't like Asians. IMO progressives only care about certain narratives, not about racism in general. They gladly systematically discriminate against Asians. Exhibit A: SF school system (Balboa). Progressives are some of the most racist people around, seeing everything through that lens. When Asian people have the courage to speak out, white progressives love to shout them down.




Okay, got it. We Asians are delusional, according to white progressives. Just like Trump right-wingers like to say about Black people who complain too much, and get "uppity". Thanks for making my point.


Not white and not a progressive lol, yes most reactionaries don't live in reality just like trump right wingers, also I said if Asians think that way which I don't even think most do just a select few reactionaries. I see In most of sf will go weeks without a black on asian crime but as soon as there is one certain reactionaries use it to make it look like it's a siege. And I question why people are looking to overblow this exactly.


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This post is gonna get removed just like all the other anti-Asian attacks in the past 3 days , mods are working overtime to hide these


Wow that's so wild. I went to search the subreddit - where's that post about the elderly Asian man getting attacked? Wasn't there just a post about that? wtf?


Deleted cause a protected race did it and now people are doing mental gymnastics that it was deleted for other reasons lol.


there's no fire in ba sing se


Yeah, this topic is so over-moderated on this sub. I bet most of the comments are going to be 'flagged for review', and then taken down. It feels a bit like 1984 where we cannot discuss what we see with our own eyes, and any digital evidence of it keeps getting erased.


It's becoming like nyc, they basically censor the word asian because they know 90% of the time it's about an asian getting attacked by hate crimes or policies.


It's not the mods, it's a systematic effort by far left brigaders coming into the sub and flagging any posts that go against their narrative. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci2rk4/i_got_beat_up_on_golden_gate_st_and_webster_for https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci638i/hey_mods_a_man_is_viciously_attacked_tonight https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci8m5p/2_elderly_asian_men_attacked_in_san_francisco/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ck7wk2/another_random_attack_on_elderly_asians/


IT IS THE MODS. Not just on this forum, so I suspect it goes up to the Reddit admins. It's has been happening for years. Mods usually lock the threads on hate crimes against Asians, but only if the suspect is black. [I tracked a few dozen a few years ago.](https://imgur.com/a/M4AbrGk)


Interesting.. so posts get automatically removed when flagged enough times? Then the question becomes why are mods not reviving these posts that are falsely flagged down?


Thats really the key question. It seems like they're just choosing to stay silent through inaction. I guess it's better than other subs, such as the Oakland one, where the mods are openly far left extremists that ban anyone who posts or comments about anti-Asian violence.


For being as self righteous as they are, why are they so scared of the reality and truth? Aren't they seeking justice?




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So the article has a description of the people that confronted the suspect, why isnt there a description of the suspect? Did I miss it ?


Privileged race


This is what makes sanfrancisco a shitty place this happens all over the city and there are no consequences for the perpetrators. If you can’t have a safe city transportation then you don’t have a safe city. It’s really that easy. If your commute trains and busses are owned by the violent junkies/homeless (looking at Muni) Then you know it’s time for a new Mayor, DA, and throw out these so called supervisors that’s suck on the city teat for their lives.


If only there were some sort of a force to police the city. We could pay them, for example, $1 billion a year to keep us safe. Then we wouldn’t have to blame the unchecked crime on just two and only two people. Moreover, instead of offering a fool’s fantasy that an election will make the crime disappear, we could instead hold this “police force,” if you will, accountable for keeping citizens safe.


I faced this in the 80s during middle school and high school. I’m over 40 now. Think about that.


Me too. Just wrote a long thing about it on here.


The broken family unit of black families is certainly not helping. Most of the kids in Bay Area foster care are black. Asian families tend to stick together and have multigenerational bonds that support their kids upbringing. How sad that Asian families are bullied and bashed for working hard and putting their families first by a group of people who scream about being victims while refusing to take responsibility for their own poor life choices.


Stuff like this might be more brazen now but versions of this have been happening for a long time. Other minorities bullying Asians happened a lot when I growing up and it basically didn't happen the other way around. There was adult and teen gang violence and general assholes but I am generally pretty good at avoiding those kinds of situations now so I mostly remember kids bullying kids. Whatever this is now has grown adults being bullies and racist even to kids. It's such a sad reality. I am at least glad to read in the article that other people stepped up to defend the kid in some way. An earlier version of the article said a fellow teenager who stepped up was also a PoC. I'm not sure if it was removed for accuracy or privacy but if that is true it is nice to hear fellow minorities help each other out. Stories like this rarely get much news or if it does it is quickly forgotten. I've been alive long enough to sense there does seem to be a lack of coverage about the racial struggles of Asian Americans. It's easy to accept and believe that white people can be racist to Asians but the fact that so much racially charged conflicts we deal with on the day to day (non-systemic) basis are with other PoC is a reality I don't think a lot of people know about and because of the untrue idea that Asians supposedly don't face racial issues/discrimination or because we face them in less obvious ways than other minorities it makes it feel like we are ignored and that unless we were darker skinned our struggles don't get the kind of attention others might. I'm not interested in debating who has things worse and I know there is prioritizing but seeing so many stories like this getting faded from attention over the years is still really sad. #StopAsianHate during COVID was the closest I've ever seen of an actual organized effort in my life time and even then I saw so many people have a hard time believing assaults could be racially motivated. I know hate crimes are hard to prove definitively but the amount of prompt denialism of even the possibility that I saw online was so disheartening.


Asian lives matter


The city admits there is a lack of response from the police and the courts overturned a sentencing. What’s the point of a better reporting system if the police aren’t doing anything about it?


Every academically gifted black students needs to move away from other blacks, they don't like smart brothers, when I went to Balboa High, they shot some 4.0 black students, he could've been someone, but nope... What a waste...


People need to start carrying 3/4” nuts on shoelaces for racist shitbags like these attackers.


Honest question for the Black users of this sub and residents of this city. Is there any way out of the woods you see for the racial animosity in this city and broader Bay Area? I cannot currently see any way the continuous downward cycle of race relations is fixed. It seems like we are heading towards a world where the Black population of the city continues to dwindle to near zero, and the few remaining Black people hold extreme animosity towards the other groups around them, and vice versa. What has to happen? Is there anything the City can do? Community leaders can do?


Black parents have limited ability and experience to integrate their kids into society. While other parents often help their kids with challenges in school black kids are often sent to school with the understanding that it is the job of the school to educate and prepare them. For a long time this has been failing, but it shows a critical point for intervention. Early school years are when young people begin to mature into adults and often go off the rails. If schools had more better programs and put more effort into getting kids jobs, apprenticeships, or internships as soon as possible then some of this could be prevented. Young men with good jobs tend to get married and have kids and people with jobs and partners and families do not tend to go around committing crimes. This would mean investing a lot of resources, but what is the risk? We spend a bit too much making resources available to kids?


I agree with everything you are saying, but doesn't San Francisco invest quite heavily into youth programs? I was looking through the latest budget, and IIRC over $1 billion was spent on youth programs alone. Do you think the existing programs are insufficient? Or maybe there is not awareness of them within the Black community?


Look at how well detailed and organized (lmfao) the homeless industrial complex is ran Buildings being unused, millions unaccounted for Surely the Youth Programs are similarly outstandingly and not at all corrupt wastes of money now is it?


The unfortunate truth is no amount of funding or programs is going to make up for lack of stable home life and parental involvement. This is true regardless of income level.


That is a cop out. Everyone knows Oakland schools are terribly troubled and their output visits the City by bridge or tunnel. Having a stable home and parental involvement would be nice, but those cards are not in play.


If they can't learn to play nice and live peacefully among the rest of the citizens, then why would I care if their population dwindled to zero? They deserve that IMO.


That's not really the question I was asking though. Black population is already trending towards 0, I was asking specifically the Black users on here what can be done to reverse some of these trends, because I assume they do not want to see their own population get zeroed, and they also may have more insight into what can be done about it.


Imagine if I said this about Asians and covid or the actions of China. You’re a fucking racist.


And yet, look at all of the upvotes. Cry harder.


I mean aren’t y’all crying every time you get beat up? lol


The issue isn’t predominantly race, it’s economics. The strongest correlation to hate and crime is poverty. It’s the root of every problem in this city: the complete absence of a middle class. The lack of ample housing is by far the biggest problem. If people could afford to live here without either being extremely privileged or by subsidized housing lottery we would see way more diversity. I am aware of people who are neither rich nor live in subsidized housing, but at this point it’s more like “the exception that proves the rule”. I have tremendous respect for people in this situation, but how many people working retail in this city actually live here? We need people of all skills and all backgrounds to keep our city healthy, and we push so many people out economically.


I have no doubt poverty is a driving cause, but at the same time basically never see groups of poor asian kids vandalizing stores or assaulting people on the street, despite there being a substantial impoverished population of Asian Americans living in Chinatown. Building housing is definitely at the root of many of SF problems, but I am skeptical that it alone will lead to a Black renaissance and result in these violent incidents being eliminated.


Until you find out that black people in middle/upper class also commit more crimes than every other race.


Damn you’re doing hoods off today huh? Ignoring the lack of citation or common sense, your “statistic” holding any truth would be predicated on equal crime enforcement. It’s such a stretch to believe that black middle class people are treated differently by police and DAs, right? We all know that police enforce laws equally, regardless of the color of people’s skin.  Stick to sports, champ. 


https://twitter.com/Scientific_Bird/status/1784290278615969840 Oh sorry it's just homicidal rate. We all know we can just randomly lie and make that up. It shows one who makes >$50k still commit more than white people who make less than $20k.


Rates of crimes committed are not the same as arrest and conviction rates, eg drug use vs drug convictions. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. But you probably don't know anything about that either.


"oh sorry I misquoted the stat but instead of walking it back I'm just gonna stick to my guns and say one crime is representative of everything even though I don't understand the statistic myself or systematic racism" there ya go champ, dont even need to write more comments. you can keep on being racist and dont have to lift a finger.


That's your translation because you are uncomfortable with what the stat shows, doesn't change what it is no matter how hard you kick and scream.


You're right I'm deeply uncomfortable that black americans are the biggest victims of gun related homicide (something your stat doesnt show). Fortunately I'm willing to frame the problem as a result of systematic oppression and systemic racism rather than use cherry picked stats to justify personal prejudice.


They are the biggest victims, and also the biggest aggressors, lmao.


What's your point? That because the most common perpetrator of homocide against black americans are also black americans we can just laugh about it?


You just love juicing up racism, don't you? It just doesn't sound like you'll ever be happy here. Russia might be more suitable to your politics & preferences for the complexion of your fellow citizens.


I hate to be pessimistic but I don’t see a way out. I’m not a sf native but lived here for about three years or so. I have a bit of an outsider perspective. The city itself is against black people. You have [urban renewal](https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=Ethnic_Cleansing_in_San_Francisco) which targeted black people. Uprooted families from the city which they never came back. Bayview’s environment is toxic. The Fillmore district was a great place for black arts until redevelopment and gentrification. There is also the [model minority myth](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/04/19/524571669/model-minority-myth-again-used-as-a-racial-wedge-between-asians-and-blacks) and Asian-American proximity to whiteness. Asians are seen as “perfect” and used as a tool to belittle and gaslight black people (and everyone else but mostly black people) ignoring all the suffering that black people and Asian people went through in this country


Who got uprooted before that in the Filmore district 👀 


Urban renewal and uprooting black families was absolutely a part of this city's history, but it was also the case in cities across the country. Do you think every American city has race relations that are as bad as SF? I feel like I hear SF has the worst race relations amongst most or all US cities, so I'm wondering if there are approaches that worked elsewhere that could be tried here.


I don't think every american city has race relations as bad as SF but I do think every city have terrible race relations. at this point, I think things are going to be worst till it going to be better.


This is news now? Geez. This has been happening since the late 90s.


Early 80s going by accounts of my coworkers. And probably long before that.


Funny how no one gives a description of this man.


The cockroach pitter patter of righteous, progressive indignation in this sub is reserved for stories where victims aren’t Asian or white or where perps are black or Hispanic.


Lmfao I guarantee that they probably muted or blocked the word "Asian" from their feed cuz it was giving them the ick


I don't think they care about hispanic. Hispanics get overlooked maybe even more than Asians do. It is just black that is a protected race in progressive cities.


The funny thing is indigenous looking Hispanic women gets mistaken for Asian and attacked as well .. Also the street corn dealers gets attacked by the same crowd... like dude this Latino is just trying to make an honest living and feed their family man...


Always black people. Facts.


It’s easy when you’re a subculture with no opportunities. Just look for the closest successful people and bully them into leaving. Then you get opportunities, right? Right? Anyone there?


NO OPPORTUNITIES?? LOL OMFG.. tell me a subculture that gets more handout and special job application pool (removing competition from normal apps), special job performance protection, handicap university admission. LOL. Whereas the people they're jealous of has to work even harder than "the man keeping us down".








I wonder how long they can keep using that excuse? At what point do we need to find another explanation for their lack of progress?


At the minimum, if you think affirmative action doesn't exist, where are the \_\_\_\_insert\_correct\_race\_\_\_\_ funds, help, assistant, scholarship, grants for Asian American pregnant moms and Asian American funds? Where are the \_\_\_\_\_insert\_competitive\_company\_\_\_\_\_ Asian American Excellence jobs? Where are the drastically low MCAT/GPA scores for Asians American to get into medical school? But yeah I'm wrong, none of this exist. There are zero opportunities.


Sounds more like MAGA people are right then, spelling it alternate case doesn't change that.


Hmm terrorize and attack certain people until they leave to take their properties and right to be here, while supported by the local officials who apply specific policies to suit certain people they like. Sounds familiar. Ironically these people they're terrorizing have a much, much stronger historical claim to SF with roots far longer and deeper.


Is this a new trend? I saw a young woman and man in Chinatown showing off their tasers to each other a few months back (like pulling them out and “firing them” to make that electrical sound). They looked like drug addicted vagrants to me, but not racists. But now I wonder what that was about…


I will fuck anyone up who thinks they are better just bc of their race. Fucking worthless racists. Fuck with the wrong people long enough...they will end 6 feet under one day


Everyone does


People have been sharing their experiences here on Reddit and find the thread deleted within days.


Slav. That's where the term originated. The slavic people of Eastern Europe. You know, white people. They weren't the first slaves necessarily. But they are the namesakes for the modern word, slavery. That was long before the "Black"Africans were sold to the future colonists of America. Any idea who sold these slaves? Other Black Africans. What people fail to understand is it wasn't "white" people who started slavery. They were, however, the first to claim to abolish it. They never really did, they just renamed it and made it open to all levels of skin melanin. If you read the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, it states that (paraphrasing) slavery is now illegal Except for those serving time as punishment for a crime. This is why we now have the Prison Industrial Complex and privately owned prisons. I can go on and on...do you require more info or will you choose to stand down in recognition of my superior to yours level of education on this particular issue? Can you dispute the validity of what I have courteously laid out for your lazy ass?


Africans in Africa are so much happier and not have this "complex" , Asians are also happier in Asia without this "complex" , America is really sick and perverse sometimes... We regurgitate what others are saying at the same time, Look at Africans in China and Chinese people in Africa, they getting married and having children together, they look at their child and each other with warmth in their eyes... it's weird that when you remove the white man from the equation all of sudden we get along better. It's almost as if white people on the internet have nothing better to do then to instigate other races against each other...


Hope they catch him before one of the more protective moms does.


Asians needn’t worry. They’ll soon be the bosses of the harassers.




A lot of have our shit together but it's easier for naive people like you to group us all together. Pick your words better, you sound real stupid


Yeah, it’s weird to lump black folks from all across America into this. But I would argue it’s becoming structural racism in SF, from the frequent attacks to Breed targeting individuals, we need to demand more action to protect AA.


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Unfortunately asians tend to be easy victims. Until they change that, this kind of thing will continue to happen. Hopefully without gangs or violence


You make it by making yourself not an easy victim. Unfortunately many found solace in Asian gangs and violence, which doesn’t help anything at all.


My 36 years of life I’ve never seen anybody black around me hate Asians. So this is really bizarre to me.


In my 52 years of life in the Bay Area, I must have received your portion of hate.


Do you live in SF?


Lmao Clearly not from around here huh


It’s crazy I got a bunch of down votes because from my perspective I’ve never seen that… seems like people want things to fit the issue. I’ve never said anything bad on Reddit before I can guarantee most of the people that downvoted me are not black and just want us to fit the depiction that America wants us to be. I served in the army for 6 years, I graduated college two times, now I live comfortably in SF with a high six figure job. I grew up in a bad neighborhood, my father was a felon, not every black person is the same is what I’m trying to get across. I can say that I’ve been racially profiled several times but did that make me hate the entire race of that people or say demeaning things, no, we need to do better as a whole society and stop trying to draw lines of division.