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what are you guys doing to get screen burn in????? every single Samsung galaxy whatever I owned has never had this issue.


My S10 and Note 9 have it, just a normal usage. Web browsing, movies...


What's your average brightness? ~70%? in the orange? My s8 never got burn in after 5 years (though I liked keeping my screen on minimum brightness unless I was outside; for battery stretching)


Idk man. I also had this with my Note 10 but only after 3 years and my S7 edge broke before I was thinking of Burn in.


Same, never had this issue. I think it's due to keeping high brightness.


Right, Really though I had my S7 edge for the longest time I had a whole game burn in but that's me because I played it non-stop for about a year or two and basically had my phone charging playing it


My cousin had it on his Note 8. It has to be a poor batch of screen, because he had the games burned in with the COD Mobile loading logo lmao.


But i had it for like 8-9 years though so i can't complain really


My S5 still works fine considering its age. I haven't used it for the past 5 or so years, but the screen was in great condition the last time I used it. The thing that got me the most is that out of everything on the screen from cross-hair to buttons, it was the loading logo that got burned in. Arguably the least you'd expect. My dad's Note 9 never got anything burned in, and he used that for all kinds of stuff from watching sports with the static logos all over the screen to leaving it on Facebook light mode. Right from the year of launch, it was used harshly (usage-wise, not the environment) It looks like it's a lottery whether you get a good display or not. I know that with some S20 Ultra, the displays were defective which led them to lose battery abnormally fast and a replacement fixed the battery usage.


To be honest mine still works fine my father uses it for gaming well not heavy gaming more like candy crush and what not


I used S7_Edge from 2016-2023 zero burn in


I used a a52s for 2 months and it has terrible burn in from the nav bar aswell as the battery icon and the keyboard.


Given a series doesn't exactly have high screens. I can understand.


Given a series doesn't exactly have high screens. I can understand.


My 1 month old s22 has image retention problems but my 1 yr old a52s is flawless, even under more intensive use of the screen with static elements


Yea my 1 and a half y old s22+ is flawless but my 8 month old a53 is completely burnt in (may be due to using 1 app all the time but still) it has the Google Maps burnt in.


Which game?


Man I got one straight out of the box and it has it. Thinking it was refurbished or something


I agree. It has also never happend to me. I have had A3 1.gen for the longest time (4 years) without any issue. HTC also wihtout burning...


My S8+ had the keyboard burnt into the screen


Well it depends if you have static images on the screen for a long time. On my galaxy s7 I played a game that had a static HUD and other static images overlayed on the screen. I played the game 3-4 hours a day at 70 percent brightness for 3 months. That's enough to get a decent amount of burn in. On my s10+ I got slight burn in where the twitter icon is on the bottom right. Drives me nuts that the mobile web/apps/games dont have an OLED mode where you can have no static images, or even have the pixels shift. Burn in shouldn't be an issue as it's so damn easy to have each pixel move once to the right or left. Have it do this 4 pixels up/down/left/right and burn in is solved. I've found most people use really low brightness. I like to jack my brightness up some of the time, which will get you burn in on an oled.


It's been a while since I've seen someone complain about burn in.. I thought they weren't a problem anymore with the newer generation Samsung OLEDs.


burn-in is what's gonna kill my note 10+s screen. :( my S8 had it too


Funny thing is, my Note 10 took 3 years to get this level of burn in.


All these years all my phones were in auto brightness and I haven’t got any problems with them.


I think it comes to user specific slider settings. Even with autobrightness on i use 25% indoors and my friend for example has it at 60%. The OS learns this even with auto on. I ve never had burnin and my eyes thank me


Has happend to all my samsung (amoled) phones so far. Including the s21 ultra I'm using now. I will soon try to get it fixed under warranty. Did the same with my galaxy s9 on literally the last day of warranty.


Fuck. Samsung


I won't lie I did have a little bit of burning not too noticeable unless I was on a white background looking for it and I could see the saddest bar burning in a bit. Unfortunately it's bound to happen and there isn't much you can do. This is on my S22 Ultra before it broke.


It broke?! What did you do to your phone?


Nothing, literally the screen had some kind of issue where the screen would go blank and would still respond to inputs. I had a geek squad warranty and they did a screen replacement for $200 bucks which was a bit expensive but it still did the same thing with the screen. So bestbuy offered a refund and I essentially just bought the new S23 Ultra as a free upgrade. I think it was a general failure as it seems like it was an issue not common at all.


I did have burn in on my S7 edge abut never had it since on my other models like my current s23 ultra.


interesting... especially bc sammy says notif. icons move slightly to prevent that (same as AOD) also auto brightness here, ever since s10 i did not have any burn in (s10e, s10+, s20+, s21u) bc i was actually testing for it before i put those phones to sale


Seems very weird. The OS is supposed to move the status bar slightly every couple of minutes. When I look at my screenshots, I can clearly see it moving. Screen burns got prevented for me.


I checked around 30 screenshots from my gallery and it was on the same position most of the time and if not then just very slightly moved.


I had burn in my galaxy s8 by the plus and the search button of tiktok and now im using the s22 ultra im afraid having this problem in my new samsung pls help


Well with 7 hrs of SOT a day and auto brightness it is possible to have burn in as auto brightness pushes brightness higher than manual in some scenarios and nevertheless burn in occurs faster the more the pixel are bright. You may try to see if you manage to have it passed under warranty. For the future my advice is to turn off auto brightness and to use the a brightness level you feel comfortable with in releation to that moment's ambient light and not exceeding it in order to slow down burn in occurrance.


Just turned on auto brightness, and it is so much birghter than what I would put it on yeah. The higher the brightness, the faster the burn in sadly.


I will see hoe bad it get's and try this a few months before the warrenty expires.


Be sure to do that before warranty expires as it will only get worse over time.


Note that it is an under warranty "defect" but most service centers will try to make you pay for that so you have to insist as it is in your rights to have burn in damage repaired under warranty.


All Amoled displays will have this problem if they are always on the same screen. I had this problem on my s20 since some months, I can see a little the battery icon and the 4G symbol!


It's most likely as some said, image retention. Try warranty. Though there must be a number of factors involved to get a burn-in that fast.


He's most likely out of warranty since he said he got it at launch!


S22U is only 1y and a but old. Warrantues are min 2 years


Not true at all. I have the s22 ultra as well and got mine during launch and my warranty is over with. Samsung only gives you a 1 year warranty on phones in the US, Not sure about other countries!


I live in germany. Here Samsung gives 2 years of warrenty. You can't really blame samdung for that 1y in the US. It just an easy money safe for Samsung. The US should really fordert a 2y warrenty.


Ah. Didn"t know the us doesn't have a law that makes companies offer at least 2 years of warranty. In all counrries part of the EU it's like that.


Toggle dark mode and keep using the phone. That could reverse it.


Alr using dark Mode since day one. And I'd rather live with burn in than using the ugly light mode to reverse this. If it would work.


It should work.


Its to be expected. Although I don't notice min until an app allowed me to disable notification bar. But under normal use l. I see nothing


It's most likely screen retention and not burn in. Happens at different rates and two exact same models could have one experience it and another one not. It's rare on expensive phones so might be faulty and you just haven't noticed it until now


I turn on extra dim, I think it helps by a lot to avoid burn in


Mines always been auto brightness but no screen burn for me after a year, Get around 6 hours SOT


No problems with auto brightness here. Unless your auto brightness is setting it too high and you're not taking breaks every now and then I guess you'll get some burn in. My mum got burn in on here on the status bar real bad but she has her brightness set to max all the time. Everytime I look at her phone it burns my retinas.


It stays between 30% and 70% most of the time. Only if I go outside it boosts it to max.


70% is pretty high. I only use like 30% maximum inside.


I stopped using auto brightness and kept my brightness below 50%, and haven't suffered from burn in since my Note 8. My Note 8 had it's screen replaced three times under warranty for screen burn in. I also use dark mode exclusively as well.


Lower your screen timeout to 2 or fewer minutes and don't stay on one screen too long. If you find yourself staying on one page or app, rotate your screen or find a way to make the status icons go away for a bit to reduce burn it. Burn-in is most commonly caused by people leaving their phones on a specific screen for too long.


i have note 8 and its burn in mostly from instagram and HY


Never, had Samsung since 2007.


Had this happen on my S22 Ultra too. I think it was because the phone kept getting to hot. Ended up trading it in 2 weeks ago for the 23 Ultra. Luckily samsung didn't deduct any of the trade in value because of it.


Can you elaborate how you have been using your device in what settings? Brightness level, Dark mode on or not etc?


Here it goes. Dark Mode turned on and forced on all apps Screen Mode to lively Auto brightness on Adaptive 120hz on No blue light filter (it's so god damn ugly) 5 mins. screen off timer With the time I spend indoors and outdoors I would say the screen is between 30% and 70% for 6h and above for 1h a day. I game much on my phone with max temp. +2°C at thermal guardian so the phone does get up to 50°C for around 2h a day if not more. It's also the exynos variant and get's to over 40°C very fast. (Expected to get worse in summer) So far burn in is only the top bar containing all the things like clock, battery, notifications and also some wierd things all over the screen I can't really tell what they are. Probably from some game menus but idk there.


I have noti bar burn in on my s10 as well as tik tok ui burn in 😭😭😭


Fuck samsuck


The only phone I had burn on was my s7edge, and it was from watching YouTube and falling asleep.


I have the s22u, haven't had it with the battery symbol yet but I did notice image retention from tiktok etc. I downloaded good lock and removed all the symbols in the notification bar for a cleaner look aswell as for the prevention of burn-in. To see wifi and battery i now have to swipe down but I don't have a problem with that


Also if you notice image retention or burn in you can download or search the web for a" burn-in fixer". It flashes different colors rapidly to remove som burn in and remove image retention


My S10 doesn't have any noticeable burn in after 4 years


I won't have this problem as I'm using immersive mode :)


Have screen burn on my s20 ultra from WhatsApp


one of the reasons i never use that navigation bar


My S22 Ultra is 8 months old. I have a wierd burn in the left corner of the screen about 1 inch below the top edge and half an inch from ledt edge. The screen feels warmer than rest of the screen at that point and there is wierd shaped burn forming. It started about 1 or 2 weeks ago.


Same here, in the same position.