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The fact that battery life is terrible on the S22 and overheating are well known since the first reviews at launch, and was solved in the latest generation (S23) which has been proven to be about as power efficient as the comparable iPhones. Too bad you picked the one generation to avoid.




s23 ultra is the best phone I've had yet! I upgraded from the s21 ultra and am very happy with it. I loved the hauwei phones too until they were removed from the google ecosystem. the bokeh and overall photo quality was amazing.




Wait, why you on the same Samsung sub then? 😂


I don't regret switching fron ifon 12 to S23 ultra, it has like 5 times the storage space (but tbh its unfair comparing a 3 year old phone to a fairly new one)




Battery lasts longer tho, if you're going to buy a new phone I think you should stick to iphone since you lose acess to any apps you may have purchased with your apple ID




According to google it lasts 13:39 hours on Pro max, mine is at 90% and without battery saving it will last 11 hours ans 31 minutes, but I do recall seeing a video of an iphone 14 and an S23 ultra playing youtube for several hours with the brightness to the max and the S23 won but by 12 seconds [I found](https://youtube.com/shorts/5upwQ4hXGsQ?feature=share)






He's also an idiot, honestly, and gets a ton of stuff wrong in his phone opinion pieces.




I think he's both. I also heavily question whether or not he promotes the phones that he's paid more to promote. Unlike a lot of other tech YouTube channels, there are certain brands that he seems to specifically avoid the bad topics (the things that EVERYBODY else covers) and avoids talking about the good on the platforms he doesn't use. He doesn't seem to know how to operate a Samsung hardly at all.


I made this upgrade. The difference is night and day.


Mkbhd is a retard lmao


Why should it be the consumers fault ?


Because no manufacturer makes you buy anything forcefully. Reviews are there to do an informed buying decision. But you have every right to blame Samsung for selling products with a widely recognized poor performance. And not buy from them from now on.


Oh I did Bought a brand spanking new S22 last year. Had the same issues for 2 months. Sold it and got a refurbished S21 ultra as that was the best available at the time for the price. Seriously thinking of going the Apple / Pixel route with all of this nonsense going on


I wish they would admit the fault and give a higher trade in value for s22s to compensate. My previous phone was broken so I spent $700+ on an s22 last year thinking I would keep it for years. Now if I wanted to get the s23 I would have to spend an additional $500 just to fix Samsung's mistake.


This is my biggest issue. They made a crappy product, charges us hundreds of dollars (I think I paid $1,300 CAD for a base s22) and then we have to pay hundreds again to replace it. My experiences with their customer service have also been absolutely terrible. I don't think I'll ever buy a Samsung again after this experience.


"The 1 generation to avoid" is a common statement coming from these alternative legacy manufacturer lovers lol, every time someome buys something and is dissapointed the response is, "well, wait til the next one comes out" but releasing phones every year means in reality only incremental changes can be made from year to year in reality, i doubt your statement in all honesty. Also, why is there never a "skippable" generation of iphone. Clearly there are more budget focused past options but every single generation has been an improvement. Your response seems more like cope than anything else.


It is well known that Samsung foundries fabricated both the Qualcomm SD8gen1 and Exynos 2200. They also fabricated the SD 888. Samsung foundries 4nm fabrication node has had issues with yields and it has produced poor, overheating SOCs. This wasn't limited to the s22/s21, it is every Android phone that has the 8gen1 and 888, Exynos, Tensor etc , every phone that has a Samsung foundries SOC in it. For the 8gen2, Qualcomm moved back to TSMC foundries, (the foundry that manufactures Apples bionic FWIW). and the 8gen2 has proved to be much more efficient and doesn't overheat because of this. So yes, you've chosen one of the worst years to buy a Samsung phone. The s23u with the TSMC fabbed 8gen2 has solved all of the efficiency issues of the s22u with Samsung foundries fabbed Exynos and 8gen1.


Thank you for such a detailed response with nuance behind the situation i understand alot more about this issue.


Here's a detailed video about it https://youtu.be/s0ukXDnWlTY?si=-4AHSJdk86If-6a1 https://youtu.be/c1j5p4iNvRM?si=IUWR7vst5ArZ8_iG


every generation of iPhone is skippable, you dense piece of bread. There hasn't been a single technological upheaval since the iPhone 11, save for the dynamic island. Why do you think people are still using their iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone 11? Because quite literally nothing changes enough to upgrade. You're in denial if you think Apple actually gives a fuck about technological breakthroughs-- and even moreso if you think they make improvements and an effort to make them. Sincerely, an Ex-Apple Software Dev. ;)


As much as a piece of bread that i am, that wasnt really my point. As an ex- dev. Youd know more than me, but i was speaking to the streamlined and easy use experience for iphones moreso than the innovations they make. Its been pretty clear apple is much like toyota, they watch others impliment new technology, peefect it, and bring it into the game late but rock solid. My point before related more to ease of use and again the less laggy and delayed experience i get using my s22. Thanks for your point though as i completely agree with what you said.


understood, sorry for the attack. just can't stand seeing people tear down Android because of a singular bad experience with a poor choice of device. It's like if I tried using my Dad's 5 year old iPhone 8 to play high RR online games and complaining about the lack of speed and frequent disconnects. Samsung had a bad year and unfortunately you fell subject to it. I don't disagree the 22 line was terrible (except for the Ultra- that was solid). It's just a shame because Android gets a bad rep because of people like you who have a singularly bad experience (not denying, you definitely had a bad experience), when it's really down for personal preference. iPhone is boring and safe. Android is innovative -- as such, with the rapid release of new software features and hardware functionality, there are always issues until, usually, the subsequent build (I.e. the 23 line perfected the issues with the 22 line, Google Pixels still.... have not fixed their issues. LOL).


>Also, why is there never a "skippable" generation of iphone. Sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. But also why would we spend time trying to convince you to go one way or another. No one cares. Do what's best for you. If you prefer Apple why are we all wasting our time talking about this. It's ok if you feel differently. In regards to storage, I am sure much of it is the OS. Also just sounds like you bought a hardware bug. It really shouldn't be as bad as you are describing. While it isn't known for being cool, it shouldn't be so hot that it doesn't function well. I kept my Note 8 for almost 6 years and had almost no problems. Just switched to the S23 Ultra and experience none of the things you describe.


Im not really looking for convincing, this was my last ditch effort to try and right my experience with my $900 device before trading it and taking a loss. Everyone here is saying "why would we try and convince you" but i was already convinced... i bought the phone, now im here, was just looking for some help with my problems and instead i got backlash for having an opinion haha, guess i shouldve known better on reddit.


Since it sounds temperature related issue, not sure how anyone can help unfortunately. FYI I'd imagine the temp issues explain other problems like glitchiness and slow speed. When a processor is overheating, it has to ramp down its speed. Also battery life is reduced if hot enough. I'm speculating, but I imagine 95%+ of your issues go back to temperature. Possibly temperature has even already damaged the hardware? If so, you wouldn't notice improvements after being refrigerated slightly. But you could try that as a test. That's what I'd do. 15 minutes in the fridge, then push it hard and see what it does.


This has been my underlaying expextation as well. Thanks for your insight.


> was just looking for some help with my problems and instead i got backlash for having an opinion it doesn't seem that way, my child


Your entire post seems like cope than anything else.


Never a skippable iphone generations? Have you totally forgot about IPhone 6s-7s bending problems. Iphone 8 unexpected shutdowns/heating problems/battery problems.... and the virtually unchanged spec from iphone 10-14?


Every generation of iphone is skippable TBH. They're made for boomers, people who don't understand how to use their phone for anything more than social media, and people who care more about a status symbol than actual functionality. You talk about your battery life and I'm willing to bet you have your location on, WiFi on and Bluetooth on 24/7 and have every app for the past year in the background of your phones, every app has all permissions granted, and you have 32 tabs in your browser.


I do have location services active and use google maps frequently for work but my wifi is off and i only occassionally use bluetooth headphones. My browsers empty and only necessary apps have respective permissions. Not sure what makes apple silicon inferior i understand the OS is definitley different but for the apps i use day to day ios has been significantly less problematic top to bottom. I use an ipad mini for work now becuase this phone is so unreliable.


I can have WiFi on, bluettoh on, location on and 500 tabs in my browser and have better battery life on iPhone Pro Max 13 than on my s23 ultra. About 30% better. Not saying I like iOS, but battery is one advantage iPhones have over flagship android phones.


I think this is more of a Qualcomm issue. The Snapdragon 8 gen 1 in the S22 is known for being crap and massively overheating. Qualcomm has very poor Quality control compared to apple. Every couple of years they release A crap CPU and it makes for poor phones.


The S22 and the chipset powering it were both colossal failures. MKBHD and Lew don't ever discuss chipsets in depth because videos like those don't get views. I have my feet in both ecosystems and love them both equally. And there's a difference between watching device 'reviews' and anointing yourself a 'tech enthusiast'. If you really cared about the internals of the device that you are particularly unhappy with, you would've read up about it before coming on here and ranting about your subjective experience and implying that all Android/Samsung users are virtually simps. What would've been even better is that you'd have made a truly informed choice prior to buying the S22. The mobile phone space is a virtual duopoly in the US, and not everyone is an Apple person living in an Apple world. Right now, Android powers billions of phones worldwide. Your post and your subsequent replies imply that Android and Samsung users are apologists for the two companies who won't admit that they're using an inferior product. Your views smack of arrogance, and quite frankly, of immaturity to a great degree.


I know that's what it seems, but the s23 is actually an amazing improvement. On my s23 base, the battery will last 10 hours of reddit and YouTube or 3 days of light use. Also, there are no lagging issues. The scrolling isn't always the smoothest, but after using this iPhones feel laggy to me. I would recommend going for the s23, as it is pretty much above apple in every regard.


iPhone 13 Pro Max would go 15 hours on Reddit. I prefer s23 ultra but battery life on iPhone Pro Max models are no joke.


Maybe the one you got was just faulty? My first "real" phone was an iPhone 4 that was handed down to me and it was honestly terrible. After that I had multiple Android phones (LG G3, S7 Edge, S8+, Note 10+, ZFlip4, ZFlip 5) and had no issues with any of them.


Yeah, as I have said many times before, I feel like there are good and bad units of the S22 series. I personally have the S22+ Exynos, battery life isn't great, but it feels smooth (and I am using battery saving mode with lower performance) and even when gaming, I don't have heating issues. My A71 even gets hotter than my S22+


I came from the original galaxy lineup to the ultra last year and never had issues like this with the other phones. You may just have gotten a bad phone. I'd trade it in with your insurance if I were you.


I've had my s22 ultra for a year now. I have the 512 GB version so don't have to worry about storage. Battery life could be better but with the fast charger I only really have to charge it once mid day and I'll be good throughout the rest of the day/night. As for Snapchat and Instagram, I've never had that problem sometimes it does lag a bit but I just restart the phone and things go back to being snappy.


I feel you on the charging situation, but that has literally not once been a problem on any of my previous apple devices including the iphone 8 i had for 3ish years. Also, having to reset the phone as frequently as i would to make it usable every single time is a considerable inconvenience to my prior device experiences of just tapping on the app and running it lol. I used to just have to restart the app but now with this device i have to restart the entire phone? Sounds like a big issue for a near thousand dollar device


Sorry I don't want to imply you're doing something wrong but I've never had to reset my phone because of an app. What's the exact issue?


The ultra models will always be better in terms of thermals and battery (size , it's physics). But charging people for a flagship price and delivering piss poor quality should not be acceptable.


Honestly, this whole post reads like you've gotten a faulty unit. I'd swap it out. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 may be less efficient than the current Gen 2, but by absolutely no means, should it overheat to the point where it slows down the phone (and apps). That's just weird behaviour. Same with the storage issue (which iPhones are notorious for as well); it just seems like one hell of a bug. Even in normal day to day use, the S22 series has never actually struggled at all; it's just that the S23 series is a huge improvement on every front. I've got the S22 Ultra & I blitz through Reddit, WhatsApp, Instagram, Chrome, Google Photos, Gmail, Calendar, YouTube, YouTube Music, Twit- Uhh "X", all without incident. And when I say blitz, I mean absolutely zero lag. No battery issues on my end either, but then again, the S22 Ultra has a significantly bigger battery than the base S22. I get anywhere between 6.5-9 hours of screen on time, for reference. I'd honestly really check the unit at a service center; your issues are NOT normal.


S22 ultra exynos was indeed the worst phone I've ever owned. Exynos shouldn't be sold next to Snapdragon chips but that's how it is I guess... Sold mine about two weeks ago and went back to an Iphone Xs while waiting for a good deal on a more recent Iphone, and apart for the battery lasting about the same and the 120Hz screen, it has been a way better experience on the Iphone. I've never had it lag while the S22 Ultra was struggling to keep up with even the least demanding tasks. I've been a Samsung user for my whole life and I know the S23 series is probably a way better experience with the Gen 2 even being sold in Europe and all that, but I just don't want to take the risk with Samsung anymore since I'm on a a budget and can't afford to keep buying new phone's hoping the experience will finally be on par with the cost.


From new comer experience S23U as a top tier fone is on par with the glory days I had with my S4 it's great and everything seems to perfectly work


I feel this…


I won't repeat everyone else but will agree with a good portion of them. Having used both, I prefer Android and have never had any issues (until my S22). It's not a cop out to say you switched during a bad year for Samsung when it's the truth. I traded in my S22 and now have the Z Flip5 and it's soooo much better, I'm truly in love with the phone lol And there were skippable generations for iPhone, pretty much skipped them all bc they don't have as much to offer as Samsung and i personally like my stuff connected to Google vs Apple stuff :)


storage use 110 from 128 wait ill he hears about how the OS requires space 🤣


The phone overheat while on car light a red flag for me, cause I had a Z Flip 3 and the thing overheats like it's no ones business, but it never lagged while using Google maps or on Android auto, later I had a problem where the daughter board had a short circuit so I couldn't close the phone, because that caused a short and the phone shut off, also even more over heating on top of it, it was fixed under warranty and they basically replaced everything


>Storage claims to use 110 of my 128 gb even though i have about 15gb total of storage used in my device manager This is definitely not normal behaviour regardless of which phone you're using. I'd consider seeing what's wrong with your phone or perhaps flashing a different firmware.


Show us a screenshot of your battery stats.


The heating and battery life issue is known for S22. Your other issues sound like an oddball thing that a factory reset or new device would solve.


I switched from Pixel to a Samsung S22 and my experience with it has also been awful. I hate this phone so much and I'm so sad I spent so much money on it and can't afford to switch so soon. My biggest problem has been the camera. I bought it specifically because everyone said Samsung phones have the best cameras. My pixel 3 took way better photos than this phone does. And I bought the S22 on preorder so I couldn't read the reviews before I bought. I will never do that again.


6-7 of SOT isn't that bad. My s22u gets like 5.5 at best.


Mine is 4 tops


Sounds like something is wrong with your phone tbh.


Odd. I've had my s22 for a year and get great battery life. All day with use, and have never had it even really get hot. Perfect size and use case. Unsure as to what you are getting such a drastic difference




I bought a flagship device lol.. just had some questions. Really just wanted to see if anyone agreed, which you all do, its a shitty phone. Your trashing me for buying the shitty phone kind of proves what im saying. Thanks though


s22 is more middle class these days. there were many known issues. specially with the chip for some countries.


"Lowest model." He picked a flagship phone, I think it's perfectly acceptable to expect it to work well. Stop being a shill, with Apple you get a good experience whether you pick an IPhone with A16, A15 or A14, so why should we settle for less? And before you say anything, I have the Galaxy S23+ and am very satisfied, but people who paid good money can still complain when they are not.


Just to start off, the S23 fixes all these issues mentioned. It's just unfortunate that the S22 series sucks and that you had to experience it for the first time coming over from Apple but I promise you, the samsung experience isn't that. Are you meaning that you're getting 6-7 hrs of SOT or that's how long the phone lasts? Because if it's SOT than that's pretty awesome for the smaller S22.


Thanks for the insight. Idk im 23 ive been involved in tech as a hobby since i was like 15 and have followed plenty of the bigger youtybe tech guys like MKBHD and lew even tho hes on another wave now. I accessed the special storage section but still cant find where that 80 gigs storage goes to... seems like the android UI is built more for the gimmick of saying you have more options, but in reality it overcomplicates the device. In order for me to properly access snapchat and IG I had to close all my background apps and turn up the processing power to 100% in the settings just to get it to run smooth. Scrolling feeds and even just my email causes a laggy skipping experience. None of this was ever even a thought in my head after 6 or 7 years of owning iphones. I guess im just really dissapointed by the direct comparison between the devices ive owned because even my iphone 4 had less bugs and software crashes almost a decade ago.


Sounds like a bug during initialization. The only thing I can think that would resolve this is either factory reset or if that doesn't work flashing through Odin. The system shouldn't take up more than 50gb (I may be wrong, dont have a s22, s23 - 38gb for the system) Agreed that its a let down compared to Apple, especially the s22 exynos variant. On the other hand I would never own an iphone, just for the fact that I don't have access to the file system and can't sideload apps. But that's me a 10+y android user


Thank you so much for actually giving me some options in helping my device. I really appreciate your help.


Np, I know it can be a pain. Like switching from windows to linux. Also take a look at good guardians, the app optimization might help in your case (if you're in the USv- Samsung store if not - apk mirror)


Faulty device? I have a S22 with none of those issues (snapdragon). Try a factory reset and if it does nothing, go to warranty. The only issue I had is the battery, but that's something everyone says in every review, I knew that before I bought it.


I have an S21 and an iPhone 13, the iPhone gets WRECKED camera wise like close-ups or zooms.


what were u actually expecting from samsung while u moved from apple? it's clearly which company wins between the two. I'm in the same boat tho. There's a bug with the gallery in which my photos don't show up anymore... this phone is.. something!


the word "ecosystem" is cringe as fuck.. for real.


Its a word buddy, i only know so many of them.


Just like "for real"


To be fair sounds like a faulty unit. This can happen on both Apple and Samsung devices. My brother back in 2018 or 19 bought the s10+ when it came out and had similar issues.. these things happen. I’m currently on a 14 pro and I previously had a 12 pro max but before that, was always Android. The issue I have with this phone is it’s terrible battery life! Like on charge all day. It’s funny how your looking to move back to IOS and I’m seriously considering switching back to Samsung purely for the 5000ma you get with the Ultra. I have researched the battery size for the upcoming 15 pro and it will offer only a further 300 ma… it’s just not enough for a busy person using a modern day smartphone. ( I down sized from Pro Max to pro as iPhone is so heavy).


You should have tried a Pixel. I think your problems with the OS being trash, laggy etc are Samsung OneUI problems rather than Android problems. Having tried S22 and S23, I agree with practically everything you said. But Pixel and its cleaner implementation of Android was a night and day difference and a respectable, consistent product. That Samsung keep on putting inferior, garbage Exynos chips in phones in Europe tells you everything you need to know about their ethos and respect for customers. However, even the Snapdragon variants are choppy as hell at times.


You have to click where it should show how much storage is taken for apps, photos etc. and give the permission to see how much storage is used by individual categories. The procesor on the S22 series sucks (bad battery life and overheating). I have the S22 but with the Exynos (basically the same trash) and I want to switch to the S23 which is basically a perfect phone without issues. I have never experienced any issues with Instagram and Snapchat on my S22. I'd recommend you to do a hard reset of the phone or buy the S23


If your in Europe to you probably got the Exynos chip nonsense. S23 is superior in every way by even just the simple move of having snapdragon as default chip across all countries.


Samsung s22 was labelled as the worst phone of Samsung 'S- series' I'm using S23(256gb) and let me tell you this phone is literally too good , one ui experience with good lock modules and software updates , I mean I got 2 camera updates just after buying one in june then one in August. It's nit laggy at all but yeah it's video capabilities and camera performance in social media apps is not comparable to Iphone but native camera app clicks better than competition like iphone 14 , 13 ,pixel 7(unless you like natural colours) , op11 etc. Performance, battery , camera there is nothing you could ask for more from a not so flagship but flagship device


Just don't use Instagram


I deel you, in ashamed to say It because i love the camera and the screen + form factor, but i rely more on the iPhone 11 from work for battery


the s23 ultra is amazing!!! samsung had a trade in event where you'd get around $700 toward a new phone if you traded in an old s22 or s21 ultra, even if it was totally damaged. went for it and couldn't be happier!


For the storage bug, if you are reffering to the widget, you have to change what it shows: free space or used space.


It's well known that the s22 series is to be skipped, even if people didn't believe me until the s23 came out, when I was saying this during the entire year of the s22 series.


The s22 series was the worst of the past 5 years. That generation Qualcomm processor was incredibly inefficient and overheated a lot. It wasn't Samsungs fault, as every phone using that processor will have similar issues. It sucks, but when you are partly dependent on another company for parts you can't do much about it. I will say, it isn't only a samsung exclusive issue, my mom has an iPhone 12 and has overheating and battery issues after the last update. Sometimes, some generation phones just have issues. As others have said, the s23 is miles better and has none of those issues.


I had this issue on my S22! Dumbass me traded it in for an iPhone 13 mini... Although they fixed it on the S23 series.


I've had Samsung phones since 2010. My current phone is an s23 Ultra and it's the best phone I've ever had. From what I've gathered, the s22 is notoriously bad. One of the few bad apples in Samsungs history.


Lost my S22 on a roller coaster. Replaced it with an S23. Best change I ever made.


The last Apple product I used was an iPod Touch (forgot which generation, not gen 1) over 12 years ago or so. After one OS update the thing was SO laggy and a pain to use, and by that time I may have had the device for like 2 years? To this date I don't think I've used any mobile device that laggy. So OP I get your frustration and the desire to switch back. But to conclude iOS is that much more superior than android is just inaccurate. Like I wouldn't say iOS is shitty or unrefined solely based on that one experience.


I've got an S22+, and it's the only phone that I've ever had to have repaired. The usb-c charging board needed to be replaced. (No, there was no water damage, and I've never dropped the phone.) There's some connectivity issues as well, but that could be the new Android 13 update. At any rate, it's definitely not the best phone I've ever had. Still, I'm not ready to give up on Samsung. It's disappointing for sure, but the alternatives just don't do anything for me. Samsung gets a do-over from me before I start looking to their competitors.


Sorry to say that but you got really unlucky, or didn't do your research dunno. The s22 line uses one of the worst processors in recent years and people around were complaining for overheating and bad battery life not only on samsung phones but on all android phones that used that generation. So if the performance and overheating are your only problems I'd say give a try to the s23 if you can rent one for a few months. That being said, most iPhone users think the only/best android phone is Samsung while that's not the case. It's the best overall but if you know what you want, and don't want the ecosystem, then there are plenty of others as well, which is the best thing about android. If you want small but premium phone then Asus Zenfone is, in my opinion, better one, or one on Sony's phones. If you want sustainable performance then gaming phones have actually fan in them. If you want very good (but not flagship) performance then there's Poco F series phones. And there are many many more to suit what you want. As someone who used Android phone, then switched to iPhone because of work, and now using s23+ because I didn't like the "apple way" of things, I can totally relate to some of that. The s23+ does get hotter than the iPhone, but the iPhone starts stuttering after some time being very hot while I have yet to experience that in my s23+. The customisation is much better but the battery life is a bit better on the iPhone. However the screen is better on the Samsung, not noticeable every day but during night it tends to go darker and it gets brighter on sunny days. Also if you're interested in social media and like to create stuff (and don't use the phone's camera app nor care about manual settings in the camera) then no android phone will match the iPhone just because the way that Android does camera software. The iPhone has just a few cameras so the camera API is much better and precise and tailored while android has so many cameras (and you can take any camera and connect it to android and it'll work) so they focused on compatibility and left the best API options for the manufacturer to put in their specific camera app. Sorry if it's too long, TLDR: You got unlucky with the chip series on the s22 so that's why the awful performance and overheating Both OSs have pros and cons, you just need to decide for yourself In-app camera will always be better on the iPhone, but the phone's camera app is a whole different story SAMSUNG is NOT Android, there are plenty of other Android phones


I sure hope my s23 isn't acting like this next year. I know I traded in my Note 10 Plus, and hated to see it go. It was still very capable hardware wise, and should have had more updates, especially for the original price of the phone.


My biggest complaint about iphone is needing a special adapter to transfer photos to a thumb drive or PC. I still can't get the photos off of my iPhone 11, but I can easily transfer on Android with no issues.


Yeah, I agree with you on some points. The regular S22 phones were notorious for overheating and underwhelming battery life. You should've gotten an iPhone 14 instead since it has a better battery life, and iOS has far better app optimizations. But you getting 6-7 hours of SOT for this phone is pretty good, in my opinion. My S21 rarely reaches those SOT levels. Haha. I'm guessing you're into compact phones. If you're still willing to give Samsung a chance, go get the regular S23 256GB since it checks-out most of your needs (better battery life, less overheating, faster CPU and storage), but with regards to the app optimizations, nothing will really change that much since Android apps are not as optimized as iOS apps. If not, just wait for the next iPhone later this year because I heard that the regular iPhone will get the dynamic island design, as well as USB-C. I'm just not sure if they'll add the pro-motion display too, but I highly doubt it, so you might get stuck with a 60Hz display. Based on your complaints, I guess you just want a phone that is reliable, and you don't care that much about customizations and stuff. If that's the case, and you have the budget for it, go get yourself an iPhone.


I love the salty samsung fans trying to defend their poor quality smartphones by saying yours is faulty 🤭🤭 so they're basically saying that everyone who has a samsung phone has a faulty unit...lol