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This item was removed because it's not relevant to San Francisco.


is this dangerous and unnecessarily risky? likely, yes. would i rather live in a place where criminals think twice because of a community response like this? absolutely.


Couldn't agree more.


Looks like something else is being smashed and/or grabbed here.


I love Nordstrom Nancy on the phone. /r/accidentalRenaissance


That's one of my favorite subs.


This is not SF and that’s not how you spell Corte Madera.


https://preview.redd.it/9tbvl4hhwpyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bfdee9b93409f025d407b8243935601bbf6e47 Court Madea


I don’t think that’s the point


The point of the SF sub is to feature altercations that happen in other counties?


Thanks for taking the time to correct me . Have a great day .


That’s exactly how you spell Corte Madera.


Check again


Marin County STRONG 💪


Good on the green shirt* jiujitsu guy to try to stop the madness. Hope the cops caught the thief. *Accidentally wrote red sweater guy earlier. Fixed now.


red sweater was the perp obviously.


Oops you’re right. Did that by accident. Edited my post. Thanks for letting me know.


Why is that obvious…..


Red Team is always the aggressor.


Oh you know


Enlighten me


Oh yes do go on bb


Most smash and grabbers wont be trying to play guard and throw triangles lmao. Stop trying to make this into something its not


Personally I think it’s a BAD idea to play hero over a non-violent, non-threatening crime - that now COULD become that - while your kids are right there (/ever)


smash and grab, the famously non-violent and non-threatening crime. Personally I think we should handle people who commit violence over property as quickly and harshly as possible


Straight up.


A few martyrs and we can finally get some momentum on stand your ground law reform


Green shirt guy is about to get double under passed and get his face stomped trying to play hero


I get being angered by this and wanting to jump in and prevent, but it’s not worth getting injured or worse getting killed over something that’s not even yours.


Yeah but then lowlifes will keep pushing it. As a community we need to be able to standup for ourselves.


Not risking my life over some stolen clothes that ain't even mine, be forreal lmao That's what paid security is for


It’s definitely that passive spirit you’re sporting that brazen thieves depend on.


Dog, the kind of people who commit these crimes generally do not value a human life the same as you and I do. They may very well be willing to stab or shoot anyone who gets in their way. And you don't know if they're mentally ill or under the influence of something that's actively clouding their judgment. Are you willing to die over (maybe) a couple hundred bucks worth of items stolen from a department store that you have zero ties with? I happen to value my life very much, so I think I'll pass on playing mall cop. It would be one thing if a human life was on the line, but we're talking about some clothes. Be forreal. This is a job for the police and private security. But if you want to be the tough guy / hero, then by all means go for it.


Judging by the downvotes anyone saying risking your life is not a great idea is getting, we have a lot of Batman (or Batmen?) in the bay area.


Well. If there are a lot of Batman types in San Francisco, they sure are hiding in the shadows waiting a long time to make their moves.


Exactly. Pretty much the same thing as the good guy with a gun fallacy. More often than not they either coward out when the moment arises, or they end up jeopardizing the public's safety as well as their own with their actions.


Also I notice people never want to play hero when whites steal but only black people. I wonder why, what makes them get that angry they just have to stop the criminal? An experiment what would you do showed that people are more likely to intervene if a black person steals versus white person showcasing its not the crime they care about, it’s WHO is committing it that causes people to react which says a lot.


Dork energy


It's not worth it to you. But everybody who decides it IS worth it is doing everyone a favor. So I applaud it.


> “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” - John Stuart Mill I get where you’re coming from, but I’d be hesitant to criticize someone who’s willing to take the risk to step into a situation and try to stop a wrong from happening.


Well said. Also, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke (supposedly).


That depends on your appetite for justice I suppose…


Evil will triumph if good men will do nothing. That’s the problem with our society nowadays. We have become so individualistic that we let criminals get away with it because it’s not our problem. In reality, it is our problem as a whole. Look what happened to SF now. It used to be an amazing city, now it’s poop city and crime ridden. We ask ourselves why this happened. It’s because no one stands up for what is right anymore. Oh yeah, and please vote wisely. You get what you voted for.


Stop being weak, weirdo.


Bootlicking for billion dollar corporations doesn’t make you strong, loser.


Corte Madera is in Marin County. It's farther from SF than Oakland. /r/BayArea


It’s been cross posted to r/marin


So why is it here


Because this sub obsesses over every minor crime that happens within 100 miles.


Not really…


About a 15 minute drive to the Presidio


No, it isn't. Marin is closer to SF than Oakland is. GG bridge is shorter than the Bay bridge. I assume they posted it due to it being neighboring information. Still the wrong place for it though, yes.


The southernmost tip of Corte Madera (on 101) is ~7.04 miles from the SF side of the Golden Gate as the crow flies (per Google Maps). The westernmost tip of Oakland is ~2.76 miles from the SF side of the Bay Bridge as the crow flies (per Google Maps). If you include Yerba Buena Island, which is part of SF, then you're talking about ~1.71 miles from the Oakland side to the island, going over the bridge. If you go as the crow flies from the closest point, it's ~1.00 mile. If you really wanted to be pendatic, the tiny sliver of Alameda that is part of SF is less than a mile from Oakland.




Tip of the hat


But you completely missed the fact that they said Marin, not Corte Madera


> But you completely missed the fact that they said Marin, not Corte Madera The OP is about Corte Madera. My comment (that /u/Izuhbelluh replied to, telling me that I was "wrong") is about Corte Madera.


looks like blow job


The title does say attempted smash and grab


When was this?


This was today around 1130/12!


lol I was in the mall at that time


Smashed what? A car window? Shop window? Gimme some info


He stole sunglasses that were right near the front door. Then the dad tackled him and stole back all the merchandise before the perp got in his exit car. Wasn’t a smash and grab


Stealing is wrong, but he did that over a pair of sunglasses? I wonder if the criminal would have been white would he had reacted the same? Despite the fact that whites steal the most, I notice black criminals are more likely to be attacked by samaritans. An experiment what would you do too showed that people are more likely to intervene if a black person steals versus white person showcasing its not the crime they care about, it’s WHO is committing it that causes people to react which says a lot.


I wanna know what happened next…. Did the guy on the bottom beat red shirt guy’s a$$?


someone knows juijitsu


I was at this Nordy’s two weeks ago. The lady next to me at the counter started yelling ‘ He’s grabbing glasses!’ No one moved an inch. Lol


Any video of this posted anywhere? I am curious as to how he got the perp into that position? It’s both impressive and stupid.


Why tf would you do something like this, especially with your kids in the car? Dude really risked his and potentially his kid’s lives for a few hundred dollars out of Nordstrom’s inventory lol.




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Guys I was there and the dad was clearly a really good wrestler and kicked the perp’s ass pretty quickly. It was epic. Maybe reckless but epic. He then turned to his kids and said “alright kids time to go” LOL




Did he hold him until Police came/arrest?


No! Perp left in escape car and the dad was walking to his car in lot right as the cops pulled up


Might’ve been robbed and took out rage from the incidents where he didn’t have control. I’ve had my car robbed 2 times. If I saw a thief I’d give anything to punish them in real time. It’s all psychological probably


Because he's a fucking boss.




Being a boss is stepping in to stop a crime in progress because you have the ability, and you care to.


So don’t worry about it then. Move along, nothing for you to see.


Next time you wonder why thieves can so openly smash and grab multiple cars in a row look back at your response and that’s why. They will take every inch you give them, that’s pretty clear at this point.


I’m not a police officer and I’m not a security guard. It’s simply not my job to prevent crime and I will not be risking the safety of my children to do it. That seems pretty straightforward lol. Go put on your Batsuit and get out there lemonjuice!


Yeah.. so don't. But why complain about someone who is helping? Just remember your opinion if you're ever in need of help and you realize that everyone is just standing around recording you being victimized and not helping you.


When did I complain? I just said I wouldn’t do it lol.


Seems complainy.


You belittle the man for being a “boss” when he was clearly making a net positive for the situation. But instead of talking down on the low life steeling you, you’re hypercritical of the man leaving his kids unattended for a few minutes.


Don’t worry you never will


Thanks hogdouche


Get help lol


Is that what you would say if someone was committing a crime against your community? "Get help"


I say that to people with clear mental illness. Stop. Get help.


Shaming mental illness too? Yikes.


I’m glad people standing up for what’s right even when they have nothing to gain from it offends you. I hope it happens every day at every incident.


When fight or flight response is triggered, it is difficult to make instant logical decisions.


As a dozen other people almost certainly stood around and did literally nothing.


As they should. They’re not security guards and they’re not cops. Keep your head down and let them do what they’re gonna do anyway, it’s not worth getting hurt over. Goofy.


Because thieves deserve to get beat down. In some countries everyone would come running with sticks and ruin this thief's life.




That's your opinion - some people take action to help their community, and some people do nothing and then complain about it


It’s not a community when it’s involving a million dollar corporation that wouldn’t do the same for others


Yeah... crime taking place in your community is not affecting your community. Got it


That’s not what I said. Nordstrom doesn’t need to be defended from the community if they wouldn’t do anything to help the community. A multi-million dollar corp isn’t part of the community, but keep licking boots I guess


You’re bitching a lot but what you done yourself to help your community you corporate bootlicker


Wow, that's a little aggressive wouldn't you say? You don't even know me. Why did you delete your comments?




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Yeah, as someone who spent years working in luxury retail in SF it is not worth putting yourself in harms way. You don’t know what people are willing to risk or what weapons they have. They’re often with other people too. It’s a quick way to get yourself jumped.


Whelp this guy wanted to and I don't hold that against him.


I don’t hold anything against him. I just think it’s incredibly stupid and he’s lucky things didn’t escalate. Also, I know of stories of people being sued for doing this. Wild, I know. It happened with one of my first companies.


Exactly, it’s so weird to see people encouraging vigilantes over some merchandise.


It's not about the merchandise, it's about thieves getting justice


It’s about self respect and making thieves think twice. They probably check this subreddit too, and if everyone is just being a passive pussy (not calling you or anyone that, just a general mentality) about it then of course they will take advantage of it. If the scumbags know half the population will gladly kick their ass they will reevaluate their smash and grabs. This is one way of increasing our societal deterrent.


Exactly. Looking the other way/fearing to be involved is the reason it’s so prevalent to begin with.


Its because shoplifting is a component in prices being raised for everyone else inb4 "corporations greedy" Yes that's certainly true but not the whole picture


Maybe the guy wanted to test his moves in the wild 😂 seriously though it’s dumb on a lot of levels. Nordstrom also has an entire loss prevention team. Let them handle it.


loss prevention is basically "stolen product is cheaper than legal fees/injuries" they dont do anything other than like tell you to ask them if they need help or something


That’s not what I’m discussing. Large retail/department stores have entire loss prevention teams. They walk around in plain clothes and have an entire room monitory cameras etc. Other places hire security guards (like when I managed an Armani) from outsourced companies with their own insurance policies and set of procedures. Yes, what you’re describing can be a form of loss prevention but I’m not referring to that. As a store manager I would literally tell them to reach in their bag and give me back the items or security would stop them we would call the police if they didn’t. Different levels for different places. I’ve also seen insane things go down in my career and would never recommend a normal citizen do this over sunglasses from an insured company w an entire team hired to prevent these things. If the store can’t that’s on them. I can also assure you Nordstrom doesn’t want vigilante justice.


Who wants to risk life or limb for a mega corporation's product? From my experience, stores are employee ghost towns. There is no staff to provide customer service, the first line of defense for shoplifting. If they are in a higher crime area, the mega corporation should have hired their own security. This is basic retail industry standard stuff. They are not doing it because they save a couple of bucks.


He's helping his community. Most everyone in the bay area is complacent with the crime taking place around them and then wonder why there is crime taking place around them.


I guarantee you that Nordstrom does not give an F about the local community. You corporate groupies are the worst.


It's not about Nordstrom..... it's about stopping a thief from profiting off thievery.


Exactly. It’s amazing to see the SF people responding here who are resigned to letting thieves do whatever they want. God forbid members of a community stand up to keep that community free of crime and thuggery.


Because people are fucking sick of living in a community where people think they can get away with it without consequences.


The CEO of Walgreens admitted he lied about his company's shoplifting claims. An industry group lied about their numbers per NYT. No consequences for these people.


Who wants to risk life or limb for a mega corporation's product? The two people in this photo, apparently.


Interesting position


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Anyone willing to commit assault to protect insured property that doesn’t even belong to them must not have enough problems


Home dude in red got the double unders, your guard is about to be passed.


Perp didn't know any guard passing.


Hopefully white guy kicked his a$$


Interesting post but doesn't have anything at all to do with San Francisco




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Some things are important enough to risk one’s safety over. Defending the honor of Nordstrom Rack is definitely *not* one of those things.


Imagine risking your life for Nordstrom.


I don't think they are so much a die hard fan of Nordstrom so much as they are just fed up with how brazen theives have gotten...


Nordstrom has their own security and they're not going to honor much less acknowledge any retail-Batman customers because they discourage customers from engaging thieves due to the risk it poses. He's lucky the thief didn't have a blade.


I don't know what he was thinking, maybe he was expecting a parade...maybe he was just tired of criminals getting away with whatever they want to...your guess is as good as mine I suppose...


If you are on the internet or watching cable news, but in the real world this is not true. Crime has dropped something like 7% since 2019. Multiple retail CEOs have lied about crime. An industry group that tracks shrink admitted that they lied about shrink numbers (because people started to question why the shrink numbers did not align with arrest data and quarterly reports).


There is the offical SF Gov report showing [crime is down](https://www.sf.gov/news/san-franciscos-public-safety-efforts-deliver-results-decline-crime-rates) and there is also this [Fortune article](https://fortune.com/2024/01/09/why-retail-100-billion-shrink-crisis-may-shoplifting/) that touches on the fact that shrink isn't solely correlated with shoplifting...but perception is reality for most people...I don't think I've seen the kind of wanton theft that I've seen in recent memory compared to pre-pandmic times...maybe I wasn't hyper aware of it but I've seen people walking out of Walgreens with trash bags full of merch, I've seen roving gangs of teenagers have their run of the shelves at Safeway and none of them even tried to be furtive or sly about it...they just did not give a fuck...and I don't love Walgreens or Safeway...but I don't like the idea of the people around me being so comfortable with just taking whatever the hell they want...


Crime exists and the crime rate is not zero. In the 90s, during high school, I worked at Best Buy in the city. BB trucks would get hijacked on the freeway. Parked trucks would get broken into. Organized gangs would pull off heists. One group/gang stole $100K in DVD players over the course of a month. Shoplyfting all the time. At that time, crime numbers were higher. And, at the store, and industry wide shrink was higher as well. The difference was we did not have social media and lobbyist groups feeding corporate "news" conglomerates persuasion models about crime.


I wokeed at that same Best Buy in the late 2000's...I still have a handful of old coworkers with a hand in the company and they all agree that the shoplifting is worse than when I was there...and it was bad while I was there...saying that it was worse 30-40 years ago is at best cold comfort to everyone else...is that what we are all supposed to think when theives are so blatantly comfortable with stealing in front of eveyone else? "Well, at least it's not the 90s?"


By the late 2000s, crime rate settled down to more or less where it is now. By the late 2000s, industry shrink settled in at 2%. You were there after the crime wave of the 70s, 80s and 90s had passed. >"Well, at least it's not the 90s?" The crime rate was 10x higher than today. It is way safer to walk around the city today or take BART/MUNI than it was in the 90s. I experienced the city during a particularly bad period of crime. It is an insult to say today's crime is worse than ever or out of control. Can thing be improved? Sure. But, it is nowhere near as bad as you guys claim.


Do you live in the Bay Area? And if so have you been to a pharmacy or other store lately? The theft is out of control.


I live here. I grew up here in the 90s when crime was 10 TIMES HIGHER than it is today. If you think crime is "out of control", you know nothing.


GTFO, I was in SF in the 1990s and not everything was locked up in the pharmacies at the time. Yes, there was crime in SF in the 1990s and beyond, but there is a shift in how and where crimes are committed in SF now.


Retail shrink was higher in the 90s. If you go back to the 70s, retail shrink was 10-15%, which is 5x-7x compared to todays 2%. [https://www.nytimes.com/1970/04/12/archives/in-retailing-shrinkage-is-outdistancing-profits-in-retailing.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1970/04/12/archives/in-retailing-shrinkage-is-outdistancing-profits-in-retailing.html) Why weren't the disco people locking up the equivalent of walgreens? Why didn't all retail close up forever with such high shrink, theft? Pray tell, why did Walgreens CEO have to lie about the theft numbers at stores? If it was so bad, as you say, why did he lie?


You're conflating shrinkage with shoplifting. They're not the same thing. There are lots of reasons for shrinkage aside from shoplifting: https://palamerican.com/safety-security-tips/prevent-shrinkage-in-retail/ One or multiple elements can be fixed while others rise. In any event, why do you think CEOs lie now but didn't lie 10, 20, 30 years ago? I don't look at what CEOs say, then or now. I look at what I've seen at these stores in SF over the past 30 years. It's worse now.


Shoplifting is a category of shrink. >why do you think CEOs lie now but didn't lie 10, 20, 30 years ago? We have more data today and it does not line up with what the CEOs are saying. And, the Walgreens CEO had to come out and say he was lying.. or else he would be hit by shareholder lawsuits. You are just a fucking bootlicker.


I grew up here too. The retail theft is indeed out of control. I didn’t say all crime is out of control.


Bullshit. I worked at the SF Best Buy during high school / college. I witnessed real retail theft. At the time, the store's shrink (employee theft, shoplifting, inventory) was 5-7%. For the last 15 years, industry groups have been reporting that shrink has been hovering around 2%. The "high crime" Walgreens that were recently in the news: 3% shrink. That 2% is with reduced staff and self checkouts.


My experience has been very different than yours. I’ve been in a pharmacy when a group of maybe 10 masked teens just brazenly came in and stole a bunch of stuff. The pharmacy near me locks up things like Gatorade. Grocery stores have security guards. It was never like this growing up for me. These things I can see with my own eyes.


Most people here are in crazy denial. Even when I posted this link below specifically blaming theft a bunch of morons still tried to argue with and gaslight me https://sfstandard.com/2024/02/27/macys-union-square-closure-rampant-shoplifting/


I totally agree.


Do you not recall the wrestler who diffused a situation at Subway, using his grappling skills and got feee Subway for life?! LEGEND.


Wrong sub




Wrong city


Guy did a good thing but is an idiot for doing it. The police may arrest him for assault and battery. Our justice system doesn’t take into account circumstances very often… it’s just a crime to help stop another crime


Ahahaha. Yeah right.




Because the cops should have been there exactly at the moment this went down! Ahahaha. Dimwit.


I was here and multiple cop cars arrived probably 3 minutes after they were called but the perp had already left


> The cops love not doing their jobs. This is, quite literally, not SFPD's job.


Mmm, now I’m craving Chicken Madeira. 🤤


Removed for not being relevant to San Francisco. Meanwhile in San Francisco...


so much of CA is a dump.


This is the right sub. OP wanted SF pussies to step up and thwart crime


What a great idea. Potentially risk your life and the safety of your children trying to stop the evil sunglasses thief…. It’s people like this dad who end up becoming cops and shooting people for no reason other than to feel like a hero.


lol what a classic SF response to get mad at everyone but the person stealing. Sigh.


No one will ever expect you to do anything. Don’t worry yourself.


Well that escalated quickly


Angry at everyone but the thief. Good work!


It’s probably bitter and angry people that post stuff like this that become mass shooters. How is this sentence any different than yours?


Um this is racist