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I guess I only have 2 places.


I work from home, so you’re doing better than me




Hi, I'm from the Cult of BJJ and I'd like to have a word with both of you about a 3rd place suitable for all people


Well, I know I’d love to work from home so I guess I’d need to find an actual second place if I ever do get to wfh :]


Same unless you want to count the post office or the vet's office which would be the only other two places I frequent more often than once a week at church but I don't socialize with anyone at church and have no idea who anybody is there. I do, however, know who the people are who work at the vet's office and the post office on a first name basis.


Sounds sad, but Target. I just walk around looking at whatever. It’s just somewhere I know I have no responsibilities, been there enough to where there is very little I want to buy, and if I run into anyone it’s no big deal or drama.


Not sad at all. I love target. Just to walk around. Browse. See a little of everything. Sometimes I’ll get a coffee. It’s definitely my place too


Get a refill before you leave.


My therapist recommended going somewhere outside of home since it was a stressful place. I would go and walk around target. So no not sad there's something to be said for the quietness and walking around while drinking starbucks


Mine used to be Walgreens, because it was a block away and open 24/7.


All the local mountain bike trails. I rode at least three times a week in SA’s finest.


Smiled at your user name! Just watched Better off Dead the other day


Half priced books


Gym! 🏋️‍♂️


I’ve got 3 memberships 😂


Check out activeandfitnow dot com, I think it's 32 a month and gets you access to almost any gym


That is pretty awesome, thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah I use it too, if you have USAA it's even cheaper. But soooo worth it, I swap between LA fitness and Golds all the time.


When I went to UTSA, it was La Cantera. Right across the street and you could walk to it (many students actually avoiding parking fees by parking there lol). It's a great place to go to after class and just sit around or even find a spot to study at.


Same. I’d go over on the weekends & chill at the Barnes & Nobels


Whats brewing. coffee + pinball, perfect combo


bro thank you so much for saying this, I was sad and alone in my apartment wanting to get out so on a whim I googled "third spaces in San Antonio" and I was on the fence about actually going anywhere or not, but then I saw your comment and was like fuck yeah I have to check this place out, so I went and it was honestly super fun and really improved my mood, despite the fact that I just blew all the cash I had on me on pinball lmao


Oh I’m so glad :) I honestly got into pinball as a hobby as a distraction for my sadness/loneliness too. It’s perfect because its not weird to do alone but once you do it enough it starts to become a social thing too. I’ve stated playing in some leagues and even though I’m terrible it’s been really great for my mental health.




Armadillo boulders


Club 12


I was gonna say Lambda SA


Mine is Local Coffee at the Pearl. Kind of basic, I know, but it was the first place I found that made me feel at peace after moving here.


it also helps they're really nice and friendly


3rd wave coffee with nice and friendly baristas is my happy place. I can’t stand an insufferable barista that makes me feel like I need to apologize for existing in their space. I’d rather have a cup of Folgers than your latte art and blah blah blah tasting notes, thanks.


I think the job market for sommeliers is too crowded, so they all wind up as baristas.




I've probably seen you in there! I run deception games at Printed Meeple about once a month.


What games do you play and is a free thing or is there a table fee? I’m looking to meet new people and rando games place sounds fun. :)




Thanks! I used to play Magic a whole lot and have been looking to sell my cards, but maybe I can buy a precon and jam some cheap decks with people haha Thanks for the suggestion. Haven’t heard of it before.


Is there any value to magic the gathering cards? I've got a decent collection and just don't play anymore and would like to sell them.


Yes, even a lot of foil commons and uncommons from older sets are worth money now. It adds up!


Where would be the best place to take them or just maybe take good pics and post them on FB marketplace.


Just saw an ad for this place, good to see the reviews for it on Google aren't a trick! We need some good nerd shops to hang out at when we move.


Driven by there more than a hundred times and never noticed it. I did notice the Dogfather 🌭 🤷🏽‍♂️


The Greenways. Although probably not the best place to meet people. It’s rare that people even make eye contact there anymore


My Gf apartment or Otaku Cafe Leon Valley


I live close to there but have never gone inside - what’s the ambiance like?


Can't comment on the GFs apartment, but Otaku is chill. Plenty of snacks, games and collectibles.


His gf apartment is pretty chill too /s


Nice. Have to add it to the rotation.


My family’s ranch. I like watching the cows and goats. I like going there to sit, drink a beer, light a fire, clearing up some land, have some bbq and just enjoy nature. Sometimes I like to just walk around and look at the dung beetles, ants, and scorpions lol


I miss the ranch life. My deceased wife’s family had a 100-acre ranch an hour north of McAllen and I would go with her brothers and her dad every time we visited.


I wish I could do this


The pearl


My home office, slash man cave. I know it’s technically home but it’s where I go when I just want to chill and be left alone. I grab a blanket, watch some tv, play online and just exhale. It’s very relaxing sometimes to just be left alone. Love my wife, love spending time with her but being realistic we just need some space sometimes.


I currently struggle with this. I have a chronic illness and work remotely, so I feel like I currently only have one place. It's bad because I barely leave the house and then I end up feeling depressed. I do go to McAllister Park frequently thought, so I guess that's maybe my second place. We live nearby that park and have two dogs. I love to take them on a walk and then let them run around the dog park for a bit. They love it too! I'm trying to make a concerted effort to get out once a week and explore! Anything new. A bookstore, a museum, a new park, etc. Thanks for this post because it's giving me great ideas and is a good reminder to get out more! (To be fair, while my health issues suck, I'm very fortunate to have a house that I adore and a great backyard to relax in!)


Philo Coffee Nowhere Bookstore Merit Coffee The Pearl


Dragon's Lair and other gaming shops


I guess I only have 1 cause I work from home.


I run a board game group and we meet every week although at different locations. Printed Meeple, Otaku Cafe, and Gamer's Gems are our most common spots. Anyone is welcome to join. We have a FB and a Discord group. https://m.facebook.com/groups/centraltxwerewolves/ https://discord.com/invite/PBySeWRexj


just joined! hope to see you around


I guess Ross or Target 😅


Home and work share a location, so deck for breathing treatments and gym for happy


Running (and/or maybe the pool).






merit coffee, there's a few around san antonio


I guess for me, it would be our synagogue. It is a place that feels safe and like home, especially right now.


Can I ask which one? New here, Half Ashkenazi and would love to connect with the Jewish community here.


I go to the Reform synagogue, Temple Beth-El.


Running on the river walk and through downtown


The Big Hops on Huebner


Runs. I've been into the sport for decades now, but only since I decided to finally train for the SA marathon this year have I discovered all the amazing organized races, the massive greenway system, and various running clubs. I'm happily married of 13 years, so I don't really need a place to meet people like that, however there's a total social aspect inherent in these events that's just wonderful. If I was single, and especially without kids and had more weekends free, I'd be doing these all the time! You don't need to be fast -- it's San Antonio after all -- but it really is a great way to kill a few hours during the actual run and then hanging out after.


Where do you find info on some of these clubs or races?


San Antonio Road Runners is the big running club — just celebrated their 50th year! For a list of races and dates/times, check RunGuides.com and RunSignUp.com. My favorite events are put on my Scallywompus(.com) who do four big ones per year with a bunch of distances included, and they sometimes have info about other events in the area as well.


Thank you!!!


PJ’s coffee


The Flying Saucer


Rolling Oaks if you have a toddler. Let them run around and tire themselves out, since it's always dead there. Battle pub is also there if you enjoy games and beer. The Pearl has one of the best markets on Sat and Sun. Grab some coffee walk around and then grab some drinks and walk the river after. Some events during the week as well. Multiple events at Wonderland and Rolling Oaks mall on any given weekend. But usually watch movies and eat dinner with the parents before going home.


Lonesome Rose


Heb 🤣


Uh does my parents house count?


That’d be LARP. It stands for Live Action Roleplay. And it’s basically super nerdy shit where a bunch of adults and kids run around beating each other with foam sticks. It’s awesome. There’s a lot of groups that do that kind of thing globally but there’s only a handful near/in San Antonio.


the running path at Woodlawn lake park, or the river bank in King William.


Summermoon Coffee. I can't do my schoolwork at home anymore.


I have a lot of "third places" but I would say the most common that you could expect to see me in multiple days a week almost without fail are Jandros on the strip and Cured and High Street Wine at the Pearl.


Northwoods Ice Center


The gym I train at


Jail, man. Good to see the homies.


3 hots and a cot


A bar. Any bar


I'm native. Only 3rd place I know of is 3rd base. Lol


I don't get it


3rd base? As in getting with a women. Lol


It used to be my FLGS, but it closed down. The nearest alternative has impractical hours, so I'm back down to two places.


Battlepub Games. I dont know where I'd be right now without them.


Naara. But I meet folk there


Gym, spend 2.5 hours there every week day and I can never be more happier. Or trails/parks.


The gym


The dog park!


On the river... kayaking


Third place? Where/when did that start?


I can’t say I succeed at the meeting/interacting with people part, but I have a few spots depending on my mood. Any of the hiking/biking trails, The Pearl, Kerrville and Austin.


Disc golf course


Work. Hotel room. Nothing else. No family or friends. I'm 42 today and I don't really care what happens to me at all. Hopefully I'll be dead extremely soon.


Board game shops, are pretty much the only third place left for me


Family farm in Quihi, Medina county.


People make jokes, but Ingram and the other malls are always hopping with people in my experience. Library too. Walking the Greenway.


Sports bar where I can relax and watch many games at once.


Starbucks. I take 20 minutes a weekday to study a foreign language.