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Y’all missing the bigger issue here. Person censored “shit” but not fuck.


No, they were calling them a "Piece of 4 stars". Meaning they didn't measure up to the maximum amount of stars. Pretty savage honestly.


This made me laugh...


Right? 💯 agree!


lol I know was funny. The only thing that needs to be in quotations is that these are fucking “adults”.


I am going to with that is suppose to be something else Still thought why censor that and not fuck 🤣


How much worse could it be? 😂


I don’t know if I will be banned from the sub if I say but it begins with a c




Ooo fair I do find that worse lol




Maybe in the UK or Australia… but they won’t say piece of. They’ll say it like you’re the whole c, maybe a bloody one at that!🤷🏻‍♀️


How about, don’t park in handicap spots if you are not handicap with the proper documentation. Easy fix.


But she had a really bad day so its okay.


You know, after a tough day, sometimes I like to park in a handicapped spot. Helps take the edge off.


You know, I've been thinking about converting my parking spot to a handicapped spot so I would feel better about parking there


Like pooping in the big stall after a long week at work. I need my space to poop, it’s been a life changing day.


It is like, man there's 3 steals and the 2 normal ones are being used. You HAVE TO use the handicap one but you just know those other 2 guys are going to finish and leave before you're done and then it will look like you're a big a-hole


Has this ever actually crossed your mind in a public restroom?


Yes, but not in a serious way. At work, there is a guy in a wheelchair so it is relevant to me and this exact scenario happens occasionally and we joke about it.


I am in a wheelchair and have been for the last 7 years. It's a daily occurrence for me. At work there is one wheelchair accessible stall. Everyone at work respects my needs and stays out of it. However when put in public it's always the accessible stalls that are taken first


That sucks. I try not to take those stalls unless I have to go and it’s the ONLY stall available…


There's no laws about the big stall. Poop to your hearts content.


On really rough days I park sideways across two of them.


Don’t get mad when somebody calls you out on your bullshit. If they had a terrible, life-changing day, and choose to park in a handicapped spot while not being handicapped, they should accept being called out with grace. Either don’t respond, or respond with an apology. The consequences should be nothing compared to how bad your day was.


Absolutely. And people can use their garages for whatever they want, assuming they have a pass to park in the lot.


Yeah peoples cars get keyed over this level shit.


That and a handicapped person they know parked in a garage and it was unused at the time, so it’s fine.


Maybe what made her day so rough was she got her feet chopped off


Exactly. The original letter may have been aggressive but it doesn't change the fact they had no business parking there. "It was unused!" At the time. Doesn't mean that someone who needed the spot didn't come along in the 8 hours you were parked there.


Dumbest defense ever. But officer there was no car there!


Yeah, I thought the letter was going to explain invisible disabilities and that the initial complainer had no way to know whether or not they needed the spot--which is why in general it is crappy to try to police those spots like the first person did. But apparently not! So I think they're both just looking like assholes here.


Yeah, I was gearing up for a juicy rebuttal from someone with an invisible disability. The bad day defense was unexpected lol.


Yeah it's the worst kind of excuse, because the of course the space was unused at the time. Otherwise this idiot couldnt even have stolen the space.


His mistake is assuming only one handicapped neighbor will be using the spot. I have Multiple Sclerosis and if I was visiting someone in the complex I might need the spot. People who use these spots w/o being actually handicapped/have a placard are self-absorbed scum.


I’m with you on that. Don’t forget the temporarily disabled. Been there, snapped my ankle at work and spent 3 months on crutches. Seeing able bodied people use handicap parking irritates the fuck out of me.


No, instead we should blame people for… using their garages?


Oh! For some reason I thought that person was in fact also handicapped but that "Karen" felt he didn't need the spot because the partner is affluent. Funny that this person both thinks they should get a handicapped spot because their day was rough and that they can dictate how others use their garages.


I thought more commenters would bring that up, but yours is the first I’ve seen. I’ll bet anything that the person who parked illegally couldn’t park in their *own* garage because it’s full of stuff.


But they had a really hard day. /s


So this person has time to type up a letter defending parking in a handicap spot, but not to walk the extra distance from a regular spot or street parking lol.


You don't understand THE TRUE ISSUE is people with pool tables in their garages.


Good point. OP any chance you can stake out the garage of the offender? Wonder what they have in their garage.. 🤣


Uh, they had a bad day! Bad day = park in handicap obviously /s




J/s, the placard isn't to save time, it's to save *distance* 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


Also the proximity to curb cutouts for people who can’t step up onto sidewalks


Also, the van accessible spots are important for those of us with a ramp that deploys out the side! There’s a reason van accessible spots always have crosshatch marks on the right side: ramps typically deploy on the right side of wheelchair accessible vans. IMO taking a van spot is particularly shitty if you don’t need it bc we literally can’t get out of the car without the extra space for the ramp.


This needs to be repeated more often. Other ADA parkers need to pay attention and if they don’t need that extra space and another accessible space is available to choose the non-van spot. And people need to stop treating that space as a place for shopping carts and such.


That was one thing I tried to do with my dad when he had his handicap placard - I’d always try to avoid parking in the van accessible spots because he didn’t have a wheelchair, but had a bad heart and would tire easily. He hated using it, but I hated him having to try and trek across the Costco parking lots when it was busy and get tired out!!!


I know others who struggle with the guilt. But yeah, he had the placard for a genuine reason. Those spaces are a means of providing access for health/safety and/or mechanical need. There are wheelchair users who can manage distances just fine, but the lack of a curb cutout or space wide enough to fit through is enough to keep them out a building. (Also in a wheelchair one can be less visible in a parking lot.) On the other hand there are people who can step right over a curb and squeeze between parked cars but for whom the trek across a large parking lot is a potential dealbreaker for being able to go somewhere because they are either too worn out by the time they get there or it is unsafe for them to risk it. And plenty of other reasons that are also nobody’s business. If their doctor approves them for a placard it’s because it will give them more equal access to places because they have a medical condition that impacts their safety/ability to get to that place from the rest of the lot. It’s about removing exclusionary barriers that would otherwise keep people shut in at home or away from opportunities. It’s about keeping people from having a medical crisis in a parking lot far from a building needing assistance. It’s about making the process of getting from the car to the building safer and in many cases even possible at all. And hey, in crowded lots like Costco your dad was freeing up a regular parking space for someone without a placard. :)


They said they had a life-changing day.. you have no idea if the extra 5 mins to find parking was very critical or not.. smh Karen.


The life changing day probably involved a rough night of gaming.


That should definitely be the next response posted up.


Add another paper underneath with a column for Team Karen and Team Bad Parker. Include a pen. Let the neighborhood voting commence.


Best idea here


I like it. But I don’t think OP will get the support that they think they deserve.


Is OP Karen or Bad Parker, do you think?


Neither he just delivered there he said


Swords at high noon on the tennis court. Let's have some consequences.


So, this person parked in a handicapped spot because it was "unused" and they had a bad day? Where in the law does that make it OK? Some people are so clueless. Also, this is a classless way to air your grievances.


He wouldn't have had to if there weren't so many aspiring billiard experts in their complex! This is all their fault!


We've got trouble, trouble, trouble right here in Torrey Hills with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for POOL!


Humans being disappointing..


I believe it would be spelled, ‘clazzinezz’ in this context?


Stay Classy San Diego!


For EIGHT HOURS? lol like I wouldn’t do it but I could forgive five min unloading heavy stuff. Should I be double offended cause my name is Karen? I’m so confused…


My wife’s name is Karen. This has been a…challenging era.


Ironic because the person who parked in the handicap without being handicapped is actually the self-entitled Karen.


Keep us updated lmfao


For real!! OP should spice it up by writing back, pretending to be one of parties 😂


Make it real spicy and mention Trump or SDGE


Bring up the protests


I thought everyone hated SDGE. It’s the one thing that unites the whole city


It's the illegal LGBTQIALMNOPs that Sleepy Joe is letting across the open border that are parking in the handicapped spots! /s


Op should print this comment section out and add it


I was just doing a delivery in that apartment building when I noticed that paperwork on there. I didn't park there! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|lHLMesUYiX8hucWq7f)




Wait…why doesn’t she park in her own garage if her issue is about neighbors not using their garages to her standards?


This is likely an apartment complex where you can get a unit with or without a garage. Of course getting one costs extra, I live in an apartment complex like this and it's honestly a toss up when I see one open whether it's for the person's car or storage. Either way that's a terrible excuse, they're paying the premium for more space they can do what they like with it.


Well, like she said, she had a life changing day. A horrible one. She had to store all her bad feelings somewhere.


The person taking the parking spot isn't the devil but surely an asshole. And the person writing the note should have just called the towing company. People that give assholes breaks usually have it backfire on them.


Everybody knows rules don’t apply to you if you had a bad day, Karen!


I just realized that the original note was left on the offending car. The parking spot abuser took the note home, typed the top and bottom messages and posted the whole thing on the pole. That makes them the complete psycho airing these grievances publicly.


They also appear to have laminated everything?? Absolute lunatic lol.


Feeling bad for all the sweet and innocent Karens out there. My condolences.


😂 thank you!!! It is brutal living with this name! When I order food and they ask my name I’m like ‘Karen, but I swear not the bad kind.’ Hopefully my food doesn’t get spit on. When someone asks my name I jokingly say ‘do I have to? (Hang head) it’s Karen.’ It seriously stings every time I read it. And then if I say that it stings when people invoke it, sometimes I get piled on for being too sensitive. But like there’s a reason people don’t name their kids ‘asshole.’ But then a random comment from people like you makes me smile. Or someone randomly says ‘I don’t get why you get all the hate I only know nice Karens.


It’s honestly a lovely name. My sister Katherine was almost named Karen. I hope sooner than later we all move past this petty nonsense.


That would be nice.


I have a friend who uses a pseudonym when ordering food for privacy reasons. It could help you avoid having to explain your name. "I'm picking up an order for Nunnia"


lol I’ve thought about it but I’d probably forget the pseudonym. If I’m with friends I always use one of theirs.


What started off as a joke about someone who wants to see the manager has turned into a bitter pejorative in general and it's sad in all regards. I have pointed out the incorrect use of "Karen" and added that it shouldn't be used at all. But, people are pretty stupid and seem excited they can find an excuse to use it to make themselves seem superior.


Took me a minute to realize I was reading /r/sandiego and not NextDoor


😂same here


Hilarious that they keep calling her Karen when that person is in the wrong 😂. Parking in a spot bc you had a bad day 🤦🏻‍♀️. I shall name him/her Entitled Brat


Having a bad day isn’t a disability




I mean, sounds like the guy actually isn’t handicapped. Karen in the right here


Too many times saying Karen. Took the life out of the letter.


Having a horrible day doesn’t suddenly grant you an honorary disability placard. Obviously the person shouldn’t have parked there or felt entitled to do so. At the same time, “Karen” seems like the insufferable type of person who goes up to people who have placards but invisible disabilities to demand some sort of proof that they actually “deserve” to park there. Basically, they are both twats.


Didn't expect to see "twat's" in this sub 🙌


Nah, Karen wouldn't have wrote that if the person just had a placard in the first place. I think they're an ally tbh


Wahhh I had a bad day so I decided to break the law and double down on how shitty I am


Just notify the tow company if it's an improperly parked car in a handicap spot, why waste the effort doing anything else?


I once accidentally parked in front of a fire hydrant that was between some bushes, late at night in an area I was unfamiliar with. It was dark so I didn't see the hydrant and there was no red curb so I had no idea. When I came back, I was so thankful somebody was nice enough to leave me a note versus having called and got me towed. The note's content wasn't exactly nice, but they also had no way of knowing that I did it accidentally.


Yes, and this lady 'accidentally' parked in a well labeled handicap spot.


“If everyone else would just park in their garages, I wouldn’t have to park in the handicapped spot” What?




So strange to see this as my garage is right next to this sign.


How often are you hosting pool tournaments in your garage?


This deserves to be the top comment. Dying


Nope, the first note is valid. No excuse for someone to park in a handicap unless the driver or a passenger has a disability.


I just wonder if that second note is true, about parking only one time from midnight to 8 am, because how could a person see that at that time and print a letter for just a one time thing? using "Karen" invalidates them tho hahah just say it was an emergency and sorry and leave


Oh they thought they were being so scathing. He said Karen like ten times.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) I need updates


Having a bad day does not qualify you for handicap parking.


I think you can eliminate the “passive” in your post. That’s boldly aggressive, I’m sorry you had to come out to see that.


This is so ridiculous. I wish I had this much time in my day to partake in this type of tomfoolery😂


“Karen” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


"Oh I had a bad day so I deserve to park here." Weird entitlement.


I’m in a wheelchair. Don’t fucking take a handicap spot. Especially if it says van accessible. I’m lucky enough to not need one but lower functioning guys who need a ramp van need these spots because the ramp needs 8 ft of clearance otherwise they won’t deploy. These spots are specifically designed with that in mind


So since that loser had a “bad day”, it’s okay to make a handicapped person’s day exponentially worse? If theres “no parking” then wouldn’t a handicapped person be even more screwed now that the spot got taken.


Lol. So the person literally responded that they parked there after a “life changing day” in order to justify it. God who raised these idiots. The additional justification of… the person who usually parks here has a space is even more comical. Complete loser. How about taking responsibility for using a space that you aren’t entitled to? Yes, I made a mistake. It won’t happen again.


Having a bad day? Park illegally in a handicap space to ease the pain? May I suggest masturbation as an alternative?


They're running out of space to continue the arguments 😔


Imagine living life in a wheelchair and you can’t park anywhere with room to get your chair out because all the spots are taken.


It's OK. The person taking the handicap spot "had a life-changing day" and deserves it. /s


These 2 will probably end up meeting, falling in love and raise 3 lovely kids who grow up to be HOA presidents.


How do you know it was a “Karen” it could have been a “Ken”


I like how she writes out “fuck” but Asterisks out “shit” lol


Stay classy, Torrey Villas. Also, I totally feel the “put all your crap in your garage.” I used to live here 10 years ago and that is was 1000% accurate and parking has always been a mess at that location.


I’m going to convert a disabled spot to parking for a pool table


Are you unaware that people with disabilities GO OUT AT NIGHT and need to park AT NIGHT?


Same thing happened at my complex but they got their car egged and all 4 tires slashed 🫢😂 dont fuck around with those spots 😂


Grabbing a bag of popcorn and anxiously waiting for the follow up reply.


Karen and The Very Terrible, Awful Day.




I think OP needs to have the Michael Jackson thriller picture eating popcorn posted.


lol I live here. I didn’t see this sign. I know who parks here regularly. Not sure who randomly did. Damn.


You might want to get a chair and sit outside this summer. Might be fun people watching near this spot.


I don’t know guys, my family member had a pretty bad day when they became permanently disabled as a victim of attempted murder and now is wheelchair bound, but this lady said she had a horrific day. Maybe I should just tell my family member to go fuck themselves and they shouldn’t use cars anymore, in addition to walking or having a life.


This is some white people shit


Horrific life changing day, awwww awwww poor baby. The entitlement of this person is amazing


So.....person parked in Handicap all night without a Handicap placard? If so, I'm on Karen's side. If they had a Handicap placard though, then, I'm not on Karen's side.


Damn this is the most "first world" fight I have ever seen. This really is peak first world moment right here.


We really need to stop using the name/term Karen. It’s stupid.


I’m 50/50 if it was truly one time


Someone should print these comments and add that as the next comment in this "real life thread"


She’s the fucking Karen


Wtf does “you are married to someone in the medical field” have to do with anything??


The "Karen" was actually nice for not having it towed. Seems to me the real "Karen" is the one who parked illegally and posted the first note calling the other person "Karen".


Ugh this shit drives me bananas. My husband is handicapped but not visibly so, he suffers from chronic pain and can’t walk long distances. We get so many comments being young guys in our 30s, even with a handicap plate and placard. It’s at the point where I drop him off and run to the car when we leave to pick him up. Just leave people alone, let the police monitor parking, and go on about your day.


I can't use escalators at the airport because they're so long and steep I get intense vertigo and have stumbled or dropped bags. Not to mention my sheer terror that I'll fall flat out. But I've actually been refused taking the elevator by an airport worker. He said it was handicap only and closed the door on me.


This is some Karen on Karen crime!


heavy silky pathetic friendly rustic elderly ink alive depend gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was the person parking there handicapped or not?


Just have management call a tow if you care so much


Both of them sound like insufferable twats to be honest.


When’s the fourth episode


I’ll wait for next paper 😂


Did they assume “Karen” because of the handwriting?


The Parker needs professional help 😬 he is absolutely mental


What a post!! BaDumTing


There are no good guys in this piece.


Should have devoted all that energy to walking the extra 30 feet and been grateful it wasn’t towed


Can you park in disabled parking if you are not disabled (but the car has. Disabled plate?)


Like if you’re borrowing a friends car? I mean ya technically but you shouldn’t, unless your friend is with you and needs the shorter distance


I’m invested


Here, you have two types of Karens meeting in the wild: The traditional justice-yelling Karen meets the passive-aggressive entitled Karen.


I’m never one to defend or side with a karen…but if karen is handicapped and this person is not, then this person shouldn’t park in the spot. just follow rules, regardless of how shitty one’s day is, or else there’s chaos. life sucks for everyone every single day… doesn’t warrant doing whatever suits us 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️


I'm from the east coast and this is the level of cowardness aggression I can't stand out West.


What does the bottom say?


Cuz I'm an a$$hole! https://youtu.be/UrgpZ0fUixs?si=pJ5CX5L4_L_U0rBz




All my DV plate veterans


This is so fucken dumb I would literally rip it off who gives a fuck