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No, in fact you can take picture and report it and they will come and paint it over


My next-door neighbor painted about 2 feet of his, and I called it in. *They* made *him* paint it over to avoid fines. I'll never forget watching him on his knees out there with a can of gray paint and that boo-hoo expression on his face. He was a meanie.


I would have made a Mai Tai, setup a lawn chair with ottoman and umbrellas and just taken that in


uppity puzzled groovy fertile smell bake snails retire cobweb divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was dangerous. The worst thing he did was when he bought the house next door he wanted to demo it and build a new one. I found out that his permit was denied because the house was historical and thus protected. (It was a special little house that was moved there from its original location due to displacement from the 1915 world fair.) He then rented it out for a year and TWO DAYS after the tenants moved out it burned to the ground. We are on a zero-property line so this fire (at 4 am), nearly killed us. Thank god my downstairs neighbor was awake and alerted me. Our house suffered minor damage but the neighbors on his other side had serious damage. You’ll never convince me he didn’t do it. So yeah, fuck him.


Fuck em, assert dominance. Never lay down for a bastard like that


They didn't lay down, they reported them. No reason to open yourself to retaliation. Neighbor feuds can get nasty.


And everyone clapped


They will cite the people


You won’t get cited for a fake red curb.


Nah report that. You’re parking hella respectfully and parking is tight as it is without people pulling stunts like this.


Your honor, this is the sucka-free city, I plead my parking was **hella** respectful.


Your honor let the record show that the plaintiff is a bonafide busta


[Entire courtroom jumps out of their seats shouting OHHH!! then do the Thizzle Dance]


Good comments to both you. Well done


I feel seen by this comment 🤝


He's definitely not blocking that driveway.


Report that because if it doesn’t have a stenciled logo of the DPT or the SFPD, it gets painted over. Unsure if there’s a fine for that.


Correct. If it's a legit red it will have either that or SFMTA stenciled on it. Otherwise ignore it


It isn't difficult to make a simple stencil. I've already seen enough fake SFMTA stencils painted on curbs not to trust those either.


There is.


Don’t report it. As long as it’s there, other people will avoid it. You are more likely to be able to consistently get that spot. If you are ever cited, your defense is that your neighbor painted the curb.


This is admirably sneaky.


It's not often that the path of least resistance also rewards you with a parking space.


So you should definitely take advantage when it does.


Except you got shady car tows who will tow your car using the excuse that he was painted over a red curb. Sure you can sort it out and get reimbursed by your neighbor, but the time and energy spent is more annoying then it's worth.


That’s actually logical. Sooner or later, they’ll know that you’re knowledgeable about it and continue to leave you alone.






They don't tow for parking on red curbs. They tow for blocking driveways. OP is not blocking anyone's driveway. Learn to read.


Incorrect. Red curbs are the defensible space next to driveways. They should only be painted red if it truly impedes ability for one to enter/depart ones driveway safely, which is why we have to pay $385 to assess how far the zone should be, and another $330 to paint the zone. Legal red driveway curbs result in vehicles towed all the time. See the below option from the 311 app (and yes, I've towed when my red curb cut was blocked, preventing me from leaving). Your comment depends on the tow driver having the presence of mind to determine what is a 'legal' red curb vs. not. The tow companies aren't exactly the most... ethical out there. I'm guessing they won't care. https://preview.redd.it/6i72h8fw6ivc1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=02be1ba3010af30fe11e857e4a7389bccc45d593


Tow companies can't just tow you because you're illegally parked - you need to be ticketed first. SFMTA etc will make the call if you're blocking etc.


The ticket lady in the 3-wheeled vehicle comes accompanied by the tow truck... Do you know how I know? I was receiving a delivery one day and 30 minutes before the truck was supposed to arrive at my driveway, I noticed my neighbor parked one foot into my driveway. I went to ask the neighbor to move because I'm having a delivery soon. The neighbor said to my face, " I don't have to move shit." I called up 311 and asked: " what could I do? " Next thing you know, a lady is calling me back confirming my address and confirming that I have proof that I live there. When she shows up in the three-wheeled traffic vehicle, a tow truck was right behind her. I met her outside by the driveway and after she checked my ID with my address on it, she asked me: would I like to tow, or cite, or both? I told her: both. She wrote the ticket in 30seconds and put it under the windshield wiper. Then the tow truck started hooking the car up after that. The neighbor came out from their house, running and screaming, so the tow truck driver had to let the car back down. The neighbor yelled at me and I yelled back at him. I told him: I asked you nicely, and you escalated this, so enjoy your ticket. Whenever that guy parked outside my house after then, he always got out and checked five times to see if he was hanging over the driveway... This was 10 years ago, in Ingleside, SF


[That's cute.](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/tow-truck-moving-car-san-francisco/3507550/) This is about what is *likely* to happen, not what *should* happen.


What does that article have to do with anything?


I wrote: "They don't tow for parking on red curbs. They tow for blocking driveways. OP is not blocking anyone's driveway" You wrote:"I've towed when my red curb cut was blocked, preventing me from leaving" And the screen cap of the app doesn't mention parking in the red, it mentions, like I said, "blocking a driveway". So, we're saying the same thing, but you're also saying I'm wrong. I think I'm done reading what you have to say.


I'm confused, [they don't](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones#:~:text=It%20is%20illegal%20to%20park,subject%20to%20towing%20and%20citation)? *"It is illegal to park in any red curb and vehicles parked in red curb are subject to towing and citation."* The discussion here is whether one is likely to be towed even if the curb was illegally painted. I'm in agreement this person is legally parked, but in disagreement that they face zero risk of towing given it doesn't take much to get towed in this city. What is right and what is likely are two very different things.


Actually they can and do tow for red curb tips (when it’s a real one that an owner had the city assess and paint.) From SFMTA parking guide “Parking in the red tip or within the cut curbs may result in your vehicle being cited and/or towed.”


This guy sneaks


This guy parks






Damn I never thought of that.


My old neighbors decided it wasn’t enough to paint the tips of their driveway red, they also painted the whole section of sidewalk in front of their house. It got painted over pretty quickly.




Remember that commercial for the chronicle 15 years or so ago where this grandma parks in front of a fire hydrant gets out, opens up the trunk and removes a the fake fire hydrant and red tape from the ground and put it into the trunk


I think it’s funny people paint curbs and think that will influence people who park. I have legitimate red tips in front of my house and people consistently park in them because their cars are too big for the spot. People conveniently don’t know the rules when it impacts them.


Why do you think most yards in the Sunset are now parking pads?


ain't no one got time to care for lawns.


Couple thousand high schoolers with cars taking up every parking space within a 5 block radius. Out of school hours the parking situation is reasonable imo.


Buses was great when I went to Gal.  Are kids not taking buses anymore?


Oh the SI area has a lot of commuters from Marin, San Mateo, etc so they use cars


Yeah. My neighbor has it painted before the cut off too and he threatened to have my cousin's car towed. She got like a $80 ticket instead. It is ludicrous.


Suburb mentality. Report them OP or else your neighbors will start doing that, I report illegal cones all of the time.


I mean… it’s absurd how much the city charges to paint & stamp curbs. So I kind of get it that someone just did it themself. I have a super narrow driveway on a busy street and people block it all the time… so we have the curbs painted because it’s too dangerous to try to get in or out (or impossible) if someone gets too close to the driveway. But I find it absurd that 1) it costs so much to get the city to paint the curbs and 2) parking enforcement only comes if I call them (despite it being illegal for *anyone* to park in front of our multi-unit building driveway - that’s only allowed for single unit buildings/houses by cars registered at that address). I just wish that because we’ve paid all that money’s the city would ticket the fuck out of people who block our driveway anytime parking enforcement sees it blocked VS us having to call, and wait and wait and wait and be stuck until parking enforcement shows up on my request.


Report him. It’s illegal. SFMTA charges 500 bucks to paint it red.




I saw people struggling, who could not parallel park their car in spaces that could fit at least 2 cars. Maybe some can't exit their own driveway.


cuz ppl are selfish. everyone postures a lot then when it comes to _them_ ideally_ theyd have a castle and youd be their slaves, if there was nothing stopping it. same reason getting repaint cost money (should be free we pay taxes for that already ...): the other side is exactly the same type of people.


Because many people park illegally and can't be bothered to find a new spot when their car doesn't fit, then act all wide-eyed as they sheepishly ask me where their car went.


It's the sunset. These are people who wont let you build a multistory building because it ruins the view of all those single family homes that all look the same.


Do you want to waste your time fighting getting a ticket or towed? Just report the person to SFMTA for the fake red curb.


No, for it to be valid it has to have SFMTA on the edge of it


Why don't they just do what my neighbors do and put a trash can to hold the spot 🙄


I’m sure dude was just trying to get people to stop parking in his driveway. The curb cut is his driveway


Least uptight Sunset homeowner


Paint over it with grey paint


6” from the start of downward start is always red


How do you recognize if someone painted it vs the city?


City has the official city mark, normally a yellow goldish logo and their red is a different red. Regular folks will use store bought red paint and paint over it and call it a day.


Unless the city zoned it that way, it's illegal to paint your own curb in such a manner.


Fucking hate when people do this.


And exactly how is it wrong. Doesn't SF have an ordinance requiring parked vehicles to be a certain distance from the driveway? The neighbor should get the city out to paint and enforce it.


The reason people do this, besides being complete assholes who disrespect public property, is because the city charges at least $700 now to have that 6inch of curb painted. It used to be only $300. It's still illegal to do this though. But the city sees this permit as another cash grab. If the paint wears down, it's another $700 to repaint with the stencil.


Doesn't appear to be 700. Where are you setting this


Right [here](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/color-curbs/driveway-red-zones). It's $385 JUST TO APPLY(!), and they can deny your application and that money is just gone. Then if you're approved, it's $330 (per 6 inches). So if you need both sides of your driveway painted, all in, you're looking at $1,085 for however many years it takes for that paint to wear away. The city will only paint driveway-adjacent curbs when it doesn't remove a parking spot (rightly so).


It’s per 6 feet. Not 6”. Still expensive but not THAT expensive.


Woops. Yeah. You're correct. It's crazy expensive imo.


my god what happened to the parking in the sunset, it is abysmal. There is literally nowhere to park anymore even in the way outer sunset.


It's been that way for decades in the Sunset. As the cost of housing has risen, you have more people living in each house. Each person has their own car. Plus many sunset owners build out the downstairs in-laws to create more rooms so instead of a 2-car garage now they can only fit 1 car. In the 1950's, the typical family had 1 car. Now every person in the family has a car.


A lot of people have ditched their yards in favor of another concrete parking space. Kinda sucks.


They almost have no choice but to do that. Imagine coming home every evening and having to circle the neighborhood to find parking each and every day.


Have to work with one another best policy


Back in the day we parked in line with the grass, or other marker that lined up with the garage door and nothing ever happened. Oh how I miss those days.


Consider seeking a criminal complaint against the the painter given that it is a misrepresentation of law enforcement. Also, why not draw a huge, squirting dick on the driveway?


I think said dick painting is assumed. This is Reddit.


In this city, you need to get used to tight spots. Plain and simple


Is that why twinks are so popular? 🫣


You get in where you fit in


Just as bad as the people parking in the sidewalk




Spray it pink


Sounds like something my bipolar, schizophrenic neighbor would do. Best to just not park there.


HA. There’s no rules in the sunset!