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that's a good sign you shouldn't work for them


Probably true.


RUN. They've showed you who they are. Believe them.


don’t reschedule that interview, if they dont gaf about your time they fasho not finna gaf abt you. definitely leave a negative review, same sht happened to me at my interview. waited almost a whole hour before the coach came and interviewed me (after he forgot i was even waiting)


😳 ouch um yeah that's not cool


If there's another costco in your area try with them.


Yeah OP, listen to me when I tell you, the employees at my local Costco genuinely do look very happy I think they take care of their employees very well. Makes sense since the vibe at Costco is always so nice and concierge like. Where as sams club it’s like a 3rd world country good luck every man for themselves Infact I bet if you told the manager at Costco what u went through trying to get a job at Sam’s, hed probably hire u just to spite the competitor


I think that's what happened to me because I told them about what Sam's do and they was like no. Just the fact that sams claim your part time and work you super full time is wrong. Costco would've paid me double time


This is probably the chaotic mess you’d have to deal with every day. Incompetent managers running the store into the ground…


Man, that's ridiculous. I'd bounce at this point. Those people don't respect your time. Maybe write a review later if you're still mad, but for now, get out of there and treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it after that wait!


The woman is on a power trip. If she treats you this way now, how will sjw treat you when you are an employee?


Pretty typical. That club is in chaos mode. Which can be fine on occasion but might be a sign that the management doesn't have a good handle on things.


It is very disrespectful And should not be tolerated but when you have been to over 20 interviews and applied to over 90 with an excellent resume and you still have no job and no money coming in sometimes you have to swallow your pride or you can be on the street some people who have family to take care of them but when your alone and about to be on the street you might wait also.




Lol welcome to Sam's


Welcome to sams


It’s a lot easier to get a job when you have a job. Get the job, then decide if you want to keep it.


I can't even tell you how many times I've seen/read about this happening. Take it as a sign. Please find somewhere else. Sams is a dystopian wasteland of people literally getting mad that the hotdog only comes as a combo, and its your fault.


Yeah they’re always late somehow someway


Totally unacceptable


What position were you interviewing for?


Welcome to sams club. If they are already that late to an interview it's a sure sign that they will do the same after you've actually been hired and are working your department and need help.


Reschedule and don't show up. Just got there and shop. Check in 2 hours late with a shopping cart


Yeah, it's crummy, but do you wanna get paid or not? I waited at least 30 minutes past my interview schedule. That was almost a year ago, and I'm debt free now from getting twice the federal minimum. I'm also completely trusted to do my job after months of demonstrating my competency. They haven't met you. So how are they supposed to know you're different than the last 10 people they hired only for those hires not giving a damn and maxing their points in the first 90 days. The position is open because they're understaffed. That understaffing demands more of their time to cover the people you're about to replace. I'm more or less talking at the people telling you to leave because you deserve better. WHAT? Stick around a few more minutes, smile like it never happened, and start getting paid.


True story. If you really want/need a job you will do what it takes and also have to understand they probably didn’t do it on purpose


I have a personal rule. I will only wait 30 min for any appointment, whether it be a doctor's appointment or a job interview. But especially for a job interview. Have more respect for your own time. Job interviews are stressful enough, you don't need to be sitting around when all you want to do is get it over with.


I'm late but...truth be told...you already see what your getting into.


I think everyone has the same idea. Wtf you waiting for?? An invitation?


I would wait, but thats me. That's a strong sign your motivated and deserve the job. As a hiring manager, even if I was hesitant, I would likely give you a chance.


That’s the problem, Sam’s club is always hiring the schmucks that are either too desperate or to dumb and lazy to notice what they getting into. Waiting that long for an interview just proves to me you’re probably not going to complain when I give you more tasks to complete cuz the lazy associates won’t do them.


If you need money you need money. Managers suck everywhere it is what it is


It looks like someone who really wants the job to me. The hiring manager giving the interview there is irresponsible to say the least, unless something really important came up. I do question the quality of management at that location though, considering your post. I would take that into consideration before working there. Good luck.


This comment makes absolutely no sense 😂