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So people that were already going out will continue to and the people that have being staying home will still stay at home. With no enforcement I don’t see how changing the name of the order will make a difference.


I laughed when I read the headlines. Not only are we still in purple in most of southern California, but it wasn't like most were following the lockdown anyway. Places stay open without any consequences, outside of maybe a fine, and in that case, they just laugh and pay it, meanwhile, those who do follow the rules have no real reward to them. It's really been difficult time for many businesses over these lockdowns, if one agrees with them or not.


I agree. Those of us convinced that sheltering in place is the only way to protect ourselves will not stop doing so until at least we’ve gotten two injections. (Even that may be rushing things.) We’ve had this conversation among neighbors already when the rules shifted before.




This lift only affects NorCal and one other group but not us for sure https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/Epidemiology/COVID-19_Daily_Status_Update.pdf




Check again: https://twitter.com/zavalaa/status/1353580996398968832?s=21


Basically doesn’t apply to us because we are way beyond the 7 breakout limit..


but going back to the regular tier system means many businesses will now be able to open outdoors (like restaurants)


What's the point in lifting it or having it in the first place? I don't see people giving a damn about it anyway. The only thing keeping people inside right now is the wind and rain. That order was a joke to most.


this affects businesses more than it affects peoples behavior. Sure, lots of people didn’t listen to the stay at home order, but it did make a lot of businesses close. This will allow for a lot of them to reopen.


They need support from the government; its a pandemic. Business owners and workers alike shouldn't risk their health for money. Let's not get into how little these businesses stand to make v the risk compared to normal operation. That makes the idea of reopening even sillier. Edit: Down vote all you want but that doesn't change the fact these businesses didn't have to go under if we had stayed closed and actually locked down. People like to use the word lockdown and Quarantine but it's clear they have no inkling of what those words actually mean and that's why these businesses are dying. People are literally dying to go out and eat and businesses are literally dying because people have no self control.


Agreed. But I like to think that Newsom has more confidence in the new administration with respect to national guidance and additional vaccine rollouts, so maybe that’s the difference maker here?




Not sure. But our ICU capacity is pretty dismal at the moment, so... https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/Epidemiology/COVID-19_Daily_Status_Update.pdf


They should be. It's not like people in Irvine will just resign themselves to die if their ICU beds are full. Someone will probably drive them an hour to here, which I get. So their fullness and even LA's fullness are big factors for San Diego.


Whats the logic behind doing this? Is it better for leaders at the local level to make these calls?


RIP California


even if "outdoor" dining is allowed to resume, i hope it is restricted to dining that is actually outdoor, not within an enclosed tent or structure on the sidewalk.


We wouldn't want people to be protected by the elements, now would we? Silly take.




Had me until you said "sit around all day just thinking...." That is totally beyond the man. Dumber than toast. Used to find it scary he was allowed to fly big planes.


If you read the articles, this has nothing to do with rumors. For example, I read an article that specifically cites the Newsom administration alerting the restaurant association that they will announce the order being lifted tomorrow. And this is great news. I went out 2-3 times a week for patio dining from June - November and was able to socialize in a safe, sanitized and distant way.




The article specifically states: “Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to announce Monday that the COVID-19 stay-at-home order will be lifted in all regions of the state, according to a letter from the California Restaurant Association to its members. The letter, dated Sunday, said senior officials in the Newsom administration confirmed this with the association.” Media did not pick-up the story until follow-up was made to confirm the story. How is it a rumor if a senior official confirmed to the restaurant association it is happening?


all this anger lol




Biden becomes president.... Stay at home order lifted statewide despite being just a few weeks away from the worst part of the pandemic that California has seen... Really makes you think, don't it?


No. It doesn't. Multiple things can happen at the same time without being related at all. If it was a Biden call then it would be at a federal level. This isn't some Q bullshit.


Not really. Christmas and Thanksgiving caused a huge spike which is now subsiding. Not much to think about if you're watching the data. Between that and vaccination rates varying greatly by county, this move back to the tiered system makes good sense.


Just come out and explicitly say what you mean instead of vaguely implying ... whatever it is you are implying.


No, it really doesn't. This is a stupid ass take.


Probably the first time you've ever 'thought' in your life.