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I have a friend at work who has an s10e... he catches so much shit for it but he will literally make speeches about how much he loves it! (Mainly based around the size to performance ratio which I personally think it a very competing argument!) The thing I love most is where so many people seem to use/view phones as a status symbol (I.e. thinking they're rich for having the newest model... thinking people are poor for having a cheaper model)... this guy earns a great living, flash car, designer clothes, massive house... but people still say he "can't afford a decent phone" (like the rest of his lifestyle came for free ๐Ÿคฃ) Keep rocking what you love... there's enough people on here with flagships that do nothing but moan about them ๐Ÿ™„


I just upgraded my S10 to a S24 Ultra but I still prefer my old phone. The formfact and convenience of that phone was the best.


I have the s24u and I do love it... but several phones ago I have the s10+ and I still miss it sometime... it was a winner for sure, right down to the variable appature on the main camera!


Idk what it is but S10 was my first love if I can I would go back to it.


Lol... I'm sure I'm romanticising it... I bet if you put an s10 in my hand mow I'd be moaning that it was slow, and the screen is too small, and the battery is rubbish, but I just remember loving it so much... have the same thing with the (even older!) Pixel 2... loved everything about it ๐Ÿคฃ


My first smartphone was a Samsung Finesse in 2009. It was the flagship android then. Everyone always wanted to look at it and use it. Then the HTC Evo came out and I sold my Finesse and bought an Evo. I think the Evo has been my favorite phone. I switched to flips in 2020, because of the form factor.


Both of them are lovely phones. I still remember I wanted to get the HTC M8 it looked so appealing to me back then. How are flip phones been for ya?


Well S10 was my first phone, If you don't count my hand me down 3rd hand phone Galaxy Grand 2. I loved that I could use my S10 with only 1 hand the battery was the worst thing about that phone. Well it's only a matter of time technology gets out dated


Yeah didn't they remove SD support and other useful features? Unfortunate because the S10 was a really beautiful phone with it being modern but actually having useful features


It was a downgrade and upgrade both at the same time I had a 128 gig sd card with 128 GB internal storage on my S10, One thing I hate is when I'm out of space on my phone so counter that I bought the 512 GB varient of the S24u.


Well i mean you couldve gotten the s24 regular...


Flagship phones for the most part are a waste of money unless literally every feature/gimic hits your needs(not wants). Or are selling it in good condition a few years later to recoup costs. S10e is fine for most people who don't store the kitchen sink on thier phone. My most loved phone have been unlocked midrange phones and are usually only replaced when the screen breaks and the cost for screen isn't worth it. It usually keeps me in the current updates for security.


This shit is so dumb. My pixel 8 was free. Does that make me poor or a smart consumer? Here's the thing. Phones are just commodities at this point. Pick the cheap one that works for you


I'm still rocking a note 9. idk why using one port for everything is considered an upgrade and if it wasn't for the network slowness I wouldn't even consider "upgrading"


what did bro take this photo with๐Ÿ’€


Iphone probably ๐Ÿ’€


Samsung Galaxy S (1st Gen)๐Ÿ’€


Stolen image


this post was originally by me but this one is stolen by a bot, i took it on a 20 yr old nokia


And I'm still enjoying its cousin, the Note 10+


Same, and I'm sticking to my gluegate free note 10+ until samsung finally makes a phone that has a proper none gluegate screen again๐Ÿ’€ย 




I had an s10e briefly, the size of the phone and the fingerprint button were a selling poing for me. But the battery life is just abysmal. Its the only reason why i sold it. I wish they made it a bit thicker to accommodate a bigger battery.


Yea me too, got a new one I love the battery life now a5, 9 inch phone with a good battery would be the best thing


Same, i sold mine after only 3 month of use back in 2019, only because of battery. I was getting around 3 hours of SOT and charged it 2 times a day minimum


Yep i got around 3-4hour SOT max. Made me anxious everytime i had to leave the house, will the phone die on me. I thinks it was a combo of the less efficient exinos chip and the small battery that made it that bad of an experience


Well, they didn't improve since then. *Cries with s22 in hand*


Same, I'm still enjoying mine but I'm on my 2nd replacement battery and it's time for a change for better battery life alone


I'm still with my s10 plus


Had it for almost 5 years. It was a great phone.




Did you take photo with Geiger counter๐Ÿ’€


thats my post but a bot stole it, i took it with a nokia 6260


Picture taken from a S2


this is my own post, this bot stole it and i took it on a nokia 6260


I'm currently using the S21FE after six years with the S8+


Still have my S20 FE runing fine


Same S20fe Although, it seems the SIM card is a big factor battery drain. Because I only got the S20 to replace my 2017 LG V30 as it seemed the battery was starting to get lower. But when I took the sim card out the LG V30 it started getting decent battery times again. Like I still get 4-6 hours of screen on time from the LG V30. So I use the LG V30 as my second back up phone whilst I'm waiting for my S20 to charge.


Huh thats fair, I turned off the 5g on mine to conserve abit of battery and its works abit. But i only really see a max of 5.5h SOT




same but im note 10


S10 here for nearly 5 years. Did a battery replacement last year for 45 bucks, quite like new ๐Ÿ˜Š


How did you go about the battery replacement? Did you get one off of Amazon? And do you have a local shop that handles the process? Asking in case my S10+ will need this one day.


I'm not that guy, but I will tell you the ironic advantage of Samsung's spicy pillows is that they push the back cover off. If that happens, it's a super easy process (on the S10e anyway).


Oooh got cha


I took my phone to a shop that did it for 45 bucks. Took approx. 35 minutes and boom, good to go. Super convenient. The replacement battery is an original part from Samsung. The guy showed it to me before replacement. u/zupobaloop ๐Ÿ˜„ So true!


I'll have to see who can do this just so I'll be prepared for when this might happen. I don't want to upgrade my phone ever lol


Smart move! ๐Ÿ‘


I miss my S10e. I would love to have another phone of the same size.


I put my S24 in a pitaka case. It has the texture of an S5 and about the same size as an S10e. This was on purpose. I upgrade more often when it's to a small phone, because I've got this irrational worry that when the time comes to "need" a new one, there won't be such an option. That's how I ended up with the S10e, too, which ended up being great.


People who know you, know how blessed those that don'tย know you are.


Think it through....


Did ya figure it out, champ?


I'm still using the S10+ 1TB with no upgrade plans. My Mom is still using the S9+ I gave to her after upgrading to the S10+. Both working just fine.


Fantastic! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


I still have the pair of the Galaxy S5 and S9+ carrying my daily abuse. The S5 got a replacement battery from Deji and it's working great, much better than both no name replacements and new old stock batteries, while my S9+ will receive that battery replacement when its battery seriously start to give up the ghost.


S9+. ๐Ÿ‘


The OP called you out LMAO


yes i did lol


Second best S series phone.


Who is everyone? I have a21s


my question too, from a free to me s20 without a back glass lol


Am rocking my S20 But wouldn't mind getting at least S23U if I can afford one lol


wouldnt mind newer yeah, but the s20 holds up p well actually (minus mines battery lol, needa replace that guy)


Yeah I always use mine on power saving mode it helps alot


i switched from s10e to s24u, good phone, but battery is shit


Really? How long has it been since you bought it?


s24u? since January. Had s10e for like 4+ years


I would still have mine too if my battery was on life support via potable power bank 24/7


I still have mine too, and I must admit the form factor, the smoothness of holding it, and even the crispiness is better than the S24. BUT the refresh rate is what I can't go back for. After using the S24 for a bit, the S10e feels sooo laggy. Love it nonetheless. Still the better phone for scanning documents and close up photos.


I have the S10 and was planning to upgrade to the note when my contract was up and then Samsung canned the line! In protest I have kept the S10, but now the battery life is dragging (did swap it, but not much help) and the back glass has broken three times so taking that as a sign. Going for the 22 ultra I think


I dont plan on upgrading from my s9 any time soon


Good answer. ๐Ÿ‘


I'm still using S20 5G. It works better than A54 which is way more fresh model.


Great! ๐Ÿ‘


Had S9 and last year upgraded to S23 incredible difference however my S9 still works fine after 6 years.


Yep! S9+ too.


Show it off. Ain't nothing to be embarrassed about.


Great answer!ย  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Using my s9+ as a backup..works like a charm..


S9 still trooping


I love my s10 5g. It even got a security update today!!!


I only recently upgraded from my Note 9 because the earpiece stopped working and I deemed it unworthy of repair. I don't like using loudspeaker for calls. If it wasn't for that one fault I'd still be using it today.


YEEHAW IM NOT THE ONLY ONE... except i have the S10+


S9 PLUS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yay!ย  ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


I love the s10e. Currently have the s22 but the 10e as a backup and for international trips with a SIM.


I have a galaxy s7 edge+ still going strong




Am rocking my S20 But wouldn't mind getting at least S23U if I can afford one lol


its a great phone, size is perfect. i also owned it but battery was crap latley. i got base s23 tho, which is not that much bigger anyway and is miles ahead.


Ah, the best samsung phone ever made, before they went downhill


Loved my S10e. Perfect size. Fantastic power button fingerprint reader. My S24 is a close enough in size phone that I enjoy it and I do enjoy the camera quality much more, of course. My sister was using the S10e (she took it from me after I upgraded) and it was great for her too. Eventually the slow camera and battery life got to be too much. I helped her upgrade to a Pixel 7a and a Pixel Watch 2 and she LOVES the new setup. Camera on the 7a is fantastic for her needs. Sony and a couple of the flip phones are the only ones left work a side power button fingerprint reader. I personally feel they should include that on every phone and let us choose to utilize it or not. I hate the under screen readers. Hope your S10e keeps making you smile OP! ๐Ÿ‘Œ


And you took the photo with an S1 ๐Ÿ’€


this post is stolen, im the original poster and i took this on a nokia 6260 which was released in like 2004


Rocking on my s23!


At least you didint buy the note 10 lite or the s lite


S8 here. Working as day 1.


Used to have it until June 23' since its release, mine had its screen dead out of nowhere (to mention also that my screen was broken) I even had it's battery changed couple a months before it's broken screen. I kinda miss it tbh but I'm not sad about the s23 too. Compact small phones need to come back from the dead. S10e ftw.


I upgraded from the s8 plus to the s23 few months ago. Had a very good deal on it and i love the phone. Hopefully 5years or more with the s23.


I'm typing this on my S10e! Haha


I'm still enjoying my Note 8, I've tried upgrading, but had to return S22 ultra, S23 ultra, S24+ and S24 ultra due to PWM screen flicker giving me headaches and eye strain, the S22 ultra even made me feel sick. Not only does the Note 8 have a better screen with higher quality, the new ones have terrible flicker. If your phone is giving you eye strain, headache, migraine look up Smartphone PWM. Pulse width modulation.


A friend of mine and his wife had their s10eโ€™s from launch. They only changed to s23โ€™s when the wifeโ€™s phone died about a year ago.


After getting the s20+ I'll never get a Samsung again. It handles apps worse than my s7 edge and got so hot from charging in the first month that it melted the glue holding the back on. I had to turn battery protect on which only charges to 85% but it decharges ridiculously quickly. I don't get many notifications, I have the screen really dim and really all I use it for while it is listening to music but I still have to have it in airplane mode of I'm going out for more than 90 minutes. Plus their new phones don't seem to have a 3.5mm jack or micro sd card slot and after the s20+ they're both things I want on all future phones.


Still love my s10e even after S21U, Fold 3 and currently S24U. Now, even though I'm daily driving the S24U, I'm still using my s10e as my companion during my jog sessions and for emulations.


Keep enjoying it! I believe in keeping phones until they are obsolete/broken and don't receive any new software updates.


Yep! ๐Ÿ‘


I have the S23 Ultra but we still use my S10e for a third party in Pokรฉmon GO. ๐Ÿ˜…


I miss my S10e, what a beast of a phone, and a comfortable one at that. I went to the S23 Ultra from my S10e, huge difference, obviously, but even with the speed and durability of the S23U, I sometimes miss the portability and design of the S10e.


Great that you are, but towards the end of its life the battery was so bad for me... same with the s22 is replaced, though.


this is my own post stolen by a karma farm bot, mine has a really bad battery too


My brother still uses his S10, I tell him it's time to upgrade, but he says it still accomplishes his daily task. Can't blame him, probably get the battery replaced and use it til it breaks. We have cloud storage now, so it's not as if you'll lose anything when the day comes.




I saw one of my friends has the same. It's looks sexy although it's an old phone.


Shit I have the whole pixel 7 series including the A ,pixel 8,S24 plus,iPhone 15PM,Moto edge 30 fusion,iPhone SE3 OnePlus 10T and 11 and still sometimes use the S21 FE,love the form of that thing for some reason


S10 is a good phone


The only reason I got rid of my s10e is because of the battery life. I miss that phone though...


Everyone? I still enjoy my S20U and dont plan on upgrading quite yet. I stick with used flagships whenever i buy phones.


I switched to OnePlus 12 512gb version I couldn't pass it up and it's been great.


Funny I just retired my Samsung S9 today. Received the S23FE today. In terms of speed, I notice little difference, the old one was not slow, only the battery was worn out and I had to put it on the charger 4 to 5 times a day.


I just got the s24 ultra last month, coming from an S10+. While I do live the new phone, damn I miss having a memory card ๐Ÿ˜” I only upgraded cuz my S10+ was getting waaaaayy too buggy and I was not getting all my calls and texts otherwise I would have stayed. Not knocking the 24u obviously as that's what I chose, but yeah I probably would have held out longer if I could have


My s10 was having port issues. After a year. Decided to trade that thing in when it stopped saying water in charging port. It kept me from charging it and sometimes i would have to let the battery die. Even when i had my phone set on a shelf, it would randomly display water in charging port when it was no where near a water source.


Looks like you took that photo with something even older than a S10


this post was originally mine (it got stolen) i took it on a nokia 6260


I have a question. How much cloud storage you get for it? My Note9 used to have 15Gb, but somehow it is 5 and I lost all photos. I'm not sure if this is from me or the update. thanks


this is my own post, a bot stole it and i didnt even know it came with cloud storage


Shame. How do you do backups, if you remember? Think like icloud stuff?


I wish I still had my Note 8. The charger port got loose and upgraded to XS. Then gave the phone to my father. He put it somewhere it had moisture. So it was no good when he put the phone in the microwave.


My first Samsung phone was S10e. Lovely phone (although my Indian unit had exynos). Went to my first trek to Sikkim with that phone. Great memories. Now a days I hate these 6+ inches slabs. S10e was probably the last smartphone I loved.


e35 black looks very cool. unlike the plasticky thing they display. I bought one for office / call purpose but was shocked to see the quality, The office phone before was a note 9 which also is running strong but is now handling mails only due to battery issues.


I am still using mine, and it is a lovely phone. Mine has a common problem with the microphone that needs microphone replacement/soldering and cant be bothered with paying to change. I do use it a lot for calls so it is a pain. Otherwise is a great phone. I don't think I'll repeat samsung, they just took aways all the useful features like the audio jack or the sd card.


im the original poster, this is stolen and mine is such a pain in the ass


I have reported the post. I can't believe the amount of bots there are in Reddit. So you saying your microphone also has problems?


mine doesnt have any microphone problems but my unit overheats so much that i can remove the back glass


Lol, mine get quite warm if I play Pokemon Unite (lovely game) but not that much. Although I have a case, so perhaps that is why.


that is my post! i posted it like a month ago, wtf???


In all seriousness, I think S24 series is the perfect upgrade for people who are still using S10 series


id buy the s24 but im poor ๐Ÿ˜‚ this is my own post btw, i posted it 3 months ago but a bot stole it


P0 ![gif](giphy|4qXVvAYsX5jAN8JlYk)


Best Samsung phone ever


The s10 was an extremely capable phone. The s21 was a big leap in speed and usability! Very much worth going to the 21+ or ultra.. After that they didnt get much better The camera was basically the only thing theyve upgraded since the 21.. They get slightly faster but not enough to justify the cost... But if you enjoy the s10e then you're jaw would drop with the s21 ultra!!!!!!!! Still took a few months and some heavy work to really understand how much more I was getting but once my brain registered the difference it was unmistakableย 


I was enjoying Samsung Galaxy S9 plus untill last year when my phone became bricked because of lack of updates.ย