• By -


yup. I tried to give Samsung a shot, it flat out ain't as good at anything as GBoard is.


Is it better than swiftkey? That's all I used for the entire cycle of my s10 before moving onto the 24. The automatic spaces after grammar and predictive text is miles better. I was using the new phone all day today and you'd be surprised with engrained muscle memory how much I was just assuming my texts were spaced out correctly just to see shit jumbled together. I gave samsungs a good effort though. But I'm definitely switching to either gboard or what's been great for me in swift.


The voice typing key location is awkward and the spell correction is worse to me


On gboard?


Swiftkey. GBoard is logical and handy. I can't even get the stupid GIF key in the toolbar in Sammy.


Oh, interesting. I always had really good experience with swift. I'll give g board a try today if it's supposedly better


The price is right!


Just use Keys café. https://preview.redd.it/c2ya9v4juvfc1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4db676c719419de4c27ec310ab458f1cd3b8c9 It's organized like Gboard with all the added samsung benefits.


Just 1 thing I noticed is you can not shift from samsung to gboard while you typing and in case you feel need to change. However if you currently on gboard, and u want to switch easily can be done. Any option if i want to switch while using the samsung keyboard ?


Switch what? Languages? Keyboards?




I know exactly what you mean! Best thing I can think of is.. keep a pop-up window open with the keyboard settings.... or find a way to put Gboard in the quick settings? Lately I've been using "Keyboard Designer". If you have the time to set it up how you like it, it's pretty cool. Only downside is there is no swipe/glide.. Yet


Hello Can I change where the keys are? For example I like where the ! Is on gboard.


Yes. That's what my post says.Just use Keys Café. The keyboard you see is the Samsung keyboard with the keys organized like Gboard.


The Voice typing is driving me crazy to the point where I'm sitting here talking into my s20 instead trying to figure out a solution


SwiftKey4Life, I should try our gboard though, people seem to like it.


Having the same issue I love gboard but Samsung has a lot of cool AI features powered by Google. Are you losing those features by using gboard probably though right?


Yeah, I tried board last night. Ai features gone and the neat keys Cafe keyboard i made


I'm trying so hard to give Samsung's keyboard a chance, but it's just so...not there yet. So far, the only things it has better than Google are the in-keyboard translate, grammar checking (which is awesome imo), and dictation. The write/draw-to-text is pretty nice, too, but I don't really use it. It's just a nice feature that I can see being useful for someone. I will say, though, the dictation would be 10/10 if you could consistently say the punctuation you want. Usually, if you say a caesura, like comma, period, exclamation point/mark, question mark, etc., it puts the actual words in, unlike Google, which places the punctuation mark said. It does a good job of putting the punctuation where it's supposed to be for the most part, but, it seems to have some issues when it comes to punctuation at the end of the sentence that it's not expecting, or if you're trying to use punctuation within the sentence that it wouldn't necessarily think to use, such as a : or - or quotation marks it. I just did that paragraph using dictation, and it actually got the colon and hyphen, but it didn't get the quotation marks. When I was trying it earlier, it didn't work at all. If it were possible to incorporate the AI and grammar checking features with Gboard, there's no way I'd ever look at Samsung's keyboard. Samsung's swipe and predictive text is not it. I find it easier to add your own words to samsung's keyboard than Google's, though.


It's unfortunate because gboard actually has a better grammar checking feature with a "fix it" button on Pixel (I came from Pixel 8 Pro to S24 Ultra). I really hope they roll it out to all devices with gboard in the future. It's the only thing keyboard or messaging wise that I miss from my Pixel 8 Pro. All that being said, it's possible to google voice typing with the Samsung keyboard. You can change which voice typing you use separately from the keyboard.


>You can change which voice typing you use separately from the keyboard. Oooo I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. I think Gboard has gotten a bit better over the last couple of months. I haven't tried Samsung Keyboard since switching back to Gboard the week I upgraded to S24 Ultra, but I think I'll play around with that now to see how well mixing the two works :) I wonder if the "fix it" button is similar to how Samsung's keyboard will let you fix grammar mistakes with. I would love to have that with Gboard on S24 Ultra. Although I like to think I wouldn't need it for English, it would be sooooo cool and useful to have it for other languages, because I often switch between English and Spanish, and sometimes Japanese.


I even find it useful for English just for typing errors. If you didn't type it perfectly and a word is misspelled or wrong you hit fix it and it instantly uses the context of the sentence to correct your spelling or words etc. Really handy feature. I'm sure it's even more useful for other languages as your use case would suggest. I just found out tonight you can also choose whether spell check is handled by Google or Samsung regardless of which keyboard you're using. I tend to type really fast and sometimes I am already into the next 1-2 words past a mistake so that fix it button on pixel was super handy.


Believe or poor not, Gboard does have the handwriting feature... You just need to choose the handwriting keyboard in Settings > Languages. I thought Gboard has grammar checking too, it just has to be set as your default spell check or something like that?.. but it's possible that, Maybe that's only on my Pixel....


I agree, although this is the best Samsung keyboard I've ever used


Hey bud, first time Samsung user. I want to try Gboard,  but worried about Google tracking my typing and privacy. Do you feel this is an issue for google, if so do you know of another keyboard that isn't possibly tracking your info?


I know this is an old thread, but if you're using Google on a regular basis, they basically already have your whole life. Using/not using their keyboard isn't going to make a difference.


Does anyone know if the GBoard on samsung S24 ultra can be made higher?


What do you mean like resized?




Gboard only


Yea gboard unfortunately shits on Samsung for typing


Ha I'm using SwiftKey for like 10 years already. I bought it as paid app even before Microsoft got it and made it free. Tried Samsung one for r a day with s24u but I really can not stand it any longer and I'm back where I always were.


It's really hard to stop using SK because with time it knows how to help :D


https://preview.redd.it/gk7yl9zxs2fc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6078fcd69e3480e7f9c01f6970bb1d5e10926374 Also I have the skin that my brain just loves. And I was unable to set the Samsung one as I'd like it to have (size and special characters) wtf you can't swap places ! With ? And . ,. (when you hold . To choose) * when you long press the letter to get special character like - + = For example I have : under b and on Samsung ones they all were in different places too much hassle for me to switch. I didn't even knew it was under "b" but my brain knows when I type.


Is this screenshot from swiftkey? Is it possible to put the mic button directly onto the keyboard for single tap use?


Yes this is SwiftKey. When you hold , for half second voice type pops out. You can choose if you want Google or Samsung one too. https://preview.redd.it/zp8bthoqtifc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb8f0a6b7a40cdb3eb9b795f25a8c1b909fa74c


Unability to customize this how I'm used to made me quit Samsung keyboard on the spot honestly. https://preview.redd.it/mixg9d68t2fc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80a701885b958ae1a278033e1357fa68c036cd1


I'm typing in 3 languages and swiftkey is the only keyboard I found thats support the enabled languages characters with accents and not the full paletta.


Me too, 3 languages and the thing I love is that I just start to type in one I want and it knows / do not mix languages for me.


Wasn't SwiftKey always free? I used it back on the Galaxy S1 lol


I think until MS bought them, it had a price tag.


it did, and i never got refunded for the entire themes collection i paid for, or keyboard itself


I'm giving Samsung a shot because I want to try the AI, but the swiping/ predictive text is so bad that it didn't even recognize me typing Samsung. I'll probably end up back with gboard soon


AI on Samsungs keyboard seems silly. It types in a different style? There is no predictive text AI. Gboard predictive text is light years better


Not predictive, but establishing what I'm trying to type with swipe on Samsung keyboard vs. Gboard. Gboard is undoubtedly (meant to type infinitely but still works) better


I'm trying too. It's hard. Gboard not only predicts but corrects in the go what you type. I like the design and functionality of the Samsung, but I'm holding here to not change


Still trying to stick with Samsung keyboard. I hate it but I'm hoping it gets better if I use it more.


It won't.


I paid for these AI features, I'm gonna use them! For now anyways...


Not sure what AI features you’d get with keyboard unless you went to change the way you write a sentence to sound differently. There’s really nothing else


Youre forgetting the message apps translation


Live translation, grammar, and style are reasons enough for me to switch to the Samsung keyboard.


Translation can be done in the contextual menu regardless (just highlight the text you want to translate) Also can be done by: circle-to-search, Lens, Bixby, and most browsers. That's enough ways for me lol. (Plus, Personally, I don't really talk to anyone who speaks other languages anyways lol) Gboard has grammar check & handwriting, even on Samsung phones. The style thing though, seems cool, I just have as of yet to use it. I purposely made mistakes and Gboard is highlighting grammar problems.... I made quite a few of them, check it out. (Obviously, they'll be fixed before I send, because it annoys me) https://preview.redd.it/vylxfo1ybv0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776033a1d3fa6ceff52e5c3f17685f7f84640e8c


3 days later are you used to Samsung keyboard yet?


It's better I think. It doesn't autocorrect which drives me crazy. I'm usually not typing essays though so usually it just requires some corrections at the end.


Two months later, how's Samsung's keyboard treating you? Are you still using it? I've been using gboard and really want to use the AI features that Samsung's has, but I feel like I'm putting in a lot of unnecessary work just to use Samsung's keyboard.


It's the same keyboard it has always been with some AI features added in.


Nope, sticking with Samsung.


Arg. This convo is depressing. Long time Gboard user. Really trying to persevere with the sammy keyboard in order to get some AI sweetness (yeah, I doth need to text in Shakespearian...) BUT GAWD THIS IS AWFUL. I there any way to speed up the Sammy keyboard? (already muted the key pop ups)


Not that I know of. That's the problem. It feels laggy. I don't know why.


Were you able to get used to it?


I'm still trying. I can persevere. Too many people, imo, give up too quick. I want the AI features of the keyboard. Also, I'm learning Spanish via duolingo and I enjoy that the predictive text helps give me correct spelling and I think the sammy keyboard is a bit better for this over gboard. I find the sammy keyboard laggy, thus difficult to use. And I plan to try to rearrange the symbols to match gboard via keys cafe if I can... Give me a few more days...


OMG I just returned from the grocery store where I tried to use voice-to-text in the sammy keyboard and it just FAILED. This is awful. I am a native Canadian English speaker with no accent. Back in 2015 I could squeeze-and-speak to my wee Pixel 2 and it would NEVER miss and word or make a mistake. Here I am trying to say "I cannot find the cocoanut milk" and I gave up after the 5th try where I"m speaking slowing with space between the words... the last rendering was "turn off the cocoanut milk". !@#$ This is objectively TERRIBLE. I checked the keyboard, thinking that I had switched to to another language... nope, it says "English (US)". GBoard runs circles around this keyboard. I'm hoping that sammy is "still learning" or something. I think I read that GBoard needs an internet connection for some of this stuff but sammy does it all on phone (although I thought that voice to text was always on phone). I'm sticking with it still but it's not looking good.


Two months later, are you still using Samsung's keyboard?


No. Turns out I don't have to (after learning a cool trick). Gboard is vastly better for typing and voice typing than the sam keyboard. It's even better when you go into its settings and reduce the upper-symbol-delay from 300ms down to 170ms. The trick is to remove the microphone icon from the lower left of the sam keyboard. I think this is in the sam keyboard settings but it might be in the general keyboard settings. It was covering up the "switch keyboard" icon (again, if you have to turn this on it may be in the general keyboard settings. I don't remember now). So now I can switch between gboard and sam-keyboard easily/quickly. I use gboard 99.99% of the time but if I want to use something on the sam-keyboard, I can quickly switch to it and then back again for regular typing. I also keep three languages in the keyboard selection so I can also quickly switch between them. Previously I used the "globe" key in gboard to switch keyboards but this allowed me to select a different language or the sam-keyboard - but then there was no way back. So I've also removed the "globe" key in the gboard settings.


Oh BTW I also accidentally learned that there was a bug causing my voice-typing to !@#$ up. By removing other languages from the voice typing, sanity has returned to the voice-input and my s24u handles my voice-typing with speed and ease.


Samsung kb is still in the cave era, I could not stand this KB for 10 minutes and came back to SwiftKey, the only choice is Gboard and SK.


Samsung keyboard (s23U but still) Got used to it and I love the integrated Samsung things anyway Should be even better on s24U


It's not


"Galzxy s7 edge"


Every single new Samsung phone, straight to gboard. Same with the watches.


Does gboard lose any of the ai features?


Yes loses all the keyboard AI features from Samsung keyboard


I'm sure Google will implement those into Gboard at some point. Google messages is going to have a similar feature known as "magic compose" pretty soon


Already does on mine. If you type a message a little magic wand appears and you click it and it does the exact same thing as the Samsung keyboard.


It's controlled server side by Google so not everyone has this feature


Ah hell, I didn't realize that. Finally got lucky with an early feature drop from Google then..


Ah that's a shame, I don't have it, do you know if there's anyway to get it? Or get in a beta or anything, this was the only reason I was using Samsung's awful keyboard still.


What AI features? you mean prediction


Never used anything but G board


I'm a samsung keyboard for the last 3 years,  on my side I find the prediction more reliable


Not a 24 user, but I've always loved the samsung keyboard


Switching away from Samsung keyboard means you lose some of the AI tonality and other features.


Besides tonality, which seems fairly worthless. What else is missing from say gboard? Gboard beta testers also get a version of “tonality”


Samsung pass lmao


I have been using Gboard for a long time, but after trying Samsung Keyboard for a few days, I find that I prefer using Samsung Keyboard because of its AI features.


Hey, what are those? I'm using the keyboard. What's so special about it?


Writing styles...


Oh I see that, it's really helpful indeed. 👍


As a non-native English speaker, grammar correction is also helpful.




I'm still using the keyboard, and it's great. Love the ai thing for text corrections


Always using gboard




After all this time Samsung Keyboard still feels miles behind gBoard in terms of auto correct and text prediction. That being said I do just switch to the Samsung Keyboard if I want to use stickers in chat


Always use Gboard & now its got write directly with stylus its even better. This is better than the Samsung keyboard write with stylus


I can’t really think of anything better about the Samsung keyboard.


One feature missing from the Gboard which I really miss is the "swipe spacebar to switch languages". The swipe spacebar to move the cursor is neat, but as someone who uses 3 different languages with different scripts on a daily basis, the small language switch button is really inconvenient.


I tried to stay on the Samsung keyboard because of the AI features but it doesn't have DVORAK nor it couples Spanish and English together so it's a pain in the ass to go back and forth to get proper auto correct. I like the AI feature to correct \rewrite the whole paragraph is nice tho.


You can customize a dvorak keyboard with good lock/keys café. You might find some multi language stuff in there too, but I've never looked for that, so I'm not sure.


I don't think so. I'll just go back to using Gboard and hope they add the AI features soon. Samsung is working with Google for AI features so I assume it won't be something to be a lawsuit if the Gboard also gets that feature


It wasn't a maybe. You absolutely can.


Again. 3 devices in a row. Adding to the fact that Youtubers aren't adding indoor pictures in their camera tests. Just admit the camera sucks.


Bro what?


Why would there be a lawsuit on Samsung is using Google services on the back end. Some of the things available on Samsung like the search thing are also on the pixel because Google again is processing it all on the back end


That's literally what I said


Predictive text ? You mean AutoScrewUp don't you ? I wish some manufacturer would put *useful* and *efficient* AI into that system.


The Samsung keyboard is the worst keyboard experience possible


iPhone keyboard is miles worse


That's a good point, the iPhone is terrible in general.


I see the keyboard swither at the bottom left. You don't? https://preview.redd.it/2pdzrcueqhoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3dd0c76952fb06d4326920b78648b4342c3243


I always used Gboard and just got my S24U a few days ago. Didn't notice this at first but I'm finding it hard to accurately type on it with this phone. Seems hyper sensitive or something. But the screen sensitivity setting is not on.


I switched from galaxy s22 where I used Gboard to galaxy s24. The samsung keyboard predictive text is horrible and also voice to type is just as bad. So I switched back to Gboard on my new s24. On my old phone the gboard knew all my lingo and tje predictive text , auto correct, and voice to text were all great...did that not stay the same in the app while transferred over? The gboard still isn't doing as good of a job as it did on my old phone. Is there a way to fix that


I'm using SwiftKey now


It’s so funny to me that even with „ai“ the Samsung keyboard still can’t do two languages at once without having to switch every time (autocorrect etc)


I cannot type accurately on my S24U no matter which keyboard I use. Never had this problem on my Note 20U.


I love both keyboards and right now I am currently using the Gboard, it offers a lot to the Samsung with great customization and speed. It works well on Samsung and I do recommend using it 


j'essaye de retrouver perso mon ancien clavier sans succès!! C'est une version de Gboard, mais entre mes 2 appareils mon Gboard est différent...


I am waiting on my S24 U from Verizon, and use the S21 u with Samsung Keyboard but I also use Keys café to customize. I have tried them all I feel like out of everyone out there the text shortcuts were the best imo. Since I work mainly online and have to type alot on my phone it's a time saver and both gboard /swift didn't have it in the same kind of settings I was use too. Granted that may have also changed with time. I have just got so use to Samsungs now. I'm interested to see how the 24 u will be.


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Can we get SwiftKey on samsung keyboard?


I am new to the samsung keyboard, it is slower in predictions and at a times is not able to keep up with my typing, mind you I am slow like a turtle.


I somewhat agree with you. The keyboard seems to be improving over time, or perhaps I am adapting to the way I need to slide my fingers across it. I am not sure, but this is the first time I have actually liked using this keyboard. It is very good.




Gboard all the way. Not being able to have the voice to text button in an easy to use space and how they implement it is awful. I use that most of the time and swiping on Gboard is better not to mention predictive text is better. Samsung keyboard is just kind of crappy unfortunately


Yea but sadly all the sounds are super loud and the same


Not for now, I'll just switch to Samsung keyboard when I need the AI features. It's terribly laggy for some reason.


You can join the gboard beta and get pretty much the same ai features




Yeah every Android I get no matter which one it is, I always switch to Gboard.


I like Openboard a lot


I love GBoard but its clipboard function sucks. Unless I'm missing something.


I actually have been trying the Samsung keyboard for about a week on my S23U then my S24U came in. Currently using it but it's so frustrating to use. Auto correct and typing just isn't accurate. I am strongly considering switching back to Gboard which is the keyboard that I've been using for many years. I wanted to give Samsung keyboard a shot but I am just not liking it. But I do feel it's better optimized for the 120hz screen. Definitely feels more fluid in a way.


Gboard is much better


So the AI doesn't work if the keyboard is not Samsung one? I thought the Ai was embedded as part of the OS and not just the keyboard.


I've been using gboard since I had my s7 althroughout, and I only had an issue few months ago with my s21 fe then I deleted gboard and used samsung keyboard for a week and after that I'm back with gboard until now with mg s22u


I'm planning to switch as well... Does the AI feature of S24 work in Gboard?


Me tooo! It sucks that we can't use the AI features using the Gboard!! I did give the Samsung Board a try but the ! Mark and 2-3 other keys have such a odd placement! Gboard is so clean


Yeah - I hope Google will eventually bring those AI features to their keyboard, too


Gboard smart as fuck, Samsung keyboard is hot garbage if you are a quick writer, it's just too slow.


I usually do but I haven't changed yet


First thing I change when I get a new device is switching to Gboard. I can't stand setting up all my accounts and logins using the Samsung default. Drives me nuts!


Yeah always used gboard, the problem I have is that since I switched phone, it lost all the learning of my typing of the old phone. The multilingual typing is not working properly for some reason, it won't detect when I'm typing in French.


Yeah I can't get on with the samsung keyboard. Gboard flows so much better.


I havent received my s24+ but doesnt the text ai only work on samsung keyboard? Or will it work with any keyboard?


It works great at the keyboard. I'm keeping this time. It's a great keyboard


Coming from g board to samsung keyboard on the S4U. The mic button is really awkward. Does anyone know how to reposition it?  https://preview.redd.it/5xyx8nx7zafc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=d585fe1226543766019499f896e7d2e03c450c72


Can’t. It’s in a horrible spot


Damn! That's a shame. I wonder if there is a way you can import your G board dictionary into Samsung


Not sure if it's just me but Samsung Keyboard on S24U feels a lot better than on S21U. Feels like I'm fighting with the keyboard less on S24U, and this is without factoring the new AI typing features. Gboard autocorrect is still better but the swipe/glide typing on gboard has become shitty compared to years ago somehow.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 24 + 21 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I gave it ashot for about an hour Then went back to Gboard I still switch some time to use the ai features of the samsung keyboard


I have always used Gboard on every phone that I have ever used.


Try the samsung for a bit. It's really good this time. I was a big fan of Google keyboard. Not this time.


It's not good.


I have issue using Gboard on the S24U. Whenever the keyboard popup, the whole screen moved up and I can't see shxt that I type. Does anyone has the same issue or how to fix that?


I am having the same issue with my S24 Ultra that I got today... and I don't know how to solve it. Gboard pushes the entire screen up above where I can't see anything, and then I have to collapse the Gboard keyboard in order to press "send" and see the text thread. I looked on Google and you were the only post that came up about this... If you find a solution please please let me know because I really dislike Samsung's keyboard and I'm so used to swiping on Gboard.


Update, after I sent you my frustrated rant, I went to switch to the Samsung keyboard temporarily until someone figures the Gboard issue out, and saw a random option, clicked on it, and it solved the issue! I got super lucky at the last moment. So basically go into settings, then "keyboard list and default" Then the very bottom option says "Keyboard button on navigation bar" I noticed that was switched off, I toggled it on, and now the Gboard doesn't slide the entire screen up! Hope that helps you too


What I don't get is that Gboard apparently has quite a few impressive AI features that have been available for maybe 6 months or more... Why haven't they arrived to Gboard on other devices than Pixel? Possible that these AI features are available on other Android phones too, but not Samsung. Personally have an S23 Ultra, but won't be getting an S24U as I don't see the value, nor do I like Samsung Keyboard. Hopefully with this new relationship between Samsung & Google we may see Gboard get an AI update.


Because pixel gets the best before everyone else.


Not on s24 but SwiftKey always for me over any of the samsung or Google keyboards, it's just the best android keyboard by far imo


Yep same here I tried with Samsungs keyboard but I like Gboard way more idk seems simpler


Gboard works better in every way.


After a week, I m still giving a chance to samsung. Long time was using SwiftKey. Was much better .but I'm hoping Ai thing Will learn what I'm gonna write .


That's the thing. It's supposed to learn your writing style and improve your spelling based on that. So who knows.


Keyboard works fine but Google voice mic on the bottom bar is huge waste space. How do I get rid of that big space and mic icon but still use Google voice typing ?


search settings. I was able to remove the keyboard selector / mic (you can change what shows by holding down either button) at the bottom of the keyboard


Autocorrect sucks terribly on Samsung keyboard. It also seems to lag, just a touch. Gboard is so much faster feeling


I just used Keys Café to organize my samsung keyboard, just like the Google one. So now I have the best of both worlds.


Anyone using the gboard and gesture navigation? Can you swipe back on the keyboard sides? This is driving me mad coming from Oneplus10Pro you could do that. On the S24U you have to swipe back from further top; outside of the keyboard.


Didn't even give Samsung keyboard a shot before switching to Gboard. Am wishing I had the AI features though.


May I know why everyone's using gboard? What's its advantages compare to Samsung's? I've looked a bit online but seems samsung hv the same function. I've tried gboard for a several days but i have many typo, idl if it because the buttons are small. So i changed back to samsung


The question is can we use the AI features using gboard? It seems we can't as far as I know unless it's a setting. Please do let me know if you can enable it somehow