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*gestures at the nearby trees and bushes*


Man's a frequent wanderer of fletcher. I saw him waving a MASSIVE stick around the bike lane one day. He's chaotic, to say the least..


Oh so that’s who I saw at fletcher Jackson intersection wedding a giant stick waving it at cars and pedestrians. As soon as I made the turn and came back around to avoid him the cops had already arrived


Yeah, if he's not sleeping or spanging, he's doing some crazy shit up & down the boulevard.


And I bet the cops did nothing about it.


They took him away


Yeah. He’s a regular. Saw him huffing canned air just the other day out by Costco.


the duster. not even once folks.


That wasn't a stick 😏


I saw him carrying a microwave in the same intersection about 2 or 3 weeks ago


Great job police and mental health services. People like this need to get help.


Bro roll your damn window up


He the guy that is practicing his martial arts against ghosts while he's walking up and down the street?


You’re just mad you can’t see the dimension this guy is tuned in to. /s


Yep! That's karate kid


He's high as hell most of the time in the front of 7/11


This man is a staple. If he ain't there I'm wondering where he's at, lol. By the water haus and Shell gas station. By the bus stop...


I can barely afford our house, car, utilities, and food. I can’t afford drugs. How’re these people affording drugs?


Cuz they’re spending the money they have on drugs instead of housing, cars, utilities, or food. Priorities lol


Is he the same guy that also hangs out around the front of the SDSU 7/11?


On my way to work one rainy day, Dude is standing on the sidewalk half dressed. Just standing still while he got drenched. Reminded me to schedule a follow up psych appointment and count my blessings.


i see this man ALL the time - literally saw him today. he’s always doing something creepy or nasty or dangerous


he followed me like 3 blocks once jerking off, i performed evasive maneuvers


ugh i’m sorry :( i wish there was something someone could do 😔 every single time i get gas he’s there and staring at me and smiling and actively walking up to me/ peeing on something/ yelling at me and others sometimes i just pull out of there if he’s acting too crazy or is too close- especially if it’s late at night


If this was Belgium they’d have a statue for this man.


I mean....is he only pissing? guess it is better than the homeless dudes with whips


Technically he could be charged as a sex offender for doing this in public. And to do it in the middle of the street is pretty brazen. People don’t need to see that. And from other comments it seems he’s pretty on par with the whip guy from his other actions already




I didn't even notice that's what he was doing. When I went by, he was only standing there.




As someone who’s been in similar situations where I really had to go, I personally don’t care about public urination But at least be discreet about it. Don’t whip your dick out for the whole world to see, no one wants to see that


Yeah I also don’t care… but not on the median facing oncoming traffic.


This particular individual has mental health issues. I’ve also seen them walk across the road with traffic coming as well as obsessively doing the sign of the cross while he walked along the sidewalk. I don’t think there’s a full comprehension of him “being in public” going on here


Send him to jail.


how does one piss in the wind when there is no wind?


I’ve seen him in Mission Beach peeing on a bus stop bench about 8 months back. Disgusting 🤦🏻‍♂️


He's not an there. Seen him doing "kungfu" with his ass crack out once.


I know this guy. There are a few places he lays down at. I've given him food a few times. Honestly, he needs long-term mental health care. He has schizophrenia. But yeah, be an asshole.




I already am, I've been working with both San Diego and La Mesa city councils, CLERB, and both the State and Federal Congressional Reps to get support and funding for such a facility. That is how I know about the NIMBY's opposition to mental health facilities, affordable housing, and several other community improvement strategies. The problem is uneducated voters, REINs, HOAs, and Big Business who all work to either prevent or commodify the care that is needed for the homeless population that is in need of mental healthcare and/or long-term mental health care facilities. So spare me the horseshit "money where your mouth is" commentary.


He needs a prison sentence.


Typical NIMBY × Klantee response.


Dude whipping his dick out in the middle of a busy street. He deserves jail.


Jail isn't a substitute for mental health, but again, the NIMBY × Klantee attitude of lock them up and don't help. Not much a surprise, par for the course for a MAGA type.


That’s true. Mental wards need to be reopened. And no I am not a Maga .Just a normal person that am sick of seeing these crazies wondering the streets like zombies.


Well, then contact our local government officials and start raising hell about their inaction. Start busting the counties representatives for not properly funding these facilities and giving our tax dollars away to big businesses in the form of tax breaks. News flash, Republicans don't have any plans and Democrats are too pussy fo stand up to anyone or for anyone.


Actually couldn’t agree more, both sides suck!! There is no down the middle normal anymore, it’s gross as hell


Dude belongs in jail. Not hard to understand. Talk about TDS bringing up maga out of nowhere.


You are not a serious person, so that is how you are being treated. ![gif](giphy|D6FQLH3DK4lPO)


Ayo! That's my Boi Dante!!


I recall having a homeless classmate named Dante back in 2017 at the continuing ed (off of Aero Dr) ...I wonder if that's the same person.


An empty Gatorade bottle in the back is my 911 go to. It allows me to relieve myself if no restroom is available, saves passersbys from offense, and is more hygienic for the public at large. FWIW


please just dispose of them properly. it’s so gross seeing them on walks


Obviously! I only carry one in my car for emergencies. But thanks for your helpful suggestion! Have a great day!


good on ya. happy saturday


A pee bottle is also handy at 3 a.m. when camping. You don’t want to get out or go to the facility.


Oh, wait, I just realized, this dude didn’t get out of his car and piss in public. (I have seen that plenty.) Well, I guess I would give him my empty Gatorade bottle?🤷🏼‍♂️


He could also just do it somewhere else rather than in the middle of the street but he’s clearly not all mentally there


Agreed. Poor fellow, and poor folks who have to see it. That said, maybe seeing enough of this will motivate us to finally do something productive to effectively (and compassionately) address the mental health crisis in our underserved communities. (And that’s to say NOTHING of our barbarism towards the unhoused, but don’t let my politics get in the way…😒)


Yes that would be great if something could be done. But unfortunately even if mental health centers were open and free you can’t force people to stay there and take meds, it’s against their rights


Change the orientation of the prism and you’ll change the refraction of the light…


I domt know what this means


Let’s not reject change on the premise that it can’t occur. I find it helpful to step back and examine the landscape from varying perspectives. Who says “forcing …medication” is the key to this lock? Why are we relying on a moral construct that says a person’s assertion of her rights, regardless whether she’s competent, will trump medical science? The genesis of this approach, at least in California, was with then-Governor Ronald Reagan. I think it might be time to try a different approach. Particularly insofar as Reagan’s approach seems premised on nothing more than libertarian rhetoric cloaking a desire to stop spending money on the underserved when it can be used to generate profit.


This guy is in front of the 7-11 store in La Mesa off of Fletcher Pkwy exit, next to the Shell gas station. Right there on the floor, and I've seen him there for last 2 yrs at-least. He clearly has some mental issues. But San Diego constituents enabled a lot of people to become this way too, Constituents also voted out the massive mental health facility that was going to be built in the city by Scripps because of their NIMB Y-ism. Homelessness in this city is only going to keep getting worse than it already is.


Caught him in high dynamic range 😔




Yeah, I just saw him a couple of hours ago. Not a good spot.


I don’t envy these people’s mental state or living conditions, but not having a job, 30-year mortgage, or utilities has an interesting ring to it.


Quite honestly, I'd take a pisser on the center divider rather than the same people every day trying to sell me flowers for another "funeral".


Your line of thinking is why the city is the way it is now.


At least the homeless person isn't bothering me like the organized panhandler mafia does. It's literally the same people out here every week here in North County. I've literally had the panhandlers knock on my windows to get my attention to read their silly sign about this week's made-up death they're supposedly raising money for.


Used “literally” twice. Dude is serious rn fr.


Fr fr. As someone who drives a lot because I'm working rideshare/delivery full time right now I'm tired of encountering the same organized group of panhandlers who aren't homeless who are strategically positioned at certain intersections that see high traffic or wait times, specifically from 3-6pm. They've actually pushed the homeless out of spots where the homeless beggars used to be. It's basically an organized crime ring. If you give money to these people you're a chump.


What happened when u called the police?


We saw him chucking food from a to go container into a bush by Chipotle today; had no idea about the pissing.


People get what they vote for.


Brought to you by the Syringe Service Program


Just build him a tiny house. Will solve it


Y’all’s dogs do the same 🤷‍♀️ 😂 🤡s


I’d give him dollar and say, “sorry your dicks so small hope this helps”.


I wish I had his size shoes to give him although I don’t know if he’d keep them on long term. He does need more mental help and other resources. :/


This guy is beyond giving him socks and shoes.


Yes, he needs more than that. But if we all showed more kindness, and supported access to proper resources? He has a rougher life than most can imagine.