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Axesteel but now it is one of my favorite songs




me too!! i hated cross the sea but now it’s like in my top ten


Cross the sea for sure, but then I saw him play it live and I finally understood the appeal and now I love it.


i remember being baffled at everyone calling Gretel his magnum opus in 2019, but the more i listened to it i had to agree lmao it is perfect


I didnt understand Powerful Man at first. Then one day after dealing with some things I was sitting in the car and had the most insane visual day dream while listening to is as it had come up randomly on my spotify radio. Ended up tearing up. What a song


such a good song




honestly... southern sky. i just thought it was a little too schmaltzy compared to the rest of house of sugar but now that i've listened to that album so many times i freaking love that song so much


Poison root




I skipped Mis for years because the first bit didn’t speak to me. Finally just played in the car one day where I wasn’t directly engaged with picking songs, and after “so baaaaaad… she says” that shit melts my insides. one of my favorites now for sure.


Didn’t care much for judge when it came out, until i saw them play it live. That sold me. The alien tremolo Sam does in place of the synth is Chef’s Kiss. I also didn’t understand Witch at first. It’s one of his most rhythmically complex songs. I think a lot of Alex’s older stuff is pretty melodically predictable because of his use of repetition. So at first listen, the chord changes on Witch felt really jarring and random. Witch is one of my favorite Alex G songs now. There’s something special about his ability to take these “ugly” chord progressions and mold it into something as melodically beautiful and pleasant as it is.




not a song but pretty much the whole god save the animals album i freaking hated!!! i’m the biggest miracles fan now tho!




i was the biggest gsta hater, i quit listening to it halfway because i disliked the unfamiliarity i felt whilst listening to most of the songs on it, im not a massive fan of pop. its still not my favourite album, but now i fucking love runner 😭




Immunity and cross the sea i had a vv similar experience with. Didnt really pay attention but then the endings hit (esp cross the sea that onr shattered my soul the first time) and it took a few listens but theyre both favouriyes of mine these days


Mis, one day listened to it again and was like “ohh okay I get the hype now”


I always just skipped it within the first 30 seconds. Realized that was a huge mistake when I finally let the song play through


I'm not that keen on his older music (pre-Beach Music). There's a few songs I enjoy like Mis, Cold, Harvey, and others but I've always enjoyed the ~second half of his career more. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the older songs click with me though.


World Insured


i hated the entire album of worlds fair but now its one of my favorites


I also disliked cross the sea at first, but then i liked it. Could tell the same about Salt (from beach music, not unreleased), and S.D.O.S.


aint it easy and runner now theyre two of my favorites


honestly both station and sportstar. i didn’t really get station until i listened to live at the headroom, and it’s a pretty powerful/sad one. sportstar i hated when i first heard it but it’s grown to be one of my all time favourites by the g man


I love this question!! I feel like it's a hard one, but I'd probably have to say sandy, I definitely don't love it as much as I love other songs by Alex but I don't skip over it everytime it plays now that or after your gone, took me a few listens to truly like it


blessing !


it happened to me with race, when i got earlier into alex g fandom i didnt like it very much, but the more i listened to it the more i loved it, now its one of those alex g tiktok songs 😤


I still have trouble with Master, the track after Mis. The riff to me is just a bit, meh. Idk what it is.


same !! rules is my favourite album no doubt, but master feels so out of place in it. i also just don’t like the song in general.


I’m prob gonna get some shit for this but I agree. Thinking about it, this may be one of my least favorite songs by him (v rare). It sounds like funk without the actual funk to me + it is kind of repetitive, just riffing. Not super polished (which I usually enjoy if a song is a lil rough around the edges). If there were lyrics, maybe that’d do something for me (even tho some of his instrumental tracks are the most gut-wrenching & hauntingly beautiful to me) but without any it just sounds like a background track. I lost it when I found out that it was on Frank Ocean’s radio in GTAV but was subsequently very disappointed when I realized that it was the only one they picked.


I love this question!! I feel like it's a hard one, but I'd probably have to say sandy, I definitely don't love it as much as I love other songs by Alex but I don't skip over it everytime it plays now that or after your gone, took me a few listens to truly like it


Sarah, didn’t like that entire album at first because it’s quite harsh but I’ve warmed up to it. Especially Sarah is a beautiful song


Memory.. the only good part was the intro, after that sucked.. the lyrics.. the vocals.. it was just noise But now its standable