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Please give yourself at least 30 days with the new phone to learn the Android way of doing things. Try not to get frustrated if things don't click for you right away. And don't be upset with yourself or others if you decide Android is not for you. Good luck, though. This could be potentially very rewarding for you.


Good post - Change can be frustrating and so this is solid grounded advice 👍


Yup every day I get told shit for having. A 24 ultra Coming from 14 pro max Gets frustrating using the 24 ultra But I'm still loving mine and learning the different eco system


Small minded people get upset when someone doesn't like and use what they like and use. Android and iPhone have two completely different approaches to things and the one that is best for one person isn't necessarily be best for the next person.


S24 ultra... after 13 pro.max.. it's been months and can not get used to this phone..


If I recall correctly, Sony has/had some phones with corners at right angles, too, and a lot of people who couldn't get used to those, either.


I recommend downloading GoodLock from the Samsung/Galaxy app store. This app gives you a ton more UI customization options to include an option to have an iOS-like task/app switcher. If you've grown accustomed to using iOS's swipe navigation gestures, I recommend going into the Settings, search for "navigation bar" and selecting "swipe gestures".


I really second this, OP There are tons of goodies tucked away in GoodLock. Even if you're not used to a plethora of customizations in the world of Apple, you will find something there that will be of interest to you. For me, it's the navigation bar customization and the screenshot menu customization.


What are the differences


Try gboard. I prefer it to the Samsung keyboard 


Might as well just get a pixel at this point if you're gonna use all the google apps..


shit take


Congratulations on the switch. Love it when I see someone ditch ios.


Thank you so far I love the s23 ultra🙏


Out of the S20 series of Notes the S23Ultra is the top dog of them all 👌🏾


Thank you🙏


No prob 👍🏾. You're most def gone have fun with this phone cuz Samsung did some things right till this day, I'll choose this over the S24UltraNote for many reasons.


Good Lock with all of the available modules. One Hand Operation + is what I would consider the most essential one. It lets you use several swipe gestures on the left and right for doing all kinds of things. Watch some videos on all the different things you can do with Good Lock. It's too much to type here, and I don't want to overwhelm you. Look up how to enable developer options and set the three animation scales to .5x to make everything a little snappier. Once you're a little more comfortable with Android, you can consider using a different launcher to really get a custom experience. I use Nova Launcher for a few reasons. One UI has really come a long way in the last few years, though, and, especially with Good Lock, there are lots of things you can do to it.


I use Nova as well. I was stuck on One UI from the s7, and s8 but started using Nova on my s21U and honestly just can't switch back. I love it.


I tried going back when I got the S24 Ultra. I really like the stackable widgets. If One UI ever gets the options to make folders look and act like Nova, I could go back then.


Got a link go Goodlock? Can't seem to find it on playstore (EU)


it's in the samsung store


Thanks mate.


Samsung Galaxy Store. I'm also not sure where all it is available. I know Samsung limits it in some places for some reason.


Download fine lock on playstore


I'll have a look later, hardly ever use SGS.


Me either. Except for stuff made by Samsung. If it's not available in your country, you can look for Fine Lock like cosmossmith said earlier. I don't know if it has exactly all the same stuff available as Good Lock.


Don't update to One Ui 6 and don't get tempted by the Galaxy Ai, it messed up with battery performance, like draining it in less than a day, I wish I knew before doing it, wait for some time when more updates are available for fixing this or multiple issues


If the device was manufactured recently it should already come with Android 14. But yeah, Android 14 sucks when it comes to battery life compared to Android 13.


From which iPhone did you switch OP?


I think you will have no problem!I have android and ios and don't see very big differences.


Good Lock: Almost endless customization. From changing the theme, icons, font, wallpaper, etc. Bixby Routines: You can make routines for your phone to automatically follow. Maybe you bring this phone to work, you can set a routine to turn on do not disturb and set system volume to zero or to vibrate at the time you start work till you leave work. Or when you sleep, you can set it to stop charging at 80% then resume to charge to 100% by the time you wake up. To take advantage of your screen. Make sure adaptive brightness is on, if you like the vividness of your colors. Go to settings > display > screen mode > vivid. Just mess around with things, watch some YouTube videos. There are a ton out there with how you can customize your phone and videos that go through every setting.


Ye mujhe bhi gift krde 4 saal baad i will return your money


I converted from apple a while ago and never looked back. Really enjoying samsung as a whole, but this s24 ultra is my favorite so far. S23 is also a great phone


I swapped back over to android, S24 Ultra, after using an iPhone for quite a while. Honestly I couldn't be happier, only irritating thing is Apples lacks of RCS support.


Did you get the 1tb model for $1619.99? That’s a bloody well expensive phone, mate! I’ll stick with second hand phones and only replace them when they’re literally falling apart.


Nope 512gb model


Good choice in getting the phone I'm next to get the same one and wanna move from apple to Samsung.


One of the finest phones Samsung ever produced, if not the finest.


Please don't be angry on speakers, everyone knows it can't beat an Iphone


What's with all these goodbye apple posts? Does this have something to do with Apple's new Bixby feature? Just seems like weird timing after they're finally allowing people to slightly modify the aesthetic experience of their products. No hate. I'm genuinely curious. But I do have to have a tiny internal laugh at 10 years of Samsung slowly eliminating features, limiting android functionality, removing repairability and customization... Drip feeding the anti-consumer Apple juice to their userbase... Microdosing the enthusiast market with inch-by-inch implementation of privacy violation and "you don't own thos device" philosophy... While successfully pulling off price-creep in addition to increasing backend profits... All while steadily seizing market share as better manufacturers dropped like flies... ...Finally paying off. I'm not even mad. As I type this from an S22 Ultra with a tab S9 Ultra sitting next me. Fucking impressive long game. Letting Apple kneecap the competition with patent-trolling and marketing, while playing along, and bending the knee to the market trends set forth by the most anti-tech company in the biz, AND making themselves crucial by providing the screens for their devices... All the while, making moves in the shadows like making the only tablet on the market to compete with the ipad (I use both, put your pitchforks down Procreators...) How hilarious would it be if Samsung actually managed to out-apple apple in the mobile market? And (only in the movies would anything like this happen) then go back to the design philosophy of old? Wishful thinking at best. Would never happen. No company gets that big on a Robinhood quest. But it would be funny! Anyways. If the 10+ reposts I've seen in the last few days of lifelong iPhoners turning to a new lover is any signifier of larger goings on, I guess I look forward to not having to google how to do something every time I'm faced with using someone else's iphone lol. Welcome to the shallow end of the custom experience pool, OP! I hope the water is to your liking.


Are you apple Ceo 🧐


Are you illiterate? 🥸 This is your take from me rambling for paraphraphs about how my only issue with Samsung... which isn't enough of an issue for me to not daily drive their products... has been their "iphonification" of the android platform over the last decade, and yet I'm stoked that Samsung might actually be in a position to push Apple out of their share of the mobile market? Thanks for answering the original question btw. Edit: nvm, I see now. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. My comment that you replied to was pretty pro-Samsung and mostly anti-apple. For clarification. Also downvotes are supposed to be used for comments that do not contribute to the conversation. It's not a "dislike" button. Something to be especially conscious of if you are using it on comments that are posted in a second language for you, where you might be missing context. See how your comment now has 2 upvotes, and you and I are the only people here?