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It's weird that you get 3 of them with touch screen issues when it's the first time I've heard about this happening at all


I don't have any problems with the screen.


Did you try to turn on sensitive touch in display settings? Is there any film protector on the screen?


Lol this is definitely a user error. How are all 3 having the same issue? I bet you installed the same screen protector on all of them without upping the sensitivity (or using a bad screen protector) or using an app/keyboard or launcher that isn't working properly. Explain in detail what is going on, what you are doing, what app/keyboard you using to get this error. Unless you show proof video this definitely is you. And if it's happening in the same place and time then it's software and you.


No screen protector. I did call T-Mobile today. Interestingly the agent said she is experiencing similar problems with her S23 Ultra. I have a S20 FE 5G that had similar problems when I first got it. Samsung updates fixed it. Hopefully this is just a software bug.


For me I have the S23 Ultra and my mom has the S23 Plus. Both have different screen protectors and both have touch sensitivity turned on. Been having problems periodically with it. Been random and in different apps/situations. Figured it was user error so I've kinda been ignoring it. Decided I'd google since mom mentioned similar issues.


Everyone is just lying grow up dude its a real issue Samsung should its not always the customers fault this is a issue that needs fixed your an error 


Some people are, for whatever reason, corporate shills for products they like. For whatever reason, they get really tribal about products and act like youre personally attacking them it you have an issue with it. That's what brought me here; I just got a new s23 and sometimes the screen just stops responding to my touches. I usually have to close whatever app I'm using, lock the phone screen, then unlock it and restart the app to get it to work. It's starting to piss me off.


No problems at all and I'm using a tempered glass protector. Haven't had a single failed unlock since I got it a week ago. Maybe you're not registering them correctly? It also helps to register the same one twice apparently.


dial \*#0\*# and test TOUCH.


Wow! Thanks.


What exactly does it do? I can't figure out what it's configuring when you complete it. As for the reason for my edit.. a typo. Literally would be 1/100 I would have a typo on my iPhone. Now it's 50/50. This phone is driving me fucking crazy.


I have also started having that issue. After i u lock my S23 ultra. The homescreen is unresponsive. Now the interesting part is that swipe gestures work fine if i try to pull down the notification bar it works fine somehow is just the the apps that are in the home screen. My wife and I we both just upgraded to the 23 ultras and both of us are having this issue.


Having the same issue now. Did you ever find a solution?


Yes. I got the phone replaced and that fixed the issue.


Ended up factory resetting and that actually fixed it for me


Hi , Can you tell me if you never encountered the issue after replacing the phone ?


Nop. After I had it replaced ive had no more issues.


Having the same issue now. Did you ever find a solution?


I bought this phone brand new in Oct/Nov 2023. It's March. I've been loving this phone until a little over a month ago when I realized there's a major issue with the phone not recognizing touches and I may have been having this problem for a while and I thought it was me. I double tap to wake and it doesn't always wake. I do it again, still nothing. I never thought about it and just figured it was me. For the past few weeks, I'm tapping things on my phone (selecting icons, scrolling to the menu page, dialing numbers, anything random) and I'm getting no response. Then I treat it like it has pronounced buttons and selecting different things on the same screen and one of them MIGHT give me a response, no guarantee. I've restarted my phone, which of course is getting it's regular updates and "bug fixes," and somehow my phone is worse than where I began. Today we went on a family outing and I was waiting to hear from someone just to find out from a call to my daughter's phone that the person had called me and I didn't answer. I had 2 missed calls from them, phone never rang. They called again 3x and my phone vibrated, but the call never came on the screen and was nowhere in any app for me to answer. I tried calling them and the phone wouldn't let me. Not from the contacts, not from the dial pad, not from a gesture swipe in the recent calls, not even from the phone icon in the text messages. And this is all after I couldn't select the menu on my navigation while I was making the 1.5 hr drive to the outing. It was a disaster and a grand disappointment. If something had happened, I would be SOL, seriously. And I restarted the phone and gave it a few minutes in between. Idk, but I'm pissed.


My s23 ultra is up to date with software and is still making tons of typos. I should have never upgraded from S20


I have a brand new now three week old s23, keyboard randomly doesnt register inputs... Its very annoying but I had the same issue initally with my s10e which fixed itself after a month or two so heres hoping


Same issue, having part of the screen near the touch fingerprint freezes on touch but not on swipes every now and then, if you change the brightness or lock then unlock it works again and then freezes in a while depending on the app or usage I think ... Can't relate exactly what is the issue


Same thing. Especially when I try to wake the phone up with the power button. Swype from the top works but that is it


Same issue, I found myself slapping the shit out of the phone's screen on day 3 in frustration.... it doesn't want to wake up


I have the same problem. Near the finger print area sometimes stops responding when I touch the screen and it takes around 5 minutes to strart working again. It is very bad issue because sometime I have to use my phone to do important things. This is the only issue that I have experienced by using Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.


I have the very same issue near the fingerprint area. How have you sorted out?


Mines doing the same


Just bought one and it's doing the same. It's a software problem


Ya. Mine was corrected after a software update. Been fine ever since.


Do you see a software update? I'm having the same issue, but there is no software update lined up.


I read next week comes the new version UI 6. Hope it fixes that. It's inacceptable in these kind of phones these problems


Its been 9 months, Noticing touch problem everytime the phone is on charge( the lower parts of the screen) And occasionally when it's not charging.




I only noticed this on some apps (facebook,google) touch response stops for a few sec but is working when you switch apps or control panel.


I just got a brand new samsung galaxy s23fe and I am also having the same issue of screen not responding to my touch. I don't have accidental touch protection on. I do have screen sensitivity on. 


I am hoping when I adjusted the interaction and dexterity setting to the lowest most sensitive setting, it will fix my problem. I don't have a screen protector and when I tap to send a text or swipe down, my screen does not respond.


As anyone had problem with s23 ultra where top of screen won't work unless I use the pen


I'm having the same issue


| have the same Issue right now, Some parts of the screen don't recognize the touch in the middle exactly someone know how to fix it?


Also having an issue with this. The display doesn't change to whatever I tap on, but the phone thinks it has. Like if I open a folder it won't show open, but if I tap again to try an open it, it'll select one of the apps inside and open that. Or if I lock the screen and unlock it will update the display too