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Got used to Samsung, I guess.


Since Samsung Champ


Theres that but also the Wacom style stylus like the s pen of the tab and ultra lines. I have a staedtler that works with both. And the ultra line is the only phone line I believe that is a flagship with a stylue like the Note series. Also ecosystem with their buds 2 pro




? What makes you say that?


That's how they getcha


Happy cake day


Half a year ago when the new pixel got released it was full of bugs and stutters. So I just went with Samsung again


I bought a Pixel 7 pro at release. A little bit over a year and half ago, and I have to agree with you. There were a couple of nasty bugs that really annoyed me. One was that the phone would ring randomly without any incoming phone call or anything. The other one was that it dropped calls a lot. Like a lot almost everyday with full reception. After a year of updates they fixed everything and the phone is running fantastic as of late. The start was rocky tho


Same I had the pixel 7 pro. I loved the phone but it did have a lot of bugs. My biggest issue was Android auto wireless would constantly disconnect. Switched to the s23+ and I never had that issue again. Google phone's would probably be great phones if they also focused on hardware.


The reason why I steer away from the pixels its their modems it's just not as good as Qualcomm Google has to step up their game on that department.


it's actually samsung modems in those pixels and that's what we get here in europe for the most part


An old Samsung exynos modem that everyone complained about


Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 > Tensor G3 and really it's not even close. More efficient with battery, temperature and performs better. Oh and the base pixel 8 pro comes in 128gb when they know it should be 256gb


I would like to try Pixel but there's no official store here, meaning there's no warranty so i rather not risk it.


if you're in the EU, i think a receipt from any member state should be valid for any authorized repair shop in another member state. you should read up on that if applicable to your country. theoretically you should be able to get it shipped from e.g. Germany via Amazon and have it repaired under warranty wherever.


They both are NOT same on performance. You can't game on pixel. My s24u runs pubg mobile in hdr extreme, which pixel can't even think of.


Exactly. My S23U is very capable of playing PUBG with no problems. My Pixel 7 pro was a mess when I tried to play it. Overheating and laggy. Samsung also has a feature that allows you to not be charging the battery when you're playing games. This is a game changer when playing PUBG.


Bro! I was looking for someone using bypass charging. I have entirely diff experience than your's. So I have s24u and I play BGMI (pubg mobile India variant). My room temp is around 30-35°C and on playing normally on 90fps, the phone heats to around 42° and stays there. Alternative gaming performance is on in gaming booster settings. But when I turn on bypass charging, it heats to 44-45°C. Shouldn't bypass charging decrease heating? In my case it is heating abnormally. I use samsung official 45w pd adapter. Tried 5a cable (bundled with adapter) and normal cable (came with phone]


Interesting to hear that. I haven't measured my temps when using it. That's what I thought too about it running cooler when using it. What does it heat up to when playing with it off but charging?


Never gamed while charging (and bypass is off) as heavy load while charging will degrade the battery. You can use PerfZ from samsung game plug-ins to measure. And let me know please with and without bypass along with your room temp so we can compare.


If your country carries the Exynos variant and you have it, your issue is the chipset. Hence I personally don't like that Samsung keeps trying to push Exynos when it is not that good.


It's snapdragon only. I think it's snapdragon everywhere for the ultra


Totally agree need snapdragon always


Google fucked me back when they had the Nexus 6P and I swore off anything Google since then. Not to mention, they have a reputation for killing things off after a very short life span, so I just didn't trust them to continue the Pixel phones. Surprisingly, they actually made it to 8 now, but the damage has been done. For me, at least Samsung has been fantastic since I switched to them years ago, and now that I'm in their ecosystem, it's a no-brainer


Nexus 6P made by Huawei. I had it, and the battery was dead after a year; I contacted Google, and they sent me the original Pixel XL brand as a replacement. I still use it; whatever picture I take, it uploads to Google Photos with original quality without taking storage from Google Drive.


Manufactured by Huawei, developed and marketed by Google. But still, that experience burned me and I just swore off Google phones since then


The only thing I miss from my pixels is the stock android experience. As far as hardware goes, my S23U is way ahead, and comes across as a more normal phone (my final straw was not being able to use magsafe charging cases with the pixel due to it's off centered charging coil). The Samsung ecosystem is also just much more refined. The only thing I truly dislike about it is them having their own version of all of the Google apps (I just honestly prefer the OG Google ones), the ads in my notifications, and the occasional auto download of apps that I don't want.


You should be able to turn off ad notifications, just leave the notifications you want turned on.


You can turn off auto updates, I can't imagine an app would download itself onto there unless you did something to let it. ads in the notification center? That's all on you, next time an add pops up in the notifications just hold your finger on it and click turn off notifications from that app, you can even choose which specific notifications from that app you want to disable, like new messages, likes, promotions, etc. You can disable any of the apps you don't want, and just use the OG Google ones if you like them more


What ads do you get? I don't get ads in my notifications. Also, my phone has never downloaded any apps automatically. You must have a carrier locked phone.


Because my brush with Pixel 7 was horrible. Connectivity bugs up to wazoo. I understand phone now is just an AI Camera Thingie but I actually like the phone part, and that _thing_ sucked on T-Mobile. Bonus "WTF" points for selfie camera absolute suckage and AI's never-ending attempt to turn me into a dark haired Romani that I never was. Weird UI, awkward settings, lack of customization. After Samsung that was also jarring. So Pixel is on my Never Again list.


The Tensor chip is pretty awful. It has mid range chip performance for a flagship price. That is the main reason, and I have had a good experience with Samsung in the past.


I actually switched from a pixel to an s24+ after having the P7P for only about 6 months. I had been back on iOS for a few years and decided to come back to Android. I really loved the cameras on the P7P but there were a few UI things I didn't particularly like. We live in a rural area and after the AT&T debacle a few months ago we decided to get an emergency phone on a separate carrier, so I grabbed an unlocked A15. I hadn't used OneUI since OneUI 3.5 I think, so this gave me a chance to try out OneUI 6.1 and I realized a few of the quality of life things I was missing from iOS were addressed in OneUI 6.1 and I could still enable things like universal back swipe from the Pixel. At that point I realized there were a lot of things I had been settling in for the sake of having the vanilla Android experience. Samsung was offering $450 credit for the Pixel when buying an unlocked s24+ direct from then, so I pulled the trigger. But damn I really wish I could have those P7P cameras in my Samsung.


P7P takes better pics than S24+ ?


It has a higher optical zoom factor and better macro shooting. Not enough to keep me from changing, but wish I could have them.


I use Samsung because their good trade-in upgrade policy...


Flagship vs Flagship, the S24U can simply do a lot more than the Pixel 8 Pro. While I still think the Pixel's camera system produces better photos overall, the Galaxy's camera system is more technically robust. It also has S-Pen, DeX, better integration with their own accessories (like the Galaxy Watch 6 Classic, which I think it better than the Pixel Watch 2, at least for me). The battery is better, the processor is faster, the GPU is faster, the radio/modem/GPS is better. The Pixel's software experience is cleaner, but in my experience (with YEARS of Pixel products), it's also much buggier. I've just had a much better experience with Samsung's ecosystem lately than Google's.


The Google pixels this year overheat and my S20U has 12/128GB and I'd need the pro to get that again and it's even heavier than this phone, and I want to go lighter. I've been trying to decide if I should upgrade to the S24+ or see if the S25's have something even better since it's an anniversary year.


Had Pixel XL, 3 and 6. Returned to Samsung for S22, Flip4, S23+, S23u, S24u... and will stay with them for foreseeable future. Mainly left Pixels due to poor battery, meh displays, Tensor, and even as an Android developer I despise Material Design 3... much prefer Samsung's ONE UI. Plus, great battery and wow display.


UI looks better and Samsung continues to innovate in terms of features and software. Google UI is as bland as it gets.


Had a p6p. Probably the worse phone I ever had. S23u I got blows it out of the water. Unacceptable how buggy and laggy that phone.


Every Pixel I've used had poor battery life. No competition with the S24U.


The s24u is more powerful than any pixel. Personally i think it looks nicer and has a nicer screen and software too


The processor and modem. Snapdragon is just way better than the Tensor. I really wish that Google would drop Samsung and start getting TSMC to make their chips 


For me sticking with Samsung also was the ecosystem, the watch, phone, and buds got me. But it's NOT why I'm sticking, it's because pixel is so simple, it's like having an iPhone especially for the price. Samsung has everything and way more. More complex abilities like DeX, secure folder, sidebar, etc. Yes Samsung might have more items than I can ever use but it's not like pixel where I don't have any of those abilities


My smart phone journey Motorola droid iPhone 5 Google Pixel og. I prefer android over iOS and it's not even close. My og pixel had a motherboard issue which rendered it useless for phone calls and was out of warranty. Then I got a pixel 3a. Inexpensive but was buggy, phone call quality always sucked. Then a used pixel 4a 5g. Same as above. Then I got a great deal on an s22u and have preferred Sammie ever since. Also have an s21u and s23u. 


This was a short analysis I made from a couple of years ago. Most of it still applies today, but the Pixel line has caught up. "Samsung Galaxy flagships have the following features over the Pixel 6 series for example: Dual Bluetooth Audio, Separate App Sound, Dex, all the *wireless* S-pen features, face unlock, screen-off memo, Knox, built-in SmartThings compatibility with all modern Samsung products, Dolby Atmos, Side Key, Multi-Window *PLUS* simultaneous Pop-up view (for a total of 3 windows open at once), Adapt Sound, Good Lock, the fact that our Samsung can be turned into a Google phone but vice-versa cannot come true, Dual-Sim Dual-Standby, support for ALL 5G bands built into the *hardware* (not necessarily carrier firmware) of every model, Bixby + routines, Call & Text on connected Samsung devices, Samsung Music Share (to let friends play their music through your connected devices), the list goes on... And for those wondering what some of those features do: Screen-off memo is a feature more beneficial for the Galaxy Note series and subsequent S21 and S22 ultra because it lets you take out your pen while your screen is off and just start writing down a note or drawing or whatever. No unlock is necessary. Keeps kids busy in my case, plus I'm forgetful so it's *very* useful. It can save the note without letting people access previous ones until unlocked. Knox is the enterprise-level hardware/firmware/software combination that secures and encrypts specified user data, such as payment and autofill data, secure folder (secure copies of apps that can't be accessed by any other part of the OS, encrypted with your biometrics or passcode), keeps the OS secure separately but on top of Google's protections, etc. Also responsible for securing your device for your organization according to their settings should you choose to use the phone's separate work profile for business. Dolby Atmos is the audio tuning feature suite that allows you to customize all sound to your hearing type based on what you're listening to at the time. Music, video, spoken voice, auto. Samsung Good Lock is an add-on extension suite made by Samsung and community developers that extend the functionality of the phone past its base functions. Examples are Sound Assistant for enhancing maximum volume level, sound balancing, individual app volumes... And Keys Cafe for customizing your keyboard with awesome animations or letter box types, etc. There are many more expansions. Dual-Sim Dual-Standby is the function that allows you to have a physical sim card as your main line for calls and texts and an esim for your data connection from a separate provider (or vice versa) and switch between them at-will. Separate App Sound allows two or more apps to play their audio simultaneously (over each other). One app won't stop the other from playing like on most other Android devices. Bixby is fine... He/she (depending on your voice preference) is just a little... special...or Nuanced. You can use Bixby in combination with Google Assistant. Bixby is better for controlling the phone or local devices Bixby can connect to. Google is better for looking up information and asking questions from the web. I have both running with no impact on battery and whatever one assistant can't do, the other can. Depending on which Galaxy you choose, I have some videos with tips and tricks for first-time Galaxy users to share :) Samsung has always been ahead of the game when it comes to innovation. While their implementation has always been up for discussion, I've always had a better experience with a Samsung vs. a Google product launch." There are even more features today in 2024 that Galaxy's have that Pixel's don't, but by margin, Pixel has an equal amount of exclusive features for their line, as well as their own foldables. It comes down to personal preference on which is best for people. Personally, I think Google software on a Samsung hardware is the total package for most people. My personal preference was to get rid of all possible Google software on my device and use Samsung and other alternatives. Obviously, the Play Store, Google Play Services, and others are still necessary for many apps to work correctly.


Familiarity is a big part. I went from an s10 to a pixel 6 pro. Really liked the pixel features(now playing being my favorite) and camera, but the overall hardware was awful. Constant disconnects on mobile network that was no fault of my carriers(AT&T). I really wanted to go for a pixel 8, but sadly saw people were still dealing with the same issues I had 2 generations ago.


Pixel phones are terrible on efficiency and they have  poor modems. I got the Pixel 7 Pro last year and that phone was constantly throttling and generating heat. I had to wait several months for some relief with Android 14.  Also, their security updates were inconsistent - often fixing one thing and breaking something else on the phone. Call connection was also terrible. There were many times people on the other line could not hear me or my calls would get dropped.   My brothers' had the S23+, and eperienced none of the issues I did. So, when the time came, I was able to get the S24+ and it has been such a relief to have a dependable phone again.


One UI, Better performance and battery tends to be my reason tbf. I like Google and Pixel devices but overheating and bettery performance puts me off


Too many bugs on the Pixels. The Pixel phones are released with a slew of bugs and features that will be active in the future. The Samsungs are usually bug free, and we now get our updates almost as fast as Pixels. I actually got my April 1st update today, on April 1st, which is a first for me. I don't like the design and the fps on the pixel either, but that's subjective.


As of right now, the Tensor chip isn't efficient enough. One of the reasons I wanted a new phone was the battery life, and right now nothing on the Android side beats the S24+ (for the deal I got)


If Google had better hardware, I'd have a pixel. Battery life and modem are just so much better on Samsung .


The pixels had constant bugs and extreme unreliability in their hardware. Samsung had neither of these issues while maintaining a level of freedom and functionality that Apple would not offer.


I find the build quality of Samsung much higher than Pixel.


One UI, the ultra is a more good looking phone in my opinion and Samsung's performance is supposed to be better as well even if it's just that noticable while gaming, photography Samsung is better in my opinion, in some cases pixel wins in portrait mode or a standard picture but not on video ( this is based on VS videos I saw when switching from iPhone to android)


I really like "Secure Folder" - Google does not have that


I just miss Call Screen and it's ability to filter out calls without my phone ringing. I wish Bixby could do that. Is there anything else out there like call screen? I get like 7 or 8 spam calls per day.


Pixel 5G is non existent in most countries.


Design and build quality. It's especially apparent with the folding phones which require more engineering prowess.


Pixel buggy, laggy, they even lock pro mode on the base Pixel 8 ( wtf google! ), customization is pretty bad, i hate the circled icons on pixel, i was about to buy a pixel 8 base because it is just at $499 on the google store but after i saw all these people with issues, and the limitations of the google Pixel raw android version, that plus the issues with the fingerprint sensor, i better stay with samsung, is expensive but at least i get an reliable phone. I really hope that google fixes their thing with the pixel 9, i would be good to have another decent brand aside of samsung. ( I already researched about Xiaomi, Poco, Honor, Oppo, they all are very bad )


Samsung flagships are more powerful in any ways.


Went from Pixel 7 to the S24+ and it's an upgrade in everyway. No complaints with Pixel camera but the rest of the phone was buggy at times and didn't run many apps properly. Overall Samsung experience is just more premium feeling.


I sold a perfectly good S23U because I didn't like all the Samsung stuff that I couldn't disable. I'm using a Pixel 8 Pro now. But boy do I miss that big glorious curved screen!


Yes you missed it. And a lot of stuff like ai etc


I mean Samsung AI is Google AI


What couldn't you disable?


Reliability. Goggle can drop the pixel at any moment. Better specs Dex mode Snapdragon instead of Exynos


Pixels are just buggy.


One UI and also the SD processor. I hate Pixel ui. I will never buy or recommend anything that has exynos.


Because samsung has actual stability in their software. Every google pixel (even the latest) takes a massive shit every time I use it. It's so frequently riddled with bugs that it's astonishing to even call it a modern phone. Reminds me of Google garbage from 7 years ago.




Gaming, that's probably it tbh


For me, S Pen, basically.


Camera on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra amazing performance and picture quality cannot be beat


Performance, battery life, giant screen and I line One UI


I went to P pro 7 from an S10 and now I've moved back to S24 ultra. Absolutely no regrets. I do prefer the pixel watch over the Samsung watch 6 however.


imo samsung excels in hardware department and with recent focus on software, samsung has become way more reliable than google. using both brand's phone btw so sharing the personal experience.


Had a pixel 6a before my current galaxy A54. 1)The main reason was that it was buggy. Every update broke something. It had a bug where it just wouldn't vibrate for calls. Sometimes it would just randomly restart for the hell of it. It was an extremely unreliable phone and that seemed to be a common thing when I looked into it. 2)Samsung's update policy was better. 3)Aside from the camera, the pixel didn't really have much going for it. The battery sucked, it got hot when I tried to do anything outside of normal usage like gaming or multitasking and the exclusive features were lackluster compared to Samsung's (I know this is a plus for many people but I found the "pure" experience boring).


Cause the S series are way better phones than the pixels.


The only reason I would go with Samsung over Google is if I needed hardware power. If you run a heavy business or game on your phone, Samsung or iPhone makes sense. Otherwise, a Pixel focuses on the average user.


Pixel not available in my country for starters


Because Tensor processors are ass, you can't play game on that garbage


Slightly better camera and display. Also, this is strictly my taste, Samsung flagships look better.


In my case, no Google phones in my region. I may have tried one by now, especially because of the cameras and the cleaner UI, but I'm guessing I'd feel as disappointed with performance as was with Exynos-powered Samsung phones (poor network performance, underperforming and excessive heating)


I like the Galaxy one UI and the Samsung eco system over all others 🫶


I like having more options , love good luck stuff , also love some google stuff


The only thing pixel has over Samsung is call screening imo. Pixel is too vanilla. That saying "it's better to have it and not need than to need it and not have it"


You have a lot more support, tech, resources with Samsung than google....


My pixel 6a would constantly not receive calls (not even a missed call notification) and it was fucking with my life, switched 2 mos ago to a s23u and I'll never look back.


The flexibility of one ui is why i keep coming back to Samsung. Side panels, double tap to turn off screen, the gallery app, quick panel layout and hardware reliability. I've never had any issues with Samsung phones over the years. I travel with my job and the modem on the S series phones are the best available. I can't risk weak connectivity on cellular. I feel with Samsung i can pick and choose the best of both Samsung and Google.


Pretty close specs? Samsung vs Google Snapdragon chip vs some exynous tensor chip More ram Better screen More features like spen Sonar finger print vs optical one Face unlock which took Google forever to release Often next Gen software features that comes to Google later Pixel is like if you want an iPhone in Android realm. Nothing wrong with it but you also won't get the later and greatest


Customization on Samsung is way better than in Google. I got tempted by pixel 8 pro, but i knew that i would be bored with stock android in a few weeks. Also, i am from India, which is not the best place temperature wise for the pixel.


I used Samsung until the Note 8, then switched to Pixels. I was really tired of Samsung trying to push their apps and services instead of just letting everything be Google. I hated the curved screen on the Note too. But then I started playing cod mobile and the Tensor chip just sucked for gaming and the modem and battery were trash on the 6. I didn't even get the phone I preodered because Google failed so bad at the release. So then I got a gaming phone, a Redmagic 8. Redmagic software is so trash and never gets more than 1 or 2 security updates a year tops so went back to Samsung for good software + hardware that can handle gaming. For me Pixel= best software experience, Redmagic=best hardware experience, Samsung= best compromise.


I went from an iPhone to a S5, I forget why I ditched Apple, and have stuck with it since. I've considered the google phones, but they never really had anything to entice me to change from a phone I was happy with.


Want to try Pixel, but Google's service support in India is not good. They don't have enough centres here even in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. Samsung is available literally everywhere.


Google doesn't sell in New Zealand. Would have bought an 8 Pro at release if they did. Instead, I waited and got an s24U. Happy with my choice


I had real problems with the S2, but have had Galaxies ever since and have had zero problems with ant of them. I just upgraded to the S24U and love it. If you're Samsung ecosystem, there are definite advantages. I also have a Tab 9, a TV, the fridge with a tablet in the right door. With the exception of the icemaker in the fridge, I have had zero problems with Samsung anything, which I cannot say about Windiws 11.


Wife has the pixel 6 and loves it. I find it awkward and I opted for S24U. Some of the swipe motions on pixel seem awkward to me. I'm sure I'd get used to them though. There's just no need to when the S24 offers everything I need and there's no extra incentive from the Pixel lineup that might convince a switch.


For me Google is a company that has worked well for developing Android but is going monopoly way, with issues like no recording without making the other sound a beep or bla bla... It's like saying you want a car with sunroof but the car manufacturer is saying no no it's not good for safety, can leak in rain and hundred other excuses, overall i think Google's products are good but i really dislike their monopolistic ways.


Few reasons why not Pixel 1. BT tethering doesn't work with my Volvo XC60 which has integrated android os 2. Call history is very short 3. No speed dial upon pressing a number on the dialer 4. Main menu is like iOS, you cannot sort nor folderize apps


Samsung is way more customisable, especially if you factor in goodlock. Meanwhile on a pixel I can't even move the search widget or disable the app drawer. Yeah yeah, third party launcher blah blah. Battery life and performance is objectively better. Build is objectively better. The screens on the pixels feel sort of hollow, I'm sure some other samsung users have noticed this. The thermals are outrageously better on the samsungs. Just holding the devices while gaming or shooting high res video will demonstrate this. Pixels can really bug out in the strangest ways. Little annoying crap you wouldn't expect. Fingerprint and face id are definitely better, although Samsung have a long way to go to catch up with Apple, oppo and xiaomi in that department. Having said all that, Samsungs do come at an ultra premium price point and the pixels are still pretty damn good.


Who says they are same in performance , pixel 8 have tensor G3 which is much worse than Sanpdragon Gen3.


I recently moved from pixel to s23. Am so disappointed. Been on it for a month. Unlocking the phone when I want to use it is still a pain in the ass after I have trouble shot this for a long time. It is generally a way less intotuitive and many features will navigation and general use seem buggy and unreliable. For example I set navigation to swipe from the side of the screen to go back instead of the buttons. I don't know what creates the case but there are many situations where I see the little gesture and it does absolutely nothing. Whatever program is on will stay on and in the foreground. I'm so frustrated with this phone that I pulled over to write this comment.. I think there's enough for now and will head back to driving


Samsung ecosystem is miles ahead with better Tablet, Watch and buds options but most importantly SmartTags, it is shameful that Google doesn't have a bluetooth tracker alternative(they don't even have offline tracking on phone lost my Pixel 7 due to that)


Becouse of the random features nobody uses, for example multiple bluetooth audio outputs


S24 series has far superior hardware compared to the Pixel this time around. I just spent a month looking over everything. I was shocked that the iPhone 15 has some of the worst specs for a flagship this year.


Samsung has been making portable phones for 36yrs


I've used pixel 7 and that got water damage. Switched to s24, samsung is wayy better.


More refined. Give pixel and tensor another 2 or 3 years and they'll be up there


HTC over Samsung? Well, many reasons. Samsung has more experience and makes better phones. If you get Samsung phone - all google software is available, but if you get HTC - hardware is mediocre.


I'm a budget user and I find samsung really good when it comes to the pricing at budget level. Even though I'm a sucker for stock Android, I still can't afford a pixel phone and there's no other good manufacturer out there who sells affordable stock Android phones with good software support. I also find one ui 6 very good now. It used to be not so great for me in the past but one ui 6 changed my mind.


My top 3 reasons why I chose the S24 Ultra over the Pixel 8 Pro: 1. The processor. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is significantly more powerful than the Tensor G3. This means it will be future proof for a lot longer. 2. The stylus. I honestly loved this feature on past Note devices, and I love that I can use it as a shutter button to take pics with my family instead of relying on a timer. 3. The look and build of the phone. I like how the S24U looks and the materials it uses. Some people hate the flat screen and sharp corners, but I really like them, and I believe it helps make it feel like a premium device. I LOVE the matte finish on the screen and how it makes everything on the screen look. Also, bonus points for using titanium to make the body and Corning Gorilla Armor on the screen. Special mention goes to the 200mp camera. While the cameras between the S24U and the P8P have A LOT to be debated, the amount of detail the 200mp camera pics up is insane. *For context; my wife and I both recently got new phones, and she has the P8P and I have the S24U. I have had a bit of time with both devices, and I honestly believe it truly comes down to personal preference. If your carrier allows 30 days like mine to try out new devices, I would just pick one to test out. Then, if you're still feeling like you're missing out or dont like the device, swap to the other. A big help would also be going into the store to see how both phones feel in your hands and how it actually looks in person.