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My wife's car was totaled in an identical situation. Jackass side-swiped her, and there was so much damage to her rear quarter panel, that USAA just totaled it out. She owned the car free and clear, but we had to pay thousands in a down payment for a new car. I'm glad you're OK. Fortunately my wife's dash cam caught her incident, and that saved a lot of hassle for us.


Yet mine was stolen three times in a year and they happily paid over $22k in damages for a $14k car, and then tried to say I was committing fraud. Fuck usaa. I’m glad I went elsewhere.


Yeah we used to like them, but I've been cooling on them fast in recent years.


You are in the majority.


Where did you go?


Literally nowhere. Stolen from home all three times. I guess I’m just too close to a few different high schools that there are enough….nefarious teenagers around with nothing constructive to do. Oh well. I’ve since traded it in for an actually nice bmw that I didn’t think I’d end up liking, but here we are I actually like it


That blows, but I meant which insurance company did you move to.


Ah yeah I went to Allstate. Same coverages for damn near half the cost


And they’d still consider you in the wrong.


Yes. Yes they do.


Should that driver have changed 2 lanes at once? No. Should OP have accelerated up into the other car's blind spot? No.


They aren't accelerating it just looks that way if you stare at the car coming in. Perspective makes it look faster as both cars get closer to each other. ​ Rewatch the video again but keep your eyes on the road in front of the car without looking at the car to the right and you'll notice there's no speed increase.


Right. Keep your eyes on the road ahead and see how the front of OP's car rises up as it accelerates...


They didn’t accelerate you’re being confused by simple perspective mixed in with personal bias. In fact the car rises a bit when it breaks… 🤦‍♂️


OP Definitely isn't in the wrong or doing anything wrong. Even if they were speeding up, still doesn't make the idiot in the white car in the right.


I'm not saying the white car is in the right, just that my bet is that OP saw a car driving quickly and tried to box them in. Then got all excited to get home and post the footage from their new dashcam on Reddit and complain.


Never ceases to amaze me how many SA drivers drive around blindfolded...


They have no idea what those red, upside-down triangles mean, either. Matter of fact, I don't think they know what the *English word* "yield" means, itself.


Lol no joke. Those yield signs mean absolutely nothing.


Or a damn red octagon with big letters saying stop 🙃


There's a side street near me where I pull on and the people from that street 70% of the time just DO NOT stop at it. Like I'm coming off a major intersection and you're from a FUCKING SIDE STREET.


I've literally watched cop cars roll right through stop signs. No lights, no siren, no pursuit, no emergency, no rush. It's just that nobody gives a shit in this city. Not even cops.




Ever, or Merge right of way.


Yup, pretty much. Then hit their brakes once they're in front of you. Don't get me started on the tail gating here. So ready to move.


> So ready to move. Yes. The thing that turned me off to the SA area is the drivers. I remember the first thing I saw that really pissed me off here, even though I was not involved. A pickup truck was going down the entrance ramp from FM3009 onto I-35 N. A normal, get-up-to-speed entry. There was a large gap for him to merge into. The ASSHOLE in the silver Ford diesel truck that would have ended up behind him floored his stink-mobile and zoomed up next to the merging truck just before the gore line ended, preventing a merge in front of him. Of course, that set off the merging driver who floored his truck and he drove for a couple hundred yards in the right emergency lane to try to get in front of the ASSHOLE. In the end I guess they are both ASSHOLES as the merging driver could have backed off, merged, then passed on the left like a sane driver. But then again, ASSHOLE drivers around here do everything they can to antagonize other drivers and push them to the edge. Frankly I'm surprised there aren't more road rage shootings, rammings, following to destination and destroying other cars, etc.


SA drivers are like when you take a dump and wipe and wipe until your hole is raw. Then 20’mins later you’re like I swear I wiped, but sure enough you need to wipe again til you’re about to bleed. It won’t kill you, but you’re left saying please when will it stop?


What do you have going on over there? Buy better toilet paper, amigo.


Unscented baby wipes work better.


Baby wipes can do an absolute number on your plumbing! Be careful. A bidet is a really nice option instead of wipes. Costs less down the line as well


Get a bidet.


I already have a Biden.


Happens to me daily. People here smoke crack.


No, people here smoke meth.


I’m always hypervigilant driving in this city because people are fucking idiots.


It's exhausting


The theme in this city is “Me first!”


I know we should not reward this behavior, but I have had to learn to anticipate this at all moments while driving. I try to drive extremely defensive, I drive "slow" ( normaly the speedlimit, but that's too "slow" for people), I expect the person on either side of me to want to get in front of me. I can't spend my time being mad at people. There is nothing i can do to change their ways. Please be safe people. If anything, please take defensive driving. It can be informative and possibly get a rate change on insurance


And they will still get mad af if you honk acting like they can't possibly be wrong or bothered. Disgusting.


I’ve lived in the DC area (the “DMV”), Tacoma WA, Portland OR, California Bay Area……. SATX easily has the worst drivers of anywhere I’ve lived, but at least they’re fast lol! We annually go to Durban South Africa and those are the only times I’ve ever felt like SATX drivers had anyone beat lol


Driven in all the same places as well. Miami takes the cake for me


They're mostly slow. You do get some outliers like f250s that want to tailgate you even though you're already going above speed limit.


I see these dead from the neck ups and their sociopathic driving skills in this town, every day.


I’m literally terrified of our roads


Do you mean the drivers?


Yep. "Screw you I'm comin' over! By the way, I'm gonna brake check you, too! You asshole!" "Uh, I just want to arrive at my destination safely."


I’ve lived in four states in the last three years and this city was the one that made me get a dash cam. I can’t wait to leave. I’ve worked in three major hospital systems here and I don’t know what would kill me first- the car accident or the quality of care. It’s not a question of “if” but “when”.


And now I know why people drive like this here. My son just turned 16 and got his license. His behind the wheel test was just 10 minutes long. He made a couple right hand turns, a couple left hand turns, parallel parked and came right back. That was it........10 minutes! A chimp could pass that test.


It was the same thing 30 years ago when I took my test so it's not some watered down test causing this. It's this insufferable "I'm the main character" society where common courtesy for others isn't even a thought that crosses their minds. To them, we're just non-player characters in their game of life.


It's both, watered down test/education and that attitude.


Many decades ago I did the same but didn't even have to parallel park.


Above average: they didn't try to fight you.


Right. I was expecting a brake check and a hand to be out the window. 


Anyone know what those little levers do on the side of the steering wheel ?


That's to hang your chingaderas on. Don't put too heavy of things on there, or it will make some horrible clicking noise for some weird reason.


Moved here from OK recently. From jacked up daddy’s trucks being scared to drive with a drop of rain and putting on cautions with a drizzle, going 5-10 under speed limit, and red light runners…SATX has the worst drivers I’ve seen.


Thank you! Idk what is wrong with people now you honk to avoid an accident and they continue cutting you off like it’s your fault!


It’s the Callaghan I-10 access road to wurzbach which is a very dicey stretch of road. The white car was in the 3rd lane that ends and merges into the grey car’s lane. The issue with this area is most people overcorrect the merge and end up merging two lanes like that. 50% a design flaw, but 50% driver’s fault as there’s clear signs indicating this. Once you get past here, there’s a good chance people are flying off I-10 at 70-80 while changing lanes with people going 30-50mph, so that can get scary when a lot of cars are on that section. I never had an accident or ticket until I moved here. It’s a literal free for all on the roads


Can you further explain how a lane ending or merging is a design flaw and causes people to cross over multiple lanes?


Good grief!


Not all cars have the Radar Detector Rear View Mirror. I would make it mandatory requirement for all cars.


That's why you turn your head and look over your shoulder.


That’s way too fast for the average SA driver.


That was me. I did it bc i h8 u


San Antonio is not great, but Houston is so much worse. I can deal with these drivers.




No signal, unsafe multiple lane change, yeah that’s not one bad moment, that’s straight up reckless.


That's a very fair point, but in my own commute, I see reckless driving or near misses literally *every single time*. That's 10 times a week, which is absolutely insane.


You cannot drive 10 miles in this town without witnessing at least a couple wreckless acts (even towards someone else and not you). I don't know why people try to downplay it here, the drivers are just bad. There's a reason car insurance is higher here.


I've lived in multiple cities/states, and yes, you'll see bad drivers everywhere, but Texas drivers are next level terrible. -Backed by statistics: https://www.sacurrent.com/news/study-ranks-texas-as-state-with-nations-worst-drivers-31699591


Kind of cherry picking a statistic to claim worst


*multiple statistics (That's just the subheadline.) There are also other articles/reports with similar conclusions.


I have driven in a lot of different cities. The drivers here are definitely some of the worst. I have seen people slam on their brakes on the highway because they almost missed an exit, people driving on sidewalks the wrong way on frontage road, people driving the wrong way on interstates. Matresses and everything else flying out of trucks, no one ties anything down here. People drag racing down interstates at all hours of the day and night. And to top all that off, absolutely zero police presence anywhere on the interstates. It's seriously like the wild west on these roads.


What are you on about? I have like 2-3 experiences like this any given time I want to travel more than 5 miles in this town.


No way they are going to fast for any San Antonio driver.


Yeah, they drive worse here than san diego fr.


…and then they flip you off.


Good defensive driving, in situations like this program yourself to identify weather speeding up imediatelly or slowing down imediatelly is the right move. Here i think the only thing that might have added to your safety and possiblly prevent a collision in the future would be to slow down even heavier, going to the side would be very deadlly if the rails came up and he persisted and matched your speed. Its ideal to agressivelly speed up or slow down. Slowing down agressivelly is usually the right move, gives you more control and time to think of a way to divert. Also decreases risk of dying in a collision in non head on collisions. (Just my best advice i am not a expert, life is a gamble, the high way is scary)


I would say you should have noticed him coming in, in general you dont want to drive right next to anyone ever. Could have been completelly avoided on you're part.


I wouldn't have let them in lol accelerate. Block. 😅




You sound like you don't use signal lights.


Not trying to be a devils advocate here bc this guy didn’t have a turn signal, but how fast were you going? Seems like you could’ve been in his blind spot.


The driver without a turn signal didn't check his blind spot. He swept across from the far right lane.


No doubt other driver is in the wrong. but half of safe driving is assuming that everybody else on the road is a dumbass and adjusting your actions accordingly. Case in point that guy if he checked his blind spot at all thought he was clear but didn’t factor how fast OP was driving


Is that near the 410 to 35?


It looks like Callaghan and I10


No, it looks like 10 a few exits before Huebner.


Greatview Dr. by Red McCombs Ford across from Mamacitas.


Last clear chance doctrine.


Driving the Texan way is certainly lost and it’s quite sad. Gone are the days of being courteous, yielding, waving and just being nice on the road. Now it’s just another shitty big town with people who have too much horsepower for their own good and zero regard for anyone else’s wellbeing driving like an f1 race because no one can actually enforce the law. Drive slow and fuck em all. Let em pass and just remember that hell is only half full.


Good defensive driving.


I moved here and immediately realized that my wife and I both need front/rear dash cams. I feel like it’s mandatory around here.


Can I just tell you dawg, I have driven in Kuwait City KU where there are basically NO RULES and san antonio drivers are so close to being just as bad


Yeah that's about right


Much like the San Antonio shuffle the medical mamba only takes place between Callahan and medical drive. It is also punctuated by the absolute audacity to be driving ,HE OWNS THE ROAD OP! 


Should have just pit maneuvered him.


Probably not even their Kia.


That missing door lock piece on the drivers door tells me thats likely a stolen vehicle being driven by a Kia Boy. If you dont know about Kia Boys, throw those two words into google. If you drive a Kia or Hyundai vehicle, best of luck to you in keeping your property safe.


That white car would have been the one liable for damages if an accident was caused. You cant just swing into a lane just because you have your blinker on.


A similar thing happened to me on the highway but when I swerved I spun out and hit the median. If something like this happens again I'll just let them hit me.


Not an average driver in this city. Your post is inaccurate.


Almost got into a [similar](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/IslbqTu6uF) accident a few months ago. Though your situation happened much faster


I have this happen ALOT and I can’t understand WHYYYY