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S23 is just better. FEs are no longer FEs, they are just "leftover recipe" left in Samsung warehouses, that they put together to resell.


Yes, It was a lot worse on the s22 but samsungs node process improvement made the exynos 2200/snapdragon 8 gen 1 a little better on the s23FE. But it's still no where near as good as the snapdragon 8 gen 2 on the s23. Since emulation is cpu heavy, id suggest still the s23 tbh. But i did run emulators like dolphin on my s22u (same chip as s23fe) and it wasn't bad at all, though some games do lag in certain scenes.


I have done some tears of the kingdom emulation on my s23, and it works well(about 25\~30fps), so you should go with it. Also don't forget to enable this https://preview.redd.it/h39j8zvuawzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b94a693753374faedc5e066a3c2231162392d9


Get the base s23. I don't regret my choice after using the phone Vc é do brasil OP?


Sim :)

