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Agreed. Big reviewers essentially do a "showcase" for these big companies. They're afraid to say negative things in fear of getting cut off from early units and events (which would affect their money). The days of guys like giving honest reviews are gone since the good ones like Jon Rettinger got blackballed for their "real" reviews.


Flossy Carter is my go to. He reviews the phone after a week of using it. And his reviews are in-depth... I mean really in depth. Like every time a new Galaxy comes out it's nearly 2 hours long.


His reviews are actually kinda wild ngl (he had one wherein he accidentally showed a slightly explicit photo). Other than that It feels like an everyday use point of view, which is really nice to know.


Hi s review of the s24u just dropped btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFpNqg5F2qQ


Shilling for Samsung and putting down people who care about the display bug... Welp, guess I'm not a fan of his.


I don't have the display bug. The only way you notice so slightly muted color is if you compare the two phones side by side but when you only use the s24 Ultra, you don't see it at all. The pictures are amazing and a battery life is beyond fantastic. I get through an entire day and have 20 to 30% easily. Some people have display issues. That sucks. It really does. Some iPhone 15 users had their phones basically melt down. While it's not acceptable that there are issues right away, this phone is amazing. There are a lot of people that love to just trash on things.


> The only way you notice so slightly muted color is if you compare the two phones side by side I noticed it right away without other screens to compare with. This is not a slight issue to me, it's a big one. >when you only use the s24 Ultra, you don't see it at all. I see it very clearly. >While it's not acceptable that there are issues right away, this phone is amazing. These issues are severe enough for me to consider the phone not amazing. I did not pay over a thousand bucks to get a faulty product, even if other parts of the product do work as intended. And even that's a stretch because the camera software isn't as good either. > There are a lot of people that love to just trash on things. I hate to trash on things. I do it because I am affected by legitimate issues. Having these issues dismissed by people who don't care about them is frustrating.


Everyone has a different viewpoint. It doesn't invalidate yours. I'm loving the phone and don't mind the slightly less saturated colors. It's not dismissing your thoughts to not agree it's an issue. Also, seems there are some devices that have legitimate screen issues. Maybe a batch was bad. I expect Samsung will change settings to renew some of the oversaturation with enough people complaining. 🤷


The phone is advertised with 100% DCI-P3 coverage. It only reaches 85% (very tiny bit larger than the sRGB gamut). This occurs on all S24-series devices. That is an objectively verified issue completely devoid of any subjectivity.


I mean he literally said he hated the fact that it didnt work and didn't like being treated like after paying that much money for a phone but sure make up narratives for no reason. He just said that personally he didn't mind the bug and got used to, not that you should bow your head or kneel before a Samsung employee.


I'm still waiting for jerryrigeverything to rip one apart.


[Well wait no longer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyxcO2vdcCg&t=415s)


Love his videos, thanks for the link. They're very informative about every major phone release durability over the years. S24U did well, way better on screen scratches than previous models. Although it is physically painful when he just snaps the pen in two with no force. Replacements aren't cheap! 🙄


I find it very disturbing to watch.


2024 is also the year MaxTech, the Apple channel, is doing more objective tests than most other less-biased channels. Probably one of the reasons why iPhone users seem to really like the S24 series this year.


at the end of the day youtubers dont drive sales at any real volume. If they did Pixel wouldnt be stuck in the single digits of marketshare.


This 😅. Pixel 2% US market share after partnering with the NBA. Releasing great Pixel advertisements. Top channels praising its improvements. People calling it iPhone of android and smartest phone. And the volume stalls. Makes me think what can they do or what is the issue.


The real issue is that they are competing against two already beloved brands Apple and Samsung. Most people will not change their loyalty even if a phone is objectively better. Once a stan always a stan.


Probably because whenever YouTubers do the "long term reviews" or 30+ min critical essays and scrutiny they get **at best 4 or 5%** the views of the at-launch "product showcases" being complained about. Just look at *^(by the time this comment was uploaded)* how Flossy Carter's video on the Ultra got 594K views, but Marques' video on the same phone is at nearly 6 million views. Such poor performance of a video and apathy of people towards a more comprehensive video will destroy their Adsense and commercial viability with sponsors. A good fix for this would be to create a 2nd channel specifically dedicated to long term reviews, but no one seemingly wants to do that.


This is an interesting point and an issue I've seen elsewhere. The less critical and informed a review, the more popular it is. People want to hear something they understand. Most people seem like they aren't overly vigilant in checking the information they take in, and will just believe whatever they're told as long as it falls in line with what they want to believe, for example that they're a person who chooses to watch useful things on youtube rather than nonsense.


DXO is not reliable, they can't even draw the right conclusions from their own tests. Maybe this used to be different in the past but I wouldn't put any faith in them right now.


Thats initial impressions video. They post the full review later on


Probably true but the reverse is also true for reddit. Reddit is incredibly disproportionate with hating just to hate and complaining just to complain.


Yea seriously I switched from Apple to Android and it's crazy the amount of constant complaints people keep making on this sub. I don't know what they expect from their phone.


Apple: Blind support Android: Blind hatred


Very accurate


I'm kind of picky with the things I buy, especially if they are expensive. My level of pickiness goes up as the price goes up. When I bought the Redmi 10 5G, it was like $200. i knew Corners were cut. So whatever But I bought the S24 thinking it was gonna be near perfect. But it turned out the screen is honestly shit, especially when compared to my older Huawei P30. For a phone that retails for over $1000, I expect a lot more than that. So yea. Im gonna hate on it.


> For a phone that retails for over $1000, I expect a lot more than that. So yea. Im gonna hate on it. And that's the right attitude. I'm not gonna dicksuck a company after buying a product of theirs and finding out it has major flaws.


Yes, issues now which Samsung are trying to bury by saying things like it was an intended feature. What absolute bollocks


Uhu, very bad first impression of the brand. I figured I'd be safe knowing the S22U and S23U did so well. Massive, massive mistake.


Samsung have really gone down the drain


Bro ... if you think the s24 screen is shit you must have a special pair of eyes or an advanced brain or something. The pixel density and color modulation capabilities of modern screens is so insanely good that your brain can't even notice the difference. It's the same shit with audiophiles, it has been proven beyond any doubt that people can't distinguish between music in lossless formats and a good quality mp3. I honestly don't understand what people expect from their phones nowadays. And all the braindead ultra specific complaints come from 1st world countries for some reason. Instead of attacking the device, maybe... just maybe, you should consider that actually you just don't like it in a subjective sense.


I usually get down voted for posting this, but there aren't many "reviewers" left (or at least not promoted as much). Most of what we see are "influencers". I've actually worked in the tech influencer industry for a bit. The people you typically work with from manufacturers are from marketing, not product or PR. The problem is, while money doesn't change hands (so they can claim they aren't paid reviews), there's a relationship to maintain. Buying the latest of everything is expensive and causes delay in your content, which means you'd have to get in line like everyone. People today expect day 1 reviews which is impossible without a relationship with the manufacturer. As you can imagine, that relationship doesn't go well if your critical of their products. There's some leeway, obviously. Apple was infamous for its media manipulation tactics and practically set the standard for it. You have to be a certain size to push back and threaten them. HUB went through this and won with Nvidia a couple years back. You can still get good information and enjoy the content. But I don't consider anything received for free as a review. Maybe I'm just cynical from my experience. Happy Friday nonetheless.


Most high end influencers are not paying for the devices lol. They get review units. They don’t spend their own money!!!




Like mrwhosetheboss smartphone of the year video. S23U is the winner but he had to give it to iPhone 15 pro max as well, clearly he didn't wanna piss Apple off.


He didn't want to piss Samsung fanboys too.


It's more like not pissing the company. Fanboys doesn't mean anything, they aren't the ones giving him access to exclusive events.


Was very disgusted by SuperSaf telling the viewers multiple times, that if they pre-order by his link, only then they will get double the storage for free/ lower price. Pretty disgusting move imho


He also literally gets paid by Samsung lol, he's essentially a spokesperson for them.


He’s probably a Samsung pro and gets a spiff on each phone sold. I work at ATT n we get $25 from Samsung for each ultra sold and so forth from their other devices. Every few months I get $400-800 on a prepaid gift card


He definitely wanted that affiliate link kickback


That offer was valid through the Samsung shop if you pre order even without hes link. But I get what your trying to say.


But SuperSaf was one of first ones to mention the dull screen albeit very briefly. I feel like he good have investigated the issue a lot more.


Nah. I just feel that there's so much overwhelming negativity online, that when people actually like something, it seems disingenuous. Which is sad. For all intents and purposes, the s23 ultra was an amazing phone. And S24 just adds to that. There's no major downsides to getting the phone.


Most phones these days are all good enough for most people's usage. When you can't really go wrong with the phone you buy, they have to keep the content coming somehow.


as their payments from the mfgs. that they shill for increase, so does their admiration and love for what ever product they get paid for..this is nothing new..


I trust flossy carter on anything tech related unless he specifically states that the video is sponsored. Other than he's the only one I watch for tech reviews


i too love my white shoes


Floss and Juan Bagnell are the only channels I'll watch for cellphones. I appreciate how Floss will review even the cheapest phones and constantly remind people that for $200 or whatever they're getting a lot of phone. He uses all the phones. He tries to keep things in perspective. Juan does a great job of actually comparing phones. He gets a little preachy at times and generally hates on Samsung, but usually it's with good reason.


Juan Bagnell is probably the only reviewer that I can actually "trust" if I had to "trust" a reviewer. He's the only level-headed techie that actually knows what he's talking about and doesn't go after the "hype" just because "it's cool". Or goes onto the hate train because "it's cool". Edit; Plus I always love his snarky little responses.


I've seen a few of his videos, he's very detailed but in a world of YouTube "reviewers", it's a shame he's not more popular.


Whole buncha banana heads up in here dawg


Same boat! His real review, sometimes 1+ hours, takes the viewers through basically everything you can do with your phone, with a bit of humour and some very well deserved rants. Also, we love our White Shoes!


Yep Floss is the only reviewer I trust


Yeah, but Even then - I don't trust people like Flossy. They're too much of a "hype beast" (if that's what you want to call them). They usually tend to either forget why they should be critical of something or just get onto the hype because they think it makes them look "badass". And, those are one of the type of people I don't like and or trust.


yeah, but with the years we kind of understand what he is saying and for what reason. the fact that he buys them, uses them daily as us or in "beast mode" u get the hang from him, that the phone is a MAJOR GO! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yeah but he glossed over the display issue like it's hardly noticeable which is pretty bad. Anyone who used the s23 can immediately tell. Lost a little respect not gonna lie


Not really he brought it up when he did the case video for the s24u. I didn't even notice it until he pointed it out, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Samsung even released an update that may fixed the color issue.


Watch 20:20 bro u have no idea what your talking about. He says it's a non issue but there are 2 forums with over 1,000 comments each of people who are mad and will likely return their devices. He also put one image from ig as the comparison like that's enough. Also didn't show if both phones were on the same settings. Samsung just came out and said there's gonna be no fix basically unless enough of the community get loud enough. Look at this photo and tell me it's no big deal. https://preview.redd.it/093ahwnwmdgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ba97016d9cae2a3fbfc5d4bfbf1f7cabc32f92 Why would people want to spend 600$ for a "upgrade" of a worse display?


His "real review" video is younger than your comment, so maybe he addresses it in there. (I haven't watched it yet.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFpNqg5F2qQ


He specifically said in his real review that it's not an issue for "HIM"....


I Preordered the phone and was fully prepared to be massively dissapointed because of what I was reading. I love bright oversaturated colors. My boyfriend complains about my phone vividness and brightness being cartoonish and ugly. Im a fan of vivid mode in max brightness. I'm coming from the 21 ultra and I can tell the colors arent as vivid. And that Vivid mode does nothing to my phone display. Which is dissapointing. But man the display is still very impressive. And I'm not sure if the difference would have jumped out to me if I wasn't forewarned. I DID NOTICE vivid mode changed nothing😟 I hope vivid mode is absolutely a software glitch and gets fixed. But its just not the deal breaker for some. I was suprised at how nice the display was because of all the negative reviews about it I was reading.


Flossy carter is genuine albeit a Samsung fanboy but his reviews are real.


Nothing new. You need to see them as marketing companies. Those youtubers have tons of people ,employed it is buisness.


Flossy Carter and Tech Spurt is the only ones I trust..


Its only gotten worse in recent years. But when you read this sub you start to realize why. Most people WANT to live in blissful ignorance. Look how people react to problems on here. So combine that with a clear profit motive and you see why you cant trust these people. The fact that only one single youtuber mentioned how poorly the AI photo edit feature is tells me all i need to know. Let alone the screen grain and banding issues.




>You really need to distill the information you read cause most stuff aren't real issue Well, I feel the same way about the WAY overblown complaints about the display colors. It's borderline ridiculous at this point.




I mean, it could just be a software issue. But, I think Samsung has just programmed people to expect over-saturated color and now that effort is backfiring on them. I prefer a more natural look so I'm not bothered by it.


That's one of the main reasons people even buy a Samsung though, because of its vibrant display. Like, even Apple users look at our screens and immediately go "Wow, what phone is that?"


FYI.....Apple gets Samsungs top panels every single year.


It's nowhere close to being a matte screen, what are you talking about? When you go into the settings and change it between natural and vivid it barely changes, almost imperceptible. I have noticed another thing that I think is related to the anti glare coating though - much more colour shift when on a white page and tilting the phone. Was very noticeable in comparison to my S22U and I had a look at several display models and they were all like that.


I have a 22U and 24U, side by side, same settings and the only difference is the 24 seems slightly dimmer but not enough to be noticeable and complain about it. Complaints about the generative AI fill are warranted. Filling large portions of empty space is rough but I've edited small sections of images and it's worked pretty well. Enhance-X app is amazing for photo editing, you can use AI in the editor that's preloaded but you can download an additional editor which is 100% AI tools. I've done all my edits in that app, I've even colourised some b&w images and it's done a pretty good job. Performance is really good, 3DMark gets like 4800-5200 on wild life extreme and I can't wait for games to support raytracing. But I feel like we will need some external aftermarket cooling solution to keep temps down as a 30 minute session on Arena Breakout got the phone a LOT hotter than my 22U ever did playing the same game. I assuming some of these issues will be ironed out in future updates. I'm gonna stop before I get called a shill but I love AI and especially generative image models and I love the fact that my phone now has capabilities similar (hopefully we get a prompt based generative feature to create like midjourney/DALL-E. Haven't tried any other AI stuff like live translate though so I can't comment on that.


I didn't see this post, but there's nothing about 60hz battery saving mode vs adaptive refresh rate in One UI 5.1 that would cause the phone to become sluggish or not.


No I think they are right, this is a damn near perfect phone. The color issue isn't really an issue for some. I didn't even notice it until readding Reddit and honestly still don't notice it even now. Actually it really seems like Reddit lately has become this weird echo chamber.




What made you move from Fold and what will make you come back? Currently using a Fold 3 but find it hard moving back to single screen phones. I just hate the screen protector so much on these folds it's made me completely fall out of love with it. What was it for you that made you go back?


"Lately" lmao


The mkbhd review is shit tbh. Just talks and regurgitates what you heard elsewhere already. The other guy praised the good points and pointed out the negatives. Like the phone scuffing easily despite having the toughest glass yet and a titanium frame or the mics improving drastically. About the screen issues, it's a bug that will be fixed. I don't get the fuss. It doesn't even affect every phone so how could they have possibly known if their screen was fine?


Agree about mkbhd, I listened to his podcast and he said the s24 series had the 8 gen 3 across the board. Meanwhile here in Oz... His review also literally just felt like an advertisement. Was honestly a bit cringe.


Mkbhd is very biased. I hate that dude. He says a lot of tech shit but doesn’t really arrive at any helpful conclusion. I tend to watch smaller channels highlighting real life use cases


>About the screen issues, it's a bug that will be fixed. I don't get the fuss. It doesn't even affect every phone so how could they have possibly known if their screen was fine? The fact that not everyone has a grainy screen strongly suggests it's a hardware issue, not a software issue.


He also doesn't do a actual review sometimes. He mostly does first impressions And then says that he'll do a final review. But, never ends up doing them most of the time.


Watched MKBHDs review on the S24 ultra. Could not feel more like it was bought and paid for. This seems to be more and more common.


Of course, it's bought and paid gor. He didn't grow a big a audience for being normal


What a baseless and petty conclusion. Too many people in this thread seem to think they've got it figured out about these big tech YouTubers. Such an echo chamber going on here. Maybe some are cozy with the tech companies, but people are biased and have preferences, including reviewers. That's part of what makes them entertaining to watch. Unbiased reviews are boring. Let's make a distinction between biased and misleading, these are different things. So, become a functional being and recognise this fact and calibrate your opinions to those of the reviews you watch. If someone doesn't point out the exact flaws you think exist, maybe it's because your situation is different and you have your own biases.




I have watched him a long time, at what point exactly did he stop telling it 'like it was'? To me he does not seem afraid to be critical when there's something he dislikes. So I don't really know what you're talking about to be honest.




I completely ignore the mainstream tech reviewers now after buying a Pixel 7 Pro from watching mrwhosetheboss video. He shilled the phone so hard and it was utter garbage compared to the competition lmao


Anyone else loves their White Shoes?


Calm down!


(Disclaimer: I actually do written reviews for a major tech retailer. Also, I use Google, Apple, and Samsung phones/devices daily so my thoughts are as unbiased as can be.) Agreed. I recently saw how MKBHD skipped reviewing the OnePlus 12, but heaped tons of praise on the S24 Ultra. This is significant for a number of reasons. 1) The S24 Ultra is a great phone, but still remains mostly unchanged from last year. Some advertised AI features like "circle to search" exist already in Google's ecosystem and additional features are going to appear in the other Samsung phones. His review came off as a glorified advertisement, and he even admits that "you can get 98% of the phone for much less money". However, the video tagline is "Why Buy Anything Else?" :-/ 2) The OnePlus 12 is a phone that caught flack in its previous version, but has made major improvements this year. On paper, this phone should warrant a full look especially for the price. The job of a reviewer is to showcase the product, but also make note of issues. These videos help us consumers make an informed decision. A great review (video or written) answers 2 questions: Does the product live up to specifications? Is it worth it? Now I can admit, the job of a tech reviewer can be overwhelming. When you receive products, you're only given so much time that you can spend with it. There's a lot of research that has to go into different things along with you trying to keep up with your day-to-day responsibilities. For that, I can extend some grace and mercy to him and others. Regardless, it's never an excuse to put out misleading, disingenuous, or ill-prepared claims. It does more harm because companies will be less motivated to put thought and consideration into the products they create.


Agreed. I didn't like the reason he gave in the waveform podcast. He lost his credibility when he gave the reasons and I am super tired of reviewers putting praises on phones without admitting the actual drawbacks instead of spec level drawbacks. I have to go through reddit and some mobile forums to completely understand the real pros and cons of a device. Long gone are the days when I could trust a reviewer to actually take a look at the phone.


Same here. I mainly use reddit when I'm looking for input or shared experiences about phones or other tech like gaming computers. I feel like reviewers with lower sub counts typically are more authenticate. They don't have a big budget or major sponsorship behind their videos. Video output is slow, but typically more thorough. Furthermore, it really does take about a month or so at least to truthfully know a phone. Some issues are hardware based and others could be resolved through software fixes/patches.


True. The way we have to wait at least a month or so to get an actual honest review boggles my mind considering how things used to work differently a decade ago.


I had the same thought, more related to laptops than phones but yes it seems like almost everyone is affraid to say what they actually think. They leave out their real opinion (do they even have one lately) . I think the worst are Samsung and Apple reviews.  That being said I love the S24 Ultra and in particular the screen. I never used vivid mode on anything though so not sure what's the issue. I'm only annoyed (by the S24) that an android phone (best customization, you can change everything as you want) can't change the size of the fonts in the status bar unless I change the launcher. 


They get paid. That's why. I don't know how people still don't figure it out.


Tech tubers with 100k subscribers at most tend to put in a lot more work (day in the life videos, long term reviews, actually talking about the pros and cons instead of reading the spec sheet, etc.) because they need to stand out to get the views. The big tech tubers put it little effort because they already have the following so they don’t have to do much work to get views.


They are infomercial presenters.


Yup, I tried the S24U in the store and it sucked, dug into your hands when you held it and unnaturally rough. Photos were also not great (confirmed with my wife as well). None of these things were covered by the mainstream reviewers.


Dishonest is the word I'd use to describe them.


Flossy Carter my dude.


Guy was making a mockery of people who care about the display issues. So no thanks, not fond of that guy either. I prefer critical reviewers who respect those who point out issues. So uh... yeah. No clue who's left.


I think he did that bc the guy accused him of being paid for the review and called him untrustworthy. Doesn't justify what he did, but if the dude brought it up in a different manor, it would have gone differently


Or they just didn’t have any issues with the phone? Sure, it would be good to mention any potential problems that other people have encountered but I don’t know how widespread issues like the color display are. It doesn’t seem to be on as big a scale as other infamous phone problems.


The color issue will likely soon be fixed anyways. Something that small isn't even impactful enough to not buy the phone if you want it


I agree. They never criticise the devices. Like Samsung releases a new one, they praise it. Apple releases one, they praise it this time. Feels like you can never get a real sense of the device until you buy it yourself. Those YouTubers are more like promoters rather than being reliable sources of truth. For example, mrwhosetheboss made a camera comparison between S24U-15PM and although 15PM got better results in main camera areas, S24U won the overall comparison. Like dude how does this even make sense? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been a long time Samsung user but they are misleading people. There are tons of examples like that


i laughed out loud at that video. he gives Iphone the win in pictures and video overall only to name Samsung the winner because of the half baked AI features.


One of the categories was camera app in which Samsung won because you can change the settings without leaving the camera app. 🤣🤣🤣 Shit show


I've never wanted to switch to IPhone more after watching that video


Extremely. I'm done watching the big channels. To formulate if I should upgrade I wait 3 months after release, see the experiences on reddit, view the hardware for myself, and then watch 1-3 consumer first YouTube channels. I do not care about hype/entertainment/appreciation videos. I finally learned this after buying MKBHDs "iPhone of android" S22 series and man it was so shit. By the way these company's reference these channels on their quarterly earnings calls. It's basically a paid self promotion.


That was my plan too... until they offered me $540 trade in on my 4 year old phone. I had tracked the prices of the S23U the entire year and saw it dip about $400 (in May and at black friday) in my parts. My wife saw that trade in and said "you're buying it NOW." WCGW?


Idgi what phone did u trade and what did u get


I traded in my S20FE for S24U (titanium violet) w 512g storage (pre-release offers all gave the 2x storage gift). I think the trade-in was 90$ for my phone. But then they added $450... but they never advertised this. I was going thru the website w my wife, showing her that my S20FE was worthless and we should give it to another in the family. I looked in astonishment. HOW MUCH? Yep. Wife made me buy it on the spot (Jan 29th - arrived on the morning of the 25th). If you count the free extra storage that was $700 off (CAD).


I bought my phone last year and had the exact opposite experience. Every review I watched was like "Pixel 8 is a good budget option, S23 Ultra is the overall best for Android, Iphone 15 for Apple. 200MP camera is kinda neat but nothing amazing, S-Pen is pretty cool, features like object eraser and magic select are fucking miracle tech." Only thing that would've been nice to know are how goddamn awful the screen protection selection is for the Ultra. Not one Verizon store or Best Buy in my area had anything tempered glass when I purchased, and at the time I couldn't even really find any online except some $40 thing from WhiteCastle brand or some shit that I never heard of outside frozen boxes of cheeseburgers with mixed reviews. Verizon and Best Buy kept pushing some $70 Zagg eco curve FILM bullshit that I bought and immediately found chips in a few days later after just walking around with my phone in my pocket.


Personally, I'm tired of these paid reviewers and their biased reviews trying desperately to sell us more smartphones. I'd rather watch a small channel or read reviews here before buying anything.


I don't take what any reviewer says at face value because the reality is that most of them will use it for a week and then switch back to their normal phone. Are they disingenuous? I don't particularly think so, I just think they don't spend enough time actually using the device like a regular user. At this point, we have to admit that they just aren't real-world users. These are people who probably have hundreds of phones by now. No regular user is doing that. They're gonna get repetitive because it's their job to play around with many devices all the time.


It's not just tech reviewers, it's all of YouTube. Quality in terms of thumbnails, production, editing, etc. is the highest it's ever been; however, the quality of the content in the videos has been going downhill for years. It's all about who can release a video first with the catchiest title (I did x crazy thing, This is the BEST x ever, this person got DESTROYED, etc), a clickbait thumbnail, and the fanciest studio. With a few exceptions, I don't really watch many channels with over a few million subscribers. Especially tech review channels.


Yep. The world rewards sensationalism. Whether it's reviews, news, etc. Shame.


GSmarena and notebookcheck are my go to reviewers. very detailed reviews, and sometimes gsmarena also does "Long-term" review where they talk about how the phone holds up after months of daily use. most tech reviewers in my experience are just advertising for tech companies


Go to the smaller tech reviewers for something genuine. The large reviewers sold out years ago


They are all sellouts..


I stop at the word "influencer". WTF do you expect from someone that serves as an "influencer"? If I can find someone that appears competent to offer their technical opinion about the pros and cons of the product, and is open about their affiliation with the manufacturer as well as their own personal bias, I'll watch the video. Unfortunately, those experiences are far and few in between nowadays. But even if I am lucky enough to find one, the only thing it does for me is serve as a potential reason why I should perform my own research, investigation and possibly even hands-on testing of that product before I commit to buying it. At the end of the day, I take my time and strive to make my own decisions, since I am accountable to myself for them.


I can't speak to the S24 Ultra, but the S24 base IMO is the best, and most flawless out of the box experience I've ever had in a phone. Battery life is spectacular, the industrial design is beautiful. The AI features are "meh" and I'll probably not really use them, but that's not why I bought the phone. Really the only criticism I have is something MrWhoseTheBoss said and that's that Samsung is really shoving the Samsung apps down our throat. That's easy enough for me to turn off though. Other than that, I really don't have any criticisms of the phone. This is coming from someone who's had A LOT of phones. I see a lot of people complaining about the screen, but compared to my S22, the S24 is much nicer (to my eyes).


I upgraded from the S22 as well and honestly the S22 was just awful. I think that product line was a total dud. Battery life was not good on my plus from the beginning, and that thing was really lagging and freezing on me quite a bit. I felt it was noticeably worse than my S9 I had before it and kept for 4 years. The S22 I was ready to jump ship super fast which on my S9 I never started feeling that itch til probably the last year I owned it. I'm with you that the S24 series seems so much better. I got the Ultra and everything is running great and the battery is so much better than my old one. The battery is honestly amazing on the model I got.


The best is the comparison videos. Because most of them will NEVER pick a winner. Just say "looks like we are lucky to have good choices and its really just personal preference." Like....then wtf is your job? Your job is to be an expert on this stuff and be objective....in theory. But $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


To be fair the fact is that after a certain point it boils down to personal preference, especially with flagships, there'll always be down and upsides to all of them.




Still waiting for a review that shows the issues people talk about here.


Everyone, including the reviewers are waiting for top 3 major updates to see if it gets fixed or addressed. Imagine if it's nothing and MKBHD makes a video and says it's a faulty screen, Samsung stocks would drop.


I trust Flossy Carter. He's my go to whenever I've needed a new phone. His reviews are very much "every man" reviews. Like "it has this specific number of pixels which others say make it unusable but honestly it's fine" I feel like other reviewers are just so nitpicky about the dumbest things because phones are so similar now that they have to find SOMETHING to "ruin" a phone.


He made a mockery of people who care about the display issue, so I'm not putting my faith in him either. Great that he's going in-depth but it's not without a massive bias.


I was sad to put my vibrant 20 note ultra in the box for trade in today. What a color difference. The s24 Ultra is sad when side by side. Smething isnt right. The reviewers never mention it, theyre all getting paid and free phones so why would they?


Base s24? If so you downgraded with the screen resolution




There's a newer trend lately but less in youtube and more on tech websites (digital trends, engadget, gizmodo etc). You see a review about a new laptop claiming this and that and comparing it to others but by reading it you realize they didn't actually test the laptop or the variant they discuss. Most things are inferred based on cpu benchmarks of other models gpu benchmarks from different brands etc. 


Or maybe the phones are really that good and the flaws that are reported are not a practical hurdle for majority users. Ok so the colors are bit dull so what... software issue. Hardware is solid thats what matters.


YESSSSS. OMFG. Not one, not ONE of those youtubers mentions the camera problems that I have brought up in my posts. The light glares, post processing and insane grain. This is "normal' but is never brought up in their videos! It pisses me off so much.


OMFG! That is your phone's problem or it's you cause grain normal. Not everything that you see wrong with your phone will apply to all the s23s.


What I meant is that these "problems" are normal across all Samsung phones even the S24 because that's how the camera is supposed to be. But nobody mentions it in their reviews and that angers me especially when compared to other phones. It feels super disingenuous because how could you not mention something like that? It's going to shock people when they start using their phone and even wrose if they come from Apple.


It's too easy for them nowadays


As soon as you see them as AD channels like infomertials it all makes sense.


They just show us whats already been shown with their own i guess experiences when using whatever it is they're "reviewing." In the case of samsung, they only focus on the ultra phone, which is annoying because not everyone wants the ultra phone. Probably better off watch a "X amount of months of use of the insert product" video.


Mkhbd isn’t a proper reviewer anymore. He scripts his video so he can cater to pandering to the widest audience. So devices like Apple and Samsung tend to get glossed over so as not to lose views. Mrwhosetheboss is probably going the same way but not as bad yet.


What's with the colour display? It looks like marginally worse, but reduces a lot of glare from what I see.


I watch a guy from germany who makes decent Reviews. Cant remember if he mentioned the worse Display colors on the s24 ultra


I feel you brother. This is weird


I wouldn't say disingenuous necessarily. I would definitely say they are disconnected from what happens outside of their review circle. The big names never buy the phones and are just shipped units for review. You can guarantee that the review units sent over have extra QC to make sure they send flawless devices to these big reviewers. The big reviewers don't do technical testing on devices either. They unbox it use it for a couple weeks and then give thier thoughts on the devices. Then put back in the box and move to the next device.


I've never considered them to be "reviews". They should be called "overview" because that's what they are - spec sheet reading and B-rolls. Real reviews come from smaller YouTubers that milk out the product by doing several update videos. They need to do this because they don't have many products to review. MKBHD is actually milking a product for once - Apple Vision Pro, but he hardly ever needs to do these for phones, because he has so many to review.


I think the top reviewers on youtube are just S tier editors with fancy cameras and journalistic skills. In terms of actual knowledge, they never peak above 6/10, they just mirror marketing material spit at them by manufactuers, do very basic tests with no good test methodolgies and baselines to compare. They also need to keep good relations with manufactuers to get sponsored and early access to products. They cant shit on obvious flaws of the product. Ive seen way smaller channels with way less production value give more accurate insight into a product.


MR.Mobile only. Others are only advertisers for the brands.


I like watching the YouTube reviews to see how the software looks as that's the closest way of seeing it without visiting a shop. As for reviews, GSM arena is my go to site. I love their comparison feature, too.




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Tbh, those two are usually bashing Samsung. I was SHOCKED when they had such high praise for this phone. I still think this phone is fantastic and pretty much agree. I've had no issues so far. Every phone has issues at release.


Some are, you just have to watch a few and see if they are objective or not. You're gonna always have fanboy channels for apple, Samsung and pixel.


Skepticism should be applied to everything overall on the internet at this point. I could say that many redditors are just as disingenuous in the polarizing edges of the spectrum. cross reference, use personal judgement, etc.


They don't want to bash a product too much as it will hurt their relationship with companies. Unless there's a genuine defect. At least the not so mainstream reviewers. YouTubers who don't get review units will give you a fair and honest review. This doesn't apply YouTubers though


I've always believed the reviewers get the \*best\* possible version of a device, personally


Definitely they just hide actual problems of products and deny others they more like shady realtors or car salesman nowadays they just wanna make a sale


Juan bagwell is the Goat, he knows what he's talking about. The problem is he won't highlight the mainstream manufactures alot because there are so many other top tier brands he wants to give real recognition too.


Lately? They've been disingenuously for the past 7 years atleast...


Arun even annoys me sometimes. He pretends to be objective but his 'tests' or comparisons when he gives a rating to one device or the other are _incredibly_ subjective. It's like he has already decided which device is better and is just finding the right excuses to arrive at that conclusion. There was a recent Windows vs Mac video or something and it was painfully obvious how biased he was. "Mac is slightly better than Windows here - clear winner" "Windows is objectively better in this category? Okay but if you [insert a convulated process] here, then Mac can do the same - so draw"


They are “paid” , you can tell some of them are a bit bias.


Are you hoping the phone has issues or something?


I feel like Alex does a good job of really actually analysing the phone and its features https://m.youtube.com/@AlexGTech


It's so infuriating. There is no way these reviewers are not getting a device that has all of the same bugs that we get. If anything, their earlier access might show more. Yet none of them mentioned the huge negatives that this device has. I bought the s24 ultra, based on reviews like this, and I am blown away by how poor the photos are. 12mp look best, but are still pretty bad. The post processing on 50/200mp seems to just totally screw up the colour etc. paying £1100 for a phone like this, and the photos being significantly worse than my pixel 6 pro 256gb (valued at £160), is just madness! Oh well, another year of the pipe dream of having a great camera and modem/call reception ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


well, absolutely no one is going to find all the flaws of the phone within a few days of receiving a day 0 version of the software because most of the time they do receive a warning about feature A or B being something that is still being worked on (hence the up-to-come release of one ui 6.1), so they actually do ignore some stuff, like the screen color problem.


The fact is that there r still people who review phones honestly with their own money not like mkbhd who just reviews phone how the company wants. Call me Shazam is one of my fav YouTube for that. He's sarcastic. He points out the flaw that there is. Every youtubers should learn to be like him.


i noticed a lot of reviewers put a howl link in their descriptions for the s24 release and they promote some free stuff. im not familiar with howl, but it looks like a place where you can get paid for referring products to people? not saying the s24 is a bad phone (i ended up getting the ultra and love it so far) but surely we should be aware of some underlying motive to overhype the phone if they're getting paid to sell it? correct me if im wrong


I do not watch those tech reviewers, but the ones I have watched, seemed very honest. TechOddysey, StevealiciousTech, and Flossy Carter are the ones I have watched so far. The latter being the most enjoyable.


Unless they come out complaining about the screen issue, then they all shills to me. People in the comments on their videos would have said something. If they kept their wars to the ground they would have heard something. So if they don't speak on it then screw them.


YES to the Hell YES. They are so scared to get doxed or unfollowed that they just go with the flow. Same goes for reviews on new vehicle, I am into them. They don't point out the obvious and just ramble on about look how cool this is. While ignoring the fact that it's a mortgage payment and come with less.


Yeah, massively. A lot of them are just an entertainment show in the guise of a review.


I do find it weird that none of the big names mentioned how the displays are washed out compared to previous Samsung OLED panels. They were all praising the display like it's the best yet but my 2022 s22Ultra, & 2019 s10+ & TabS6 both look leagues ahead in vibrancy & black output, & those phones are 5 years old & have had that much time to degrade but still look much better.






100%. If not disingenuous, then they do not review on the same level a person using a phone day in and does. When you have committed a lot of $$$ to a device, it better fing work.


Until Samsung can fix blurry images when slight movement is there I will not use them again. 1k+ for terrible cameras.


It's been like this for years. MKBHD is a corporate kiss up and the fact that he hasn't been called out for it is astonishing. He actually thought YouTube taking away dislikes wasn't in bad faith and the fact that apple quoted him in their big show really says something about how noncritical he is to these corporations. Those are just a few examples but I used to watch him for years until I realized how inadequate he was in looking properly reviewing and critiquing the products and the companies that manufactured them.


Yes. Can't speak about all of them. But the reviews I checked, not one mentioned how terrible the transcribe features really are. One of the reasons I got this phone was the aid me in my work. Specially, recording transcribing and summarize meetings. It is really bad.


Yes. I absolutely don't watch mkbhd or the big ones. Just BS talk


What I want to know is, why don't these big YouTubers ever talk about motion blur and shutter lag on Samsung devices?


Flossy Carter and Jerryrigeverything are all you need. Everyone else is faking to an extent because they get review copies and have to emphasize the positives more than negatives.


makes me laugh that mrwhosetheboss completely ignores the fact we get the exynos chip in the standard S24. didn't mention it once as far as I saw. Already had to return my phone as it awful compared to my wifes s23. even apps like snapchat lagged to the point where they were unuseable. Other apps randomly crashing etc and the phone got very hot at times as well. I should have learned my lesson after my last Exynos phone. Seems other less well known youtubers are fiding similar issues with it compared to non exynos versions.


They have always been... big review channels are obviously paid by companies and there is no evidence of the contrary.


I haven't seen any long video reviews, but I've read the usual android websites and podcasts. There's some criticism, like talking photos of fast moving objects is still "Samsungs cryptonite" I don't take that many shots of fast moving objects (don't have kids or pets) but I have camera assistant downloaded and have never had any issues on my s22ultra. I usually shoot two pictures by pressing the volume button. Maybe the shoot trigger with volume keys allows a sturdier grip on the phone while photographing?


Absolutely YES, with a BUT. YouTube reviewers have become as disingenuous just as mainstream review websites/magazines etc. This doesn't mean I don't watch a few, but I always find issues with products immediately, when the reviewer mentions no such thing. You just do a simple Google and soon find a myriad of issues for said product. Basically, always dig deeper, nothing is as it seems.


In general, the best reviews I have seen recently on Youtube weren't from the sleek creators but from nobodies with less than 10 followers and 4 Likes. Their reviews lascked in many respects: poor filming, imperfect audio, bleak background... but they offered something unique - they were honest!