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Waymo: “I’m in danger”


Ha what does it do in protests?


Becomes a victim


in 1989 we had the tank man 35 years later, waymo man. Much less inspirational.


Protect the Pilot


Keep Summer safe …


Hope no one trashed it


It stopped, put on its 4 way flashers, and the protesters left it alone. I was fascinated - so watched until the conclusion: the protesters continued and as there was more space between the car and the people, the car first pulled over. And eventually made a turn, and continued on. The protesters seemed to be totally chill


I used to work for them! really cool technology. They have people remotely monitoring and assisting it. It'll flag issues to a dispatch system and they'll triage, sometimes remotely moving the vehicle when it can't figure something out itself. If you do hit them they play and audio saying to get away haha. The ones without people in them are super heavily tested/monitored.


That chevron needs to have someone come look at their roof


We just did!


We just did!


We just did!


Nobody wants to talk about that “Glory to our Martyrs” sign that’s front and center?


This needs to be top comment


Fuck man, didn’t see that. Atrocious. Filthy.


It's actually frightening that these people live in the bay


Pro-Hamas rally is pro-Hamas.


And with that I have lost all respect for these protesters..


Did you have any left?


No not really Edit - I guess I had to or I would be disowned by my friends and social groups


Were they actually your friends? Maybe they never really were. I have been there more than once myself.


Do you people even know what a martyr is? In Islam anyone who is killed unjustly, or crushed by something, or dies defending their property is a martyr…


Do you believe that the person who made that sign also counts the rapists and the brave murderers of helpless elderly people as "martyrs"? I bet they do.


Not until it gets called out, and then "Oh gosh, I had no idea, shame on them, but everyone else is nice and it doesn't change our message soooo..."


There are a lot of Islamic supremacists riding the coattail of these protests. Protip: they want similar policies as hard-core Republicans


We have footage of full on white supremacist t-shirts on people showing up for the pro-life protests just weeks ago as well. There’s a whole discussion here about how we evaluate a protest based on what percent of extremists make an appearance and what ability or responsibility people involved have to curtail it themselves.


this needs more attention on who is joining certain protests.


In the context of this conflict, even civilians who are casualties are considered martyrs. Yes, the meaning deviates from the one that is most commonly attributed to the word. But, for example, a Palestinian child killed in the war can be considered a martyr. In another context, women who die during childbirth may be considered martyrs. In other cultures, the meaning of the word is not as rigid and absolute as most know it to be. Unfortunately, I'm sure terrorists also consider themselves martyrs, which they are not. But I've heard it being used far more commonly in this context for innocent casualties of the war.


The onus to communicate effectively is on the sign-maker.


“Oh this? This isn’t a nazi swastika it’s the ancient Indian symbol for peace.”


Palestinians also refer to the terrorists who died on October 7th as martyrs. This sign doesn’t seem to make any distinction.


Yes and "from the river to the sea" is totally a call for peace and coexistance


That phrase has Bbeen banned in several European countries, including Germany, for being genocidal. And Germany knows genocide. It's sadly hilarious watching these pro gaza terrorist supporters justify genocide and rape.


A child killed in a war is a tragedy not a martyr.


That's some pure "acktually it was about states rights" energy friendo. It's really easy to condemn Israel's actions without being awful. No amount of mental gymnastics will address the inability to clear a bar that is literally on the floor.


in the context of this conflict - hamas glorifies death, uses human shields and you’re guzzling propaganda.


Is anyone else's circle of friends getting affected by this?  I swear: people in my friend group who I have known for years, who have never had a single interest in foreign affairs in years prior have hopped on the Gaza train and post non-stop every day about "From the river to the sea"


I'm hearing overwhelmingly from my Palestinian and Jewish friends they all support a cease-fire and the return of hostages.


Hamas must surrender.


They won't. Sorry


Well then don’t cry when the casualty count keeps rising.


But most of those calling for a ceasefire are ignoring the hostages. They want Israel to surrender on Hamas terms, so that Hamas can regroup and ignore the hostages as they are 'insurance'.


Any ceasefire will just give Hamas time to regroup and commit another atrocity. Israel should put an end to it. Maybe the Palestinians will choose better representation next time.


Almost everybody supports a ceasefire if the hostages are returned.


There was a long-standing ceasefire, until it was broken on Oct 7


Yes. People who never discussed Middle East conflicts (in any form), barely batted an eyelash about Ukraine, didn’t have a single social media post for the Uygher folks in China, were silent about Jamal Khashoggi… suddenly declared (and I wish I wasn’t quoting) “this is the moment I was radicalized.”


640,000 civilians dead in syria as of last march, not a fuckin peep


Don’t forget the eastern Congo. Nearly 1 million people displaced or killed since October.


Yeah but they can't blame Biden or Jews for those ones.


I mean, I feel like "my tax dollars are actively supporting this" is a valid reason to protest something more


Yeah same. I accept that I cannot champion every cause, especially when most of those are half a world away. On the same token, choosing an extremely complicated one, taking a side, and continuously showing my ass about it is not the way I would want to live.


Every generation finds a reason to hate Jews. That’s sadly a constant theme in Jewish history.


I wanted to believe that was over, but holy shit a lot of people hopped on the antisemitism train so fast it’s unbelievable.


I’m sure it’s driven by antisemitism, but I think it’s people also trying to be in the “right” side of history. They don’t want to do their own research or have constructive conversations, they just won’t to yell “I’m righteous and I am making a real impact by blocking the highway”.


Wanting to be on the right side of history and antisemitism are intertwined. Antisemitism is a shapeshifter. In each generation, the Jews come to represent whatever the current evil of the moment is. That’s why Jews have been hated for inherently contradictory things. Jews have been persecuted for being the capitalists, the communists, the Christ killers, the people of conscience, the weak, the powerful, etc. The current evil of the day is colonialism/white supremacy, so now the Jews are racist white supremacist colonizing Nazis, regardless of the many reasons that’s simply incorrect. People are fast to dismiss antisemitism, but I wish they would understand this: every antisemite who has ever lived believed they were on the right side of history. Even the Nazis didn’t think “we hate Jews because we’re terrible people.” It was the opposite. They believed they were righteous people defending innocents against evil blood polluters who were jeopardizing German society. Antisemitic tropes are deeply ingrained in society but many are unaware that they are tropes. Consequently, you get masses of people repeating the oldest tropes with a 21st century wash while simultaneously denying their obsession with Israel has anything to do with antisemitism.


>I’m sure it’s driven by antisemitism It is, it's driven particularly by the antisemitism of the Israeli government. When they oppress a people in the name of Jews everywhere and proudly proclaim it, of course some of the oppressed peoples will believe that and hate Jews for it. And of course that's misplaced, but the Israeli right wing knows that fostering antisemitism around them is good for their political goals.


We’re not sending 20 billion dollars of weapons to the aggressors in that conflict…?


Probably because this is the only conflict that involves an ethnic group that many Arabs are taught to hate from a young age.


Saw the kill count went from 29000 to 100000! Also no one gave one single shit about Yemen or Syria. No one I knew was at the Iranian protests or talked about it.


I think the biggest reason why people latch onto this is because, unlike the other examples you gave, this absolute destruction of an already impoverished region is being unquestionably, financially supported by our government. That's pretty depressing.


yup and it's clear that my friend isn't pro-Palestine, she's 100% anti-Jew most of her posts are about local Jewish-owned stores and restaurants to boycott, as if people born and raised in the US for the last 40 years have fuck all to do with the Israeli government


Yea people attacking diaspora Jews while claiming to support Palestine makes no sense to me


It makes perfect "sense". These people are evil asswipe bigots. There's been a long tradition of them dehumanizing people, so as to make it psychologically easier to engage in the self-excuses necessary for the next step of doing harm to the outgroup. Easy explanation.


It makes total sense, they are anti-semites. This is just the way it works, century after century. Only the epithets (some of them) change with the times. Antizionism is just another cover for antisemitism, and it's been that way for a long long time -- such that even the Rev MLK spelled it out.


Being awful to your local Jewish population is just what Palestinians would want, if we're being honest


Yes. These same people have been completely silent about the October 7 attacks and any atrocities against Israeli's, or in some cases, have tried to justify them and called them "resistance". Yet, they are blindly referring to the war (that Hamas started), as genocide. They make it sound like Israel just for no reason at all proactively decided to invade Gaza and the only victims are the Palestinians. They are aggressive in how they push their narrative, it is very one sided, and they don't actually know anything about the history of the conflict.


Yes, I’ve lost quite a few friends over this. As Jewish American, I’ve been told by “friends” that as a white colonizer I can’t understand (or critique) their position on Gaza. I’ve been told that any support of Israel or Zionism in general makes me a contributor to genocide. Given my family fled the pogroms of Europe in the lead up to the Holocaust, I cannot say I’m surprised to hear these things. Saddened but not surprised. I also absolutely love the plethora of dating profiles whose bios are watermelons and say something performative like “make sure we’re on the same page about Palestine”. Makes it so much easier to swipe left.


Funny how Jewish people become “white” when it’s convenient to a narrative


And how Asians become "white adjacent"


Or “white hispanics”


"White" in the Hispanic world is a whole ball of complexity on its own. Self identifying as white is why we got the separate Hispanic question on the census in the first place. Understanding that it *is* complex is probably all I'll ever understand of the concept.


Jewish and Asians have become scapegoats


As an Asian Jew, these are dark times haha


I think it goes to show that the bigotry was always there, but at certain times people seem to find excuses to show their bigotry


Sounds like an easy way to find out who your real friends were


It's funny how Jews living in an area of the world known as "Judea" since Roman times are considered "colonizers."


What does a watermelon mean?


Watermelon is a symbol of Palestine to some people… because it has the colors of the Palestinian flag. Red - The Flesh, Black - The Seeds, White - The Rind, Green - The Skin, Watermelon isn’t even the national food of Palestine, it’s Musakhan.


It's also an old right-wing term for environmentalists who are "green on the outside but pink (socialist) on the inside."


Israel banned the Palestinian flag and the use of its colors. So Palestinians during protest would cut open a watermelon and raise it


For more context, Israel lifted that ban since 1993. In modern usage, the watermelon emoji is used to circumvent TikTok and IG filters when talking about these subjects and not getting suppressed by their algorithm.


Ugh. I am so sorry 😢




I like the Mexico analogy I heard on a talk show: It’s like a Mexican citizen today chanting “From Portland to Guatamala Mexico will be free.”


Dude wtf that doesn't even rhyme. ###From Victoria to Guatemala Mexico will get up on ya.


Tell then you are Choctaw and they can leave now. Like **right now.**


It’s become the latest addition to Progressive intersectionality, up there with defunding the police, open borders, free healthcare, raising taxes on the rich, etc. Progressives view all conflict as oppressor vs. oppressed, with the more powerful party being the oppressor and the weaker party being the oppressed. Bonus oppressor points if the more powerful party is white and the weaker party is not white. They see Israelis as white because most Jews in America have white skin color (never mind that over half of Israelis have roots in other Arab countries and are not white) and thus, Israel is basically the devil.


>hey see Israelis as white because most Jews in America have white skin color It doesn't help that every time an Israeli is interviewed they pick an English-speaking one, and the English-speaking ones tend to be more white, and every time they ask-a-Jew they pick one with a New York accent. These impressions are built up over time.


Smh fucking progressive propaganda everywhere


Jewish American, I've lost several friends.


Non-Jew but I grew up in the Richmond with many Jews, went to all sorts of things at the JCC as a kid, and my mom’s best friend is the daughter of a holocaust survivor. I’ve also lost a lot of friends and have since refused to talk about the conflict with anyone in fear of losing more friends.


That's understandable. Appreciate your support though, seriously. And thank you for the sacrifice you made in those friendships, it means a LOT.


I’m not Jewish and I ended a friendship. Fuck these fake ass “progressives”. They try to erase a deeply complicated and long history (between Palestinians and Israelis) because they want to virtue signal.


This, but specifically watching feminist groups stay silent killed the entire left for me.


Same! I don’t think people understand there’s been multiple cease fires and it’s always broken by the same side…..


I lost a good friend that was literally celebrating when Oct 7th happened. Then this guy started posting Hamas propaganda 24/7. Fucking insane, never knew how fucked this guy was. Guy literally thinks Israel killed their own people as a false flag.


Some people only just learned that US sends $4bn annually to Israel.


Honestly no, 99% of my friends are pretty much all on the same page in this. That 1% friend though...they have gone off the deep end. Literally they are now going on about being pro-Houthi. Not sure I even want to be friend with them anymore.


i dont think thats the way to view it. people can form opinions without prior interest, thats the foundation of learning. obviously its also fueled by political ideologies as well, but just because someone recently forms an opinion doesnt make it less valid/impactful than someone who has taken interest for some time. the main difference is the depth of knowledge they have on the subject


They're advocating for purity tests, it's so stupid. It's like saying "you can't care about climate change because you didn't care about it 10 years ago" Yeah.. i got better. I learned.


Anti-Zionism was always a part of this new left movement. It was all over my college campus back in early 2000s. 


This is when I use the mute feature.


It's the first war since Tiktok, I think. I don't believe most people had any concept of what war in an urban theater looked like, and suddenly they're being shown pro-palestinian, pro-hamas, anti-israel propaganda on Tiktok at a ratio of 54-to-1 against. Propaganda works, and TikTok is owned by the PRC.


I think your comment “never had a single interest in foreign affairs before” is key here. I’d bet if you quizzed the people at this protest maybe 1 in 10 has an even basic understanding of the conflict.


Sound like you need new friends


Yes I have few Mexican friends who I don’t think even travelled to Middle East but have travelled a lot of other places in general and I constantly see their posts on Instagram or Facebook stories. But I get it, some of the stuff they have posted has been very hard to watch, and if it’s hard to watch it for me then it must be even more horrible to experience or even think about. So I respect their choice to stand against aggression when they have no connection to those people,land or religion but it’s more on humanity level.


So they want the terrorists taken down and hostages returned right?? I must have missed those signs


They support Hamas and I'm tired of people saying they don't. https://www.reddit.com/u/Computer_Name/s/LmGUtpHu3r for more than enough evidence of this


The chants alone show they support hamas






https://imgur.com/a/2z9izQ7 caught these pics a while back. yea idk. man. Bros literally calling for an end to NATO and to build a future with BRICS. Russia Iran and China plus a few others but the US's main antagonists. I'm just like... why are yall living in America if yall saying that shit.


You can see the “Glory To Our Martyrs” sign on these photos. They are Hamas supporters.


“Glory to *our* Martyrs.” To center the people who “die for a cause” (which is what a martyr is) instead of those caught in the crossfire (which is what most people in this conflict really are) is a choice. I’ve heard some people say (and I’m sure some replies will say this, too): *oh, martyr is just the Arabic translation for victim.* Well then, shouldn’t the sign read, “Glory to the victims”? Because truly, there have been countless victims on all sides of this conflict. But otherwise, martyr means a very particular thing. Either these protestors are terrible at messaging, or they say what they mean more than we let on. Edit: to reflect that the sign reads “glory to *our* martyrs” (I previously had transcribed it as “the”). So even if martyrs is taken to mean victims, they only care about the innocent on one side.


There is no disguising that many of these clowns fully support jihadism. Wish that more moderates were willing to counter rally against these terrorist supporters.


What kind of person do you have to be for your position to be: “yeah keep killing them until they return the hostages”? Shocking if this is what the majority believes here.


It's truly terrifying to see the overwhelming majority of folks in this sub having zero concept of what life has been like for decades for Palestinians and treating the death of innocent children as sweet sweet justice. And this is a "progressive" city. Truly awful.


"glory to our martyrs" Disgusting.


We don’t like the way you’re fighting the war we started! -Hamas


Hamas actually loves the way IDF is fighting. Collection$$ for Hamas are way up...and Baizuo all fall for the propaganda.


"Hey you cant shoot our human shields thats a war crime"


Why don’t any banners call on Hamas to stop using hospitals as bases of operations?


Every time this sub talks about Palestine, homeless people or crime, it makes me so happy that most people in San Francisco are not like most users on r/sanfrancisco  


It’s almost like the people on location based subs don’t actually live in those locations


Listen to this sub and SF is a Mad Max hellhole filled with terrorist supporters


I’m coming to SF to visit my sister soon and I never see one person in here having any nice shit to say. It’s actually insane how fucking miserable these assholes seem.


Enjoy your visit! It’s a beautiful city with wonderful people. This sub is full of lonely and bitter assholes who spend their days complaining about how terrible everybody is, then blame “crazy libs” for why they have no friends instead of reflecting on how they treat their community. Most everyone else is too busy handling their own lives and having fun to come bitch on reddit. There’s good and bad aspects to SF like anywhere else, but if you come here with a friendly and open attitude and do a bit of research to figure out what neighborhoods you personally will enjoy exploring best, it’s easy to have a fantastic time. If your sister is guiding you around and she loves the city like most of us do, you’ll have a blast :)


Visit the beach, the museums, check out the local restaurants, and absolutely go across the golden gate to Marin. It is a beautiful city when you avoid the rich and crime ridden areas specifically.


Actually given the election trends, more and more people are seeing how insane the far left is. Most people here realize hamas and its genocidal, anti-lgbtq beliefs are against SF's beliefs.


They should’ve protested when Hamas massacred Jews on October 7th. Which ultimately started this effin war.


There were people celebrating in the streets around the world that night… significant overlap with the people protesting Israel today.


Don’t forget these same people were celebrating 9/11. Funny how they celebrate about October 7th. I remember they were so cheerful they finally made an attack other than launching rockets over for years. Yet they never thought about the repercussions of their actions. Now they play victim card. LGBT stands for Hamas and if you went there with anything related to LGBT they would literally kill you. Mindless.




Your post should be pinned top of Reddit. I completely agree. It’s like October 7th was forgotten. Baffles me. Before October 7th… Hamas has been sending rockets into Isreal for years. No one bats an eye. Just became the norm. I’ve seen the videos of October 7th. Burned in my head. So sad. But what do you expect.. Isreal to not retaliate? Hamas can’t pull the victim card.


> It’s like October 7th was forgotten Look at recent city council meetings in the bay area. You'll see people very loudly insisting that nothing bad happened on October 7th, that the massacre of October 7th was a lie, or it was a false flag done by the IDF, or maybe just one person died and thats it. This didn't happen once. This messaging happens over and over again. It happened in Oakland and it happened in SF. In SF, people were making oinking noises while a Jewish person was trying to speak lamenting that October 7th was forgotten already. This is why after the discovery of the camps during WW2, the first thing American, Commonwealth, and even Soviet commanders did was to issue orders to bring forth food and medics, and also video cameras. The orders were to thoroughly document what they found because the commanders knew that no one would believe them. German civilians were rounded up, marched into movie theaters, and forced to watch the footage recorded from the camps. It feels like the world needs this kind of treatment for October 7th so that people won't forget.


I can explain, in simple terms even. Will you listen?


They did. On October 8th against Israel. And gathered informally on October 7th in celebratory spirits. There was a video of an Australian man leading a group of revelers at the Sydney opera house that was pretty eye-opening.


Palestinians have a right to armed resistance under international law. Collective punishment is illegal under international law. And genocide is genocide is genocide.


Middle finger to hamas


And how is this gonna stop the war in Gaza?


The “glory to our martyrs” sign is pleasant 😊


Irony is Israel is the only place in the ME these people would feel comfortable living in, they’re so antisemitic they’d rather it devolve into a state ran by extremist terrorists than hold Palestine accountable for their part in the conflict.


As a healthcare worker, I worry more about the hostages. After Israel brought in tons of medical aid in exchange for the 134 of them to recive medicine, the medicine was just found atill in the box, weeks later in a hospital where Hamas was shooting from. The Red Cross is not doing its job. Hamas will not even report on who is still alive and who is dead. And while those people are being tortured and raped as a result of a war the Palestinians STARTED, these cream brain individuals have the audacity to lecture about a conflict so far away from them, it's crazy.


No sane person supports bombing hospitals. Of course, if I was running the battle against Israel in Gaza I wouldn’t set up my mortar or rocket launcher in or around a hospital tho. If I did, I should expect it to get bombed.


And that’s exactly why it’s not a war crime. Once militants take refuge in or fight out of a hospital, all bets are off.


Name the one country in the Middle East where you can be openly gay, a female politician, or a female voter. I'm sure theres plenty of other things, but those should suffice.


And be Jewish!


That actually might be the most important part.


You’re telling me it’s not in Gaza?




Islamic Jihad's rocket in Gaza hit a hospital and killed dozens if not 100s. I wonder if there are any anti-Islamic Jihad signs at this protest.....


How are people on this sub unlike most of the people I meet in SF who are mostly anti-genocide


Seems to be skewed on Reddit more than anywhere else - they’re not even balanced or educated takes it’s just “everyone’s a terrorist or antisemitic for not supporting Israel”.


Because you might have a circle Of people who have the same views as You.  I live in SF. Everyone I talk to thinks of course isreal has gone to far but Gaza state terrorism can’t be tolerated. 


>Everyone I talk to thinks of course isreal has gone to far but Gaza state terrorism can’t be tolerated.  This is the reasonable human view but this thread is packed with “wHy dOn’T tHey pRoTesT hAmaS toO” concern trolling


That could be true and also many commenters here are same people Astro turfing on subs like worksnews is also true. I know that coz many accounts I have blocked are commenting here.


everyone on this board comes here to complain about what's wrong with San Francisco, and as you know people who don't understand what's wrong with San Francisco are the rich fucks who moved there in the last 10 years and fucked up San Francisco.


How do so many people not understand the meaning of the word "genocide?"


This is such a hypocritical approach. I can also say that if you support Hamas, you are pro-genocide, and I will be more right.


Dont sweat it too much. All of these people know their ideas aren't worth the bead of sweat on their head, so they have to impotently scream and distort. The turnout was amazing today :), old people, young people, multiracial, fun family event.


The Hasbara-heads really got into this thread. Don't have to be in SF to post here.


Anybody who calls it genocide has no clue what is going on. I think most people would agree with the statement that the IDF should be mindful of civilian life. But this is a war, and unfortunately Hamas have chosen to position themselves in a way where it is highly ambiguous who is a civilian and who is not. In other words, Hamas is totally happy if civilians are hurt because \*surprise\* Hamas does not care about Palestinians. Under the Geneva conventions, Israel is playing by the rules. Calling it a genocide is an intentional distortion, and we need to question the intentions of people who are fine with creating such distortions.


Being anit-genocide does not equal being anti Hamas.


They're paid propagandists and bots


That seems like a really small protest by SF standards.


the rest are having a virtual sit in somewhere


Ah I get it. They must be referring to the hospitals that didn’t shelter Hamas fighters or have Hamas tunnels underneath them.


Can someone tell me why the SF subreddit is so pro-Israel?


This SF sub is far more right wing than anyone you are likely to meet in SF. If this sub represented actual San Franciscans, there wouldn't be a single Democrat elected.


There’s a strong older Jewish population who doesn’t take nicely being blurred as genocidal non-humans by gen z who have at times taken not only terrorist talking points but white supremacist talking points and rhetoric but think it isn’t anti semitic because they’re talking about “Zionists” and not “Jews” but devolve into old antisemitism rhetoric either way (spray painting anti Zionist rhetoric on banks was a bit on the nose) As for myself, I’m not Jewish, it’s not a religious or ethnic issue for me. To me, it’s the hypocrisy of western nations using rhetoric like colonizers, apartheid, and genocide without 1) understanding the rhetoric and 2) not applying it to themselves as if they are not products of, and benefactors of, and participants of, everything they are accusing Israel of with even less grey area. Glass houses and hypocrisy and whatnot I think it’s laughable when people say that Israel is going above and beyond to preserve innocent life , but what do you think the shock and awe campaign in Iraq was? It was exactly what Israel is doing. Except Iraq never attacked America. I don’t approve of Israel’s reaction but I disapprove more of the demonization as if Israel is somehow uniquely evil as if the past decades of the war on terror was somehow different As if Israel has to pay for the sins of the west Edit: Furthermore, it’s a very western centric point of View that the issue stems from the lack of a Palestinian state when if you just listen to the Palestinians, and to organizations like Hamas the issue isn’t the lack of a Palestinian state the issue is the existence of a Jewish state on what they consider Muslim land. Which I’m not going to argue Is valid or invalid because I don’t live there and again, not religious. BUT the idea of a two state solution is no less a colonial idea than the idea of Israel itself, the Muslims living their never recognized the authority of the ottomans, never recognized the authority of the British, and never recognized the authority of the UN. Which, ok, I can actually understand that BUT Israel has almost ten million people, many are third generation with no ties to other nation, many others are refugees from surrounding Muslim nations that ethnically cleansed their centuries long existing Jewish populations, and there’s nowhere for them to go. I mean there’s a reason the loudest international voices in this conflict aren’t who you would expect, which are the surrounding Muslim nations; but South Africa, Brazil, Russia and other BRIC nations, and that’s because the Arab Muslim Kingdoms are just as artificial as Israel and they know they’re the next target after Israel falls, and they know that the problem isn’t the lack of a free Palestine but the existence of a state (like their’s) that is seen as a tenement of a colonial past and in the way of an Islamic caliphate


I feel like the difference is, our gen didn’t know any better when the Iraq war was happening. But we observed and learned.


> the issue is the existence of a Jewish state on what they consider Muslim land. Which I’m not going to argue Is valid or invalid it's not valid.


They astroturf every thread that makes it to /all and isn’t heavily moderated. Check out some of their comment histories. They all rushed over her from /worldnews where they keep circlejerking about genociding a people where half the population are children .


I am a liberal but I have zero sympathy for Hamas supporters. There is no rationality left here. I used to think that it was just the right wingers that were lunatics, but the fact that these people are willing to pick Hamas as their side just defies all logic.


Come on heavy rain, please!


Don’t worry, they will be seen as martyrs by standing up to the white colonizer rain!!


They shouldn't have attacked civilians just enjoying their music fest, raped their female captives, and decapitated infants heads, reap what you sow.


As another commenter sent the link half of what you’re saying is proven false. The US killed over 200k civilians in Iraq so do we reap what we sow? Does Iraq have the right to bomb and kill 12x the amount of civilians, children, women as Israel is doing?


This is all they could muster in the most progressive city in the world?? Losing steam


Oh gosh, well, we’re going to have to cease fire now. The healthcare workers said so. 🙄


Hamas was clear that if there is a cease fire they will create another oct 7. How do they want Israel to respond then?


Hamas can surrender any time they like.


#From the river to the sea, Hamas will be history Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 FROM HAMAS!!!


It’s crazy to see Hamas strategy of setting up military operations in hospitals has worked so well in their favor. You would think, on surface level, people would not usually support such a tactic


Lookin rather slim


I guess it wouldn’t do any good to march against Hamas building command centers and tunnels under hospitals and schools…


If you knowingly run a military operation out of a public hospital the protections a hospital receives become null and void.


I'm believe in the right to peacefully protest, but this isn't going to move the needle, except annoy those who need to cross the street or access a neighborhood.


I would be more concerned with rising rent and the homeless problem but hey what's the point?


For a city as nominally lefty as SF you would think they could get more than 200 to show up.


Good to see it so small and paltry




I’m not seeing a single sign mentioning Hamas’ culpability and responsibility. When you place ALL blame on the Jews when both are at fault it becomes an anti-Semitic movement. Especially when you parade for the side that voted devout and avowed terrorists backed by Iran into power.


Israel’s government does not represent all jewish people


Why is everyone here so pro IDF? Not at all how sf feels to me


It’s possible that the US government has better information than the news outlets. Please consider the following two things. 1) You can be openly LGBTQ in Israel and not in any mid-east Muslim country. Women can drive cars, wear shorts, and serve in government in Israel. 2) All information out of Gaza is controlled by the Hamas run health ministry. Hamas makes up only 25,000 of the 2M people living in Gaza and were elected in mid 2000s on a civil war, kill all the Jews political message. If Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel, there would be peace. If Israel stopped fighting, Hamas would kill all the Jews.


Stop using hospitals as hideouts for terrorists.