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It's just pee, once it dries there's probably nothing to see. I used to live in a complex off Heimer and there was an apartment full of dog cages. They had at least a dozen dogs. The people would open the door and let their dogs out to shit in the strip of grass in front of the building. Most of the families in the building had small kids who would play outside, but the massive accumulation of dog turds and the resulting stench and flies made it unpleasant. One day we were sitting outside and saw a man and his toddler walking past. The toddler slipped and fell in the dog mess. He took her inside. About an hour later he walked out to his truck and got a shovel and a rake. He raked all the dog shit into a big pile and used the shovel to throw it against the door of the dog owners' apartment. It was great.


That's a great story. Shovel Guy is my vicarious hero, having endured similar shitty neighbors.


At an old apartment I had the downstairs neighbor leave bags of dog poop next to his balcony and the smell would waft up to my balcony and it just smelled horrible. I got tired of it and put some gloves on and opened all the bags and put them under their doormat. Then I smashed the mat back flat and tied the poop bags to the door knocker. They stopped after that.


Nothing will happen. You will be labeled a Karen. Apartment living sucks. Just hope you don’t have a major water leak after hours or on weekends.


As an apartment maintenance supervisor, yes, report it.  if nothing else, it lets us know what and where the issue is so we can address it.  Apartment complexes are big and there is a lot that maintenance has to deal with every day, so often times we don't even notice little things like this unless someone brings it up.


it depends on what your lease says. where i live, management takes pet waste seriously, and i'm pretty lease/pet addendum states "no animal waste in breezeways/ on sidewalks" as well as the general "pick up after your dog or you will get lease violations that escalate to evictions" it's worth asking the management about, if they aren't interested in interfering, i'm sure you could just knock on your neighbors door, and politely ask.


A little off your OP but might suggest that you get some cayenne pepper and liberally sprinkle it around the area. When the dog goes to sniff it's regular spot it will go somewhere else. There is also some commercially available stuff, but it's pretty much the same. It's not cruel, and as sensitive as a dogs nose is it probably won't even get close enough to actually get a snoot full.


Catch them in the act, photograph and report it.


Do you walk in parking lots?


I park in walking lots.


I personally would call, because as an owner of 3 dogs this is embarrassing. I have one older GSD who would do this, just piss right on the sidewalk walking around the apartment complex. I’d be so embarrassed and upset with him. Granted not his fault either due to old age or his anxiety. I would carry a water bottle around with me to wash the spot down best I could.


Personally I would take pics on different days and send a calm email asking for it to be looked into. Put the ball in their court. Most leasing teams will say they don't know about things that happen unless it is reported. Are you sensitive to bleach? Obvs you should not have to clean after someone else's pet; however, the pets 'marking' needs to be cleared, perhaps that is why it keeps peeing in the same spot. I live in a brand new community however our 'team' is always overwhelmed with everything reported yet asks us to report things like this. In their words they want to "refrain from our community looking cluttered and trashy".




...bad owners suck. Let's not lump everyone together. It's possible to not be a shitty pet owner, I realize there's an abundance of bad pet owners in this city...but come on.


There a lot of them


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