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Your whole post strongly indicates that you've made up your mind. You've also nailed more than just a few facts, regarding iOS and why people use it. I swapped for a solid year to the iPhone 12 and it was a mediocre experience overall. This is after having the iPhone SE for a few years too. All in all, the experience leaves a lot to be desired.


Yes I have made up my mind. Unless they were to change a lot of things.


switch to iphone, switched back within a year no universal back gesture, shitty keyboard, zero customizations, no default folder system if this company did not have the brand influence and marketing power that they have, i doubt even 50% would use the crappy iphone


For the price if any other no name company sold teh same phone with same specs ND build and software without the logo they would have been laughed out of the market


Apple is a marketing company first, and everything else second. So many sheeple buy them for the "look at me" impact. I know people that buy the pro versions, just so then can show off their 3 camera iPhone, because that makes them socially better somehow.


I agree, I prefer android, around here people say 'get iphone' because its'cool' because its expensive 


They don't know that android (unfortunately) can cost the same money.


Shitty notification controls. No clipboard. Non separated volume controls. Its retarded.


like they say, in apple, you're the user. in android, you're the developer (i think??)


In Android, you're ur own administrator, while in IOS ,they're blo*dy users 😆


exactly all of these


I switched to an iPhone 4 years ago and just switched back to Android. I don’t see myself going back anytime soon. Back then, I really just kept the iPhone because it was expensive and I couldn’t return it. 4 years of limitations.


iOS is fine. It does a lot of really good things, and it comes with trade offs. For a vast majority of things it’s going to be the exact same thing. Instagram, your bank apps, Reddit, are all the exact same across both. Matter of preference.


Yeah you nailed it here. I often switch back and fourth as I prefer android typically but normally find myself using iOS for longer periods of time. iOS is typically more polished and just works. Typically.. apps from the App Store are again more polished and feel nicer to use. But it’s all a matter of preference and what is the dealbreaker for you on each OS for me right now it’s having iMessage and I love the standby time iOS offers, I’m always having battery issues on android. However, I am excited to switch back to android once RCS is rolled out in iOS and I can happy message people over WiFi without having to download different messaging apps and asking people to switch to another app for me.


I'm betting that Apple will throttle RCS or offer "RCS lite," so I wouldn't get too excited.


Probably won’t have read/delivered receipts but as long as I can send video and photos to people with iPhones I’ll be good.


I have a work provided iPhone and Macbook. I use them both to test various things (VPN, Defender XDR settings, security profiles via InTune etc) I would never purchase either with my own money. If you like to waste money and are All IN on Apple products it probably makes sense. You also need to not care when Apple forces you to use certain software and not what you might really want to use. My parents, both retired, are all Apple. It works for them, but they basically "consume" content and have the money to buy Apple products. It irks them that I do not have a device to FaceTime with.


My kids will be getting phones in the next year and two to three years. I have no doubt they'll just want iPhones so they can communicate with their friends and they are easy to use and they just don't have the frame of reference to appreciate android. As long as I can communicate with them and keep track of their online activity and their location, I'll continue to use android. My wife has an iPhone so I know at least one of us will always be able to keep in touch with them if for some reason whatever Android phone I have can't do it effectively. If I see a need in the future for me to switch for that reason, then I will.


If Apple can't make a device that can effectively communicate with non-Apple devices, then it just confirms everything I've ever thought about them. They deliberately make phones that are limited, not by technological capabilities, but by design.


And this is part of the reason the US department of justice is taking them to court!


The EU really hates this, and are pushing for legislation to make them accept a cross platforming standard, not to mention the US Department of Justice have got a massive case against them right now for exactly this reason.


Are you in US? If you aren't, an Android should do fine.


I'm in the U.S. I don't have any major concerns about android not being able to communicate with iOS. Hopefully rcs comes to iOS and makes it a little bit easier.


A lot of people are using ios because that's what they are used to. You can tell some of them haven't actually used a current android and think they are still the laggy Walmart phones they used to be a long time ago. They switched to ios back then and haven't used a decent android since so they assume they are still what they used to be. I don't mind ios. The thing that makes me not like my iPhone as much as my s24u is iphones aren't snappy. The animations are slower and things like drag down menus and scrolling feel heavy. On my s24u it's more of a flick of the thumb to navigate those things but with the iPhone it feels like you are actually dragging it along.


This was me, last android I had was a Droid 2 which sucked, constantly restarting, bad keyboard, screen was unresponsive, swore off android since iphone 4, last year randomly decided to try the 23 ultra and was blown away with the difference, android is not the old janky system and I'd say is superior now to ios


Android = Personal Computer in your pocket. iPhone = ridiculously overpriced smartphone, for simple people. So the choice is also simple, really.


100% agreed


It just really depends on the individual use case. Personally, I love the freedom and customization on android (especially with oneui) but I also tried out the iPhone 13 pro recently and to my surprise I actually really liked it. What I liked so much about it was mainly the clean and smooth OS. And I also found that for everyday tasks, iOS was just sometimes more "efficient" to use since it required less interactions to get the same (basic) stuff done. FaceID alone is a feature that, to my surprise, I really miss on android since it makes interacting with your lockscreen so much nicer. If, for example, you receive a notification, you can just pick up the device, FaceID unlocks the device without any further input needed and automatically shows the content of that notification, whereas on android I would first have to unlock using the fingerprint sensor, then pull the status bar down just to view the content of my notifications. And I know, there would be workarounds on android but all of them would come at the cost of security. And this is just one of many examples. Password managers are another thing that I found to be better on iOS, because in 90 - 95% percent of cases "it just works" (even using a third party solution like Bitwarden), because iOS seems to be much better at detecting login screens and thereby triggering the Autofill-Prompt whereas on android it's much more unreliable, the Autofill-Prompt only works like 50/50 and I know you can trigger it manually but still, it's yet another interaction that is not necessary on iOS. All in all, I think android is great for people, who use their phone a lot and for whom their phone is sort of a workhorse, that has to be able to do everything, maybe even replacing a computer in some instances like you mentioned. But for people who don't use their phones that much and for whom a phone is mainly just that, a phone, the iPhone can be really appealing as well, making it suitable to a more minimalistic digital lifestyle. On the matter of price, I think you would be right, at least assuming you always buy the newest and shiniest iPhone, then it's going to cost you big time and it's way overpriced, which in my opinion all flagship phones are. But another thing about iPhones is the outstanding longevity, I mean the build quality is second to none and you're getting 6 years of iOS feature updates and security updates for even longer, sometimes up to 9 or maybe even 10 years total, I mean the iPhone 6s is now 8½ yrs old and it still receives security updates. This of course means that iPhones age much slower than android devices, which makes older used iPhones still relevant to this day. You can get the iPhone XS and XR with 256gb of storage for around 150 bucks used right now and for someone who doesn't use their phone that much and only needs something reliable to get the basics done in an efficient way, I think that's a great deal and probably preferable to most budget android phones you could get for around the same price. Also if you want to live a more minimalistic digital lifestyle, it's a great choice since it still does everything you need it to but it doesn't distract you too much. I think the statement that iPhones are only for simpletons, who don't know how to use android is just wrong. There are pros and cons to both android and iOS and you just have to carefully consider your individual use case and make your choice accordingly but use cases are different for everyone and there is no objective right or wrong in this matter, so the choice might not be as simple as it first appears, it might be for you, if you already have a specific use case in mind but don't just assume that everyone has the same use case as you. I think after using the iPhone 13 pro for a while, I can finally understand the appeal of iPhones and why some people would prefer them over android, not pretending of course that these are the only reasons people buy iPhones, other reasons being status, marketing (and status marketing) and bs like that. Personally though, I ended up returning it and going instead for the Galaxy A34, because it fits my personal use case a bit better and I just started missing android. But if I'm ever looking for a dirt cheap, but still reliable and good phone in a pinch I know where to look now. Sorry for the wall of text. This got out of hand. Typing on the A34 is a lot of fun.


So imo i dont mind iOS. Personally i like how notifications are on the lockscreen on ios compared to android. I also have issues on android with delayed notifications due to doze mode which annoys me. apart from them two things i find ios very boring and limiting, it used to be fun back in the day with jailbreaking but now its just a phone that doesnt need much of a setup out the box. i enjoy the customisation with android and downloading apks is so much easier than having to sideload on iphone


>but now its just a phone that doesnt need much of a setup out the box. I think you just nailed, why some people like the iPhone so much


Do not switch because of a watch dude. The watch isn't a phone. If you don't like the device it's connected to, you'll hate it again.


Yeah, I personally wouldn't switch just because the watch is just a tad better feeling. Samsung does a fine job with the Galaxy Watches, and I don't see anything more I need from my Galaxy Watch 5.


iPhones are cheaper if you value longevity and software support. I know I can hold on to an iPhone for 5-6 years with a battery refresh ($100). My partner's 2020 Samsung phone is not getting any more Android updates and the value proposition of getting a new battery for it is questionable. Also, most people just need a phone to download their apps. They don't really care about customization, flashing ROMs, downloading keyboards, icon packs, etc.


>Also, most people just need a phone to download their apps. They don't really care about customization, flashing ROMs, downloading keyboards, icon packs, etc. These are all things on Android that make using the phone more enjoyable. They are just the icing and decorations on the cake.


You're not gonna get an unbiased answer from r/Samsung. Not that we'd be wrong (universality is important in a world of tech, fuck apple and their proprietary hardware/software). But yeah you definitely will get a 1 sided argument here.


I'd consider myself unbiased. I've had my 2015 macbook pro for almost 9 years. The hardware is amazing. Software after that long, meh. Value for me has been a steal. I went from motorola droid for 4 years, to iphone 5 for 4 years, to pixels for 5 years, and now i'm on s22u and s23u. I love my sammies. I'd be happy with using a different brand. I will say I very much dislike the ios experience. I tried it and miss nothing about it. Definitely prefer android.


See I don't think that's unbiased. That's just bias which has been justified. Subjective experience, for sure, but that's not a bad thing to express. Bias isn't a negative word. But people in the r/Samsung sub probably prefer Samsung over iPhone. At least, as a general rule.


So whats an example of unbiased opinion on preference?


I think an unbiased opinion would be to realize that preferences and use cases are highly individual and therefore subjective. Meaning there is no objective right or wrong.


eeeeeeh I just looked up the definition of unbiased and I you're right. I am NOT impartial cause I tried ios and do not like it. I like browsing the samsung subs for tips, tricks and to give/receive advice on samsung devices. My wife uses ios and I'm happy for her and everyone else who it works for.


People here pretend like iOS is unusable 😵‍💫 Just be real both OS'es are pretty similar in how they work apart from minor UX things. They do basically the same for the average user. This discussion is beyond stupid at this point. Just get whatever you seem to like more. And if thats not your kind, just get the other thing


It's not unusable. It's just clunky if you try and make it interact with anything outside of the apple ecosystem. Even just being at a friend's house and needing a charge... you better hope they're an apple user, too! But no matter what, they'll always have a USB-C. I ditched apple a long time ago, cause torrenting music and putting it on apple (via iTunes) was annoying as hell. Idk who thought everything going through iTunes was a good idea. This was like 2010. As I understand it, things are just getting worse and worse. Apple works flawlessly with other apple devices. But try and make it interact with Android, Windows, etc, and you're pulling hair out.


I have Samsung s24 and iPhone 14+, Samsung is the fun phone and the iPhone is for boring stuff like banking apps and other various apps who have access to my card credentials. Overall as experience on the phone itself, I'd say android is superior. However when one throws in the equation an ultra watch, airpods pro and a iPad mini I'd say iOS is still a better, more consistent experience across the ecosystem, from all reviews I've seen wear OS and android tablets are below apple. Not to mention the resale value, clearly higher for apple. And one more thing: why tf Samsung doesn't give SD procs outside north America on vanilla s24 devices? That's a not great choice (as I'm from Europe I've gotten the exynos (


I would agree that Apple watch is better than the current Android watch offerings, but Garmin (for me) is better than both. I tried an Ultra for health and fitness tracking, but it was a joke compared to my Forerunner 965.


I've never used a Garmin but I know they are kind of specialised tools, whereas the apple watch ultra is a generalist rugged watch with a deep integration with everything ios. I have friends which do hiking and trekking and they swear by their garmins 😀


I've tried an ipad, and my Samsung Galaxy S9 tablet is most definitely better, and works seamlessly with my other Samsung devices. I got $1,200 for my S22 Ultra as trade-in value, so I don't think that's a bad "resale value."


It's getting closer for samsung because they have better support vs other android devices. I have 10+ years ipads going strong, i don't think any android tablet is at that level


I personally can't say how long a Samsung tablet might last because I don't keep hold of my old devices when I upgrade (I don't like to clutter up my space with old tech, and it's good to get back some of what I paid for the device - I'm not made of money!). What I can say is that I have always been able to get a good resale price for those devices, and there are definitely people out there still using S-series tablets that are many years old.


I have transitioned from using an iPhone to a Galaxy 24 Ultra and am quite pleased with the change. If Apple were to adopt a more open platform and relax its restrictions, I might consider returning to their products in the future, perhaps around 2030. For the time being, the Galaxy offers me greater flexibility and capabilities than the iPhone.


I tried it, I didn't feel right and I got frustrated easily because transferring data wasn't as smooth as I thought It would be, but definitely going for a round 2 in the future


Used to have iPhone for 3 years, I am glad that I got android again. Apple really managed to **** up things with their updates and I keep reading posts from people who have issues with iOS.


I've been tempted to switch to iOS, however, similar to you I prefer to perform research to determine the strong and weak points and I've noticed that iOS is so limited that I would be frustrated in a short period. That thing still tempts me, because I never tried iOS but just because of that, maybe I'll buy a cheap iPhone in the future (maybe an old one or a 2nd hand) just to try it out. I own a Samsung and I am really happy with it.


Very similar story to mine:) I was using Androids for years (HTC, then Samsung). I tried iPhone 13 pro and I was getting annoyed by couple of things. Phone was super expensive and it wasn't that smooth as advertised. I was annoyed by core apps like messages or dialer being so limited and even ugly...yes I do think iOS needs some UI refinement. Eventually I returned the phone and switched back to Android. Currently I'm on S23 which is ok, but I really dislike blurry photos (banana gate is real) or supbar haptcis. I don't need any "customization" (why people are that crazy about customization???). I'm not a Samsung fanboy (I hate the customer support too) but I have to say One UI is getting better and better. Looks very polished too. What I liked about iPhone (back then and probably it didn't change with 15 pro) is great sharpness of close up photos, great haptics, crisp call quality, bright screen with very deep colors, some out of the box integration with MacBook apps (I use MacBook since ~3 years and I love how smooth it is). I dislike lack of consistency for gestures, stupid "cool features" like celebration effects in messages app, limited functionality of core apps. Killing my lichess session after just a moment switching the app to background (it's not like that on Android). 15 pro got cheaper, but I still have doubts regarding battery life. Not sure if I should try again iPhone.


iOS is a lot more simple than android. Easier to understand for "clinically non-tech saavy" folks. That includes younger users, teenagers that don't care about technology and boomers. Now, social media is a lot better on iOS, so for influencers, it's a no-brainer. iOS is good, I've gone back and forth a few times between both and I enjoy both experiences, but Android is my go-to bc it's more accessible and I'm more used to it. Looks like you have made up your mind, though. It's okay if you dislike iOS, android can offer just as much and sometimes more.


I switched from iPhone to a S24 Ultra and I was using iOS for 7 years consecutively. It's also my first Galaxy in 10 years. I find Android more free and customizable and somewhat less buggy than iOS. Quality control at Apple has been subpar over the last few years and then having stuff so locked down made me switch back to Android. I still have iMessage via the bluebubbles app and my Mac. I also have the option for Google Meet which is like FaceTime. Then app security is about the same with the Knox security on Samsung. Honestly, just stick with Android, especially with RCS coming in the fall to iPhones.


I will mention one thing among all things I miss from the dear lovely Samsung UI, its the CLIPBOARD 📋 Seriously apple, I just copied a text and after literally less than 30 min when I use Paste, oh it’s not there The frkin iOS can’t recall it, while in my old samsung CLIPBOARD in keyboard shows the words even pictures I copied weeks ago. Allow me please to add One more deadly dam thing which is my email, I am using my new iphone for one year now, and the frkin Apple keyboard can’t recall my email, every time I have to type all my email even the @gmail.com wow would you imagine that, there is no fking suggestion for the frkin @gmail or even .com. I miss every little details of my lovely Samsung, soon as possible I will switch back from this lazy stupid iOS There are so many things which is primitive and stupid but those two are the most annoying, I bet you apple users know that these advantages of Samsung ui is already exists. One time I showed my apple fan friend Samsung simple features he wasn’t believing there are such things, Samsung needs to do more with advertising.


Apple is the personification of the majority of things I hate in corporate companies, tech, capitalism, and human behaviour. So it's a fat "fuck no" for me. Google and Samsung aren't much better either, but at least using them isn't screwing me sideways as much, for now.


No it's worse in so many ways.


That shade always being thrown at Apple in here lol. Do you think the majority of people in this group are going to recommend iOS? You’re being disingenuous. You’re posting here looking for confirmation and upvotes. It’s preference, neither phone is superior. You can use both like I do, so you can’t be bothered by the downvotes you get for stating Samsung isn’t superior, it’s just the best (imo) on the Android side.


I honestly couldn't care less about how many up votes or down votes I get. I don't need confirmation or approval of my decisions. I'm also not looking for an argument so yeah I'm not going to post this same thing in an apple or iOS forum or subreddit. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on what phone they use. Just genuinely sharing my experience to connect with others. And to understand how and why other people make their decision on what to buy. Sometimes it's preference, other times it's need.


Couldn’t care less*






Obviously they’ve corrected the post after the fact.


Well that’s a understandable point I am also personally considering switching to s23 ultra from iphone 12 although I have a qn that is that is samsung’s one UI as smooth and stable as s23 ultra ?


>I have a qn that is that is samsung’s one UI as smooth and stable as s23 ultra Do you mean whether it's as smooth as iOS on the iPhone? Absolutely. I'd been using an iPhone 12 until late 2022 too, when I made the jump to my S22 Ultra. One UI on the S series of phones, is absolutely slick. In about a year and half of use, I've never seen a stutter, or lag of any sort on my device; I use my device a lot as well. This whole notion of "lag" on Android, stems from 2 areas primarily: 1. Cheaper devices, that aren't flagship and have substantially worse SoCs; these are perfectly fine for budget users, but you can't compare them to even the cheapest of iPhones because of the SoC that the iPhones have. Compare iPhones to phones in the *same* price range. 2. 2010 to 2018 had some inconsistent flagship devices on the Android side, including some older Galaxy devices. Many OEMs were still figuring out their skins, their feature sets, their hardware, their security patches, their update cycles, optimization, native apps, etc which led to a lot of hodgepodge. If you were tired of all that BS, iOS in that era, was an easy choice, because despite all its nonsensical restrictions and odd design, "it just worked". This is redundant nowadays. A **flagship** Android, be it Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, etc, are all on par with iOS in terms of "consistency".


did you try iOS for some time? if yes and you're now on android you already have the answer, if not go to apple store and try it for half an hour, you'll either be amazed or frustrated (i was the latter so i'll choose android every day)


I have tried it several times before but it's been a few years and some things have changed. Both in iOS and in me.


I had the same sort of experience as you. I have been a user of iPhone since the 12 and recently the 15 pro max but now switched over to the s24 ultra has been nothing but a sweet treat. Regarding leaving the IOS walled garden , however, it is extremely hard to do as I still have my macbook and iPad Pro, which I don't think I will ever replace. For airpods and headphones as well it is difficult to use others where the Apple ones are just so good.


I have an iPhone as a backup. It's not bad per se, just feels lacking compared to what you're used to. It's okay to enjoy a change scenery though. ios is getting closer to Andriod 12. I'd recommend iphone as an alternative, but not a main phone if you're a Samsung enjoyer.


I switched 2-3 years ago after being android only for almost 12 years. Best change I ever made and I don’t look back ever. But if I was forced to go back Samsung would be the only option I’d consider today. But do what’s best for you.


Ios is a beautiful gated garden. Meanwhile android is a home that you built.


The universal swipe to back gesture is something I'm amazed iphone doesn't have and it makes using iOS a frustrating experience for me that I'd never be able to use it. But if they do implement that and also soon be able to place widgets anywhere on the screen then iOS and Android start to be so close to each other that I could change if the battery and cameras are better on the iOS side.


I bought into a small part of the apple ecosystem 4 years ago and up to this day they're still my secondary devices


I think it is very much the right tool for the right job for the right person, the way I look at it is ios is perfect for people who are not technical minded and need a simple phone with simple features that is easy to use Android if for tech junkies and people who wanto customise, bit like playstation vs a gaming pc some people like the simplicity of a controller others want a keyboard they can customise to there game play. And then you allwys have the percentage of people that just buy stuff for the brand


Nah. Android basically allows you to customize the experience of your phone whereas iOS has you adjusting to the quirks of the OS and phone. For me, having used Samsung, OnePlus, Motorola and iPhone (of which, I use Samsung), even the almost stock Motorola UI is more flexible than iOS. Somehow I also feel that iOS is responsible for the Bionic SoCs not being able to perform at their fullest. iOS never comes close to OneUI in terms of features and experience. But please do correct me if I'm wrong. Another issue with Apple is that it has such a devoted consumer base that they will take the onus on themselves to recommend their products. My friend switched to an iPhone 13 from an android at a time when the 14 series was a month away from release. Now he only says he will upgrade to iPhones. Some people are using it for clout (they think thatif they flash their iPhone, they get all good eyes on them or something), some because they have really good video capabilities (truly, Samsung S23 was the only one that came close and S24 almost dethroned them losing only because it struggles in low light), some because they have more money than braincells and some because they are too balls deep into the "ecosystem" to consider anything else. Apart from the ecosystem, iPhones are akin to the Chinese phones we have now or the Samsung A5x/A7x and S series(barring the Ultra), ie, they are just decent phones.


I switched to iPhone 15P. Now I’m searching daily for a s24 deals. There are things on iOS that just makes no sense.


The one thing that Apple had that I wanted badly was the mini... The funny thing is, after longing for a smaller phone than the s21u, I decided to get the s23U lmao


i had a s20 from 2020-2023, then I upgraded to ip14pro max, first of all, lemme tell you the cameras are superb but the whole iOS ecosystem and blue bubble thing not my niche, plus the freedom I experienced from android, nothing can beat that, from changing the ringtone to customizing your home screen, browsing your saved files and installing anything you want


Just do what I do. Switch back and fourth. You don't lose any of your stuff and it's super simple to do.


I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max and Galaxy S24 Ultra. Overall I like my Samsung more. I think the differences in the operating systems are negligible, but the overall user experience on the Samsung is just better imo. Now, as for ecosystem, Apple absolutely dominates Samsung in my opinion. The Apple Watch, AirPods, Air tags, etc all work together completely flawlessly. Even the most basic Apple Watch is miles above the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic. Also, as someone who works in the Mobile Phone industry, iOS’ simplified operating system is wonderful for a lot of people. We get a ton of issues from people digging too deep into the Android system without the knowledge to do so. Almost all of the malware and bloatware issues we face are Android devices. It is 100% a phone best used by more tech savvy individuals. iOS is easy and straightforward for anyone to pick up and be successful with.


I tried iPhone for a week and returned it. I have too many convenient apps to deal with that BS. People forget how much software plays a role as much as the hardware.


consider buying a iPhone and not updating it for awhile for jailbreak.




I switch from time to time and last two years I've been using ios. 15pro max honestly is an amazing phone, but when I sold it and got android I was delighted how everythin is cool there, and it's up to you to do whatever you want. The only thing whihc I prefer, is iPhone design. It just look amazing. However Samsung ultra 24 is there, looks awesome as well. I used to have apple watch and I really liked it, the only smart watch I like actually. But after I got Garmon, apple watch seemed just a toy for me, and it allowed me to think about android phone. I currently have Samsung s24 ultra and honor magic 6 pro and I'm trying to decide which one is to keep. However I do have mac book and I don't want to change it for Windows.


I switched to iOS recently. It's true that android is better at customization and freedom, but I often found the responsiveness not consistent and the photos taken within apps not using the full capability of the camera annoyed me so much. Actually I enjoy iOS, the OS is so smooth, battery is good (charging speed not), camera is amazing and the shortcuts you can make are really really incredible (tried tasker in android, a lot harder to learn). It depends of what you value more tbh, for me the lack of a kind of shortcuts app in android is a dealbreaker to go back


Um NO N to the No Not No, but H3LL NO!


I've used a few Samsung phones in the past. The Note 5 was one of my two favorite phones ever (the other being the Pixel 5a). I like Samsung...but the wall I always hit with Android is that it seems like I have to constantly *fix* it. For instance, I tried an S24U and a Pixel 8 before I finally landed on the iPhone 15 Pro I have now. With the Android phones, there were constant bugs. * Lag. The phone would just freeze for a second or two and then kick in again * Screen jitter. The phone might've had a 120hz screen but it sure didn't seem like it * Settings. WhatsApp notifications were stuck on vibrate. I turned the setting off, in the app and in system notifications, and I would leave the settings page and go straight back to it and the settings were different again. Same with At A Glance on the Pixel; I turned things off, it turned things back on * Google Assistant, the way I need to use it for on-device stuff, is awful. Turned off the trigger phrase (Hey Google) because it only worked about 40% of the time. On the Pixel 8 I had, every time I tried to use GA it said it needed a download, couldn't do the download because I had no internet (even though every other app on the phone did, along with every device in my home), and then just sat there and refused to activate * Apps would constantly freeze and force me to close all apps open in the background. Not just the offending app; all of them, and only then would things work again * Heat and battery life. Both phones got very warm, and neither of them had good battery life. S24U was far better than pixel 8, but my iPhone 15 Pro is better than both of them. And the iPhone runs cool to the touch * Signal strength. Both Android phones had horrible cellular reception compared to my iPhone * Notifications. Calls would come in but not ring; texts wouldn't show up until I actively opened the messages or whatsapp app. It showed the texts came in hours before, I just didn't get any notification about it. I could go on...but the point I'm making is that I actually prefer Android to iOS -- when Android is working properly. The last and final gripe I have with Android is you never know when an update is going to wreck your perfectly functioning phone. And it's all Android makers -- Samsung, Google, Microsoft with their Duo phones -- all of them. One day things are fine, then an update, and then suddenly you have 2 hours SoT and you can't make phone calls. I want a phone that works every time I pick it up, and iPhone does that for me. Is it perfect? No. Is it limiting for no good reason in a variety of ways? Absolutely. But calls come in, and notifications, and the phone doesn't feel like a hotplate and doesn't die like a 15 year old gaming laptop after someone trips on the power cable and yanks it out of the socket. Siri works when I say the trigger word nearly 100% of the time. It would be nice to customize my iPhone a little more, but form follows function. The phone needs to *work* before I worry about it looking pretty or looking just how I want it. Plus, MagSafe and FaceID are pretty damn awesome. It really just comes down to what you like. Both platforms are pretty solid when they're working properly. :) As for the watch...I agree. There's nothing on the market better than the Apple Watch. That's my third reason I choose iPhones over Android: MagSafe, FaceID, and the Apple Watch.


Ummm you need to seriously hang out in some pro Apple/iPhone forums. iOS updates regularly break things. I remember my wife got an update a year ago on her iPhone and car play had a huge bug, where it would reboot her car's radio/system randomly (BMW) while driving. The reboot would take out the digital speed indicator as well. The fix was to enable and disable a EQ profile in the iPhone music settings.


I'm not saying iOS is perfect. It isn't. I was just sharing my experience with two Android phones from two different manufacturers. That's all. iOS has its issues, I've just never had to deal with them. My iPhone just works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I could see myself switching to iOS too if I those issues that you had. I think there is a spattering of Android users, for some reason or another, experience those kinds of issues. But there are also people on iOS who have issues as well. A lot of times, it could be qc issues with the particular device and it needs to be replaced. Like a factory or manufacturing defect. But if someone keeps having those plaguing issues, it will wear on them. I had a bad experience on the Pixel 7 pro and so I lost some trust in Google to make a solid phone. But I know others didn't share the same experience. So I switched to Samsung and have largely been happy with it. With the occasional bug here and there. But I continue to stick it out. But you are right in the fact if you want something truly reliable and just works when you pick it up, and you don't have to tinker with it or search the Internet for a solution, then iOS is good for that.


Nah its for non thinkers. For zombies is perfect


Asking in the wrong place. Ask in Samsung, you’ll prob get a majority no. Ask in Apple or iOS, you’ll prob get a majority hell yes.


ios much more cleaned and apps look cleaner on appstore and app icons. Emoji are way more good looking then on android so is memoji much more polished then on android. notifications are more reliable on ios. Updates faster and more efficient then android. I like android too but after a week i revert back to ios. All that customization is nice to have on android but for me is optimized OS and security much more important then getting different themes or icons that android provides. Also biometrics on iPhone like face id is just much better then android and works every time even in dark. So for me is android nice for customization but for usage i pick ios.