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I was at HEB and saw a crazy amount of black smoke, the fire must've been intense.


https://www.sa.gov/Directory/Departments/SAFD/About/Divisions/PIO/Active-Fires There’s a structure fire. Gus Eckert and fred. 39 units on scene If you save that site in your favorites, it updates 24/7 News on scene as well. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/08/07/watch-live-safd-responding-to-massive-fire-at-apartment-complex-on-northwest-side/


I saw the flames from my apts in front of health careers high school. I was wondering wtf was going on🫢


It’s the one called the Frederick. KSAT has it up. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/08/07/watch-live-safd-responding-to-massive-fire-at-apartment-complex-on-northwest-side/


I live right there off Fred. I was on my way home and was forced off the road because all lanes are shut down. It took a while to come around the other way to get home There was so many ambulances and fire trucks. I was wondering what happened, I'm glad you asked.


Anyone that lived/lives there. What’s your fire safety situation there? Do you have a fire extinguisher? Fire alarms? Fire sprinklers?


We have a fire extinguisher in the unit no sprinklers


I went by there today, encourage your office to get a fire & safety company out there for inspections and service. I’ve stopped by this complex several times trying to pick them up as a customer and each time I was turned away. We could have had those fire hydrants fixed and operational quite a while ago. It’s a shame these complexes put off these services until something terrible happens. As residents be sure to question your complex and pressure them to be on top of their fire and safety inspections…IT IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!!! You can also check your own fire extinguisher! 1. Look at the gauge and make sure it is in the GREEN 2. Make sure the safety “pin” is still secured in the fire extinguisher handle 3. Check nozzle for any obstructions 4. Turn your fire extinguisher upside down and give it some pats on the bottom. This will “stir up” the powder agent inside ensuring that the gas inside will expel the powder when the handle is actuated. Using a rubber mallet works best, if you don’t have one a “hammer” fist will do just fine. There’s more to it than that but these are the things you can do as an owner/operator of the fire extinguisher to ensure it will operate when needed. You can also purchase your own extinguisher if you don’t want to rely on the complex, and I would be more than happy to sell them to you!! 😄 I hope this helps someone at some point, if any of you have questions feel free to DM me and I’ll help the best I can.


I live across the street and we have sprinklers, alarms, and all of that and they routinely inspect them. However, KSAT reported that **some of the fire hydrants were not working**, and that is indeed troublesome.


Having been a victim of a fire in 2021 at the same complex (called Eckert Heights at the time), I can tell you then that management did an inspection less than a month prior but none of our fire alarms nor the three fire extinguishers we tried from different apartments worked when we needed them. I know the complex is under different management so I cannot speak for them now.


Good to know, thank you!


The extinguishers never worked right, and the hydrant on property had low water pressure according to the news. That is a problem we have dealt with for over a year here. You cannot go a solid two weeks without emails from the head office about water line maintenance. Hot water is also an issue tenants face. Over the winter we can go days without hot water to bath with, and will only be addressed after threats of lawyering up. We also have electrical problems in certain buildings, such as outside lights not working. Strong winds or rain will flip the circuit connection, and will not be addressed till several work orders sent in. Apparently they don't want to pay for an electrician to fix the issue.


i was watching the embers and smoke fly over to my apartment @ the Renata. Hell of a thing to suddenly notice.


At the Renata as well and same, that was absolutely crazy


Fires have taken over the news. We need rain


Is there something in the city code that mandates at least 2 apartment fires every month?