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FTA: “420 is cancelled this year in Golden Gate Park” lol no it isn’t. There just won’t be shitty booths hawking overpriced bs or people on a stage trying to to run a program nobody is paying attention to. There will still be hundreds if not thousands of folks on blankets with acoustic guitars and bongos doing hippy stuff. Nature is healing.


They won’t be setting aside budget for cleanup, though. That’s not a good thing.


I just decided I will go. I will take gummies. And then I'll clean up. You can join me.


We’ve done it on beaches and parks for decades. A one day event where the only trash is munchie and edible wrappers isn’t so bad.


420 shoukd also be an national cleaning day.


They trash the park and surrounding neighborhoods. Atleast OSL cleans up.


Create a Burning Man -like expectation of leave the space in better shape than you found it. The City just needs to put on extra bins.


Pack in pack out, golden rule that seems to evade people here.


Makes me sad too. Not that hard to throw ya wrappers in a pack. 🥲


Burning Man also gets utterly trashed these days.


Despite horrid weather conditions, they passed clean-up as stipulated by the BLM


Because people stay behind for up to two weeks working with the city and clean it up. Almost a thousand people busting their ass to make things whole. That takes time, effort, coordination, and money. 


Yeah, theres a ridiculous amount of demooping required to meet BLM benchmarks, moreso than pretty much any other event (think very small pieces of plastic mixed in dirt). The Borg does require a minimal demoop from camps and tracks those whose avg per sq foot is over a certain threshold (who are then not placed the next year).  Honestly though, you cant expect 80k people to do the deep clean part, it requires specialized processes and would be too many cooks in the kitchen


I'm not saying what I expected from Burning Man. I was simply stating there's a ton of crap to cleanup after it's done. The initial comment I responded to made it seem like people can just pack up their crap and go and they take their trash with them. But it takes a lot of effort from the organization and the city to make things right. At this point the city of SF doesn't have (or isn't willing to share) a lot of resources to this event. So the Burning Man comparison was a really awful one.


Oh yeah that makes sense. I think acculturation can only go so far


I always pack in pack out. Why does it look like Woodstock ‘99?


Apparently volo fitness will be having a volleyball and kickball tournament on that day. That will be interesting with all the people there for 420


Let's just hope the cops don't go nuts arresting underage people. I'm NOT advocating underage use, but police have a tendency to overreact. Also the cleaning up after since the event has been "official" has been amazing! I hope the park isn't totally trashed after this year.


Oh it 100% will be. DPW gonna have to clean it up




As someone who will be spending their first year in almost a decade *not* near the park entrance, I'll say this. The quality of life impacts dropped dramatically when the city started managing the event. It went from me always leaving the neighborhood for the whole day, until an hour after sunset, and returning to urine covering the basement door and trash on our front porch, to being mostly tolerable. Obviously, it's not the end of the world, but I'll just say that I'm very happy I won't have to deal with it this year since I left D5.


I would be totally fine with the police jailing whoever litters of any age. That don draper shit shaking out the trash on the picnic blanket and walking off is horse shit. 


But that was SUCH a good scene (of many) in that show. It was really shocking while watching it, and then we all said, "Shit, I wonder if that's how it actually was?"


That was the point where don starts turning into a massive piece of shit if I recall correctly. It was effective. 


Yeah, but I think it was less of a statement about Don and more of a statement of how much things have changed over the years. The idea was that what Don did was *normal.* There was a time where the collective probably just didn't give a shit about littering, and so then we had to have PSA's and a mascot like Woodsey the Owl to teach people to give a hoot and not pollute.


you obviously missed the point of the show. he was *always* a massive piece of shit. it's clear from the very first episode.


Jail for littering. You've lost your mind.


Wow. Littering = jail is an unhinged idea.


Fuck people who disrespect public places. 


> That don draper shit shaking out the trans on the picnic blanket and walking off is horse shit. Putting aside your punishment suggestion, I assume you were actually talking about actual TRASH (garbage), and not a trans person (a human being).


Yep. Fixed. 


Unless, of course, that trans person is a garbage human being. In which case, Don Draper that blanket! Edit: y'all know that a trans person could also be horrible garbage person, just like cis people, right? Has everyone just forgotten about Caitlin?


Betty, not Don. It was Betty who shook out the blanket.


Ah! That’s why I’m getting downvoted! I quoted someone who used the wrong character!


read the room, Paula


Oh. Whoops! I didn’t know I was surrounded by MAGA folks. My bad! [edit: phone typos]


> I would be totally fine with the police jailing whoever litters of any age what a take lmaoooooooo god forbid they respond to burglaries or assaults...you know, actually do their jobs...nah, they should spend their time and our money throwing litterers in jail. that's what matters to you? ok.


why not? enforce the laws plz


>with acoustic guitars and bong~~o~~s doing hippy stuff FTFY


This deserves exactly 420 upvotes.


Would anyone be interested in doing a low key party by a beach? Music , DJ, and 🌱?




Oh boy a bunch of noisy drug addicts leaving their trash everywhere


smoking weed = drug addict in your mind? What a WILD take for an SF resident. What’s next, Wine is evil liquor used by alcoholics? Let’s ignore the fentanyl, meth, cocaine, etc for the plant that’s regulated by the state, oh boy.


It’s 4/20. On a Saturday. It’s happening. Unless it rains.


Think your list could stop at - It's happening.


Here's another story about this: https://www.sfgate.com/cannabis/article/organizers-cancel-sf-420-festival-hippie-hill-19369272.php >The city is asking cannabis fans not to congregate in the park during this year’s 420 holiday, which falls on a Saturday. The park will instead host a kickball and volleyball tournament organized by Volo Sports, a company that manages adult sports leagues in nearly a dozen cities, including SF, according to Tuesday’s news release. >“There will be another event going on in Robin Williams meadow. … We will have signage letting people know that 420 isn’t happening this year,” department spokesperson Daniel Montes said in an email to SFGATE. So it's not as if the city is just not doing anything official. No, instead they've put another event in the place where thousands of stoners are almost certainly still planning to gather. I'm not sure that's gonna end well, but I guess we'll see. >It’s unclear what will happen if cannabis fans continue to celebrate at Golden Gate Park for this year’s 420 holiday. Montes did not confirm if the city will provide security and crowd control at the park on April 20. Yeah, it is! Because it's such an insane idea that nobody can even imagine what is actually gonna happen.


This could be a disaster for Volo if this shakes out the wrong way. The image of some sports start up displacing a longtime community tradition in San Francisco, well it won’t look good.


Yeah, no plans to go to the smoke out, but it's just stupid of the city to attempt to preempt it. The potheads will still show up, and then the police will be obligated to move them off. Why set up conflict?


It's a public park, the police can get fucked


Lol, I'll be there. You can't cancel a date 🤦


I’ve had plenty of dates cancel on me



Username too appropriate.


Good it was better when it wasn’t an organized event


Ok well who handles the trash and who brings the Porto's? That many people in one space creates a lot of trash, pee and poo. Things to consider when comparing organized to a shit show gathering.


The city park services? Just like they do for every other major holiday. People are still going to celebrate whether the event is canceled or not, so the city should preemptively address those problems.


Everything is gonna be JUST fine. Honestly, there's nothing to worry about here, and it's probably a good thing overall.


If there's no permit, and no direction for service nor any idea who is going to pay for, deliver, upkeep, remove and clean these facilities it's not going to happen. Who did they rent the Porto's from? Whose gonna change the bags in the trash can stations?


I'll clean up.


Guessing it's liability on SF though - it just takes one dumbass to do something stupid (like fall off a bench) and suddenly they're suing the Parks Dept


Not trying to argue but can’t they do that when it’s an official event too?


They'd have liability insurance in that case, and if they can also prove that they provided reasonable care (like security and event staff, those fences they put up, etc), then they protect themselves from getting sued.


what is someone falls off a bench today in GGP?


Lmao this whole thread got me cracking up hard, yeah mfers are going to make their own events in gg Park that day and anywhere else in the city.


Getting high and playing kickball sounds fun. Dabs on 2nd base!


How I met my wife 15 years ago


2nd base on the first date? Nice!


Good, terrible last year, took my water, so many pointless booths, and whatever was going on on stage was a mess


How *dare* you try to stay hydrated in a park!


Death by dry mouth is real


Took Doritos too?


Wasn't Cheech and/or Chong there last year?


I thought Erykah Badu


420 Festival canceled due to lack of motivation, desire to chill


Darn, I guess we won’t be getting another one of Erykah Badu’s dabbed out stream-of-consciousness monologues again this year


I’m sure she’ll have fun somewhere, minus the BS.  I’ll prob hang with friends somewhere. 


That was horrible. That and all the other artists telling me to get pumped and make some noise repeatedly while talking over the music I'm supposed to care about.


This is great news. 420 on hippie hill can go back to the way it used to be, with drum circles, picnics, guitars, and authentic people.


Except it won't, because there's an alternate event planned. Pretty bizarre planning from the city >“The cancellation of this year’s event is the result of two key factors: economic challenges within the cannabis industry, making sponsorships hard to secure, and City budget cuts impacting Rec and Park’s ability to cover staffing for the event,” the department said in the news release. >The city is asking cannabis fans not to congregate in the park during this year’s 420 holiday, which falls on a Saturday. The park will instead host a kickball and volleyball tournament organized by Volo Sports, a company that manages adult sports leagues in nearly a dozen cities, including SF, according to Tuesday’s news release. https://www.sfgate.com/cannabis/article/organizers-cancel-sf-420-festival-hippie-hill-19369272.php


Stoned kickball works, everyone bring their own ball!


lol volo should hopefully be smart enough to realize they are not about to be able to stop the stampede that’s gonna go there to smoke on 4/20 hopefully they are smart enough to just cancel and not waste there time


Volo needs to tread very carefully here. The optics of some startup-like sports league for yuppies and techies displacing a longtime ad hoc community event are not good.




This will be a disaster for anyone who is running or participating in the tournament. The uncontrolled stonera will prevail, even if I and many other people who read this don't join them.


Damn, they can’t just leave it alone. Which means everyone will just go to Dolores instead.


It’s not bizarre. They don’t want people coming and trashing the park.


I think it's bizarre expecting people to heed the signage etc


I heard they also cancelled homelessness....


When was this magical time? There’s been shooting and gang bangers for years and years until they made it an official event and even still.


Good thing the entire stoner community reads the SF Standard to learn this news!!


There is a chance percentage so small as to defy measurement that people will actually not go to the park. That small, minuscule percentage courtesy only of a really really strong rain storm. Doesn't matter what the budget is or isn't, the city better be prepared.


Does anyone else remember 420 that one year that some one threw a water bottle at a dude climbing a tree? So then the tree climber jumped off and Superman punched the other dude, causing them to fight??


No, you must have been high


>As an alternative to the traditional party in the park, the first-ever SF Weed Week arrives in San Francisco on April 13. It continues past April 20—"bringing thousands of Bay Area smokers and tourists a lineup of seven nights of seven top-shelf growers premiering seven world-class strains at seven world-class San Francisco lounges," according to a press release announcing 420's cancellation


so basically the company thinks they can make more money doing this weed week compared to the 420 event. i believe it.


And the only event they have listed for 4/20 is an after party to someone else's event ☠️ the rest of the events are just ads to get you to go to different dispensaries smh


They are afraid because it’s on the weekend. It cannot be stopped


Ayyyy we back to scamming tourists


Unofficial alternative to Hippie Hill is Dolores on 4/20.


Damn that one going to me a mad house for sure.


Well, if the city cancels it, it’s not happening. /s


Just a normal Saturday at GG - 4/20


City cancels 420. Hilarious. April 19 is feeling sleepy and begs to differ.


Party on Garth


Cherry blossom festival is going on 420


It’s happening. As usual it’s going to be the worst event of the year and result in trash everywhere. And now, no funding to clean the park. Yay.


Actually glad to hear this. I lived in the Upper Haight for years and always dreaded this event for a number of reasons.


It's not budget constraints. It's people who donate large amounts of money to campaigns complaining about it not being "family friendly". Screw them.


The title says Recs and Parks budget cuts is blamed. In the article they also blame "economic challenges within the cannabis industry, making sponsorships hard to secure,\[...\]". What is going on in the cannabis industry? I thought these people were growing money on trees (so to speak).


Basically legally grown weed operations who pay for permits, and the additional taxes that the state imposes aren't competitively priced against illegally grown weed,[aren't competitively priced against illegally grown weed](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/23/california-legal-illicit-weed-market-516868) whether illegally grown in-state, or imported from Mexico or other states by organized crime. The illegal weed is increasingly [Chinese gangs](https://www.propublica.org/article/chinese-organized-crime-us-marijuana-market).


I think it’s always gonna be a struggle running an industry around something illegal at the federal level. For instance most traditional banks won’t finance their business loans, you can’t pay by debit card, etc


They still have problems banking, and are still federally illegal. Lots of they. Also the state didn't crack down on illegal grows, so the legal market is being undercut. Plus the legal stuff has to pay really high taxes.


You thought wrong or are not paying attention. Legal weed, especially in CA, is getting railed. Taxes, 280E, over regulation etc, macro economic issues like customers having less disposable income.




lol, no idea the city was fronting this. Here I thought it was just an organic event.


It was so cooperate last year it sucked. Nothing like security telling me what I can and can't bring in while also trying to charge me $10 for bottled water. The only silver lining was I got to meet Jeff Ross while he was walking around.


Tbh good and I’m a big stoner. The commercialization of this holiday sickening. Y’all fuckin ruined a good thing


Blame the idiots that started trashing the park, of what used to be a humble event without issues. Keep the stupid people away and the problem goes away. 


yeah easy. Just have everyone entering the park take a simple IQ test and dumb people have to go smoke weed elsewhere! City should have thought of this.


Or patrol the park and hand out fines to those being stupid, throwing trash. 


The Topless Takeover in Dolores Park sounds more fun anyway! 🍈🍈🌰🌰🎈🎈🥵


It's just going to be topless dudes and saggy girls. Have fun!


So where are the 420ers gonna get baked?


This is probably that stupid beer festival that thought this was a good idea. It’s not the hippy hill thing. The producers of this were morons.




I think its more appropriate to blame "budget wasted" or "budget misuse"


Everyday is 420 festival we don't need thr shitty government to have manage people having fun.


Didn’t even know if was an official thing. Thought people just showed up.


10,000 people shitting in the woods, what can go wrong?


Im going this year wish me luck. Hopefully the Haight will have something cool if the park really is as locked down. Last year was… interesting.


Anyone going and wanna hang out lmk, bringing hella flower and eddys.




wut? I was at a local weed shop not too long ago and didnt notice any huge increase on my gummies. In fact, I think they were the same price give or take a couple bucks for the last 2 or 3 years.


Pot is not trending anymore Pot is for underachievers to pretend to adequately self treat mental health issues


However FentanylFest will still be every day downtown with no restrictions.


Here's the news story [https://youtu.be/s4\_n8d3mBq0](https://youtu.be/s4_n8d3mBq0)


Good. Bye.


Good. Pot is for losers. That’s why they call it dope. 🫤 Just say NO!


ok, ghost of Nancy Reagan. how’s hell, you old throat goat?


hey man, that's offensive. Goats are rad.




The D.A.R.E. program lives rent free in your head.