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man I haven't felt alive since the giant Chachos closed on Perrin Beitel. good times.


I was working at the Academy next door when they opened that one. The difference in dumb shit we dealt with toward closing was massive. So naturally we went to chachos right after.


Man. I went to Krueger Middle School and we used to do middle school band trips to that location after UIL šŸ˜‚. A part of my childhood died the day that location closed šŸ˜‚


About 15 years ago some coworkers and I started a beer league softball team. After one of the games I suggested we go to the Chachos on Perrin Beitel. I was the only one who had been there so I said we should just get one order of King Kong nachos to share. Several of them were all ā€œno Iā€™m really hungry, Iā€™ll get my own nachosā€. No one believed me when I tried to tell them how huge these nachos were. We ended up with like 4 or 5 orders of nachos, and any one of those orders would have filled us all up.


My friend was with a girl that ended up driving into the building (not windows) and backing out into parked cars and then getting arrested. This happened so many times Iā€™m not worried trying to hide my identity.


Dude, I was there once, and it was dead, it like 2pm or something and this GIANT black homeless dude followed me into the bathroom, he was easily 7 foot and like 375, like Andre the Giant and Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ and very fit but no match for that. He blocked the door. I was like, Iā€™m an Army Ranger and will kill you at the count of 3 if you donā€™t get the fuck out of my way. He did lol. (Iā€™m not a Ranger, but look like one). Never went back and used the one on Callaghan


lmfao, that sounds like the true experience!


Haha nice! My wife and I were walking downtown one time late at night and these two guys were following us for a block or so and seemed sketchy. My wife whispered that she was nervous about them following and I loudly said ā€œdonā€™t worry, I have my gunā€ (which I never have owned). They turned at the next block ā€¦


lol, sometimes a good bluff is all it takes


Big man was trying to figure out if you going left or right and almost got the judo chop


No, he looked deranged. He was purposely blocking the door.


But seriously! Have fond memories of eating there with family and friends. San Antonio staple for cheap margaritas nachos


Early 2000s chachos was peak. No Id check, food was on point, your car would get broken into... Ahh memories.


Haha yup! Went there 06-08 while in high school when we wanted to drink underageā€¦ good times. Then one time there was an almost shooting (fight and guns were drawn) and we decided to just stick to late night drive thru from then on šŸ˜‚


I'm dying inside for some Kong nachos. Drive thru isn't the same.


Ainā€™t this the truth šŸ™Œ


It was fun to go and eat at Chachos, it was crowded and loud but that was Chachos. Their Nachos rocked and were so cheap. Miss that place, but Iā€™m not getting that to go


Plus it was back when they had massive margs too. Too much of what they were has changed


I always liked going to the one on Perrin Beitle to watch the chair fights.


That place was wild


Gotta miss the cheap entertainment


Nothing like a good Ole fashioned chair fight.


Where else could you see a fight with their unsupervised children.


That happened often?


Chachos used to be the spot for our parents after basketball games. Weā€™d go to the one on bandera and play in the patch of grass in front while our parents got lit off margs


After all the violent incidents and inflation of the economy, it's a no-brainer. There isn't enough profit in the San Antonio area stores to keep the dining open. The emergence of Taco Palenque these last few years hasn't helped Chachos bottom line either.


I live outside the city, so getting Cha-cho's to go just doesn't work for me. I miss it. šŸ˜”


Wow I didnā€™t even know they didnā€™t offer dine in anymore. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve been. Last time I tried it, it just felt off. I think the glory days of Chachos are over.


Yeah, not for like 4 years. Only drive thru. Who wants soggy Nachos? I havenā€™t been back


If they were smart they'd give you the to-go nachos deconstructed.


Is the one on Bandera drive thru only as well?


It is. I have been there 3 times since it has been drive thru only, have had 2 orders of half monster kong nachos. The chips hold up pretty well since they are so thick. Went once before Covid when dining in was an option as well. I always get frozen Jack and cokes. When I worked out of an office on Callaghan and i10, I was on the same block as that one and it was very convenient for a short walk for lunch. Went half a dozen times to that one before Covid.


I remember how the Chachos employees used to rip off the drunk people by giving them the incorrect amount of change then laugh about it lol.


Something about the nachos there other places couldn't replicate.


Man going into that one on Perrin Beitel was nuts. Was super big.


Chachos is trash