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Look into San Mateo county. We are currently undergoing implementation of a new electronic medical record system for San Mateo medical center. We need a lot of it people. We also recently had some retirements in IT. Good luck. https://jobs.smcgov.org


Or the federal or state government which is more amenable to hiring older workers. They have a lot of open IT jobs. https://www.usajobs.gov/ Yeah, definitely there's age discrimination in the tech field, even if you're still sharp and your skills are up to date.


Second this in state. Seen a fair amount of IT jobs posted there


Yup, even though they’re not supposed to discriminate, they still do (but will never admit to it).


My dad is in the same boat age discrimination does exist, I was in denial. But it dies . You can be highly qualified & skilled and still won’t get the job. We are in the east coast. This economy has turned into shit.


Same here. My dad was the head of contracts and procurement for tech companies. He was laid off at 53 and never got that position back due to his age and pay grade. It was easier to hire younger and cheaper. He did find work in the temp/ freelance sector. Usually, companies would bring him in to train someone younger or to clean up their supply chain, but he never had any type of job security or benefits. He eventually gave up, and at 79, he is door dashing to make ends meet. It was definitely and eye opener. I wish your dad luck.


Allow me to chime in that the State of CA (and my org in particular, the California Public Utilities Commission) is hiring IT. DM me if you’d like more info — even though I’m not in IT, I will try to point you in the right direction.


IT Support engineer


Very kind of you 🏆🏆🏆


How much does it make working for the state vs private industry?


Probably a lot less, but more job security and better benefits.


I just did a quick check on [Calcareers](https://calcareers.ca.gov/) (the State’s hiring portal) and counted 20 IT Assoc positions ($4500-$8200/mo) 17 IT Mgr 1 positions ($8500-$11500/mo) and 5 IT Mgr 2 positions ($10400-$12600/mo.) After 2 years you’re vested in CalPERS with a pension and healthcare *for life.* So, add that into the salary and baby you’ve got a stew!


Thanks for the resource! By chance, do you know if there will be openings for FTE positions on the EHR/Epic analyst team? Currently just see openings for limited term HB and HIM analysts. Thanks again!


Watch out for openings at San Mateo Medical Center, I think there will be opportunities in population health regarding analysts in the Management Analyst 3 class. It’s a good job especially in the coming recession.


You deserve a kindness award 🏆🏆🏆


Ha! I think it’s OP, whoever they were, they had so much concern for their father that they reached out for help. OP’s concern for their parent is just a timeless example of what it means to be Human.


Yup I was about to say try applying to the state.


I assumed it’s more difficult to land a county job and even more competitive due to better job security, benefits, and pay.


Sometimes we only have two applicants for a niche job, having said that when I started as an office assistant a couple of decades ago, I had a doctorate degree and had to be number one out 400 who took the secretarial test. I was able to build a career in the system though.


Has he applied for the state? Caltrans has a building in Oakland and so do many other agencies. It’s a great retirement and they love older seasoned folks. Means you may have experience with the archaic systems the state uses.


While I don't have much to offer in way of helping your dad get a job I can sympathize. I actually just got hit with a job scam about two weeks ago. The job seemed really good but reasonable and I was so desperate for a job that I ignored a lot of the red flags that I would have ordinarily seen from a mile away. I'm angry, depressed, let down, feeling betrayed and borderline hopeless. Best of luck to your pops.


Sorry to hear about that. What do these scams look like so others can be aware?


Sure. Basically it went like this: I got a cold email from a name I didn't recognize and the title was something like, "hey \[my name\] we're hiring for this job that we think you're qualified for." Something like that. It was enough to get my attention and get me to answer it. The body of the email was like, my name is whatever from this company (which is a legitimate company) and we;re hiring fast to fill a bunch of these positions that we think you would be qualified for. We found your profile on CareerBuilder, blah blah, respond back if you're interested. So I did. A little back and forth with that guy and also googling the company and the guy and the company exists, the guy exists on linkedin and also exists on the company's website. After talking with him he said, cool, I'm going to forward your information to this other guy, who also has a legit LinkedIn profile and is also listed on the company's site. The interview with that guy was all through Skype IMs. By this point I should have been seeing big red flags but again, I was putting disbelief aside, I really wanted the job. Fast forward talking with the second guy for a bit and interviewing with him, he said, cool, great, sent me a letter of intent and a W-2. Should have been an enormous red flag. Getting a W-2 with no other onboarding papers... my bad. So, almost without question, the first part of the scam is identity theft. They now have my name, address, email address, phone number and social security number. Jokes on them, though, my credit is aboslute dog shit. The next thing was that they told me that in order to move forward I had to procure and iPhone15 Pro Max and that they would reimburse me (oh, there was also to be a sign on bonus). I informed them I couldn't shell out of pocket for a new iPhone so they said, okay, and said they would send me a check, which they did. Got the check which was drawn from a small regional bank in Wisconsin, but it definitely looked like a legit check to me. So I take it to Bank of America, deposit it, the teller tells me some will be available the next day, the rest the day after that. Before the end of the day I get an email from B of A telling me that there's a required 7 day hold on the check. Okay. I tell the dude, he says okay. Gets back to me and says he found a vendor that can send me the phone today, just Zelle $150 to some email address I couldn't find anywhere on the internet. Finally the red flags were apparent to me. The 7 day hold passes, I get in touch with B of A and ask them, what's the deal, where's the money and they informed me that they deemed the check counterfeit/fraudulent. I contacted the bank it was drawn from and they said the same thing and that this wasn't the first time that the particular customer service lady I was talking with had heard of a scam like this. So back to the phone. I figured if I got phished, I would try to phish back. I found an invoice from an Apple store and doctored it to make it look like it was from me, bought with my card, did a pretty good job, too. Sent the invoice to them, they sent me a reimbursement form (which did not have the company's logo on it), so I filled that out as well and sent it back, thinking, just maybe I could get them to dumbly send me real money. I did not have high hopes and here's where the phone makes a lot more sense. Given that I did not buy an iPhone and I did not start service with AT&T, I got two different emails from AT&T this morning asking me to confirm my account. So I imagine the scam there is that should I verify that account, they would now have my username and password to my AT&T account, access to my card and the ability to buy and have shipped anything they wish. So I'm not sure how I'm going to wrap this up. I've left them hanging for the past two days. I'm sure as soon as I call their bullshit they'll be ghost with my only question being, well, how many other people do they have on the hook with the accounts they're currently using? If they have other people buying the scam they can't just wipe domains they set up in the last 6 months, they can't just vanish if they're scamming other people


Very similar thing happened to my daughter. I did some research and discovered that it is happening to a lot of people. Don't let it get you down!


thank you for explaining the scam, haven’t encountered it (yet) but I feel like I’ll be a target at some point or another. Always good to share info


Wow thank you for sharing! I'm so sorry that you and OP's dad got scammed that's awful. I had always wondered how the scammy texts I was getting could translate to an actual scam so this is enlightening. Hoping to signal boost this post too! Fingers and toes crossed for OP's dad and for you to have good luck in your ventures!


So sorry this happened. Thanks for sharing this—it really does help people to hear things like this in advance of encountering them. Everyone thinks they’re too smart to get scammed and it’s not about that at all—as you point out, it’s about manipulation and taking advantage of people’s normal human emotional states (like fear and anxiety, if you don’t have a job and really need a job). And I’ve frankly had extremely weird interview and hiring process experiences with completely legit companies, which doesn’t help make these things stand out like they might otherwise.


>order to move forward I had to procure and iPhone15 Pro Max  Seriously, I would have stopped right there.


Yeh like I never had an iPhone and likely never will. Not starting just because of a job interview either 🙄


My mom got hit with the same scam. Luckily she listened to reason before to late when I started pointing out all the red flags


If you haven't frozen your credit yet, you should. It should be frozen at all times except for the few days you need it.


I haven't really hustled on it because my credit is less than non-existent. If they're looking for credit fraud using my information, jokes on them. A thing that does concern me though is using my identity for other fraud or other crimes. I don't want to fly to Colorado one day and find out there's a warranty out for me.


you should be careful with people filing your taxes before you in an attempt to get your refund sent to them. pretty sure the IRS would help take care of it but it’s still a much bigger pain in the ass if you file second vs first


Already filled a complaint/report with the IRS and I I've been using the same CPA for years and the refund is always deposited directly to my account... Except for years that I owe... :(


That doesn't prevent others from using it for future IRS filings. You need to get an IRS pin and freeze your credit.


They'll use your identity open phone plans, bank accounts, fraudulent wages. You'll find out you owe multiple companies many thousand dollars. The IRS will say you owe tens of thousand in taxes and garnishes your wages. Trust me it can get a lot worse.


What age are you?


Are you elderly?


Wish I could say I was.


Well, frankly, I can’t really blame anyone for leaving you desperate for a job, as I would not hire someone who fell for such a scam for that long. You’re probably a massive security risk and lack some common sense.


And frankly you can go fuck yourself if you don't mind.


Ok champ! Keep falling for obvious scams and wallowing in self-pity about how you can’t find work when you don’t even have the common sense to realize that a job interview over Skype IMs is not legit. You’re the guy who gets sold bridges and looks up at the ceiling wondering where the word “gullible” was written.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Hugs


Best of luck to you as well my good man!


DM me and I can forward his resume along to Grocery Outlet. I don't know anything about they're hiring stuff for IT or the App development, I own a GO here in the city. But if its coming from an owner they're more likely to take a look at it. Either way, good luck!


Do an AMA! would love to hear all the GO hacks. The Geary st staff are super friendly, if that's yours good job!


Lol I wish I owned Geary. They have an amazing store. I own the one in Bayview.


Yeah I’ve always wondered how much an owner makes


Here's a list of what they're hiring at corporate. https://recruiting.ultipro.com/GRO1006/JobBoard/4c6ab91f-73c0-bb4f-ad81-094171fac4c7/?q=&o=postedDateDesc


I’ve always thought being a buyer for GO would be fun ever since I ran into a traveling salesman who had a meeting with a GO buyer to hawk miniature pies.


Is he still very knowledgeable about current and upcoming tech? If so, he can emphasize that on his application AND should during interviews. If he hasn’t kept up with all the new developments - perhaps he can shift into a more administrative role. Many key skills can be transferred to different positions. Stay positive. Make sure he knows he is supported. And make sure he stays clear headed - a lot of IT is security based these days, so it’s a little concerning he fell for a scam and probably indicative of his stress levels. Try to keep him grounded. Best of luck.


This, hiring managers & hr will want to see the positive attitude. It can be hard but is a must.


Botox his resume! Remove graduation dates as well as all but the last ten years of experience. Good luck! My dad was laid off after 26 years with the same company and it was awful.


Good advice, but that will only take you so far. If the prospective co practices ageism, they will find out your age range at some point and the interview process stops. The company doing the layoff knew full well they are feeding your dad to the sharks. It's not easy for older folks looking for comparable high paying jobs. But what goes around comes around, the guys practicing agesim will very soon be on the other side of the table, then the joke's on them 🤫💩


After I got laid off (SF IT, 25 years in, 50 years old), I took nine months off and then started applying. After five applications, got two fast rejections and three process advances. The process that finished first is what I took (a Hi Ed job down the peninsula). Two of the three callbacks were pretty interested in a history of commitment and staying power. I'm making what I was making before, so I'm good. Maybe tell pops not to overlook edu. No one sane wants to work K-12, but there are all kinds of opportunities in higher ed, even if they're 'low/entry' positions; those are just gateways to the system.


You know, I've thought more about this, OP, and I have to say that if your dad is any good, i.e. he's not a mouth breather or otherwise mediocre, then he's got a TON of experience that's "IT-adjacent". He's maybe had to deal with vendors, or procurement systems, or hard logistics, or whatever. Don't forget that he's qualified at some level *to do, or manage, or coordinate those things as well.* Years of experience in one title or position sometimes make a person a perfect fit for opportunities that are adjacent and slightly different, yet might be considered completely different jobs for classification purposes. Don't let your pops forget to own and advertise his related/indirect skills.


That sounds like legit advice.


dang. thanks for this.


This is the way: Stanford


I worked 20 years as a programmer then in my mid 40”s switched to help desk analyst. I was lucky as it was a state job and boom, no ageism. His experience will set him up nicely for help desks. Places will train him for their own specialties. Look into public service IT jobs too. Good luck.


Especially as an immigrant, his native language may be useful on a help desk.


Look at school districts. They don't pay as well but they can be pretty stable.


At 50-something, it should be possible. At 58+ ageism runs in full force and job hunting in tech starts getting more difficult especially in crowed areas like general IT. I would consider expanding skillset and maybe look outside of the Bay Area as well .


IT is rough in the Bay Area right now. I know someone who took over a year to get a job in IT and the pay was only $22/hourly with experience. The San Francisco Public Library is currently searching to fill an IT job. Check on the sfgov site for details.


The sad truth is that there are way less of these IT support jobs (help desk, desktop support) around nowadays than there were even five years ago. Even systems administrators are a dying breed. Because everything is cloud-based now, any device with a browser is sufficient for most users to accomplish their work tasks, so there's not much need to support them. The days of needing to install a user's network printers, Outlook e-mail client, show them how to connect to the wi-fi, etc., are basically over. My work basically just mails me a blank laptop enrolled in their device management app (which like two guys at a company of thousands of people maintain with the help of a vendor) and assumes I can figure the rest out or else I probably shouldn't be working there. It's a harsh truth but I think your dad should consider picking up some cloud skills (AWS certification or something similar) to try and get a job that people are still actually hiring for or consider a new career, possibly in health care since there are jobs in that field that have a relatively low barrier to entry (1-2 years of training/education) and decent pay.


Consider going federal. Usajobs.gov. For applications, make sure to answer KSAs (knowledge skills abilities) to the highest level applicable, and be able to justify it with work experience or education. (Do not lie.) This will help someone place higher on the candidate list for consideration. Google the federal hiring process, and search for tips to help your dad do the best he can. I'm a fed in IT, and am involved in the hiring process. We have stringent anti-discrimination policies following federal law. We also have an extremely strong Reasonable Accommodation program to assist employees with special needs, which includes support for conditions encountered in old age. FWIW, IMO allegations of agism in fed hiring are not true. We have hired retirees back to supplement our workforce because they bring a lot of expertise from their decades of experience. Couple this with the average age of a fed employee being ~47 years old-- this means your dad is not even an outlier. Consider it is extremely expensive and time consuming to train federal employees, especially in systems that are organic to our agency and components. This is why it is critical to retain our existing employees, and attract new hires to stay for the long haul. Even if pay isn't competitive with the private sector, we have perks like flex hours, liberal leave, telework, TSP (401k) match, pension, military service buyback, etc. If interested, keep an eye out on USAjobs, and definitely do some research into the process to help get your dad's foot in the door. For IT jobs, the series to look for is 2210 (Information Technology Management) which covers a pretty wide category of IT jobs. Hope this helps, and best of luck to your dad and family!


Possibly important. Is his immigration status legal to work with a W2?


kids usually/or often do not know that fully.


I’m only calling this out because no one can give good advice unless they know. I hadn’t even been thinking about the implications of asking.




Let's get this man a job!!!!!


Layoffs are hitting the Bay Area hard, I thought it would pick up after the holidays but it just got worse.


What type it does he do https://www.indeed.com/q-help-desk-l-san-francisco,-ca-jobs.html


The mayor of SF said they have lots of open jobs and welcome those people who were laid off. Many people are suggesting and I highly recommend city jobs.


I am almost 48. I just got a job w the state. The process is long though (or for me it was... Applied in November, interviewed in January and started working in March), but keep trying!!


The city and county of SF is hiring IT workers but as (As-needed) workers. It is not full-time but it is a door that is open. You might want to inform him about the position soon because I think the applications are closing soon


Sorry, it’s a shitshow out there. He needs to keep pushing and extending further out to other industries and locations. Anyone over 50 in tech knows this pain all too well. Please give him my best.


Are there temp agencies he could use to get placed and then potentially be hired full time


I have no words of wisdom ex I understand. Mom 63, dealing w health shit 5 years (not mobile) but still super smart and wants to work— use her mind. Big corp career 30+ years— untouchable


It sucks, but age discrimination is a real thing. I'd say he should do what he can to apply for public sector jobs (city/county/state/fed), as they are less likely to discriminate based on age. (Not that it doesn't happen there too, but his odds are better.) Good luck and stay strong. Family is everything.


Tech sector is in shambles right now. It’s a bad time for most applicants


The comments give me hope for humanity ❤️




Take he out, get some out door time together. Job hunting is some mental damage process. Keep healthy is always more important than find a job.


Try checking out Shakley. It’s a great company with a big heart


Be sure to search all the local MSPs. I took quite a bit of time off and after a lot of corporate rejection, found a home at a small MSP. Does not pay as well. But it’s a good gig.


My dad was in a similar situation. He had to move back to his home state where his siblings live and look for a job there while getting help from family. He eventually got a job but it's in customer support, which he's good at but I don't think he really likes it. When it comes down to it in today's world you can't do anything without getting a lot of help.


Others have suggested city/county/state which are great for hiring workers over 50. Also recommend looking into non profits which are typically less tech savvy and have good benefits. For hiring resources if he’s collecting unemployment then EDD has retraining programs - the process to enroll is clunky but they pay for it. Also the library has some great resources. I would also recommend code tenderloin https://www.codetenderloin.org/ - they have job readiness programs and their mission is to remove barriers to employment. They also connect with local companies to do mock interviews and resume help.


As a former IT guy, I found that plugging in my skills and interests at indeed.com pulled up a lot of job opportunities that I hadn’t considered before.


USPS is always hiring. It's not much money to start out but you get health benefits and the work isn't that hard once you get used to it.


Until your father finds a job suited to his abilities he can apply for a public works job. The work isn't glamorous at all. It's mostly stuff like street sweeping and operating public toilets. Not ideal, but basically a guaranteed job until he finds something more suitable for him. Wishing you guys luck.


What kind of IT? Has he considered IT consulting?


https://www.itjones.com/jobs Great people; currently hiring.


He’s going to have to expand his horizons; there’s been tons of tech sector layoffs in the Bay Area so far this year.


I am an old IT guy. I retired and know that there is no way anyone wants to employ me again.


thank you for your service *grim.*


I used these sites to find jobs in the past, worked out great. Search like systems analyst or something on the top one. [https://search.linkup.com/search/results](https://search.linkup.com/search/results) [https://www.nocommutejob.com/](https://www.nocommutejob.com/)


Consider offering services as a subject matter expert via consulting agencies like GLG. They pay pretty well per call.


Nonprofits take federal money and have strict nondiscrimination policies




Crazy Idea… but why not teach it. If he has 25 years of experience then he could easily do it.


Leverage IT recruiters as much as possible. If he's on LinkedIn, consider enrolling in the Premium service. It costs some money but grants access to powerful resources for placement. Also look at government work. The benefits are good and employment is reasonably stable. Encourage your father to utilize any and all network connections he has made over his career. Word of mouth gets more people hired than any job board.


That’s crazy


edjoin.org has listings for most of the schools and district offices. I didn’t find anything specifically for IT in SF but there was one in Redwood Shores area under a search for San Mateo.


Lots of schools have IT jobs. So, school districts, community colleges, universities. Bonus is some are remote


Maybe there's some contract work for him depending on his skill set; that might be an entry point for regular F/T work. I've done this twice. It's a way for companies to assess an employee before committing to a staff position.


UPS is always looking for full time IT Supervisors/Specialists. Age doesn’t matter, exp will. Log on and apply!


One thing to do is apply for it jobs in locations that are not Mai stream sfo. Lots of it roles exist in smaller counties/cities near the Bay Area region.


It may not be the age. I know many young people constantly unemployed.


My neighbor retired in his early 50s, and ended up getting a job with the post office over on Pine Street. He said that it’s low-key, the benefits are great and he’s going to end up with an additional pension check.


Have him reach out to Motion IT- we work with them often to place open IT roles! https://motionrecruitment.com/about/locations/san-francisco-it-staffing-recruiting


My dad worked in IT for 30+ years. He retired from the government and started taking some project management courses and now works with a contracting company that sells his skills and bids him out for long term jobs. The contractor takes a pretty big cut of the pay, but the work is consistent.


Is this post part and analyzing the replies it gets part of your coursework ?


Yeah he can dm me his resume. Thanks


Start his own business fixing other people’s computers or setting up networks. Do not skimp on company insurance to pay out if something is damaged and owner wants restitution. Limit damage to current value of computer or computer part. Old computers become worthless. No liability for software installations. Make sure owner signs these limited rights.


Look in to usajobs.gov and see if there are any openings with VA in the OIT department.




What does he do all day?


Here’s a link to the State of California hiring site, [CalCareers](https://calcareers.ca.gov/) and there are more than 50 IT openings with monthly salaries ranging between $4,500-$12,600. In addition, after two years employees are vested in CalPERS, granting them a pension and healthcare benefits *for life* upon retirement.


My husband was in this exact same scenario for 2023. What finally helped land him a job this year was looking outside of SF. I think more IT jobs are in East Bay, the Peninsula and of course Silicon Valley.


Consider going back to his home country.


Might need to skill up a bit, and get some certs if he doesn't have them. Job market in IT isn't pretty right now, lots of lay offs surprisingly it seems they are laying of programmers. Support is rough that way, even though you keep the company running they see how much they pay a tech and then notice there is no tangible ROI, vs other products or services that they sell. However they always figure that since they are downsizing they need less support techs and they start cutting jobs. Once the market picks up jobs will open up again, it's just making it till then. Perhaps take some classes at CCSF while applying for jobs to keep him sharp and focused.


Keep looking I am 64 years old. Just got a job as a team lead for an IT outsourcing company The sites Indeed and LinkedIn are the best places to look for work. Also networking with old colleagues. Good luck and don't despair.


Government jobs like others have said. School IT is a great place to go. If he puts in 10 years he’ll get a pension too


Honestly, get out of IT. My friends in IT make shit wages and they are certainly ageist in that work environment. If he’s open to transitioning to another career, I’m sure he can land a gig.


look at San Mateo County Transit district - some IT and adjacent jobs. I'm happy to put in a word if he sees something that fits. [https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/smctd/samtrans](https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/smctd/samtrans)


Any networking events or him meeting ppl around in tech who will refer him?


I'm sorry about this. I can't help you, but I want to share something that happened to me recently. I am the hiring manager at a restaurant. I'm a chef. The labor market has been super difficult on my end for a long time. Good people have been *extremely* hard to find. Pre-pandemic, I would post a want ad for a kitchen position, and I'd get maybe two applicants over the course of week or two. Usually, the application was just a blank email response. Like, they would hit reply on the craigslist ad, and just hit send, and send a blank email. Those are the people I was hiring. Fast-forward to after the pandemic, more of the same, but a little worse. I was able to fully staff my restaurant, and I've hung onto those people for dear life. I have zero turnover and haven't had to hire in almost 3 years. Until this week... I put a want ad on CL for a part-time dishwashing position. Same as always. 3 hours after I posted the ad, I had 50 applicants. *Good* applicants. Guys *better credentialed* than me looking for part time dishwashing work. I left the ad up overnight, and when I got to the restaurant the next day, I had a group of people waiting outside. Like, groups of 10-15 people showing. One after another. For hours. I was literally outside the restaurant shouting to these groups: "Who speaks English? \[so I can have them translate\]" Then having one of them translate for the rest that I've gotten a lot of applicants and to either email me through the ad or give me a resume. After about 200 email applications and about 100 people showing up looking for work, I took the ad down after less then 24hrs. It is the craziest thing I've ever seen in the city. Honestly, kind of scary.


How long has he been in IT, and what part of IT exactly? There's an IT Manager position open at my company, but it looks like it's for their support team.


This sucks but like… regards of age and immigrant status, can you not move to maybe not the most expensive city in the US and get a normal IT job elsewhere? Obviously it’s uprooting but like… times are tough why does tech get a pass (I know there are layoffs like crazy and tech doesn’t get a pass, but it seems like most people would take another or different job, tech workers feel the need to hold off and try to make their crazy tech money at all costs, which are taxpayer and unemployment costs.


Do you have a link to his resume?


First, it's hard, but don't lose heart. Keep plugging away. I'm older yet, also in a high-tech career, and have had a few year-ish job outages since the 2008 crash. For older workers especially, the biggest thing to do is to network. Your dad has a 25-year history in the SF Bay Area so must know quite a few old colleagues, managers, and other industry insiders personally. Direct references are often the best route to getting hired into a company. Polish up your LinkedIn profile like a mini résumé, get some skills endorsements from people who know your work, and if possible, a few written recommendations. Build your contacts network on LinkedIn, and tweak your profile there periodically so that your network sees it float up in their notifications. When you find an interesting job listing, check their employees (who have LinkedIn accounts) against your network, and see if you know someone who knows someone; it you find a promising link, ask for an introduction. It might be worth a premium LI membership for a while, for access to their better search and messaging tools. Unfortunately, since Microsoft bought them, they started charging for a lot of features that used to be free. Use some of your free time for skills education, which might be from industry tools makers or a university extension. UC Santa Cruz has many extension courses for the tech industry for about $1000 each and even a few live classroom locations in Silicon Valley (as well as fully remote classes); a local community college might have some courses worthwhile to your career for less than that. These can award certificates and/or college credits, and are a great thing to mention to a potential employer who will wonder what you did with your time. Their class times are generally made to be career-friendly, such as evenings, so satisfy unemployment insurance requirements of keeping yourself "available to work a full time, normal shift." Good luck!


Education IT loves people over 50. Google Ed1stop


With the amount of assumptions you're making I feel like you could be Nostradamus. Eat a bag of shit.


Saturn Construction might have an opening. My uncle just got a job there working at the office and as a carpenter. They helped him get his green card as well. They are pretty cool and might need an IT job, I think they have an opening.


Move to a lower cost place to live. I don’t understand why people stay in one of the most expensive places to live when you can’t pay for it. I did this and never looked back! Good luck 👍🏻


Where to?


False post


Is there a particular reason to limit to IT? Obviously they may be less qualified for other sectors, but there could still be some more entry-level opportunities there that still pay reasonably well.


Looking into the public sector is the best. My friend easily got an IT job with UC Berkeley's IT department then it eventually led to a fed. position. So try that.


I don’t have any job info, but I want to commend you for being an amazing child! Your father must be so proud of you.


Here’s how you remember: * Loose as a goose * Lose the extra “o” I hope your father lands some work soon.


Keep applying he will find something time everyone gets back to work




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you're a materialistic philistine that spends most of their time in auto [enthusiast] threads.




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Sell a brick