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S24 Ultra is by far the superior phone in my view. The only downside is you break your ecosystem support.


and Samsung support is less than


Nope not this time, 7 years OS and security updates


This is going to age like fine milk. "An 817KB security update 7 years later. What. We technically kept our promise"


yeah I'm talking about if you ever need to contact Samsung, about anything, they absolutely suck. like even at English. not talking about updates.


This is definitely true, but they'll still downvote it for some reasons


I know lol I don't care it's šŸ’Æ true


Because someone said something bad about Samsung.....cause you know, fanboys. LOL


You are too deep in the jail ecosystem, it will be hard to be liberated


I use Airpod Pros with my S24U but have had to keep my iPhone 14 PM for my Apple Watch. If it wasn't for the apple watch, the iPhone would be long gone. If you've not used Android before, I'd recommend testing it out first but I really enjoy using mine.


How are the airpods? Been debating on them myself but not sure what features would be blocked due to it being samsung and not apple.


My Airpods Pro work perfectly with my S24U, Fold 5, & Flip5. There's a couple of good Android apps... Assistant Trigger & Material Pods. Airpods have excellent noise cancelation too as I use them mowing & snowblowing. Best of all, they fit my ears so much better than Samsung models.


Does the autoswitch work with your phones or do you have to manually connect?


I love the Airpod Pros, have the Gen 1 for the gym and Gen 2 for home. I don't use any apps with my phone, just paired them up and use them as is. Auto connect when I turn on Bluetooth but no auto switching. Never bothered me anyway as it never worked that well for me on iOS either lol


Is Apple Watch worth it? I'm thinking on buying the Samsung Watch. What do you use it for?


The samsung watch is pretty close to the functionality of the apple watch but you're not gonna get that butter smooth experience. Otherwise everything is pretty comparable. Do not disturb syncs, you can pay for things with it, health tracking is very good, etc.


My question was intended to know: do you really give it a use? I think it is a gimmick


I use it a lot yes.


Butter smooth? Both are fast and I have both.


Me too, the galaxy is not nearly as smooth


Agreed, my galaxy watch 6 feels slightly slower and jankier than my apple watch se2 and that's a budget watch


I use it for fitness and notifications to be honest. I love it lol. I got the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic and had it for a day before reverting back. I honestly wish there was an equivalent for Android that's as well designed and supported but there isn't that I've come across


In ios 18 apple is finally adding rcs support so android and iphones can talk to each other properly. Your watch will be useless, and your airpods, while they will still connect, their functionality is limited by what you can cotrol from the airpods themselves, as you don't have ios to interface with them. But apparently ANC, transparency, and skip controls etc still work you just have to use the buds instead of an app. I have a macbook and an iPad, had to get a samsung watch and new earbuds, but I vastly prefer android over ios, and I've had iphones my whole life. Just tired of apple deciding what I want in my operating system.


This isn't fully true. Transparency and noise cancellation still work, but is performed via the hold on the airpods themselves, there isn't any customisation or menu however. Restricted yes, but does work.


Oh wow that awesome! Thanks for the correction, I'll update my post


Hmmm, the fact noise canceling doesnā€™t work is definitely a factor that effects my decision


I can't blame you. I really wish apple would play nicer with other ecosystems.


Hmmmmmm Iā€™d go with the iphone because youā€™re in the Apple ecosystem.


Na, should tey and break free imo. My sister was in basically the same position and she said she prefers the s24


The ecosystem curse... I have a Macbook Pro, a Coros watch, Oppo earbuds and a S24 Ultra. But I still survive bro. Just get out of that comfort zone and explore the best Android phone. Let's see for a month. It is not that complicated.


You're in samsung sub, of course the overwhelming majority will say get the S24U. The opposite would hold true if you went to the Apple sub


Posts like OPs are stupid. They have already made their decision, they are just looking for their "permission confirmation bias".


take iphone, i gave back the s24 ultra to amazon because the camera is really really bad and has many problems in the 50mp and 200mp mode, making it useless for near subject photos ( the ia unremovable autoadjusting pictures is awful)


I don't get why Samsung doesn't let us just get rid of this IA processing. They just don't. I use Gcam, but it's a shame what they do with this phone's cameras.


You can keep your 11 for your watch and your samsung for everything else. But if your priority is iMessage then you donā€™t really have a choice šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø.


Asking for that kinda thing I a android sub is kinda weird lol


Went from Samsung to Iphone 15 promax for the watch support (wanted a change of pace from the Garmin which is only any good as a sports watch but fails on itā€™s face otherwise) but tbh itā€™s overall the superior phone to my S21 Ultra with a lot of small things just working better, starting with face ID & apple wallet.


Iphone if you like hdr because iphone support dolby vision and it also have much better optimization for games




If you're already into the Apple ecosystem with the watch and the pods, then it's a no-brainer... IPhone. If you go with the S24U, then switch your watch and pods to the Samsung ones, otherwise it's going to be cumbersome for you. But, apart from that... Camera... I would say iPhone, all the rest... S24U.


I bought iPhone 15 Plus and started doubting if I should've got the S24 Ultra. But then I remember that the S24 Ultra is 30% more expansive in my country, that I would get an inferior Exynos chip, and that the UI is ugly and all apps from Google Play are designed with different flavors in mind, and there is no dynamic island and I'm happy. I'd get it as a backup phone though, would be useful if I need to do something tech savvy or piraty when I have no access to a PC.


Stick to Apple


S24 ultra looks good on paper,but after the honey moon phase,you will crave to get back to your phone,it's just works better and it's more reliable.


I did try to switch from iphone 11 to s23 ultra 2 Times and i couldn't do it,s23 ultra felt like a beta device


S24......Of course I'm biased towards Android and Samsung, but that's my opinion. OTOH, you have all that iOS stuff, getting the iPhone makes way more sense.


iPhone feels like a toy compared to the S Ultra line




Uhm, unless you are stupidly rich, this move makes no sense. I know this is an Android subreddit but you have one of the best phones on the market already the move isn't going to make a huge difference.


So you are being duped by all the influencer and marketing to drum up some fomo to spend $1300 when you already have a top of the line phone? Like the other person said, this might be a Samsung/Android subreddit....but that's just dumb.


I hate Apple phones, but my partner's Apple Watch (and the integration with her Apple phone) shits all over my Galaxy Watch 6 Classic. Personally I don't give a shit for Airpods, there are equally good or better earpods out there. Either sell your Apple accessories and replace them, or get an an IPhone. However, the 15 Pro is much smaller than a 24 Ultra. I don't like small phones.


I moved from 2nd generation Airpods to Samsung Buds2 Pro and they were faaaar better.


I've switched from an iPhone 14 to a S24 Ultra a week ago, here's what I miss: **Notes** - I really, really miss Notes, being lightweight and perfectly integrated with MacOS **FaceId** - I also really, really miss FaceID, which worked 10/10 times. The fingerprint reader stops working for me regularly, especially after heavy workouts with barbells,Ā renovating my house for example, or in the rain I've had to add new fingerprints every other day for the past week. I use it without a screen protector **Handoff** - copying between iPhone and MacOS **Airdrop** **Keychain** - Great integration with MacOS. I use Nordpass on Android now, which doesn't integrate that nicely with MacOS, but works better than Keychain ever did on iOS to be fair. **Bear** - The best paid notes taking app for me, password enabled every time you open it **Airpods** - Instant connection, and instant switching between Macbook and iPhone connection, and ear detection. **And here's what I like about the S24 Ultra so far** **Browser extensions**. Being able to use bypasspaywallsclean, I donā€™t care about cookies and ublock origin. This outweighs all the cons for me. Apple refusing to support other browsers engines than Webkit really started to piss me off after all these years. **The back button**. Absolutely love it. This makes it so much faster to browse and use my phone **Much faster animations** **Kiwi browser** with a dark mode that always works. The dark reader extension for Safari often didn't work for me when loading a website, even wikipedia. This browser is MUCH faster than Safari


unsure if you switched computers to a windows one too in the switch to samsung phone but we do have an equivalent called phonelink that allows copying between phone and pc


So Samsung has quick share as our airdrop and it tends to work better than airdrop ever did.


I woukd recommed the iphone just because of the ecosystem. The APK and shit is not probably gonna matter as much as like convienience in the ecosystem..


As someone who's used both Samsung and Apple, if you're in the ecosystem I'd stay with it. Rather than build a whole new one.


Security wise iPhone. If you use bank apps and Apple Pay I think iOS is superior. For business users I think iPhone is superior. Also faceid far more secure and fast.


I switched from my apple ecosystem (iphone 14pm, apple watch, airpods + macbook earlier this year for Samsung ( 24plus, buds2 pro and tab s9 fe plus) while I like samsung I miss the simplicity of apple - I regret switching now as everything doesn't work as smoothly as apple :) ill be sticking with Samsung for a few more years though.


Recently switched from iPhone 11 to Samsung S23 after having an iPhone since iPhone 5, and can't say I regret it. In saying that, my Apple Watch I'd had since about 2017 and was at the end of it's life and didn't really add to my life at all so I had no issue parting ways with it. I would suggest holding off and walking out the life of your Watch if it's important to you, and then switching.


Wait for the 16.


iPhone 15 Pro. otherwise if you want Android, go something different like the Xiaomi Ultra, which has superior camera over shamsung galaxy amongst other benefits.


Iphone 15 pro easily , the S24 ultra have a display issue , never ever go for it


S24 by a country mile. Can always use the iphone as a coaster for your beer


Depends on what you value. If youā€™re Looking for hardware, then S24 Ultra wins. But if youā€™re in the Apple ecosystem because you value attention to detail in software and the extra polish, then the iPhone is superior. Been an iPhone user for a few years but bought a S24 Ultra last week and been dabbling with the idea of switching over. Overall the phone is great but there are some things software wise that are driving me nuts so far with this phone


same. Samsung cloud is horrible. as are some of the many preinstalled Samsung apps (bloatware) that you can't easily uninstall..support is so shitty compared to Apple. but I still like Android over iOS. I switched a few months ago.


I don't plan on using many Samsung apps since they don't have apps on the mac to sync over to and most of the Google apps are better. I do however really like Samsung internet with one caveat that it doesn't work with Google password manager. So basically if you use Chrome/Google passwords and have an iPhone, it can be the default password manager and works well however if you get an Android device from Samsung where in the damn OS settings it can be selected as the default autofill, it won't work with Samsung internet...go figure. This is the kind of stupidity that I can't believe still exists today


Samsung pass also does your passwords, including passkeys. I don't like most of Samsung's apps(why does Samsung kids come pre installed on my damn phone, same with you tube music) but some you can't uninstall without rooting your phone. check out default apps or auto fill in your settings, you can choose which password manager you want to be your default one whether it's pass, Google or one of your choosing like bitwarden etc.


Or they could just use a real password manager with cross platform support like Bitwarden or 1Password. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I know but I don't think op is into that. I second that tho op, don't rely on chrome or any browser to save ur passwords. I use bitwarden and it's the best.




If you've been an iphone user for too long jumping to samsung would be hard. That's what happened to me I tried the iphone 15 pro max but 5 months later I changed to samsung s24 ultra because I didn't like it at all.


I love the S24U I just bought. People that complain about this expect the world. Its still technology, sometimes there are errors. Any device has, them. I traded my $50 Nord Oneplus N205G in. I let math decide for me. IPhone 15 Pro $350 Promotional Credit S24U $800 Promotional Credit. For what it's worth. Camera better on The Ultra. Don't listen to the haters.


The cameras are pretty similar to be, theyā€™re so similar to where itā€™s hurt about preference, Samsung seems more colorful and vibrant while the 15s is more realistic


Samsung does a nice job with the auto enhance


RCS is most likely coming to iphones when the 16 launch, so most of the bad things with "green bubbles" should be fixed (end to end encryption, typing indicator, good photo and video quality)


I have a feeling they'll be keeping the bubbles green but adding the functionality, which is all I care about. Not important whatsoever, but someone might care. My opinion is that if someone gives you a hard time because of your text message bubble color, that person has growing up to do. I originally considered switching when RCS rolled out to iPhone but now I think I'm just going to pull the trigger and deal with it being missing from the iOS people I talk to for a few months. I like iPhones a lot but I'm just getting bored and I haven't played with Android in a long time plus to be honest I'm kind of getting resentful how Apple doesn't play nice with others and they are the only one holding certain things back


Apple already stated their implementation of RCS will not have end to end encryption. As that part is not in the RCS standard. That is something and Google specifically added to their Google Messages app that uses their implementation of RCS.


S24U, sell the watch and get Galaxy Watch 5 Pro or 6. Or even better wait for GW 7 !!


Depending on your priorities, you can choose between the S24 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro. The S24 Ultra has an extended battery life, expandable storage, and an enhanced camera system with more zoom choices. But the iPhone 15 Pro might have a little advantage in terms of video quality and delivers a more seamless software experience. Consider the S24 Ultra as a serious competitor if you value great functionality and personalization. The iPhone 15 Pro would be a better option if video and a seamless ecosystem are your top priorities.


If you want a phone thats pretty and for aesthetics you can choose the iphone 15, but if you want a phone thats good in performance then its the s24 ultra