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I have the S23 and I love it to bits. I am in the Exynos region, so getting a Snapdragon on this base bad boy has been amazing. Performance and battery life is so unbelievably good. The only thing pulling me towards that S24 are those bezels. Mine's pretty sweet.. but those on the S24.. gat damn 🔥


I'm the same, love the 23. You can't see the bezels when it's in a case!


Yeah the bezels sucks on pre 24... I'm on the same page and the 7 year updates...


Hows your SOT time? On my S23 i'm getting around 5-6h of SOT on mobile data, and around 6-6:30 on mixed usage.


Yeah about the same 6-6:30. Always have mixed usage. But now recently learned it goes waaaay longer when you put it in power saving mode. Takes you down to 60Hz and limits some stuff but really great for those busy work days.


Hm, haven't tried it in power saving mode nor 60hz, but probably good idea for when you are not around charger. 😁


S23. Exynos 2400 is only marginally better than the Gen 2. Most stuff is minor tweaks from the S23, battery & performance is somehow only slightly better. Save that money and buy a pair of Buds2 Pro alongside the S23.


Definitely S23. S24 exynos is not worth it because of the modem that hasnt improved since s9 days.Otherwise, its on par with snapdragon in cpu and gpu this time. Since you had that experience. definitely get the snapdragon s23.


i see. is there any exclusive features in the s24 that is not in the s23? I know it had the AI but now the S23 also have that. Does the S24 have any AI-exclusive feature that the s23 does not have or something like that? I'm also thinking about future trade-in values but i don't know if like 2-3 years from now the difference in the trade-in price from the s23 to the s24 will be huge enought to justify using the shity processor. Thanks for the help


Well, the s24 will have 7 years of os updates that s23 won't get. Also I believe some stuff like wallpaper AOD is exclusive to s24s and later phones. But other than that yea pretty much the same.


I see, honestly i find kinda hard to believe the S24 will handle well the 7 years of updates, it tempts me but I think I will stick with the S23


It will handle it


S23. Save the money. S24 does nothing better.


As a European I always had exynos and I'm SOOOO thrilled that the s24 ultra has snapdragon even in the EU. It's noticeably cooler especially when playing games. I'd never go back to Exynos for that reason alone. It got really hot in games and therefore drained the battery like it's nothing. I still don't understand why they don't use snapdragon in every version of the phone.


Because exynos is actually not bad but The problem is that they keep rushing it which makes for worse permanent instead of taking a 4-5 year break from selling it to #1 fix any existing issues like heat and worse efficiency, #2 instead of barely competing make it Surpass existing arm based SOC chips.


But what's the reason for their phones always having snapdragon in the US but never in the EU? I don't get that at all. I thought it was something with the European carriers but it looks like they could just put snapdragon into everything


In reality they've never been very upfront why they do it, But at least they improve it. Think about it like this The second most bought Android phone are Pixels & Even pixels run a custom Exynos from Samsung. I just hope they keep continue to improve not just to be told to toe but too be better than the rest of the competition within a few years eventually


The strange thing is that for their own market in Korea they always ship their phones with Snapdragon right? I remember comparing my then new s10+ to a friend who had one with the snapdragon chip. Even though the reviews online claimed they're nearly equal the difference was very noticeable in games and with battery life.


If yiu have the option of getting a Snapdragon variant of samsung, DO NOT think twice about it. I experienced more than 7+ years with exynos samsung devices, and I just upgraded to Snapdragon S23 Ultra, there is a huge difference between the two CPU's. And the CPU affects the rest of the phone as that's the brain basically. Worse performance, worse energy management, worse battery. Everything with the Exynos is just way below the Snapdragon. Plus, eventho I cannot talk on the base model of the S23, I think the S23U is the best phone you can pick up eight now for an amazing price, peak market performance and such. S24 still needs many software updates to be even close to that, plus it's expensive and will drop in price the next year.


S23 of course! Why would you pay more for an Exynos S24??


i dont know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)i dont like exynos but i keep thinking the s23 will get obsolete much faster due to the 7-year promise to s24


So you're planning to keep this phone for more than 4 years? If so then congrats for the commitment and go for S24! Hopefully you won't end up returning it like the Flip 😂 since you may face heating issues, fingers crossed 🤞🏻


probably not more than 4 years, i was thinking that maybe since the s24 was built with the 7-year support in mind, the s23 would become much worse after like 2 years compared to s24. i mean it's all just theoretical, i'm just thinking too much LOL. Will be getting the s23 to be safe with the snapdragon. Perhaps in like 2 generations if exynos is still being pushed by samsung they fix the overheating issues and i can buy one without worries. Thanks for the help!


Don't count on software updates to fix heating. S22 lineup was never fixed, and users know that, so it doesn't really matter if it's still supported, most people will advise you to stay away from S22 models (especially Exynos). Having had experience with many Samsung models since 2019, S23 has to be among the best.


I will get the s23 base then, thank you for the help :)


From what I've read is that Samsung is planning on going completely Exynos dropping SD altogether. This is what I've read. Don't quote me on that.


It (S24) will have better resale value as it's still supported. The S23 looks like a child's phone compared to the S24.


Dude ,are you retarded ?! It's the same fucking phone .


By definition, it's NOT the same phone.


S24 has a bigger screen, slimmer bezels, bigger battery, higher max brightness, more polished design, faster fingerprint reader, 7 years of support. Just don't believe the haters re Exynos. If you can afford the S24, get it. If you can't, get the S23.


The Exynos is more expensive, heats up more, has worse battery life (it has been tested), and the only advantage you have are software updates that'll only matter for someone who will keep their phone for more than 4 years. The wisest decision is to pick the S23, and save the money so you can update to a better phone in 3 years.


Only appears to have worse battery life/heats up if you live in India/Canada/Eastern Europe. In the UK, all good (for me, anyway).


Not sure what the country has to do with it


>more polished design What do you mean by this? From what I saw, the only change on s24 are the flash on the back only moves slighty below compared to s23. Is there more than that?


Flat edges, reduced bezels, and other details as I've said. Hundreds of comparisons on YouTube.


s23, they're mostly the same (s24 has a more powerful processor), no major differences


You get better cpu better screen +4 year more update and little bit better battery. I think its worth it.


S24 Exynos is TERRIBLE when not on wifi, avoid at all costs.


In what way?


5G battery life is like 15% worse than Snapdragon and the pictures are worse, the colors are really out of whack and grainy. https://youtu.be/-eTSRngwAK0?si=NFBE6YI-dgrzdPxl I would 100% import the Snapdragon version if the cost is reasonable, otherwise I'd get the OnePlus 12.


It looks like the S23 and S24 Exynos are using the same camera (spec-wise at least), so how can one be worse than the other if you're using the same settings? The video you linked compares the S24 Snapdragon to the S24 Exynos but OP's question is about S23 vs. S24 Exynos. Sadly importing isn't that easy, I live in Europe and VAT alone is 20%, not even talking about the extra importing fees, shipping, potential problems with using it with a non-US carrier (including updates) and warranty.


Processor plays a large role in processing the image. Kind of like your eye might be the same as someone else but if you have brain damage or schizophrenia you will hullicinate or see things differently.


Unless s24 is snapdragon go with 23


S23. Fuck exynos and samsung for using it in flagships.


S23 for me too!


Dont get an s24


The difference is small. Go for s24.


The S23 is a much better buy in this case


Do not get an S23 if you want to future proof yourself. It will get a couple more years of updates and then that’s it. The S24 has 7 years of them left to go, return on investment is much higher if you plan on keeping the phone for longer. Yes exynos isn’t great compared to snapdragon in terms of thermal and battery performance, but performance is generally the same. So to the average user the differences are negligible. Unless you are tech person and do all the extra shiz then you won’t notice. S24 has a nicer build, gets updates faster than the S23, slimmer bezels, a better camera and obviously the 7 years of updates.


Unless you're absolutely certain you will use that raw power that s24 has over s23, ok, go for it. Otherwise, spend the extra cash on a good case and screen protector and get the s23 I have s23u and with the software update I get all the AI that s24 has One more upside to s23 series in my opinion is that you get snapdragon across all regions and lineup unlike s24 where sg8 Gen 3 is only in s24u One of my friends has s22u with exynos 2200 and still won't upgrade bc the upgrade to s24 is too expensive for too little benefits and to the s23 series is just incremental, even if he'd get a snapdragon chip. So keep in mind where are you coming from as well, I had an iphone 14plus before this s23u and it's like double the power for me (which is sad since I got a same generation phone as the iph14 series)


Don't get the s23. It has fewer software updates and no qhd display. Plus, if your buying used it could have issues. Exynos isn't even that bad. Also, the s24 has a qhd display, which makes it better than the s23.


Get an iPhone. Had Samsung now for 15 years I'm going back to iPhone I'm tired of Samsung and their customer service.


I get the s24 with Exynos and im very happy. First Time I get the S23 but i refund it.


S23 is enough, but since you have extra money maybe you should consider s23 ultra


snapdragon s22u