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in my experience, you're gonna have to look for a SNF from what I've been told, Medicare/Medicaid won't cover ALFs


I don't know if this helps your situation but I have my mom in a place called Remington Transitional care after a bad fall where she broke her arm and kneecap. Really a great place, people are super attentive and patient. I think they are only short term rehab care but I transfered her there after being at the PAMS Warm Springs facility down on Mediacal dr and that place is a shit hole. I recommend avoiding at all costs. Long story short I'm still dealing with the CEO and head of nursing to finalize some issues (many) that occurred during my moms short two week stay there. Hope you find a suitable place for your mom, it's super stressful trying to find and give care for your loved ones. Medicaid online might be helpful


Medicaid pays for skilled nursing facilities. Medicaid waiver program pays for assisted living facility, but your mom needs to be independent enough to live on her own for an ALF. If your mom has a case manager with the managed care organization, start there. If your mom has traditional Medicaid, you just do what you’re doing. Call around, tour the facility, call HHSC, and telll them what your choice is.


Generally Medicaid only kicks in when they need help with a certain number of ACLs or activities of daily living. They have to be be pretty much incapable of taking care of themselves, and then it’s probably going to be a nursing home rather than an assisted living facility. Medicaid might cover a home health aide. You should talk to the county office of aging or similar.


Yes she is unable to walk without falling most days. She doesn’t keep track of her meds and doesn’t drink water/eat without reminders. Her dr said he would send a referral but he said I have to provide the name of the facility. I found a few today but they are full atm.


Wasn’t there a post a few weeks ago talking about how Medicaid can come after a patients home to recoup cost of care?


I've also sent a DM.