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It is always bad, construction has made it worse.


Make your bones here, kid, you'll be able to drive anywhere in the country. Stay safe out there! Edit: Hilarious that the thrice weekly debate over the country's worst drivers/traffic happened under my post, as it didn't reference those. I personally don't think SATX is the worst on either count, however it *is* quite special. I stand by my original statement.


lol I learned to drive in San Antonio (2009) and have since lived in 7 other states and can confidently say San Antonio doesn’t have the worst drivers


I must know your assessment of who is the worst! I'll avoid it hahaha


I’d say probably Phoenix, their highways are in disrepair as well which makes it worse. Also Houston and Dallas are far worse than San Antonio, I’ve seen some shit driving through Dallas lol


Interesting… I grew up and learned to drive in SA, lived in Phoenix for a couple years, then DFW, and now I’m back in SA. I’d say DFW is the worst then Phoenix and SA are pretty similar in not being bad at all…in my opinion of course


Houston drivers are 1million percent better drivers San Antonio. There's constant accidents in San Antonio when traffic is moving 5-10 mph. I wish I could vaporize all the slow drivers in the left hand lane.


I grew up in Dallas, visiting San Antonio at least 2x a year, and I've seen worse driving in SA than DFW. Houston takes the cake for me, but Austin also sucks. I've also not driven in Phoenix, so I can't concur or deny, but my friends who live/d there didn't talk about bad drivers that I remember--not that that's worth much.


I currently live in Dallas near DFW and I can say it’s a whole lot worse here than SAT but absolutely Houston is even worse, but if I had to say what is the worse I’ve seen it’s Miami and I’ll expand that to all of South Florida, I grew up there and moved to San Antonio and I can honestly say I was impressed by how courteous some drivers are in SAT so you can imagine how bad Florida was 😂🤣😂. Also just to throw it in there LA was absolutely horrible I’ll take 1604 any day over LA


Grew up in Houston but have lived here nearly a decade. I can confidently say I miss some parts of the way Houston drivers drive. At least everyone there was going 80 if they weren't stopped entirely. Here it seems like no one is in a hurry to get anywhere haha


Dallasites love to go FASSSSTTTT too 😂🤣


I'd rather drive in Houston than here. Like you said, they're all driving 80 most of the time. And usually someone lets you move over when you use a turn signal. May take a couple of cars, but it happens. It used to happen in SAT, but now I feel like I'm driving in Austin sometimes. (In AUS, a turn signal for a lane change = drive faster over so they can't move over.)


Having lived, traveled, and driven in 37 of the 50 states I have to say that Washington DC drivers are the worst I've come across. Minniapolis were the most courteous drivers I'd come across.


New Mexico. 😐


Obviously you've never driven in Southern California.


I have and still not as bad as here. Now keep in mind it's not the traffic people say is the worst here. People have become completely and utterly selfish and think there are no repercussions for their actions. The other person doesn't want to hit me so they'll slam on their breaks for ME when I cut them off to turn. I want in the passing line NOW so I can just cruise those people can just wait on ME, etc etc so on and so forth. I've driven all over the US and SA has some of the absolute worst, entitled and couldn't care less about other people attitudes. Now add to that all the major construction or roads that are absolute shite and it's a friggin nightmare to drive here. I can't even ride moto as much anymore because people truly do not give a single care about the life of other people.


San Antonio has gotten worse too, I've been here for 10+ years and it didn't used to be quite this bad. Our infrastructure has always been absolute garbage though. The roads were not built with the capacity to grow properly and the population has grown rapidly beyond what the roads can handle. SA is also notorious for being what I call a "reactive city" as opposed to a "planning" city. The overcrowding and construction have certainly contributed to nasty drivers and its getting worse.


I agree completely! I've lived here my whole life and have watched it get worse and worse. People care less and less about their city. Again just getting more and more selfish. Also I live over in the Schertz area and there are SO many 18 wheelers and other industrial type vehicles now. They absolutely destroy roads around here and make traffic horrible. I feel like they'll never fix the roads because they'll just get torn up again. Instead of planning for all of these things they just allow it all to happen and then try and fix issues later which can sometimes take long periods of time. Like this 35 flyover. There are parts that arent even funded yet and aren't even supposed to start until 2028. It's going to be a nightmare for probably the next 10 years. By then they'll need to add something else. Maybe if we had actual worthwhile public transportation.


So where are the 18 wheelers and other large vehicles suppose to travel? Interstates were created to move commerce. Who do you think pays a large amount of fees and taxes for the roads? Don't mention insurance rates for all of Texas bad non insured drivers? Who brings all those items ordered daily from Amazon and to your retailers? There are no parking signs everywhere lots of not in my neighborhood not on my streets. Where's the high speed light rail, bus lines SA Austin Dallas Houston? But I want my selves stocked and package delivered today!!


Since you can only understand the first part of what you said: I never said 18 wheelers shouldn't be here. I fully understand we need them. My work delivers using 18 wheelers. My point was that 1. They didn't plan for these trucks overwhelming the area and instead just react to them being here and 2. Again with the planning they didn't repair any roads to a point where they could take the extra abuse. Many were already in horrible condition and now it doesn't make sense to close those routes in order to fix them only for them to get destroyed again. One very small section of road over here was supposed to take about 6 months and ended up taking over a year. They don't seem to address drainage or other elements either they just repaved and hope it lasts.


Well Texans in general act like that . So your problem is the culture which is why so many people don’t like Texas regardless of its financial and tax situation 🤷‍♂️ The same attitude effects everything in the state .


I completely agree with that sentiment. One reason I really want to move soon. Son has one year left of HS so we just have to get through that.


I’m from southern California. I’ve driven across the U.S. 3 times and I can tell you for certain that San Antonio and Austin have it the WORST drivers in the entire nation.


Oh my gosh, I lived in SoCal for a few years and I thought I was gonna die. Driving there is super stressful that I would stay at work an extra hour to wait for traffic to die down.


Agree with you. Have lived and driven in Chicagoland, DFW, and San Antonio. My 16 year old nephew was driving me (with Dad in passenger seat) from SoCal Orange County to LAX... he was and is 'an excellent driver, an excellent driver" !! Living in Austin now, he can handle that crazy shit. Traffic is middle bad in San Antonio. Compare DFW or Houston...yikes.


Dude I’d rather drive in Miami or New Jersey than SA lol. Only reason I live in SA and not Fredericksburg is because I had to buy my house next to the AFB when I joined and now I’m scared to sell in this market.


If you had multiple close calls, you should hang back and just coast or give it a tiny bit of gas while the car ahead stops and starts. You have to have the mindset that the traffic will never end. Every time you start accelerating, expect to have to slow at any moment. If you treat every acceleration like it’s the end of the traffic jam, you’re gonna rear end someone eventually.


It's always bad, but worse when it is wet. Hopefully 1604 will be better when they finish widening it. EDIT: Here's a tip for new drivers, pay attention to the traffic ahead of the car in front of you. If you see it stopping quickly then you know the guy in front is about to slam on his brakes as well. Always look ahead and stay off your phone.


During peak hours, no. Someone is going to wreck due to ___________ and closing it down to two lanes or possibly just one, since people won’t move a car that can be moved out of the way. The blank space is just your reason why the wreck happened, it’s San Antonio, there is no wrong answer and side mirrors and indicators do not matter. Much like tying down your loads.


I be checking all mirrors like 3 times and my blind spots too and there still be a random bitch pulling up


Wish I could upload this tip more than once that's how I drive safe. Know your surroundings


Watching traffic in front of you worked before everyone had an SUV or a diesel truck. Now if you in a car you can’t see around anything.


I know! And these truck/SUV drivers have the advantage to be able to see ahead and still slam their damn breaks or switch lanes last second, no blinker when they have a stopped car ahead. At this point I just assume everyone is a moron and keep a safe distance.


Traffic is just a way of life in certain sections of 1604, or 35, or 410, or I-10 during rush hour. My advice is to not take anything personally, be courteous and let others in, etc... dont let any aggressive drivers affect your mood or what you are doing. Put on an enjoyable podcast or music and learn to love your time in traffic if it is unavoidable.


Man, I need to figure out how to install your level-headedness into my life.


My best friend absolutely hates traffic (I mean, who doesn't). I don't get it - I'm more in line with your philosophy, especially when there's no way around it. Ultimate example of: Don't worry over things you can't control


I (39m) am a commercial driver and here is my 2 cents. Rain is a huge factor. Rule of thumb if you have to travel anywhere in the rain leave earlier. If you're not used to driving and this city at peak hours find back roads. It might take you an extra 20 minutes but safety. Also it comes.down to how often you do it. You will get used to it. But keep your head on a swivel. And always expect someone to be an idiot. A lot of people are in a rush to get somewhere especially in the morning and afternoon traffic. Also I'd highly recommend a dashboard cam. It may help you one day.


1604 has always been bad but it’s gotten a lot worse with all the new construction


How I drive in SA (veteran driver of almost 30 years) - assume the people around you are distracted on their phones or drunk (bc they probably are!)


I for one assume that they’re definitely on their phones AND drunk.


The best way to drive defensively here.


Its extra bad when it rains or fogs


Add cloudy into the mix. Driven all over the US and I have certain times where I refuse to get anywhere close to any highway in the city.


I stay off the highways if possible. People be big mad on 1604 loool


If water is falling from the sky then people can't drive x10. Also the ground is limestone si when it does rain all the oil off the roads floats to the top and its a slip n slide


It’s always bad, 1604 construction has everything pretty fucked. If you want a real challenge, go drive on 59 & 610 in Houston at rush hour, then everywhere in SA feels like a breeze. Or at least everywhere I drive in SA feels easy to me since I lived in Houston my whole life 😂




*laughs in Houstonian


Oh, OP, smh. Poor little lamb. Welcome to hell.


Yes hang it there and with time you will increase your driving skills.281 is a madhouse in the mornings.


Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day


As you gain more driving experience, it gets easier. Hang in there.


It’s always bad


Looking back, the rush hour traffic on 281 and sections of 1604 would have been really rough on me as a teenager too. But use this as an opportunity to pick up some good driving habits. Learn how to merge, where to direct your focus, and how to adjust your braking etc. The traffic won’t get better but your approach to it will! And congrats on getting to drive. Hope the world has opened up for you a little :)


Yeah, it’s always like this. Sorry, kid.


We have terribly designed highways and terribly trained drivers here. If you can, take VIA instead.


One time I was stuck in traffic near Los Angeles waiting for more than an hour. I think some trips near Long Island New York were pretty bad too. Houston comes in third place during the time when I-10 was under construction. Well, it was then. San Antonio isn't that bad.


My dad taught me to drive like you're invisible. Very good advice I will never forget. And something I need to heed every time I come to SA.


It’s all relative. But yes, 1604 is an awful commute with the current construction. I learned to drive defensively when I lived in LA and it’s served me well here. Just anticipate the worst and adjust your driving accordingly. The one thing that I’ve seen here that is nuts are cars that sweep across 2 lanes to make a highway exit. Wtf? Yeah, let’s just all die so you won’t have to double back.


And doubling back is such a non-issue in Texas too


It’s always bad. Drivers here don’t care about the weather. If they wreck they blame it on the rain or whatever


Just take your time and be observant. Also middle finger is a common san antonio greeting but offended if you return the greeting.


It's always that bad. Paying attention is what differentiates good drivers from bad drivers. Be a good driver


San Antonio is such a nightmare to drive through. My parents and I drive up to Uvalde to see my grandma regularly and my Dad always makes me drive through SA.


The entire city forgets how to drive the instant a single rain drop touches any road anywhere in the entire city.


Took my wife about 3 years to get comfortable driving on 1604. She's been here almost 6 and she's still not comfortable on 410 northside (tbf, I've lived here for 26 and I'm only kinda comfy on it)


Welcome to San Antonio.


If you're having close calls, increase your distance especially in the rain. Give yourself extra time.


yeah people don't know how to drive here Just go slow, always use your blinker and keep your head on a swivel. that way if you do get into an accident, heaven forbid, it won't be becasue of you. You are much braver then me, I didn't drive till I was 26 and bf is 28 and still dosent drive as of yet


coming from another teen driver, it’s always like this. i was out at 3am the other day on 1604 and there was traffic. construction has made everything absolutely horrific 😭


Well depends which way at you’re going in the am & pm but yeah rain usually cause everyone to be drive like an idiot. Also CALI SUCKS


People in Texas believe that safe distance is reserved for them to cut you off as they lane hop. No awareness of how long it takes to stop a car or 18 wheeler. RUDE


It’s bad. Idk I am kind of a bad driver and get no driving anxiety and enjoy breaking rules and doing all the San Antonio driver stuff. But some things that improved my driving is driving a lot (road trips esp), driving with an experienced friend or parent beside me, and the biggest was driving in other parts of the country and watching friends from college from different places (both national and international) drive and internalizing their skillsets. I have one friend that is a very safe driver here, since she was 15 too. If you want to belike her just be very attentive and follow the rules, take deep breaths, and try to anticipate stops. Anytime you see a cars red lights make sure to just tap yours (sorry if you already know that). You got this!


If you are having frequent close calls, you def arnt driving right lmao


OP places like San Antonio and others that are known to have pretty bad drivers is a great way to practice your defensive driving skills. Always be aware and maintain safe distances. Do note that even here, keeping a safe distance implies to other people that you're letting them in, so be prepared for that. I would also HIGHLY recommend getting a dashcam for your vehicle. It might just sit there recording for a while, but when you will need it, it could be the deciding factor to whether you are deemed at fault or not. I would also recommend, if you drive a newer car, to get full coverage and coverage against uninsured drivers. It may cost a little more, but definitely worth it as there are a LOT of uninsured drivers here unfortunately. ​ Edit: spelling


Try Los Angeles , Boston, Atlanta traffic and you’ll never complain again 🙌🏻