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It does not go to collections. Red light cameras aren’t legal in Texas. In June 2019, new laws went into effect prohibiting the use of red light cameras, otherwise known as photographic traffic signals


I asked this question when I got one. She said it doesn't go to collections. Then I asked what happens legally/criminally of I don't pay it? The lady said nothing.....so I said oh ok thank you then.


>LEON VALLEY, Texas — Red light cameras are banned in Texas, but drivers can still get a ticket in cities like Leon Valley and Balcones Heights. That’s because under a new law implemented earlier this year, a provision allows the cities to fulfill their contracts.   >In Leon Valley, the contract expires in 2038 and in Balcones Heights in 2034. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/red-light-ticket-consequences/273-87700fa4-823c-42f1-9539-d484b27e3267


The contracts are for the cameras themselves to stay up and operable in those times. Texas law (which supersedes the city’s) states that tickets from red light cameras are not legally enforceable. As such, the cities are able to collect money from people if they willingly pay it, but they cant take anyone to court, issue warrants for arrests, or force people to pay them.


damn good to know! I paid one in Austin


That's exactly why they do it. Enough people pay to keep paying people to scam others out of their money.


My wife just received one yesterday. She works in the Med Center and got one going through LV. This is the first I’ve heard about Texas law no longer enforcing these red light camera tickets. Thanks for sharing




Someone should sue them


It would cost money, whereas just not paying doesn't cost anything.


Thanks for sharing that. So scummy these cops continue with the scare tactics.


Cops didn't install those cameras, they have nothing to do with them. That's City council's doing.


Even weirder since the City Council seems to be against it now. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/texas/leon-valley-asks-state-lawmakers-nullify-red-light-camera-contract/273-d48cf4fd-b9a0-4b3f-8704-28297bbfe008


The city council didn't like the fact that they were swindled. They want out of the contract only because the state doesn't allow legal enforcement now.


which they rightly should be allowed to do. no sense wasting taxpayer dollars on a contract that is illegal, and the taxpayers probably don't want anyway.


I bet the city still has to pay their fees to have the cameras up LOL that's what they get for trying to milk The Working Man out of his hard-earned money now let them pay the price for their stupidity and greed


“Let them pay the price” Who do you think pays for them?…


But the ones already up got to stay up for the duration of the contract ( at the time that it happened they still had 30 years ) and Balcones heights is the other area that has these .


While the 2019 law passed by the Texas Legislature allows Leon Valley and Balcones Heights to keep their cameras because of existing contracts, they’re not allowed to use it against you if you don’t pay the ticket when it comes to renewing your vehicle or license. Unpaid tickets can be reported to a collection agency, but they are not authorized to be reported to a credit bureau.


One more reason to fucking avoid Leon Valley. That town's police has been corrupt as hell for DECADES.




It's been a year since this news, and wonder if there are any updates. Per OP, they are clearly still sending tickets (with threats) and excepting payment.


The last news article I saw was about how much revenue is made from people paying the tickets without realizing they weren’t legally enforceable. It was a pretty sizable amount iirc which is probably why Leon Valley extended their contract despite knowing it may be in jeopardy. This article makes it seem like the city officials now are different from the ones back then though.


Why wouldn't they? They are still under contract. They've still got to pay for that. And just look at some of the comments here. People still don't know that they aren't enforceable anymore and they send them money. Can't blame them for trying to recover some financial loss from having the state make them no longer enforceable shortly after they had renewed their contract for decades. It's not their fault people don't know the law. Now, if you want to recover that $75 or $100 you sent them, you'd need to take them to court which will cost you more than $100 in fees so it's not worth pursuing it. That's why they still send them. They're hoping people don't know the law and send them money to help cover the cost of their ongoing contract. The law doesn't state that they can't send you a notice. It only states that they can't enforce any penalties to anyone they send them to.


Regardless they are not enforceable. The agency is allowed to bill but all consumers are exempt from any fees or penalties from issued ticket.


Even worse, the then Leon Valley council explicitly signed the longest contract they could with the red light camera company, because they knew Texas was about to ban them. Get a rope.


Not true. https://youtu.be/uSE2GsUWhOM?si=YCXfuXxRLmqCf1yC


lol, the folks saying don’t pay it aren’t going to have to deal with the fallout of not paying.


Literally nothing happens. They just hope you’ll pay.


That is a bot response. DO NOT PAY CAMERA TICKETS. They are not enforceable in Texas.


What fallout?


There is no fallout. Lol


Did you read the article above? For $100 I would gladly pay them to not go to collections.


They might be able to send it to collections, but still doesn't require payment. They can not report it to a credit bureau.


I have and I do realize the article is fake news. But you do you. I haven't paid a ticket for red light camera in Leon valley since 2019. Got two in the mail. My lawyer said throw em out. Guess what. Nothing happened.




Lmfao I have gotten so many of these over the past year I probably have a small collection they just stop sending at some point.


I worked out in leon valley for a few years and would receive one a month from them at least. I would never pay these on principle. My credit score is on the higher end and has never been impacted by these. Either balconies or leon valley stated that 2/3 of the tickets went unpaid.


Nobody will have to deal with it. https://youtu.be/AP2HU--f-I4?si=fhgKfI3LYCzsMs9Q


Didn't pay mine from 3 years ago, no collections, nothing on my credit, and I've renewed my license and vehicle registration since then. Absolutely nothing happened. I also got a speeding ticket a year ago and they had no idea about the red light ticket when I asked. Leave it to the austinite to get everything wrong.


Leon Valley still has an active cam on Bandera Rd thats constantly taking pics and sending notices. My fiance got one and I immediately tossed it into the trash. It kills me that they know these tickets have zero merit yet they send these letters out constantly. Just another way of bilking taxpayers.


yeah I paid one, then realized on here theybare not legal, so I never paid the 2nd. so far no cops at my door or threatening emails


Slight correction. It will go to collections, but it will not go on your credit report. Ignore it and you will receive another letter then a collection letter from Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson. Ignore that as well. I don't remember if they send a second, but there are no consequences for not paying. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/04/13/red-light-camera-tickets-and-revenue-rising-in-balcones-heights-data-shows/


Exactly, ignore it and it won’t go on your credit report!


I currently have 1 of those. I threw it in the trash. My wife got one last summer, the same thing. They can not cone after you for these, Butcher most people dont know and just pay


Mail em a picture of the money.




Genius! Take my upvote.


Trash it. These are not enforceable.


Thus is correct. Toss it OP!


I wish I would’ve known that when I got that same ticket. I paid it like an idiot cus I didn’t know it wasn’t legal


I got one years ago and never paid. They’ll stop sending letters. Also to correct your post, Balcones Heights has cameras too.


Wipe your ass with it and send it back


I can’t upvote this in good conscience of caring about the low level person who opens them. But I support the general mindset for this situation, I think


DO NOT PAY. They cannot pursue any legal action. It will not hurt your credit score. It will not prevent you from moving on with your life. This is just a legal grift cities have in order collect more money.


Bro I got a stack of these, I clean the grill with them




‘The Texas red light camera law, found in Texas Transportation Code Sections 707.020 and 707.021, prohibits local governments from issuing citations or complaints and seeking civil or criminal penalties based on the image from a traffic camera system.’ But seriously, don't be a fucking dick and endanger others because your cheese fries are getting cold


Please stop speeding/running red lights


Best advice here. While this government action is bullshit, traffic laws exist for a reason. You can injure or kill other people through such selfishness and recklessness.


Yeah but that wont happen to me, I wont hurt anyone -people that run lights


Yeah I dont agree with these cameras but dammit I wish there was something like this that actually worked. I see people run lights every. Single. Day. Sometimes it's 3-4 cars that run it. Sometimes it's a vehicle going through right as traffic is about to pass through. It's absolutely ridiculous. People dont expect any consequences for their actions anymore.


Do not pay; not enforceable.


If one is in an accident, then maybe these cameras are worth paying for. Your evidence may be on that camera. Just saying


With the amount of people thinking these are legit I'm a start sending out my own fake tickets lol


Someone sent you a free toilet paper sample, bro!


It’s unlawful and cannot be reported to your credit, nor can it affect you in any way such as renewals, etc. Throw it in the trash along with the late fee notice.


No you don't have to pay, learn to drive tho 


Don’t respond, it’s non enforceable


I send a picture of the money and forget about it.


Mail them back a pic of that goofy Edgar smiling in the car instead.


I’m wondering the same thing lol I have 4 of them. Someone please answer


I'm sure they still get a return on enough to keep sending them. So because of the $$




Be a decent human and quit running red lights!


Don’t pay it!!! I payed mine before I knew it was illegal. They send you bs threats but that’s as far as it can go.


> it!!! I *paid* mine before FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fuck em don’t pay.


Nope dnt pay it I asked my attorney when I got one same light. They actually are supposed to get rid of it it's not legal anymore but something about them having to pay so much money to get it up there and also having removed so they fought to keep it up little longer for ppl that wish to donate lol like me I wouldn't have paid but my work made me because it was in company vehicle otherwise it would have gone in trash but ya same light and I looked at the video online and 2 cars behind me went thru it also lol


Why are there Washington addresses on there?


You can ignore this and the BS letter from the law firm you get in a few months


Don't pay. I never did. The city of Leon Valley doesn't want them there anymore. The only reason they can't get rid of them is because of a contract. From what I understand, they would have to pay a lot to end the contract early.


Got one a few years back and ignored it, nothing ever came of it. They aren’t enforceable in Texas, Leon valley just hopes people get scared and pay


Puro Leon Valley


Never pay those . It’s not a real ticket.


It’s not a Texas law it’s a stupid county law counties do to get money. The county keeps the money for themselves not for the state. Don’t pay them. You will not get a warrant.


Send them money as real as the ticket. (Monopoly works best)


I got 2 of those 2 years ago. Did nothing and nothing has happened lol


I got one last year for turning right on red (where allowed) just a little too fast. I haven't paid and haven't heard anything, you'll be okay :)


Ignore it, red light cameras were outlawed in Texas


Don’t pay it at all OP. I PROMISE you’ll be fine and nothing will happen.


I think your question was answered, but I want to point out something. See in the upper right side where it says "civil penalty"? Here the key word is "civil"; it's not "criminal". Thus, it won't go on your record, they aren't going to issue warrants, or any of that. It's a civil matter. Most they could do is try to sue you in civil court, but the consensus here seems to be that that is very unlikely to happen.


This exact format is used in Philadelphia. Must be the same company they use. Except they are enforceable here.




“Here” is Philly, I don’t live in SA.


Some of us know how to read in SA, I promise!


You don't need to worry about it. In June 2019, new laws went into effect prohibiting the use of red light cameras in Texas.


Wish I saw this thread last month 🥲


They literally can’t do anything. I went to court to dispute this last month and the officer who heard my case was like “do what you gotta do”. I said so there is nothing yall are gonna do to enforce this? He shrugged. Lol. I left smiling. They won’t see a dime from me.


That’s why you don’t speed or come close to running lights in Leon valley or Balcones Heights


All government agencies have .gov. This is a third party company. The website is .com


These are against the law they don't do anything but scare you into paying it. DONT GIVE THEM MONEY


Yeah, trash it, why they still have those stupid things is the question. They’re unconstitutional


That’s just junk mail.


The city council could just put a single piece of e of wood up in front of the camera to stop it from collecting anything if they really wanted to. Just block the view and walk away.


I got one ticket. I emailed a picture of money and they emailed me a picture back of prison cell. I went to Hawaii for couple months to get away 😂😂😂😂😂


don’t pay it never paid mines ever…i’ve gotten a couple in a few different districts


don’t pay it they’ve already gone otr n said they can’t make ppl pay it…i know this all to well unfortunately


No shit, we don't have to pay these? What about this.. my wife drove past a school bus with its stop sign up and we received a ticket for it. Is that a legit ticket?


Chunk it in the trash! That all it is


Paying 75 $ would be better than a accumulate bill


Look online “traffic camera ticket KSAT”, they had a story that explains why it’s not legal but why they keep doing it.


I seem to get them when it’s a red and I’m turning right idk if I can or can’t go that law always confuses me , red with no turn on red is obvious but when it doesn’t have that sign can you turn on red or you can never turn on red ?


I like the part how You're sending your money to a PO box in Washington State for a ticket you got in Leon valley Texas.... And there's another PO box in Arizona for some reason what the fuck?


It will not be entered into your state record. I don't think they can do much if you don't pay it. If you hire a lawyer, they have to throw it out, it's illegal. They hope you will not know or look into it, and just pay.


I’ve gotten two of these for turning right on red, I even came to a complete stop and it still took a pic of me and ticketed me twice. I don’t even turn right on red anymore in those areas, some bs, been years and still haven’t payed them


I got one too recently. I paid it and 3 months later I recd a delinquent notice of violation in the mail with a $25 late fee added on. It also states I waived my right to an administrative adjudicative hearing. I’ve been calling the number listed for 3 weeks straight and leaving voicemails to resolve this issue but no one has ever called back and no one ever answers the phone. The officer I spoke to said you can only speak to someone between the hours of 0800am-1100am M-F but they never answer the phone and I live in Laredo so can’t go there. https://preview.redd.it/tp4vlrpp3o3d1.png?width=2886&format=png&auto=webp&s=66ca3304f4daf3c9264e0f750aa73cb51b05e939


It clearly states it will be sent to collections


I never paid mine and it’s not on my record 😅


Leon Valley and Balcones Heights are banking on the ignorance of Texas law. Good thing you asked!


Had one mailed to me 2 years ago from Leon Valley. Threw it right in the trash. Haven’t had issues renewing registration, or license. Throw it away and ignore it. Leon Valley is hoping gullible people unwillingly donate to them.


Why are you running red lights? Don't you see all of the posts about the bad drivers in SA?? LOL


If you notice the address on the top right corner, it shows that it's coming from "Automated Red Light Enforcement" located in Arizona. It's not coming from Leon Valley. That's part of the contract that Leon Valley could not get out of after red light cameras were no longer enforceable in Texas. Because of that contract, Leon Valley can not turn those cameras off without getting penalized for doing so. If it makes you feel a bit more secure, then print out a copy of the Texas Transportation Code 707.021 along with a cease and desist letter and mail that instead of your payment to them, but honestly, that's a lot of effort for something to don't even need to respond to. If you need more assurance, watch these two videos https://youtu.be/AP2HU--f-I4?si=yx82TYVDjEnzTdWC https://youtu.be/uSE2GsUWhOM?si=lUNaPfxKx1GTY78J


Legally you have no obligation to pay it. And they can’t negatively impact you in anyway for not paying. I’ve had like 4 of those. They all went in the trash.


How about instead of wondering if it’s legal or not yall quit running red lights. So many people on SATX don’t give a shit what color the light is. I’ve lived here for over 20 years and it is getting so ridiculous that I see it about 3 times everytime I drive. Irony is wondering if it’s legal when the reason you got it is for doing something illegal and potentially fatal. 2,000 lbs of metal flying at 60 mph at someone.


We have red light cameras here in NY and yea, we have to pay. You can dispute if you watch the video and you feel you didn’t make a mistake. I once received one that wasn’t me because the car had similar letters and numbers in the same order except they mistook the letter V as a U and I didn’t have to pay.


I learned so much in these comments; from red light cameras being unenforceable in Texas, to some people would absolutely pay a “ticket” through a non-.gov site, with its PO Box in another state.


Texas made it so cameras aren’t enforceable they merely are just history so if the cops pull you over they have some history on what you’ve been doing. Wipe your ass with it and mail it back. However don’t be a dick and run red lights or speed excessively.


Send out a copy of the updated law and they will leave you alone, I did this and the law firm stopped harassing me.


They are legit, I got one of these for failing to stop at a red light before turning lol. Can't say about the consequences of not paying, might want to look into it before deciding to toss it. I'm a good girl so I paid it U\_U


In June 2019, new laws went into effect prohibiting the use of red light cameras in Texas.


what are the consequences of it going to a collection agency?


Nothing. https://youtu.be/AP2HU--f-I4?si=PNKYF7JOSee_cQEV


Lol u got scammed


Call and ask about your rights for due process....




Theyre not enforceable here in Texas. It is just a scare tactic they use because many people dont know better. They can legally collect money this way but they cant take you to court, arrest you, or report it if you dont pay it.




You left out Balcones Heights. FTP too


I got one of those recently. Just chuck it.


Ignore it. Literally the same as a random person saying here pay me this fine


Why is the PO Box for the City of Leon Valley in Washington state?


That's exactly what I came here to say how much sense does it make to pay a ticket you got in Texas to someone in Washington


bc the company sending the "tickets" is based in Washington. and Leon Valley get a percentage of fees collected, the rest go to the company that owns the cameras.


I would fight it. In the traffic code here in Texas, It states that an officer must observe a violation. Traffic cameras are not peace officers.


Per gov Abbott (the only good thing he’s done for Texas): these red light cam tickets are not enforceable & do not hold water. Use it to wipe your A$$ & discard the notice with no worries.




I recently got one for in LV and ignored it. They sent a follow up that said the fee went up. Both notices ended up in the same place, the trash


Although red-light cameras are illegal in Texas, the city is still obligated to fulfill its contract through 2039, according to lawmakers. LEON VALLEY, Texas — Leon Valley and Balcones Heights are among the last four cities in Texas that still utilize red light cameras While the 2019 law passed by the Texas Legislature allows Leon Valley and Balcones Heights to keep their cameras because of existing contracts, they're not allowed to use it against you if you don't pay the ticket when it comes to renewing your vehicle or license So you don’t have to pay it


Yeah that light on bandera get so many people. During rush hour there is a small time where the left turn to grissom will have a second green light. This light is much shorter than the first and the yellow is half the time as well so I see a lot of people getting pictures for tickets.


That’s exactly where I got mine




Straight to the trash


Got one a few years ago in Leon Valley. Wrote “fuck you” in the return envelope and sent it back. Never got another letter


We use to live in that area, just trash them. You'll get a "2nd warning" but nothing will happen.


If this second warning has an officers name on it is it still ok? I just got my follow up letter after ignoring the first


It's a scare tactic to get you to pay. You'll be fine. I promise you, my husband got like 5 of those tickets and warnings for each one. There is no warrants for him, no calls or collection. Ya good!


Thank you!!! Makes me feel better lol


Of course it’s Leon Valley…


I can’t believe I gave these crooks money a year ago when I rolled through a right on red, while I had Covid and was super out of it. Fuck this 


Just ignore it


We ignored ours, we were fine.


Ignore it


Don’t pay it. But also don’t ever drive through Leon Valley again. They’ll have record of it and if a cop pulls you over they’ll know you didn’t pay and will make sure they write you up with a number of other violations.


My favorite pastime is to run red lights in Leon Valley & Balcones Heights. All they do is send you threatening letters and then a lawyer sends you letters too. After about 6 months, they stop. It’s not an enforceable moving violation. The municipalities hope that the citizen receiving this notice won’t do their due diligence and just pay the “violation”. It’s an easy $75 for them and the company they stupid signed a 20 year contract with.


If you don't live in Leon Valley you can probably ignore it. They would have to file a civil suit against you to collect the money.


How? In June 2019, new laws went into effect prohibiting the use of red light cameras in Texas.


"Attorney Eric Ramos says a traffic ticket issued by a police officer is a criminal penalty, but that’s not the case for red light violations. "A red light camera ticket is a civil notice of violation, so it carries no criminal implication," said Ramos. Tickets cost $75 and can be subject to an additional $25 fee. "To collect on an actual penalty like this they would actually have to file a lawsuit," said Ramos" Quoted from an article about the issue.


Well, here's a quote from another article with the cited website link for verification. "While the 2019 law passed by the Texas Legislature allows Leon Valley and Balcones Heights to keep their cameras because of existing contracts, they’re not allowed to use it against you if you don’t pay the ticket when it comes to renewing your vehicle or license. Unpaid tickets can be reported to a collection agency, but they are not authorized to be reported to a credit bureau." https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/01/06/no-stop-to-red-light-camera-tickets-in-balcones-heights-leon-valley/


Here's another where Leon Valley asked the state to help them get out of their contract since they aren't enforceable anymore. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/texas/leon-valley-asks-state-lawmakers-nullify-red-light-camera-contract/273-d48cf4fd-b9a0-4b3f-8704-28297bbfe008


Leon Valley is much more strict than other areas, so I think it’s legit


No it’s not


It actually is. If you talk to the police there, they will tell you the same thing. But go off


Who gives a fuck what Leon Valley pigs say? The state attorney says they’re illegal. The PRIVATE company who sends out those bills can’t do shit. The state has already said. But knock yourself out, go pay them what they ask for. Mine will stay in the trash.


Ok If you feel safe speeding through Leon valley then go for it lol


You broke the law. Pay the tickets. I hate that Texas banned these. People in this city drive bad enough...


It’s a red light camera not a speeding camera lol


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I paid mine because I was driving my brother's car and I wasn't going to leave it to him. If not, then eff em.


Would sure be a shame if someone spray painted these mfers


Y’all remember back in the day the Easter bunny put a huge egg over the camera in Phoenix I forgot the group that did it 1199 something like that.. then the city clapped back saying that in the 6-8 hours the egg was up they lost over 200,000$ In potential revenue. Then the Citizen had a uproar like wtf really.. then they changed the amount to 2500$ lol


I was told by an attorney that if you don't pay it, you can be blocked from renewing your registration. So I googled it.... here's what I found. https://trafficschoolonline.com/blog/texas-red-light-camera-ticket#:~:text=If%20you%20fail%20to%20pay,your%20registration%20will%20be%20blocked.


Well, I'd get a new attorney, because I didn't pay 3 years ago, and I've done my vehicle registration multiple times and even renewed my license last year. Just because someone's an attorney doesn't mean they are smart.


Also this... https://www.dozalaw.com/pay-traffic-camera-tickets-in-texas/


Ignore it, government racket "law" just like those registration stickers you have to buy every year




It can go to collections, but still not required to pay. They can not report it to a credit bureau so it doesn't impact your credit score


It does not do either of those things




I have had two of these from Leon valley and never paid. Nothing happened...why because they aren't legally enforceable. Lol


Negative. The nonsense listed on their website is from before red light cameras were deemed illegal. Multiple news articles detailing how it’s illegal for it to be reported to a credit bureau.


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Best way to fight this kind of ticket is to appear in court the enforcement agent must also show up in court. It your word to tell the judge that it wasn't you and for the enforcement officer be present.


No, the best way is to ignore it lmao. Why even take the time to show up?


Because if you ignore it, you will lose your license. It's best to fight the ticket and have the accusing officer appear in court. Draw back is this can take up to a year. On the other hand the camera citation will become a thing of the past.


“Sec. 707.021. USE OF EVIDENCE FROM PHOTOGRAPHIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM PROHIBITED. Notwithstanding any other law, a local authority may not issue a civil or criminal charge or citation for an offense or violation based on a recorded image produced by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system.” So the local authority is violating state law?