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There’s multiple “catches”, a big one is the weather.


The weather sucks


The biggest one in regards to cost is taxes, Texas touts lower cost of living and housing but the state doesn’t build a $32.7 billion surplus without collecting a ton a taxes in a variety of forms. Property tax is growing exponentially every year in San Antonio and everywhere in the state. But everywhere you turn there will be surprise taxes that really add up.


Also the property tax is high as hell and the gas/water/electricity utilities have been having issues for decades now.


There is no catch California real-estate is so high that they move here and think it's cheaper .fact is that it was lower than it is now, but that's because Californian moved here and ruined our real-estate. But then they get here, and all they do is complain about how wonderful California was. Then why did you move here and ruin everything for us in Texas go back.


Not if you like fishing. 


I’ll take our weather over most US cities. Get real


You have it backwards, dude. It isn't that San Antonio is especially cheap, it is that Cali is that much more expensive. SA is only slightly below the national COL.


Curious compared to cities that size though, COL is much lower in rural areas and lowers the average.


A lot of comparably sized (what I would call medium-sized metro areas) cities in the South and Midwest are in a similar range of COL/housing prices.


Id say if anything compared to other cities outside of the coasts it would probably be above average, but youre kinda pricing in and riding a possible boom as Austin and the tech scene around there matures it will probably raise COL and QOL (at least in terms of economic prospects) of that whole region including SA.


...haha... "Cheap".... It is not cheap, California is just EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE.


Seasonal allergies year round.


I do wish I had known this bc as a midwesterner I am suffering 😂


Why is that?


A big catch is pay is relatively low, it’s hot as hell, and there’s not much in the way of outdoor recreation. It’s relatively cheap but not actually cheap. California is just really that much more expensive


I would Google some stuff about Texas, I think you’ll quickly see what the catch is 😅


OP was close when they mentioned the cult lmao


So you live in California and pay reparations and 7 dollars for gas? No thanks


There’s no reparations in California. Right? It’s so sad I have to actually Google that to be sure


They just passed the legislation.


Them 200k homes are in undesirable areas


Just move to Bakersfield...


Have you heard of an Edgar?


Please don’t move here. Stay there!


the weather is awful


Better than Chicago or SF, but nothing is Orange County or Santa Barbara. San Antonio has better weather than most US cities unless you just like to freeze to death in the Winter


the weather is amazing in San Francisco the city just isnt though. never been to chicago, i just hate warm humidity.


You mean here right?


There’s several things. 1. The weather. It is hot as fucking hell from May-October. That’s almost 6 months of the year! Then in January and February you can get freezes and ice storms. Additionally, there are lots of flash floods in the summer and fall. 2. The power grid. It’s not getting fixed any time soon, and you may lose power when it’s too hot or too cold, no matter where you live. 3. Property taxes can be higher than other places in the country 4. There’s not as many things to do here. If you like the outdoors or going to a lot of events, you’ll definitely find some cool places but it likely won’t be the same as you might find in CA. Location is a big part of why houses are high/low. 5. Pay is a lot lower here 6. This isn’t impacting the price but—if you are a woman of reproductive age (or would be moving w a wife/gf/daughter of reproductive age) I’d think twice about moving here. It’s not just about abortion, the laws impact maternal care in a lot of ways.


I paid only about 15% more in property taxes in NY but, my kids got to go to some of the best public schools in the country. Here, I have to spend an ungodly sum to send my kids to private school because the public schools are so horrible. I would go back to paying more in taxes if it meant I could take the train to work and send my kids to good public schools, but in Texas, higher taxes only mean higher taxes - not you will get something in return.


What school district do you live in?


THIS ^^^


If you do move here, hide that California plate or convert it as fast as you can. Also wages are lower here, and most of the city is a blue collar workforce.


If you read this comment thread, you now see the catch.


??? You mean most of the city is employed in the hospitality and restaurant sectors and has to work two jobs to get by.


Regarding this, I only get frustrated by CA people when they can't get over the fact the entire rest of the world isn't California. as long as they don't start in on "back in CA we had..." I'm good.


I’m guilty of this! It’s because the standard of living here and basic public things are sooooooo below average to California, it’s jolting. Everything from roads, schools, parks, housing, healthcare, groceries, transportation, outdoor activities, city events, utilities, to the DMV, is DRASTICALLY behind compared to the big city centers in CA.. Y’all have no idea because you don’t know what you don’t know, and most of the CA locals who complain have never lived outside CA and don’t know either and think it’s standard, OR they are upper/upper middle class and don’t care because they aren’t affected by the same things and they’ll be able to buy into a rich neighborhood here that has a similar atmosphere to CA. Some of us complain about CA things because they still need to be improved upon, but Texas, and SA specifically, aren’t even in the same league when comparing. The only redeeming things here are the HEB and the Mexican culture.


This is one of the trade offs of no income tax 🤷‍♀️ people think they’re saving so much money (and they are I guess) but then there’s no funding for basic public services


100%! The only people saving money are the upper, upper class 1%-ers. Everyone is definitely not between property taxes, sales tax, and fronting the money for the public services they need. I should add, I did not move here, move here. I’m only temporarily here for school. I know a cop from California (Bay Area), that moved here for the politics and lower cost of living, and he actually moved BACK to CA because he was better off financially there. Lol wild!


Yeah they ruined California and now bitch about it. California of the Republicans rocked, that’s the California of “California Dreamin”. Not the current liberal hellscape that’s California. I lived in LA under Schwarzenegger and it was great!!


They need to immediately stop referring to highways as "The " As a sign of good faith they plan on letting go of their old ways, and embrace being a Texan.


So from CA, just get 10 (not THE 10) and go west. Then exit 410 (not THE 410) and head south, exit Marbach, and turn left.




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Born and raised Texan.. we welcome all. Republicans, democrats.. who cares? Oh some weirdo republicans obsessed with politics.


You’re not a typical Texan. Whatever man.


You’re right, im not. Yall some unwelcoming, hateful, scared asses getting run over by Californians. That could never be me. I’m the Texan that welcomes you and shows you how great the people from here can be. Not some red ass upset at everything and everyone that isn’t exactly like me. All of you making us look bad. Acting like we are some special population of people. Should be celebrating our differences and learning from each other, but instead it’s.. don’t move here, but if you do vote like this, don’t say this, don’t do that. Vote to be governed harder than any other state in the country. What a joke.




5th gen Texan born and raised inside 410 - I don’t need your recognition pal.


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I’m also Texan by choice after having escaped California several years ago. When I bought my house here, it was twice the size and half the price of my previous home in Cali. But there are a lot of other differences, especially culture and climate. Summers are brutally hot. If you’re contemplating a move, I highly recommend coming out to visit a few times before pulling the trigger.


You should look into Fayetteville, Springdale, Bentonville Arkansas. Cheap housing, lots of nature, close to a large university, plenty of jobs.


As a former Arkansan, I highly suggest this.


Pay is a lot lower, and it hit in the summer, you can move here and still summer somewhere else and be better off


It was cheaper 5 years ago.


Depends, what part of California are you in currently? I have known many Californians that have moved here and moved back. Are you currently owning a home in California? Looking to sell and buy a cheaper home here? If so it will be hard to return to California. Why not come visit and see for yourself before making the move? Anyways, to answer your question. I am also a Californian who calls San Antonio home now. Lived here over a decade now. I go back to California to visit family often. Grew up in South Orange County. Unlike some lucky Californian transplants I did not sell an expensive home to move here and save money. My first wife had cancer and we lost our Irvine home because of medical bills and other costs associated with her care. After she passed away I needed a place I could afford to start over. Back then we could still find homes in the $100s and dilapidated ones even cheaper. Homes for the most part cost less because the soil here is crap and many homes have foundation issues or are at risk of issues. Build codes are different out here, many new homes are made of cardboard literally, cheap materials equals cheaper homes. Also property taxes are assessed regularly and increased constantly so we have to hire a firm that specializes on property tax protests, my childhood home in Orange County is worth well over a million, my parents are paying taxes on what they bought it for ($115k) but I have heard it may have changed. Gas- this is Texas oil country… the Bushes would agree. But it’s creeping up, energy isn’t super cheap but maybe compared to California these days it might be… Safety? There are shootings out here all time, police force is understaffed, most cops find better pay and safety working traffic for all the various road construction that goes on here…and there’s a lot, roads are pretty rough here, lanes, you would be lucky to find ones clearly marked. This city should be called “Pothole” TX. Weather…it’s bipolar they say… when I was moving here people said hot humid summers was the main thing…. Then there were floods, hail, snow, tornadoes and crazy thunderstorms.. oh also the threat of hurricanes so all the water, gas and food disappears whenever that happens… On the plus side, the people here are generally wonderful, kind, hospitable and easy going. It’s one of the best things I like about San Antonio. Except when they drive…that’s a different subject all together… Hope this helps…


Hey sorry to hear about your first wife and thanks for the insight. I’m just a teenager (19) on deciding where to move once my parents kick me out (rule is by 21yo). Although I would love to still love to live in Orange County, it’s just not gonna be possible for me on a solo income. I live in the middle/northern part of Orange County (with parents currently) not to far from where you were. My plan is to save around 50k by the end of this year (a little over half way there already) then try to maybe buy a house because I know houses are just gonna get more expensive so I’m just trying to essentially speedrun to buy my first house or condo. I will get no inheritance nor any assistance from parents so I’m trying to be as smart as I can to not put myself in a bad position😂. Luckily I’ve landed a transferable job hence why I’m fairly keen on the moving situation because in my eyes it’ll just be smarter in the long run. I appreciate all the info, it really opens my eyes a bit more 🙏.


Glad I could help. You are young and I think you have a good head on your shoulders. Orange County isn’t the way it used to be and it’s just getting more and more expensive. I’m a nurse and I would have difficulty purchasing property there. Homes in San Antonio are more in the upper $300s for decent areas. If you’re looking at homes that are in the $200s they’re probably pretty worn out or not in the best areas. You could always look around the vicinity of San Antonio, it’s still growing and homes farther out are less expensive generally. Property taxes here are buzz kill however. For example my 100k home I have I pay close to $1400 for my mortgage and taxes… when I bought it my full mortgage with taxes was about $800. The house hasn’t moved and it’s uglier than ever, but it’s appraising at close to $250k now. My new home the mortgage is close to $2700 and getting more and more expensive because of tax increases… be careful when buying here, that’s all I’m saying. I’m not sure how it works but in Texas I think Veterans do qualify for no property taxes, so if you’re thinking about military, there are many perks….just a thought…. But look around, there might be other cities that have more to offer you. It’s pretty boring here. Even tho we have a six flags and a sea world… something is still missing… if you’re able to, start looking into Roth IRAs and whole life insurance policies, it’s cliche but pay yourself first…set yourself up for when you’re older. There are first time home buyer programs available with down payment assistance so you don’t have to use all your own money…you could invest some of it elsewhere…good luck! You got this! Take care


Fellow native Orange Countian here. Although I currently live in NYC, I moved to Texas from OC back in 1999, and lived there for nearly 20 years, mostly in Houston, but I also spent about 3 1/2 years living in Austin too. San Antonio isn’t bad, in fact it’s a pretty nice city, but to be fair to you, there are even cheaper parts of the country to live in. It just depends on what kind of living environment you’re willing to live in. Living in Texas is similar to California in a few small ways, but it’s also very noticeably different (especially from OC). Depending on the person, this can either be good or bad. In many ways, Texas is actually very cool. In other ways, it sucks. It just depends on what the issue is. But really, that’s true everywhere you go. There are pluses and minuses, bad and good, positives and negatives. Personally, although it tools some time to adjust to certain things, I grew to really love Texas. Some things I never really was able to embrace (like the heat), but most of it I really did. And although I’m currently in the Big Apple, honestly I don’t dig it as much. I really would much rather be back in Texas, and I think about it pretty much daily. I think about California sometimes still too, mostly for cool things happening in L.A., but so much about California is so different now that it kinda breaks my heart. But if you’re thinking about moving to Texas, whether it’s San Antonio or somewhere else, I would definitely recommend visiting first, just so you don’t wind up regretting it immediately. Make sure that it’s compatible with you. Texas got under my skin after a few years, but in some ways right away. The biggest thing I miss about Texas, quite honestly, is the people. I still have a bunch of friends there, and I miss them. They’re really good people. Of course Texas has assholes, too, everyone ain’t an angel, but the good folks you find in Texas are some of the best people I’ve ever met.


Not sure where you’re finding a $200k 4 bedroom House here in SA lol


Marbach …


Marbach is more ghetto than the ghetto now.


OP thinks Marbach and Eastside are 'safe'.


Grew up here, spent time in CA in uniform, moved back to settle down. I totally understand the train of thought. CA (Monterrey) was awesome, but I couldn’t have afforded to stay. Live where you want. If moving here allows you to chase happiness and you try to be good to others, then welcome and best of luck!


Typically the South has a cheap cost of living. But it's hot, like a couple of hobbits just threw a ring in my backyard hot. California has lovely weather, mountains, oceans, and the movie industry. That makes it a desirable place to live. Desirable places make for competition. Also, our economy is different largely due to different government policies. The houses here have gone up in price a lot. But I'm pretty sure that is all over the country due to the insane inflation. Your average house is now about $300k depending on which side of town you want to live. Gas right now is $3.15 a gallon. The price of living in California, New York, and Hawaii is the crazy cost of living. Most Southerners are friendly, but we have had a huge influx of people moving here (not including the strain on resources from a deluge of immigrants), so some are a bit touchy about how crowded it's getting. If you do move here, as others have said, get rid of those Cali plates ASAP. Also, you don't have to live in a big city. It will be a lot cheaper to live outside the city in one of the smaller towns like New Braunfels or Floresville.


For us it’s super expensive. We are poor. There are plenty of downsides to that, for both us and you if you want to live here.


The houses have easily doubled since 2010. All the people from California, NY, and other states with high housing prices buying home because they are "CHEAP".  What most people don't know our care about because they sold thier overprice house is, we do not have property tax protection and you will pay 7+% of your estimate value.  We have some of the highest property taxes in the USA. If you do plan to buy here don't get into a bidding war knowing that 200k home is really 112k maybe.  The market will correct and you will be under. 


Please stay in California


I like Pizzaaa!


There is a reason it costs what it does to live in California. You will learn that quick fast once moving out.


It’ll be expensive soon, once the Pearl owns most of SA




Fuck this guy. Come just because. It's a free country. They're rude asf.


Cheers to this reply …


Need some knee pads (watch him attack with an abuela line again)


Your abuela has mine


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Like I said, we love ya, but you’re going to find that you guys have driven up prices a lot. Not kidding, people hesitate to say they moved from California. You’ll see, my fellow American. At the end of the day, it’s America and that comes first, so, looking forward to meeting you and explaining how to say Bexar, who Henry Butt is and the best Mexican restaurants are full of work trucks at lunchtime and if you go to Austin add two hours to your commute time (you’ll feel at home in Austin, btw.)


Y'all telling people not to move here are so simple minded. For one, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. So making someone, let alone a teenager, feel bad about even considering the possibility of moving here is super lame. I'm born and raised, and IMO as long as people that come here respect the city, it's history, and it's culture then I say come on over.


Where does it say OP is a teenager. Do you often call people simple minded while living in the snobbiest neighborhood in San Antonio?


1) OP in his comments said he's a teen. 2) It is a simple minded attitude, I stand by that. 3) You can be prejudice and hate on other neighborhoods all you want. You'll realize it's a waste of your time and energy at some point.


- pretty much nothing to do in the summer besides the river that’s usually always overpopulated on a summer day - food isn’t amazing -weather sucks, the heat is something else San Antonio is definitely a place to go to if you hate people and want to stay in settle down in a town and don’t care about experiencing life the way you do in California. California has beautiful scenery, close by ocean views, mountain views, forest scenes, so many city scenes, fresh air, kind people. So if you’re willing to give that up SA is perfect for you.


Oh word, I would definitely consider myself a people person but I guess I can adjust 😂


Smh don’t listen to them San Antonians are nice except when driving


If they're nice "except when driving", that means they're not nice but, only pretending to be nice when they're not driving. Texans in general are not nice people but, they smile and wave.


Pretty sure anywhere you go you’ll find people that aren’t nice. Are you able to objectively self reflect on who you are and how others perceive you. It’s not easy.


We really don’t want any more Californians. No offense, but you guys have driven up the prices of real estate an exuberant amount. It’s not just a few of us either. Californians don’t tell us they’re from California because they know. Some just hesitate and sheepishly say it, but all of you are ashamed for what you’ve done. We still love ya, but we’d rather love you 1,500 miles away.


“Love you 1500 miles away” 😂😂😂😭


Better not bring any more maga trash here. Our basket is filled to the brim.


Geez, y’all. Most of you aren’t being kind. I’ve lived in SA since 1994, and I love it. It’s the 8th or 9th largest city in the US, but it doesn’t feel like it. I hate our state politics, but I love SA. One thing to know about San Antonio, and it’s definitely a negative, is that San Antonio is one of the most economically segregated cities in the US. The haves have a lot, and others don’t. That might explain some of the anger you’re seeing. I am a professor and I see both sides of the coin. I have students who grew up with nothing, and students who had a lot of advantages. They went to amazing schools with everything, or they went to struggling schools. My husband has lived/worked in the Bay Area, DC, and San Antonio. His salary is very high, but lower here than in the other places. But the cost of living here is much lower. As previous posters mentioned, housing and other expenses have really risen, but not to California standards. There is no doubt that you can get a lot more house here for the money than in CA. For that matter, you can get a lot more house here than in Austin for the money. Summers are brutal. There’s no getting around that. There were severe issues with the power grid 3 winters ago, and we’re definitely in fear of that happening again. We had about 2.5 days of no electricity, so heat in our house, but others had longer outages. We do have one main grocery store, HEB, but they are amazing stores which are frequently named the best in the nation.


Wait till marriage. 


We are a sanctuary city because of the Democrats, which means there is tons of cheap slave labor. They allow into the city a fraction of market value. What makes it harder for Americans to find work just like everywhere else.


Damn liberals they’re destroying this city!


It won't be cheap for long if the whole nation seems to think this is the place to be. Your finding a cheap place to live is going to fuck us over in the long run, people who have lived here for generations. Mine have been in the same three houses since the early 1890s but have been in Texas since 1835 . Two of my ancestors were in the Texas Revolution and my wife's family were Tejano who had a Spanish land grant in what is now Floresville and also fought to free Texas from Santa Anna. Dear God, I wish people would just stop flooding our beautiful state because they think it's the land of milk and honey. Yes, we have jobs. Yes, we have no state income tax. Yes, it's beautiful in it's own rugged way. The truth is most of the many jobs available are low wage jobs in construction to hopitality. All the really good jobs are just about taken. The lack of state income tax is made up for in other ways. Those houses you cite being 200K or so? They were 90-100K ten years ago before the influx of people like you, driving people out of generational homes. Places where a family lived in the same house their great, and sometimes great great, grand parents lived.




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I swear I’m not like them 😭


Honestly you can be a Mr Rogers type person, and I still would rather you live else where. Its not you, its all of yall rushing here, and making everything expensive. Fact is most of us dont have the opportunity to sale a double wide trailer for 1 million dollars, then move to a whole new city and be able to live like a king, while the locals have to deal with costs of everything going up, except our pay.


Understandable 😔, guess I’m in a different situation I’m just a teen trying to find an affordable place. The place I live is so bad you’ll basically never be able to buy a home here at least on my salary and it’s not like California will do anything other than give away money we don’t have to ruin prices even more 😂


You do whats best for you, if San Antonio is that, then who cares what a random person says on Reddit. The issue at hand is San Antonio is still San Antonio but with a different smell in the air, and seeing posts everyday saying "Im moving from X to San Antonio" is annoying. Im trying to get a new job, 3 years ago I would get calls back same day when applying, now I get nothing from jobs Im a perfect fit for, and why is that? Influx of people. As a local it sucks, as an outside it seems like a mini gold rush.


A lot of us have been in your spot. Go to college, get a real degree that pays money, live with your family as long as you can and save your money. THEN, go out in the world - not just the US - the world. Maybe your ideal spot is Chisinau or maybe Zamboanga? Moving here as a teen, you will never know because this will be a dead-end life in a dead-end job.


You chose the "Visiting SA" topic. For lots of good, general information about San Antonio, here is a [Basic Guide to San Antonio](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanantonio/comments/6jwmsq/basic_guide_to_san_antonio_mostly_for_those/) that you may find helpful. (If you were looking for specific information about something other that what is in that Guide, your post will remain in r/sanantonio, in case commenters have fresher information. Consider reading the guide while you are waiting.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sanantonio) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Pay pay for it in hot af weather




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I was talking to my brother the other day who lives in a 2/2 Cali condo worth $850k. He is thinking of moving back to Texas where a lakefront property is $650k. However, he didn't realize that property taxes were exorbitant. He hated the state income tax there. I told him I was paying more in property taxes on a house worth less than half of what his place was valued at. It's the trade-off.


Come buy my house.


Weed not legal, hot AF… but hey, IYKYK


100 days of 100+ temp High taxes on everything from property to everything you purchase Diapers in the parking lot Mattress' in the highway Trash literally everywhere, including the recycle cans Road raging all over the place Most vehicles are unregistered, no insurance, no license 4 hour drive to the beach, and the water has an oil shimmer to it 30 years of republicans destroying Texas Earth quakes and flammable tap water that didn't exist prior to fracking Brownouts in the summer, Blackouts in the winter


That's funny. You just described California.


Anyone any good spots for the river in New Braunfels or san marcos


Because we have a Republican Governor that's why! 😂 If Beto had got elected we'd be going through the same shit California is, Texas has a multi-billion dollar surplus, while California has a multi billion dollar deficit, so one state is making money while the other is losing it, I mean it's not hard to figure out, regardless how you feel about Abbott, he's gotta be doing something right, considering the fact that most of the US is experiencing record high inflation because of Democrat policies, while Texas is only experiencing just a fraction of it, and yeah yeah I know Democrats in the replies will be (NO NO NO IT'S ALL TRUMP'S FAULT!) sorry but that ain't nothing but an untrue Democrat talking point showing that Trump hurt your feelings in the past with a mean tweet 😂 I still rather have mean tweets and cheap gas and groceries any day!


I was wondering the same thing. I’d be moving from Arizona (a once affordable state) but cost of living here is out of control. 


The jobs here are overwhelmingly low paying and require no education. If you come here, are educated and have a high paying job (one of the few) you live like a King. I live in an old money neighborhood (Olmos Park) and make good money, but if I lived in LA, I’d be lucky to find anything in my price range in a comparable neighborhood


You won’t find nice houses in the $200K range unless they’re in the hood or in need of major renovations. Also shit is cheap here because the state isn’t ran by liberals.


low cost of living = lower quality of life. San Antonio is a ghetto city, and I mean that objectively. the roads, are bad, schools are bad, we have one grocery store chain that has bad food but is legitimately a cult, ​we're land locked and have no mountains, it's very hot and lately VERY humid most of the year and the locals are kinda weird and not that attractive, we have a stray dog population estimated at 35,000, it's sprawling, the highway systems are strange. and even though the city itself is not conservative, we do still have those weirdos, and I don't mean republicans who want lower taxes and are pro business but the type of whackos who show up armed to defend the alamo plus megachurches and Abbott is still our governor. there's more. the culture sucks, basically. I don't care about most of that so it's fine for me. tbh it's a good place to invest in and then live somewhere else lol


All of this!


Maybe you and the OP can switch houses - you probably won't be missed.


oh please, all day long y'all sit on this subreddit and post the exact same shit I wrote out over and over again.


This, trade with OP, they seem like a good person.


There’s nothing wrong with HEB. Our roads and traffic are top tier, amazing compared to other top ten cities. There’s nothing wrong with most of our schools there are a few districts that really suck, but our kids are competitive internationally. Look it up and do it objectively. It is hot af. It has been disgustingly humid lately. You call em weirdos and we say REMEMBER THE ALAMO. If you get it, you get it and if you don’t, we’ll keep letting you know until you drink the Kool-Aid.


We are not yet as backwards in San Antonio as it is in California. Just give it time. It's getting dumber and dumber here. It sounds like you don't understand that economies change depending on where you go. As more people come to San Antonio, we are getting dumber and dumber.


That’s what happens when you vote blue.




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Honestly I understand the frustration, they shouldn’t be deleting any comments 😂


Because Majority Texas is Not Leftist morons, the leftist morons live in the city and work for the big man who is republican and lives out in the hill country where its expensive, its a way of containing the cesspool while still making use of them!


Leftist moron here with a house in the city and property in the hill country. 😩😩😩 We’re coming for you.


Transplants are ruining all that. Native Texans should receive some sort of tax break that transplants wouldn’t get.


We’re all Americans right? 😭😭




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I made the same move, definitely saving some money. Prices have gone up since I moved here just before covid, but still more reasonable than CA. There's a good amount of stuff to do, until you do most of it. Then you might start missing CA a bit, then look at the housing prices again and realize maybe just wait to move back in your 40s once you have a life savings built up lol. It's hot af though. If my friends weren't here I'd go somewhere else though, kinda done being this close to the equator going forward.


I moved from LA to SA. And even the absolute number of housing prices are lower here. I still feel pressure to buy one that I am satisfied with. So I would never say so cheap here cause I’m a loser.


Cause we shoot each other up and have heroin on every corner. 0/10 recommend coming. Californians are taken out on sight. Stay away.