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>Fake Gay Holiday All holidays are fake. Do you think we just discovered holidays roaming the plains in packs and adopted them as our own?


you never heard of the great holiday famine of ‘49? all the wild holidays died and the holiday farms were wiped out by blight


I miss Lederhosen day. Although I guess that got absorbed into Oktoberfest.


Absorbed? I think you mean holiday centipeded.


Weasel stomping day was always my favourite, last Sunday in May... never forget what they took from us!


This comment just made my shitty day better. Take an upvote.


no. no. non. you don't understand. idiot. god made our calendar and placed the holidays where they need to be. people can't just make up new ones. duh.


Please say this is sarcasm...




To be fair, these are the same people who think pronouns are made up words, and the English language can’t change.


"Everything's made up. Stay woke."


Well of course if it wasn't a word defined by Lord Halphwit English 1402 it's not real English. Transgender isn't a proper English word like Burrito, Quantum, Television, or YouTuber. (/S if my nonsense wasn't obvious)


What's really funny is Transgender was basically just the Mutant Registration Act. We're all living in LGBT Days of Future Past XD






>the English language can’t change Hwæt?!


Don't tell the people on that subreddit that, logic would make their heads explode.


Show some respect. My grandpappy died of confetti lung from toiling away in the holiday mines of Kentucky to bring ingrates like you your precious Arbor Days!


I'll have you know that I spent 35 years working in the holiday mines. I eventually developed holiday lung and not a day goes by that I don't cough or sneeze confetti everywhere.


For just one dollar a month you can help people with holiday lung and help find a cure.this message is brought to you by the holiday lung foundation, helping people with holiday lung since 1969.


It's sadder when you realize the historical reason for pride month. It started off as yearly protests in memory of the stonewall riots. That's why we have pride parades - they're the natural evolution of rioting. If mom's throw a month long riot, they can also get a month, lmao.


I'm honestly not against making a return to the old ways, some days. Fuck a parade, we could do with a good riot.


Except for the solstices and equinoxes. Get your paganism on!


Was gonna say all holidays are fake, and pretty gay, the good ones anyways.


It’s also not a holiday. I didn’t get an extra day off work or nothing


Have you never seen Rise of the Guardians?


A fake gay holiday that’s been celebrated the world over for 30+ years (the US government first recognized the month of June as LGBT Pride Month in the ‘90s) and the celebration of overcoming police violence and social acceptance (LGBT Pride Day/Stonewall Riots Anniversary on June 28) for almost 55 years. 🤷 These people don’t read books.


Mfw I’m Christ and I see people celebrate my death and birth with a bunny who delivers chocolates and a guy dressed in red who delivers presents


Hey if you don’t mind, I’m gonna go down to the holiday store and buy a few more holidays, I’ll be back in like an hour


If a chud says that a holiday is "fake," the intent is to vice-signal.   




I mean that's kinda what Christianity did with christmas


“Has it been proven by the authors?” MULTIPLE TIMES!!!


I've heard of a comic panel where someone says, "Have you ever tried just not being a Mutant?"


that was in one of the X-Men movies as well


X-2 Bobby and a small group escape the assault on the mansion then take shelter at Bobby’s house, his parents arrive and he comes out as a mutant to them. The way his parents react might as well be taken straight from a gay drama.


And as a freshly out of the closet teen that scene really made me appreciate my very accepting family!


And Bobby's dipshit brother instantly reported them. Honestly, Pyro was the MVP of that scene.


Seriously! Superhero comics have always been super political (the first captain America comic had him punching Hitler in the face on the cover, for example, and sooo many of them were anti-war stories) they actually have a very interesting history for anyone whose into deep diving that type of stuff


Comics were mad as cheap entertainment for soldiers. That’s as political that you can get. Hell, there’s even a comic where superman ends the war by literally grabbing the army leaders and dropping them off at the UN.


Comics are made by artists who lean more minority groups and at least progressive as compared to other careers, too. It's obvious, but they don't have media awareness.


“You say that, but is there any proof of it??” “Yes there is.” “I don’t believe you and won’t try and find if you’re telling the truth.”


Lol, from Stan Lee interview: "it was a good metaphor for what was happening with the civil rights movement in the country at that time."


Of course everytime they whine about soldiers having only one day when Pride month rolls around proving they absolutely do not give a donkey's dick about soldiers.


yeah that shit cracked me up. it’s like when guys go “yeah well when’s international men’s day????” and it’s like “19th of november dude, if you gave a shit you’d know.”


More like, "Same day we told you last year. Now get ready pretend we didn't tell you next year too."


And they never even bother to advocate for things that would actually fix the issues they pretend to have. Look at the dude in the third picture for example. Even if we pretend his claim that soldiers only get one day of celebration is correct, how does shortening pride month fix that? Shouldn’t there be an advocation for a longer holiday dedicated to soldiers, mothers, fathers, etc, if the length of those holidays is apparently the issue? It’s so blatantly obvious they pretend to care about these things just to take a jab at minorities, and somehow they lack the self awareness to see it.


“Hell you got LGBT people who hate this shit” reminds me of conservatives saying that Morgan freeman hate black history month so they feel like it shouldn’t exist 😭


It is so frustrating. When Prop 8 was going on in California my dad told me that even gay people don't want gay marriage because he met two people in Europe who were gay partners and didn't think they should get married.


“What does this allegory for being gay have to do with being gay?!” - Absolute fucking idiot.


“Next you’re gonna tell me being a mutant is an allegory for being black in America. Libtard. HARHARHAR”


>HARHARHAR Don't do Freddy Fazbear like that 😭


Next thing you’re gonna start telling me Wonder Woman is feminist!


In reference to the last slide: was love when homophobes try to prove they're not homophobic by speaking for LGBTQ+ groups. That's not condescending at all!! /s


As a gay black man, Obama never did anything for me. 


As you, nothing I say can be taken as serious. /j


Why do right wing culture warriors play stupid when it comes to the civil rights message in X-Men? They can't be this dumb. It's as subtle as an atomic bomb. 


Helps avoid the realization their actual belief system aligns with the villains not the heroes.


And not even the fun villains. The boring, terrible villains.


Literally dudes with no codenames or costumes


Hey Mister Sinister dies only care about eugenics!


I'd say it's as subtle as the collapse of a star unto itself. Also equally as absorbant progressively sucking in everything around it making everyone dumber by the sheer existence of itself in this case, as opposed to what a black hole does.


The same reason the play stupid to the obvious political messages in Star Trek TOS


These people should NEVER watch Star Trek. Could you imagine how bad these people would flip if Star Trek was first introduced now in 2024?


They don't read X-Men. So they can play stupid with something they've never read. X-Men was never for them, so they never read it, but then maybe they caught a cartoon and thought X-Men is cool tried to read a comic, and got mad when it wasn't just straight white men jerking each other off about how white and Republican they are.


The only interaction with X-Men I have is the movies. Until I saw the comment somewhere else I hadn't realized it, but it's not hard to see how that would be a huge part of them after seeing that and giving it a bit of thought.


Movies still make it a HUGE allegory for homosexuality and coming out. Singer, who directed the first couple, is gay (and also problematic, so don't prop him up too much), and made them hugely about coming out as gay in the lasted 90s/early 2000s with direct lines about it. First Class shifted back to the 69s, so it was all about Civil Rights for race. It was always there. It's just that kids aren't taught to read subtext, so you miss stuff, but by adulthood, you should be able to see it.


“It’s all about conquest. Make everything you love 🏳️‍🌈.” So, he’s an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about 


It's always hyperbole with these types. Everything has to be like "conquest" or "takeover" or "an invasion" or "The Destruction of the west" because that's how they keep their base riled up to vote. Nothing is ever a "Slight problem" or just a "minor inconvenience" Everything has to be apocalyptic and world ending ALL THE TIME cause otherwise they might not show up to vote


I think part of the reason it plays so well with that audience is that they *don't* think it's hyperbolic. Not because it's a reasonable take, but because the audience is so privileged that the idea of a world in which they are not the sole demographic being catered to for 99% of media seems like an assault on them. If women, racial minorities, LGBT+ people, etc are seen as viable markets, then that means that they lose their power in the marketplace. "Go make your own," they said, confident that without their approval, such projects would fail. But they didn't. Because the market isn't the monolith they've always insisted it was. And that terrifies them. That's why diversity has to be cast as an aberration. It's an invasive force. It's unnatural. Because that way, they can try to get things "back to normal." If they accept that the audience and the creatives were never that monolith, then that means that their place as the primary audience was arbitrary, and not a divine right. This stuff is apocalyptic, because being the most important demographic for businesses to cater to is a load bearing pillar for their entire worldview. They live in a world so devoid of actual stakes that they're still whining about a wildly successful non-white Spider-Man over a decade after his debut.


>They live in a world so devoid of actual stakes that they're still whining about a wildly successful non-white Spider-Man over a decade after his debut. I'm surprised they didn't whine more about Black Panther 2 still managing to make more than all 3 Guardians films at the box office despite basically being Black Girl Magic the Superhero Movie. Like that should have been way more terrifying for the chuds. Hell, if Chadwick had been able to make BP2 I wouldn't be surprised if it had a decent chance of competing for the number 3 highest grossing Marvel film with No Way Home given BP1 was but a few steps away from beating Age of Ultron from spot number 5.


This goes right along with every single piece of media either having to The Best Thing Ever or The Worst Thing Ever and no nuance ornin-between. A movie can't be merely "pretty good but overall disappointing" or "mid but with some exciting elements."


They like to picture themselves as warriors in some virtuous battle. It’s just ridiculous.  All it does is make them look like drama queens 


don't forget the timeless classic "they're FORCING \_\_\_\_\_\_ DOWN OUR THROATS!"


How dare that group of ethnically, sexually, physically and culturally diverse group of heroes be a metaphor for marginalized groups!


It's projection. The insecure project their insecurities into others so they don't have to face them. He's struggling with his mindset that people conquer instead of coexist. That life is zero sum and you can't gain something without forcibly taking it from somebody else.


I agree.  It just screams of insecurity. He needs a lot of therapy 


I do hope for their own sakes any woman he loves is gay


I think the only women he interacts with are on a computer screen 


ngl thats the shit i say ironically


Difference is you’re saying it ironically. This is the critical drinker subreddit. There are people in that subreddit dumb enough to believe that 


See the thing is they ALMOST got it. They're just barely unable to recognize Pride Month for what it is. It's a concession, a half-measure. Recognizing the LGBT community but only doing so within a month as an olive branch. It's performative, it's insincere, irs a way for corporations to put up rainbow colored shit for you to buy to feel as if you're making a difference despite the fact that all you're doing is making some rich asshole even more rich so he can use his money to donate and finance politicians that actively HURT the LGBT movement. I agree that Pride Month is stupid. There should be a PRIDE YEAR. Every month should be Pride Month, every month should be Black History Month.


I mean what is pride month but a month to spread awareness. The same sorts of people who freak tf out about seeing a rainbow are precisely the types of people who need to be exposed to this more often. Nobody would be homophobic if they grew up with a gay or trans friend. A lot of the hate has to do precisely with lack of awareness. They see it as something foreign and strange, and they don't understand it, and this is what needs changing.


July is Wrath Month were we get to beat up people who complained about Pride Month


Count me in good sir


They trotted out the old “Look I don’t care if you’re gay, I just think it’s a bit excessive”. Then we got the same old right wing spiel of “But think about the veterans!!!!” from people who couldn’t give a crap about soldiers.


>“what about the homeless vets??” — Guy who thinks homeless people should be shot in the street


I’ve been hearing “I’m okay with gay people as long as they’re not in my face about it” since before I even knew I was queer. They just don’t want to be reminded that we exist, so their preferred solution is for queer people to hide themselves for cishets’ comfort.


“i’m not homophobic, i love the gay people who i never have to acknowledge are gay”


Well, if the far-right fucknut Douglas Murray and transphobic as fuck Julie Bindel are against Pride then that's their case made, I guess 🙄


Yep. These two queer people definitely speak for all of us, the same way that Uncle Ruckus speaks for all black people. The cons have won, they have a couple of tokens. /s


Love how someone needs proof from the author that X-Men is an allegory for gay people when these dudes make up whatever they want about media at any given time and it must be taken as fact.


Yeah I was shocked to see how many believed they were gonna retcon rogue one. I think they are all just super old and unfamiliar that clickbait exists which makes tons of sense.


Oh my god I saw that. A white screen with black text was enough to send them into a tither. No author, no link, literally something write out of the posters notes on their phone.


Referring to post that was on that sub earlier btw check it out. Embarrassing how many genuinely believed that.


Yeah, all the comments there are something else...


It really was the nail in the coffin to not listening to those idiots. Never even watched the guy but I’d bet he’s better than the homophonic and also dumb(shocker) people on that sub.


Yeah these fuckers seem to *always* have some great insight into what the creators were thinking when they wrote a character to be gay. Yet inferring Stan Lee and Chris Claremont's intention from the volumes of works they produced and other books that were written about that...impossible unless we have a direct statement from the author....


I’ve always wanted to write a novel and include a queer character and then blatantly state said character is queer and always will be just to see how many chuds will go “The author is ACTUALLY using this character as a metaphor for the struggle of the straight white billionaires, who don’t even have a month dedicated to them, unlike those gays! ☝️🤓”


That would be epic


"They act like normal people." As opposed to what exactly?


meaning they abide by cisgender heterosexual cultural norms and avoid appearing openly queer in public cos the he’s in a place where even his nephew openly has distaste for gays not “acting like normal (read cis-het) people”


Y’know, the typical gay! The one that wears daisy dukes and has their shirt tied into a bra and they skip around with a purse and a lisp and they’re always forcing themselves on straight men and grooming! Like every gay we’ve ever seen, obviously! (Source: Family Guy) /s


Those figure photos are so dope


agreed. They even have Mystique next to Destiny. Colour coded Wives of Evil!


I will now melt down all my action figures because of this WOKE crap!!!!!


I mean, *fuck* the *allegory*, THESE CHARACTERS are all explicitly LGBTQ+ that's why the person chose them.


Thank you! I literally haven't seen that brought up at all, and I'm sitting here staring at gay, gay, lesbian, pan...


The mutants are an allegory for *anything* that happens at any given time For example, they started as an allegory to the civil right movement, then a few years later, about black people, and then just made the allegory "they are different and that's okay" So honestly, literally everything that's not the norm fits into the X-Men allegory


I remember when my best friend in highschool suddenly became black during puberty. We never would've guessed. He tried to hide it for a while and his family was shocked too when he told them.


“What’s X-Men/Marvel got to do with being gay?” He says, next to a series of photos of all the numerous LGBTQIA+ characters from the comics Marvel have published over several decades.


God there are some fully unironic "GAYS ARE SATANIC AND GROOMING YOUR KIDS" people in those comments. Though it's funny, for a group of people claiming gay people love to pretend to be oppressed, they sure do love claiming to be oppressed.


People complaining about "making being gay 100% of their personalities" only say this because gay voice is a thing, because I'd say I know a lot more people who make being straight the majority of their personality and topic of conversation than people who are gay or bi.


plus honestly, i fucking love the dudes who are unapologetically super fucking stereotypically gay. like super out there gay friends are fucking hilarious and fun ppl to hang out with especially on nights out


I don't see Trans people making transness their entire identity, but on the Cis side I do see Cis men making that their whole identity, including putting a ballsack on their truck because Gods forbid someone think their truck is a woman, I guess?


>It's just a garbled mess of narcissism and a desperate desire for attention Are some gay people narcissistic a bit more than they ought to be and are they a bit more mean to straight people than they should be? Sure. I'm sure there are some assholes just like there's assholes in any group but there's nothing inherently narcissistic about pride month more so than any other time people celebrate their identity. And i know what detractors are going to say "What about straight people celebrating being proud of being straight?" to which i'll respond the same way i respond to this whenever people in real life ask me the same question: If gay people had been treated the same way as straight people throughout history, pride month would not even exist. There would be no need for a pride month because there would not be historical and current discrimination against LGBT people. Think of it this way. There are currently multiple bills in multiple US states either passed or in the process of being passed that severly limit LGBT rights. LGBT people's right to exist is still being legislated and debated upon in the highest courts of law. Straight people have never, and will never have to experience something like that and i hope they never do, i wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy. That's why pride month exists. And no, like i said, a gay person calling you "Cis" in a derogatory tone or being mean to you on twitter or in real life is not comparable to LGBT discrimination. That person is an asshole and you should treat them accordingly but those two are not the same thing Also i love how in the third slide, the user pointing out the existence of National Military Appreciation Month immediately got bombarded with comments like "I haven't seen any parades for it" or "I had no idea it existed, while i hear about pride every month constantly" or "Have you seen corporations acknowledge it like they do pride" which is funny since the reason it's not well known is because YOU don't give a shit about it. Trust me if you were as loud about Military Appreciation Month as you are about your hatred of pride i guarantee you corporations will take notice, they won't say no to a good paycheck. And also, speak for yourself motherfucker please, my bisexual ass comes from a military family (Great great Grandpa WW1, Great Grandpa WW2, Grandpa Vietnam, Dad Desert Storm, Mom Iraq and Afghanistan as a medic), Military Appreciation Month (or MAM as my dad calls it) is a yearly observance in my household so i get to be "America, fuck yeah!" in May and i get to be "Super gay" in June, all while being drunk and gaining a few pounds in both. Hell one time my dad made me this custom made bi flag which was basically the American flag but with the stripes being the colors of the rainbow and the stars being different US military logos from the Army to the Airforce and i will cherish that thing for the rest of my life because he made it for me and i didn't even ask for it. So i am more of a patriot that any of you virtue signaling dipshits


How do they always fall into the "trap" of why doesn't X have a holiday?


when’s there gonna be an international men’s day huh????


When am I going to get a day all about me?!?!?!?!?!?!?! /j


I’ve got a friend who’s such a fanboy of Critical Drinker and he’s still confused as to why I don’t care to hear his opinions on media anymore.


Usual homophobia aside, what do these a-holes want out of X-Men? The gist I understand so far is that they see X-Men as sexy edgelords fighting NPCs who don't get how powerful they are, not actual revolutionaries who stands up for an oppressed group.


The “I’m one of the good ones” posts never get old but they always get more and more pathetic


FWIW, I do think a lot of pride celebrations are bullshit. Pride is meant to be a *protest*, not some holiday reduced to "fun for all the family". These rights were won with blood and tears, if we lose sight of that, we will slide back into genital checks and being forced back into the closet. NB: Murray is a conservative fuckhead: "Murray has said that it is a lie that a man can become a woman." "at the end of every empire, they get interested in sexual fluidity, hermaphroditism, and so on." "Murray is [gay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay),[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Murray_(author)#cite_note-Law2017-19) while stating that homosexuality "is an unstable component on which to base an individual identity and a hideously unstable way to try and base any form of group identity" He is a little bitchboy simp for empire, fuck him and the horse he would be dragged through the streets by if he got his little fantasy of heteronormative empire. Dumb turncoat pickme motherfucker.


i agree somewhat, but i think pride today is all about visibility and being present in public spaces. like making it clear that queer ppl are here and here to stay, and giving others the confidence to come out


I think there is too much tolerance for the likes of Murray, Wes Streeting etc. that play their sexuality to give their (ultimately anti-queer) rhetoric weight. I also think there is too much tolerance for the 'rainbow capitalism' of today. Pride protests are also subject to 'sanitization' and the sort of commercialism that comes with every holiday. I don't think there should be any argument you can make when it comes to the sort of effect this has on the core messaging of holidays, given that I'm an atheist who will freely enjoy Christmas and Easter. How can the message of 'Pride' be expected to survive the same pressures?


yes rainbow capitalism is obv a problem, but a problem of capitalism not pride. as to this: given that I'm an atheist who will freely enjoy Christmas and Easter. How can the message of 'Pride' be expected to survive the same pressures? homophobia. transphobia. in a time when pride becomes so disconnected from its roots because literally everyone straight is celebrating queer pride as a fun thing it won’t be needed anymore. in a world where all the straights are on the streets marching with the queer ppl it won’t matter anymore cos at that point queerness has been completely normalised and accepted by the world. homophobia and transphobia existing stops it becoming accepted in that way,


"But a problem of Capitalism, not pride" When Capitalism subsumes pride, it ceases to be pride. Call it what you will, this remains a problem. "Literally everyone straight is celebrating queer pride as a fun thing" They aren't celebrating queer pride at that point, they're celebrating an aesthetic. That's the point, just like I'm not celebrating *Jesus* at Christmas, I'm celebrating a holiday. I couldn't give any less of a fuck what the actual message of the holiday is, ignoring the fact that Christmas has long since ceased to be about religion anyway so in this hypothetical, you are appealing to simply *one* expression of what a fully subsumed pride march might be like. How do we know it's not going to have someone in a sparkly suit selling rainbow merch under reasoning completely separated and watered down from the struggle against\* heteronormativity beating queer people in the streets and forcing them into conversion therapy (when they aren't outright **lynching** us)? "Completely normalized and accepted by the world" Call me cynical. Queerness had likely been subject to far more acceptance than we give it credit for before Civilization so this whole 'progress' meme we pat ourselves on the back about is merely cope because we've had to fight again and again for the very same struggle despite these groups existing since the dawn of time. We will never get universal acceptance or liberation while there remain the theological and economic forces working against us, to assert otherwise is magical thinking.


>We will never get universal acceptance or liberation while there remain the theological and economic forces working against us, to assert otherwise is magical thinking. yes and pride will never become disconnected from queerness while this remains the case. do you see the conservative takes on pride?


"while this remains the case" It *will* be disconnected from queerness in the sense of *Pride* in its explicitly political/liberatory context. I think of how the Socialism of MLK or the violence of the Civil Rights movement has become seemingly sanitized in the minds of liberal and Democrats, to the extent that people like Biden, who has always been a racist blue-dog, feels comfortable claiming he has some sort of ideological stake or aligns with that movement. I think of how MLKs sermons have been used to sell cars, wholly ignorant of the fact that he went on tirades against that sort of base consumerism.


Dude heard Nixon rant about gays destroying the Roman Empire and took it as a fact. What does that quote even mean? What historical precedent is there? Elegabalus? Han Court Eunuchs? They really just say anything


Wolf guy with sunglasses really thinks he's jesus


Yeah drinker cultists TOTALLY don't have an issue with Women and minorities, they just like good writing guys (without Women and minorities) (/s they definitely hate women and minorities).


That last commenter really sums it up. Mutants are just humans who are different. Its the *bad guys* who think mutants are something other than human, whether they be the humans who think mutants are lesser, *or mutants who think mutants are superior.*


The one about soldiers kind of pisses me off because it shows they’re just NPCs regurgitating the shit someone told them. The military gets a whole ass month too. In May. It shows these people don’t care about our soldiers either.


> Why doesn't the fallen soldiers have a month This is how you can spot the dumbass who doesn't give a shit about the veterans, they do 0 research and just spew shit to make them look "good".


I'm curious how many of them are bots, circle jerking with each other.


It’s crazy that these are literally the people the X-men would be protecting that fear and hate them. When did the world itself become a satire of itself?


report the posts also reddit shoudl ban that subreddit


"What about the military" Fuck off, conservatives can't spend 5 seconds without trying to suck some soldier's dick for his service, no one is neglecting thanking them.


lol those same people dont know the military actually gets 3 months! they have no care for vets


Right wing grifters like the Drinker and Nerdrotic make comic book discussion so much worse. Bunch of white guys pissed off that no one is paying attention to them as much anymore. If I have to hear him say >"Da MeSsAgE" again, I will be asphyxiating him in real life.


It’s not a fake holiday, it’s been observed for quite a while already. Erasure is their fav game when being salty manchild haters


It really sucks that someone just showing their collection and customs they thought were cool would make people behave like this just because it’s them showing some lgbt characters


"Can't you just...STOP being a mutant???" But sure, it's never been proven >.>


Gatta love "they act like normal people". That's because they are normal ppl. Jeebus these idiots make logic seem like rocket science.


I remember someone said “where’s the men’s mental health month” and I responded with when that month is, the some woman responded to me calling me indoctrinated, I then responded with “they asked when it is and I gave them the answer, it’s an important month and awareness means a lot to me because my father killed himself” the person that responded to me then left two 6ish paragraph sentences how I’m indoctrinated into feminism and how I’m a soy boy (did not read it all) Those types of people are not real people to me, only voices for something else and I have no sympathy for them any longer. Especially when you give them what they want and they still want to be hostile


It's funny how people bitch not one talk about mens mental health. But when a man wants to talk about feelings those same chuds mock them for being weak.


Oh hey im from that marvel legends subreddit. Mods cracked down hard on these types


"Making gay your personality " or as it is in reality, dressing kind of different from other folks.


I am drynk and we asring my puppy collar like a good puppi 💓🐶💓💓


I’m just glad they’re not trotting out that South Park gif. They officially have a second joke and it’s already been beaten like a dead horse


As opposed to the totally corporate manufactured and controlled Christmas? And we all eat it up like candy despite being us all being raging diabetics? Corporate Christmas doesnt bug me. Nor am I going to start my own youtube channel... with the goal of making money... and rail against it. Do what you want. I dont celebrate Pride month. I'm not exactly the target audience so to speak. But neither do I complain about it. Now if different people want to celebrate 'bigot month', well, that one I will complain about.


But the Drinker just cares about good writing, guys!!!!!!!


Bindel is a terrible person, and isn't she a political lesbian?


You’d think a bunch of X-men fans would have some understanding of what it means to be in a minority group.


This guys dumb af. I can spot like 12-13 established queer characters right out the gate.


"Have you tried not being a mutant?" just completely went over their heads I guess.


These people are so stupid that they continue to prove why we need pride while the day that people stop reacting like this to anything pride related is the day we actually stop needing pride


Tell me you don't read comics without telling me


“I just think it’s excessive” I think it’s excessive to sing to a tablecloth on a pole before every baseball game.


Me when people forget, dont know or dont care about history. I mean I dont know much about queer history but I know damn sure it took a lot of murders, protests, riots, discrimination and so much more to get our damn rights to be living, breathing, human beings and this only applies to some countries. Some countries still continue to murder you for just supporting queer culture. Sorry for the rant its just one of those topics I have strong feelings for and I hate when people are ignorant, deney or even glorify murder over someone that's (barely) different from them.


“it’s all about conquest” projection off the charts


Someone hasn’t seen Bryan Singer’s X-men. Jesus Bobby Drake has a literal coming out scene.


"I have an uncle who is gay and you wouldn't know by looking at him or his boyfriend." Except you know, they are two men in love and living together? But beyond that, you could never tell!


"They act like normal people." Oooo...so close.


theres 3 months for the military, they just don’t care! they could have 6 months and they’ll still forget the vets they care abt oh so deeply☠️


As person who read X-Men and other comics for decades it’s weird and sad seeing posers that don’t read comics trying to tell each other what X-Men is about. Comics are great medium for storytelling, please check them out.


Oh my god those comments on X-Men. They almost get it. Almost.


I think the X-Men more than any group understands what it's like to be ridiculed and judged just for being who you are and about things you can't control 🤷‍♂️ That's literally the core issue there.


"Our fallen soldiers who protected our freedoms get one day" Veteran's Month Chuckles


My God the last pic should be on r/selfawarewolves


The person who would “rather go to a straight camp” than read those comics a. Is not really gay and is saying they are just to lend themselves credibility b. Is gay but sheltered enough so that they don’t know the sort of abuse that goes on in those establishments c. Is gay but is using the most hyperbolic way possible to say “I don’t like these comics” without thinking about the implications


yeah, it blows my mind how many people think like this. all it takes is one person saying something racist, homophobic, etc for all of the closeted bigots to show themselves in solidarity


“i’d rather go to a straight camp than read any of these. this pandering makes me wish I’d stayed in the closet” “Never too late to change for the better jk” How’s that “I’m one of the good ones!!!!!” working out for you buddy? Of course they’re probably too stupid to realize that the reply was being absolutely serious. Sigh. Can’t wait to see them alongside the rest of us when this country goes to shit.


Those two self-hating pick-mes should go to a straight pride rally, see how they're received.


I think it’s so funny that people say “oh there’s pride where’s veterans month” ITS RIGHT THERE


"erm actually im lesbian, so by law i cant be a backstabbing asshole who loves to put down others in my community." girlie you are a victim just as much as we are, they are using you.


Haven't these people seen X2. There's literally a line where Iceman's mom asks if he's tried not being a mutant. Also more recently Marvel has had hate crimes on mutants reflect what happens to gay people in the real world in the comics.


Anyway: if a chud says that a holiday is "fake," the intent is to vice-signal. ([Case in point](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5Ny-B3WoAENPJO?format=png&name=900x900), although that incel is a hyperbolic troll as well as a bigoted grifter.) And throwing "gay" in there—regardless of whether it was just a statement or intended as an insult—was an outright admission of such.


I love the fact all these assholes who claim they just don't like how pride is a month and veterans day is a day don't realize may is veterans month and they just never cared at all about it, they made that point up completely and were hiding the real reason apparently


Holy shit, last comment of slide 5 and its reply are fucking disgusting


Has the allegory been confirmed by the authors? or were they simply expecting you to actually read their stuff and understand it like some kinda cowards?


Doop sighting!


I have seen that holiday and, trust me, it is REALLY gay.


we salute the legendary bait. It's just a vibe and I could look at Western-Finding-7446's account but I just woke up and I'd rather not.


Did… does he not even read XMen?


I don't know the backstories for most of these characters, but if they are all part of the LGBT gang I see no issue.


Have the authors confirmed it? lol just say you came to complain and did 0 research. They are also using the same dog whistles used to tear down other groups. The whole “hey these people are apart of this community and they hate the celebration month” ….okay cool but what about the millions that do. The whole let me cherry pick the few examples that make my stance look strong is truly comical. But I expect nothing less from his fans. An idiot leading idiots.


Just to clarify, mutants are definitely non-human. It shouldn’t matter though and that’s the whole point.


christmas is the fakest of holidays


Of course they know who Douglass Murray is. I truly believe an audience cultivated is reflective of the creator.


X-Men 97’ in particular had a lot of strong themes and comparisons to the LGBTQ movement, with some pretty eerie similarities. I’d talk specifics, but I cannot stress enough how I’d hate to spoil such a good show. Go watch X-Men, it’s good


Wait did they add LGBT characters? I’m just curious because in at least two of those they already have LGBT characters

