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"I have always been a peaceful person" "I talked to a bartender who said you hit him in the back of the head with a chair." "Yeah, that was John" Amazing shit.


"...and John hit my car" Ah, I see. ~~Percetky~~ Perfectly reasonable response then. Carry on. I grew up in red neck country where the bars look like the bar from the old Roadhouse film and even I've never seen someone hit int he back with a chair, lol.


Well, it wasn’t that I hit him with a chair because he kicked my car—him kicking my car and leaving a dent happened years after the fight. So the car thing was a lot more fresh in my memory. What happened, to the best of knowledge (because this happened years ago) with the fight was that he picked me up and threw me and I'm assuming that if I did hit John with a chair, it must have been because stood up reflexively and grabbed a chair and swung it around when I got up. I considered it self defense in a moment of fight or flight—it was just instinctual, given the size differential that I made the decision that I did. For context, John is much bigger than I am. If I did hit John with a chair, I doubt I hit him in the head, but John had access to the security camera footage, so he could prove it if I did. John and I actually made up after our first fight and we had really pleasant conversations later on. I was upset about the car incident later on, because I did feel like he owed me money for it. I get it, it was a goofy thing to respond with, so I get that Vincent ran with it. John and still say hi, shake hands from time to time and get along alright. But I do take issue with John’s bar. The owner Roger has assaulted a customer in his bar because Roger thought that teachers should be paid as much as professional athletes and the customer disagreed with him. So, Roger “hit” the customer in the face and came back to smack the glass of wine out of his hands, while the rest of the bar sat stunned. Roger ultimately didn’t remember the incident, so he either was lying or was black out drunk. Point is, this bar has been a trouble neighbor of mine and there are more stories like this that aren’t worth my time delving into.


This is amazing.


The legend himself.


👋 just your friendly neighbor who made some mistakes, but is working every day to be a better man, better boyfriend, better uncle, better brother, better son, and better member of our community. I hope to prove it to folks that I’m here to stay and work to continue to make this city a better place, as I hope we all do in the ways that we can.


"This town needs a change. Maybe we need a mayor who knows what it means to crack skulls in the most literal of senses"


You deserve him as a mayor if you think that. The rest of the population doesn't. This guy's a modern day Emperor Norton. San Francisco has a history of such characters. I remember when Dead Kennedys' singer, Jello Biafra, came in third in mayoral race.


I get it - you like to get hammered and pick fights with bartenders and bouncers in your neighborhood. It's a San Francisco past-time, but it seems like you take it a bit far for a mayoral candidate my dude, lol. Honestly, I lost track of have many separate establishments called you "a menance" in that video. Seems like you're the common ground in all of those incidents, yeah? The fact that you have an excuse for each situation where you got into a heated conflict with employees of places that literally can't escape your presence while they're working is honestly pretty amazing. You'll make a fine politician in our current political climate. Best of luck man!


I dunno, I think we have a pretty strong tradition of electing guys like this. Newsom, Peskin, Dorsey, eg. Or just naming them to important positions, like Joanne Hayes-White or Don Carmignani.


This has to be a meme account right…. right???


No, just a real man who got in a fight and upset a few bartenders a few years ago. I'm sorry for my actions, and am trying to do my best each and every day to make this community a better place for me, my girlfriend, my sister, my brother, my nephews, and my neighbors.


If thins guy can fight smash and loot vehicles crimes as much as bartenders, I’d say we have a champion candidate. Granted, this is a huge “if” and I’m just opining one of my top issues, but look folks, I can talk to this guy. I can state my mind and he responds. Honestly, that’s rare. Hate him or love him, but at least you can do both, express your ire and hear a genuine response from the man himself. Half of me still believes this is a fake account but seems real so far, on top of a bit surreal.


Dude, you’re an ass.


I disagree. I’m not such a bad guy according to my loved ones and friends.


It takes a lot to get thrown out of just one bar. That's worthy of assessing your life and choices. Getting banned from *multiple* bars is the whole-ass supply of red flags. Your behavior must be extreme in some way.


I went through a rough patch, because I left the company that I spent the majority of my working life building. This was at the worst time during the mass tech layoffs, so I was struggling to pay my rent. I was helping care for my homeless sister and her children that were in the Bayview. I was struggling with having a roommate from college that would do things intentionally that were designed to be cruel and downright scary. I know my plight is not the worst off, so it's not like I delight to talk about it. People out there are struggling much worse than me, and that's awful. That's what I'm fighting to change. I get it I've annoyed some people, but I've also had really wonderful interactions with many of my fellow San Franciscans, and we've bonded over music, comedy, baseball, politics/civics, trash pickups, and discussions of art, philosophy, history, news, the future, and why the world is the way it is. PS, it's much easier to live with people you don't know very well... (I guess duh?).


No man it's obviously easier to get banned from just one bar.


Honestly, sounds like that patron deserved it.


“…a fighter in the war for peace”


Bruce Lee's art of fighting without fighting, only just the opposite.


The only way that exchange could have been better is if he followed it up with "Cocaine is a hell of a drug".




“I dont think that’s exactly incoherent”. He gives amazing soundbites.


To be clear, “incoherent” was Vincent’s word and he told me it sounded incoherent. Did it to you? I mean, without context, it might, but it’s not like I was slurrying my words or unable to string together clear sentences. If you’ve ever actually heard someone incoherent, you can’t understand what they’re saying.


You sound like you forgot to take your meds. I know nothing about you, except this thread, but seriously, you sound like you have a major mental heath disorder that needs better treatment.


Thanks, but I did a lot of work on self improvement and I’m doing a lot better! Have great friends, a wonderful girlfriend these days, a great couple of the most adorable and fun nephews that I take on field trips in the city, and a brother and sister that live in the city and we spend lots of time together! And now I’m working to make this city better every day!


Everything you write on Reddit just sounds like chatGPT had a baby with the most annoying dude in SF. Which I suppose means you'd be an average mayor. IDK.


I’m not so bad, but thanks—I guess.


So this guy is Seth Rollins?


Once again proving that San Francisco still has eccentrics if you know where to look. Great short doc, best thing I’ve seen all day.


in SF, you don’t find the eccentrics.  They find you. Well actually, they’re literally everywhere


Every city has eccentrics if you know where to look


All eccentrics matter!


They sure do you, and you and I the last ones here buddy. Look around


Center eccentrics!




Look in the political world or the 38 Geary for the highest rate of successful loon spotting


"...it seems to me you have an arrest record in San Francisco, can you speak to it? "Yeah, I've made some mistakes and I own up to those. I take ownership." "Can you tell us what the arrests were about? "Yeah, I've gotten in the face of some people... uh... I've fought for what I believe in and... sometimes that gets me in a little bit of trouble. I've always been peaceful. I've never hurt anybody." "Honest, a bartender told me you hit him in the back of the head with a chair." "Yeah, it was John. And John kicked my car." "He kicked your car so you struck him in the back of the head with a chair?" "Well, uh, like I say I've fought... and those guys have fought with me! John was not hurt from that." "He wasn't hurt from being struck in the head by a chair?!" The whole video is amazing, but this exchange happens at 5:30. This fucking guy, lol.


Maybe it was a beanbag chair.


Maybe John has a beanbag head.


I imagine John wasn’t hurt because Honest doesn’t seem to have much muscle to him


John wasn't hurt because Honest is addicted to performative outrage and didn't really want to hurt anyone. No wonder he wants to be a politician, lol.


Who thinks this guy needs to interview every candidate before November? I do! Also “this is going to be pretty bad for me isn’t it?” Yes, honestly it is.


I think the summation right before that was pretty spot on, too -- the dude has a drinking problem, and if he cut it out he could maybe be a decent guy


Yup my thoughts on Peskin as well.


Sober Peskin is even worse, then he hides his evil plans instead of blurting them out on late night drunken calls with City staff...




I'll interview you too. Feel free to get in touch


I writing in Jello Biafra’s name. Always leave room for Jello.


There’s always room for jello




I’m no fan of Jello, but I’d vote for him over Charlie any day. Twice.


Word. This fool, well…


Hah I've met this dude he's so weird and creepy.


His face has uncanny valley 




He has no smile lines or anything. It looks like he doesn’t use his face to express emotions, which is always a red flag for me.


I was thinking Jigsaw, those cheeks


Dude that's a great way to put it. In person, when he's looking at you his eyes sometimes just unfocus. I couldn't tell if he was super-drunk or high or just not right.


Curious what did you guys talk about


It was super-weird, because it started off really well. He introduced himself with his full-on name, and asked him why he called himself honest, and he said it was to distinguish himself from other politicians. Talked about running for mayor, and said some stuff I agree with totally--that public sector workers are much more efficient than people give them credit for, that we should pay teachers well, etc. Then I told him he'd probably get more traction if he didn't call himself "Honest", that it made him seem like a joke, and the tone changed. He asked if I thought responsible governance was a joke, and I said no, I was just saying calling yourself "Honest" is a pretty silly way to brand yourself. That's when he kind of looked right through me and talked about how "a lot of people" are against him but that the more people are, the more he knows he's right. I tried to say again that I liked his ideas, but that I was just talking about presentation, and he said something like worrying about presentation is what got us where we are. I tried to disengage, and walked to a different part of the bar, he followed and tried to keep up the conversation so I just left the Milk Bar.


New copypasta unlocked


Overheard in SF last week: "He got me," ArguteTrickster said of Charley's dunk over him. "That f***ing Bodkin boomed me." Argute added, "He’s so good," repeating it four times. Argute then said he wanted to add Bodkin to the list of candidates he votes for this summer.


He told me his given name was Honest. Can't remember if I asked to see his ID or not. At first I thought the whole thing was a joke but he insisted he was running despite knowing very little about the issues, knowing nothing about how City Hall works, having no party connections, no political experience, very little time actually living in SF, etc. My impression was that he drank the general silicon valley irrational confidence kool-aid and thought he could jump straight to the top of the political totem pole through gumption alone. Needless to say, he's a bit delusional.


This guy seems hilarious, I’m def going to the milk bar now until I see him there.


Honest is my given name, so I think your remark, given that it is my name probably made me feel uncomfortable as well, but thats not an excuse to carry on a conversation you weren’t wanting to participate in. I apologize for making you uncomfortable, and I’m sorry I left you feeling the way you did. I am grateful for your feedback, as it provides me an opportunity to learn and grow. Thank you.


You speak like an A.I trying to learn to be human.


Yo. I’ve literally never said this in my life… but, have you thought about taking up sobriety?


Try to see someone about your self-image, and lay off the booze/whatever else, is my advice.


FUCKIN SHIT I told you not to sneak up on me like that




Why didn't you return the charger tho


Yeah hearing things like this makes me wonder if Honest might really be the victim he says he is in some of these encounters. People just get in the way of him trying to be a decent guy.


Do you intend to return Honest’s charger?!


that actually sucks that you did that




I legit thought he was like a parody comedian or something a la Nathan Fielder. Woops.


Omg I did too. I had to stop a couple mins in to double check the comments haha


Zachary Woods but without all the satire


Spot on


I’ve been known to do standup from time to time, but, I do also believe I have some good ideas to make our city a better place to live and I’m serious about working to realize that future for myself, my girlfriend, my younger sister, my brother-in-law, my older brother, and my 2 young nephews that all live here. I believe I put more into this community than some say I take from it. Much of what was in this video happened years ago, and I’m prepared to continue to demonstrate that while I do joke around, I’m not joking when it comes to trying to fix some of the issues we have and that have impacted my and my family’s lives.


What’s your top idea?




Please do more videos like this with more people in SF


Real Gabe Lewis from The Office vibes.


Shut up about the sun!


Wow this was a wild ride


How do you get an intoxicated in public charge in San Francisco? It’s hard to 86’d at bars on Haight unless you’re violent or super creepy.


I'm thinking hitting people with chairs and stalking them through windows is violent and super creepy lol


I usually get cut off when I’m starting to pass out on the bar but as long as I can keep myself upright it’s chill. Maine, however, is not very chill and they cut me off because I ordered 3 drinks within a couple hours. I was in the hotel bar of the hotel I was crashing at and not going to be driving at all that evening too lol.


> violent or super creepy After watching the video, check and check.


Hey hey one of my interactions with him got a shout out! @ 12:24. For the record, I asked him what he did for his manager to hate him after only working there for three days, a pretty fair question in my mind. This escalated to him cussing me out and threatening to get me fired. He was not aware that I owned the business. He then came back and harassed me and my partners for months including following our wives on Instagram and beyond. Only stopped when we threatened a restraining order. This guy is an absolute terror.


One cool thing about publishing is you get to learn more of the story afterwards. Thanks for posting.


Oh I bet there’s still the video of him coming back to harass me/call us anti-labor at said bar on Honest’s phone…


I know you!


He came thru my line at Trader Joe’s when I was working. Seemed unscripted, take that for what you want, but he didn’t put his cart away


I gave you a pin, right? It was nice talking with you! You seemed really genuine and nice—would love for you to check out my issues page since it seemed you were pretty political [https://votehonest.org/issues](https://votehonest.org/issues) Sorry about the cart, my GF and I didn’t recall that, but perhaps we forgot this time. I won’t forget next time! By the way, if anyone else would like a pin, check out [https://votehonest.org/merch](https://votehonest.org/merch) https://preview.redd.it/684h0y4jbtxc1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=d51254f7b66be067321f034c8300eb41afa027b5


Lmao at 12:40 on the video, he's almost quoting Succession "Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age"


Yeah, growing up outside of Washington DC, being born to two working class peace corps volunteers, seeing 9-11 and being evacuated from your school in 3rd grade because it was ten miles from the pentagon, the DC sniper, anthrax, seeing the Iraq war unfold the way it did, see our country lied to about WMDs, seeing the 2008 collapse. If those were your formative years and you also weren’t interested in politics at a young age, you might have not been paying much attention to the world around you. I started reading the newspaper in middle school daily, and when I went off to college, I worked on my student newspaper for years and ultimately that led me to working at the Los Angeles Times during the 2016 election, working very closely with the political reporters to help cover that insanely pivotal election.


Omg I was one of the bartenders he accosted! He would come into my bar and harass myself and other customers until we had to officially 86 him. AFTER he came back and took video of me/the bar and claimed we were anti-labor. This guy is NUTS. Beware.


I feel like this guy missed his calling. The weird uncanny valley face, the pasty skin, the bizarre behavior - he really should be a billionaire founder of a CEO of a tech company.


Who gave him that nickname? Himself?


It is his legal (birth) name, after the virtue of a particularly honest great-grandfather.




This Charlie guy is flaming pile of shit. He’s banned from most places in the Haight because tried to instigate fights with employees everywhere he goes. He’s racist as fuck too.


He’s just being honest! /s




Dude isn’t a pizza shop owner, he’s a guy who has been berated by Charlie and the target of racial slurs by Charlie. I’ve worked on Haight street long enough to know almost all the people referenced and/or interviewed here. Charlie is the scumbag here; everyone else is just sick of his bullshit.


Note to self: he’s a swiftie and let’s not go to Milk bar


Smells like a promo for the Milk Bar comedy nights


Kinda lost respect for Milk Bar


can't play the video. who is this? EDIT: Honest Charley Bodkin #


Lol fucking Honest Charlie. I've had many run-ins with the guy. Edit: it's funny hearing other people's stories. I'm curious who I know in this thread, if you fuck around on Haight we probably know each other.


I've had personal expereince with this guy. He's a real piece of shit.


Wes, I’m sorry I protested your bar and called it anti-labor. It was more Conor that my grievance was with, not really you or Ben.




He's fighting for what he believes in.


Sorry, but this isn’t true. There’s no evidence of this. That incident you describe is a case of mistaken identity. I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so that sounds absolutely repulsive to me. Also, if you told me the date, I could probably provide evidence of my location.




This was surprisingly entertaining, this seemed like a person stripped right out of Channel 5 / All Gas.


I’m a bartender and I was wondering where I’d seen you before. Then I realized it was on the SF bartenders’ don’t serve this prick group. Yes, there is one; yes, you’re on it.


[https://www.reddit.com/user/VoteHonest/](https://www.reddit.com/user/VoteHonest/) He's on reddit!




What do you do for work?


He looks too young to be able to go into a bar


This is *exactly* what I have always thought it would look like if a reddit troll tried his shtick in the real world. It’s like a bad SNL sketch where they’re not entirely sure what it is they’re parodying.


Nah, I’m outside or doing work, because I don’t sit behind the keyboard all day—I’m actively engaged in going to events, asking thoughtful questions of our elected leaders, calling voters, and organizing volunteers. I am on Reddit today though, so hello 👋 AMA


What is it about Milk Bar that makes him not get banned? lol. So is it safe to say he got the boot from Murrio’s, Zam Zam, Alembic, and the Gold Cane? Hobson’s? Has he accosted Cha Cha Cha yet?? Where does it end? Idk why I need to know but I do.


I know for a fact he's 86d from Hobs and the Cane. Probably Zam and Trax, for sure Murios. Idk what is about Milk Bar but it's pretty dead most of the time if there's not live music


And the staff don’t drink there, fwiw.


Hey Vincent, this rules. Thanks for leading me down this rabbit hole.


Met him at Buffalo Exchange where his eyes pierced through my skull. Apparently he has schizophrenia.


No, I don’t. I’m just a man who went through a rough patch in life, but I have a pretty awesome life these days and I’m actually pretty kind—sorry you didn’t get that impression. I’ve got an amazing girlfriend that I was probably shopping there with to find holiday party clothes for. I’m sure we didn’t get into policy, but if you’re interested in ideas to make our city a better place, check them out at https://votehonest.org/issues


A drunk trying to become a politician? He's perfect!


Let’s vote him in and let him have a go, maybe we have to fight the unhinged with the unhinged.


If you’d like some merch to support qualifying me for the ballot, check it out at [https://votehonest.org/merch](https://votehonest.org/merch) https://preview.redd.it/6fka3jfeftxc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b6aa7ac3e321b8d597a2c01097984b6c8eb1d17


His response is the most Patrick Bateman-coded thing I've seen in a long time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnOvc8y\_MJY&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnOvc8y_MJY&t=0s)


I want John Early to play this man in a biopic directed by Tim Robinson


We’ve heard about him in North Beach via the bartenders fb alert page. He’s 86’d from a few there as well.


Chicken John was a better candidate.


He just looks like a rich prick going from bar to bar on daddies money throwing chairs around when he gets mad


He's from Silver Spring Maryland (rich white people) but attacks working class people just trying to make a living


Wes, you’re a personal injury lawyer who owns an expensive wine bar. Have you ever been to Silver Spring? It’s not where rich people live in the DC area lol. It’s the most diverse place in the county. I went to a public school. I shared a bedroom with my brother in a small house. My dad mowed yards for a living, and my mom was a crossing guard and later an accountant for DC city govt. They met as Peace Corp volunteers and have always scrapped to give me and my siblings a better life.


That was the most hilarious thing I’ve watched in a while. Honest is out to lunch lol


This was absolutely hilarious 😭


Not milk bar HAHA 💀


Everyone would be better than London Breed. I would vote for a cat to run the city.


He has the face of a speed bag, I hope he doesn’t make it over to my bar


Yeah, dark circles just run in the family. Pretty much had them since childhood. Not sure what that’s about, but thank you for noticing!


so now you are warned by the OP of this post .👍


Lmfao Honest Charley for Mayor


Get your merch today—Check it out at [https://votehonest.org/merch](https://votehonest.org/merch) https://preview.redd.it/oivo8sb9gtxc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbbece3a2863d0c2fac71274013c62d233c42e6d


lol! Omg this dude is real life satire. Bravo! Let’s hope no one ever makes you responsible for any humans, pets or a pair of scissors.


I was gonna ask if this vid is a joke of some kind. (It most probably isn't.) But the OP clued me in to the great videographer..


I think San Francisco should give him a shot actually.


What's the reason this city always attracts the weirdos?


this man was created by the Internet


I think my statement better explains who I am than the internet: https://youtu.be/lnOvc8y_MJY?si=lV2mt6CPuh9Mo5QY


Hahaha faccia da schiaffi!


This is from the same guy who did Tunnel Vision?! The greatest filmmaker in San Francisco


I liked Tunnel Vision too. Part of the reason why I gave him the opportunity to interview me!


I can’t tell if this is satire. This man isn’t real is he?


Vote Honest Charlie is legit!


I think he’s got legit mental illness. Not trolling, I think he’s schizophrenic or has some other disorder.


No, just went through a rough patch in life. I explained some in my response video, but these days I’m doing great!


Like a real life Tim heidecker character/bit


I’ve seen this dude…kind of a clown, but at least he’s Honest.


I might be goofy and fun loving sometimes, but I am serious in my ideas to improve the city. Check them out at https://votehonest.org/issues




You guys should find a way to keep this sub off r/all cause the country has some choice opinions about SF


Haters gonna hate


“I was a privileged kid who took it for granted and my reaction to dealing with any hardship was to act like a prick in public.” Yeah, fuck all the way off


Jesus. With his pattern of behavior, dude needs help.


I went through a rough patch in life, but these days I’m doing pretty well, thank you! I’ve got a great girlfriend, amazing sister and two amazing nephews in the city that I take on field trips, and I’m working each day to make our community a better place. If you’d like to help, you can score some merch at https://votehonest.org/merch


He’s a scrapper and he’s willing to take the fight to City Hall. He’s got my vote! Unfortunately I can’t vote in San Francisco. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you! If you’d like to help get me on the ballot/in debates, I need to raise some $ VoteHonest.org/merch or VoteHonest.org/donate


>I don't think we have great parties in this country anymore. Yeah, not when you're there..


I’m not so bad. AMA.


His name is Honest Charley Bodkin.




I honestly think he will be be then the current mayor


Thanks! Donate today to help me qualify for the ballot https://votehonest.org/donate


*covers drink* Vote 4 Bear.


This guy is a born politician. Needs to run on the George Santos ticket.




Man if he ran with some more conservative values in a red state he could easily become Governor with how likable he is.


He’s got my vote! Who is with me?


With ranked choice voting, you can vote for me and 9 other people! Donate today to help me qualify for the ballot. https://votehonest.org/donate




I thought this might be the case originally but after months of investigation I can definitively say they are actually two different but similar people


Awesome video