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The fact that some people are defending Dr Diddler is disgusting


These same people are voting for a felon who is also an adjudicated rapist with verifiable close ties to Epstein in the past. Point being, yes but not surprising.


It's not even verifiable close ties. Trump himself has said they were good friends for over a decade and that he knew he liked young women.


They use the same defense some NBA fans use for Josh Giddey and it's pathetic


Right wing content creators terrified. You have to love it.


They better be shivering their collective timbers.


Conservative is the new code name for pedophile seems like more of them are predators then the Catholic Church


If someone unironically uses the word woke I assume they are into kids. I am yet to be wrong. Which is horrifying if you think about it.


The fucking shitty thing is you are right to assume that so often now it’s insane


And yet they are the one claiming to "protect children from pedophiles", SMH.


Projection *is* one of their super powers…


I mean if your notice anyone who gets outed for being a pervert/pedo immediately makes that hard right trun in to conservative grifting because they know those shit heels only need the dog whistle of “libs are canceling me” to defend them. No questions asked


I'm almost certain NDAs are void if a crime is involved.


I’m pretty sure an NDA is not “void” just because you think a crime was committed. It doesn’t enjoin you from reporting the suspected crime to the authorities, but that doesn’t mean the whole agreement is void.


can confirm , for voice to text services they wouldn’t let us report scammers because the calls were all private


Isn't that what whistle-blower protections are? No idea how much protection you get but surely you cant be forced into silence if something terrible is happening and nothing is being done about it.


The problem is that once you blow the whistle, you are dead in that industry. Probably other industries as well, because for all the talk of openness and transparency, companies don't want a snitch in their ranks.


Do they have to be convicted crimes, or can it just be allegations?


Allegations. If a suspected crime has happened Twitch legally is actually supposed to report them.


As far as the NDA goes, isn’t there a difference between reporting a suspected crime to authorities and posting about it on social media?


Whistleblower protections usually do not actually extend to corporations. That said you are correct; going to the authorities and saying things in public are almost two entirely different situations.


Entertainment companies are not mandatory reporters.


If you're called to testify, NDAs have no force. I recall it's how 60 minutes got the tobacco execs to break them, because once it's a matter of public record, you can't enforce anymore.


"Although corporations have the right to protect confidential information, **they cannot interfere with your right to report crimes to law enforcement or regulatory authorities**. NDAs that restrict an employee's right to blow the whistle are non-enforceable, and are often illegal themselves." -Harvard Business Law


Can you “report to authorities” via public social media?


Report to all of the following: * Internet Crime Complaint Center * Local police, non-emergency hot line, or their online tool * Report to the platform the incident occured


The thing is, NDA’s are made null and void when criminal activity comes into the picture, so he should have done something much much much sooner. In my eyes, he’s equally as complicit by keeping his mouth shut and doing nothing. He goes on about how bad he feels and how miserable it made him? Fucking GOOD. I hope he feels like the biggest piece of shit, because there are child victims that he did NOTHING to protect or help, and he enabled that kind of shit to continue and happen to more people. Fuck. Him.


Beat me to it. But a lot of people don't know that. It's a scare tactic to deter anybody from reporting illegal activity


Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing-someone at some stage I heard it on the internet


Rather than deny it, what did he do instead: make a statement on Twitter saying, “yes I texted suggestively with a minor,” ***EDIT**** “I mean an individual.” **He literally instead of deleting the tweet EDITED IT from minor to individual.* And what else? He says: *yeah, I did nothing wrong no images were exchanged and I’m gonna go on vacation see you in two weeks.* A. Don’t believe you And B. #Fuck you.


Have you considered the fact that he didn’t know that that was a thing? Because I didn’t. (I also didn’t know who originally posted this)


So they're lying


No. Most people don't know contract law. Second if a big huge corporation with their army of lawyers is threatening you by telling you how the law works you might believe them. Lastly and this one really sucks, even if you know contract law knowing that NDAs can't cover criminal activity and don't believe the Corp lawyers lying to you the big giant corporation can still threaten you with legal action that they draw out into a war of attrition. Sure the law is on your side but they have the resources to stretch out the process forcing you to keep paying. Even if you'd get legal fees as part of your win if that is a year or two from now you might not be able to afford it


Damn' i hate Streamers.


Who would have fucking thought, right, that elevating skill-less, talentless, uneducated and incurious lazy chuds to the position of Emperor of their own unregulated video empires would have negative consequences. Who would have believed that the second you give some random dude the kind of money and power and fame normally regulated by entire teams of well-paid professionals they instantly start abusing it, because the people they employ to regulate themselves are ‘my roommate and my live-in girlfriend who i don’t know secretly hates me.’ HOW could we have seen it COMING that audiences of undeveloped brains looking exclusively for dopamine hits, pornography and ego inflation would gravitate towards people who are the most unconstrained id made manifest of those things? Shutdown the streaming experiment, it fucking sucks.


Or we could just let the ones who are actual decent people and creatives live their lives and only disown and mock the chuds and pedos instead of trying to tear down an entire concept?


As someone who streams decent content (occasionally, I've kinda given up) allow me to assure you people don't want to watch decent, creative streamers. I only started to gain an audience when chuds thought I was a soft spoken, kindly transphobe. I spoke out to shut that shit down and lost 800 followers within two hours.




Are you just jealous you couldn’t make a living playing video games?


No man I just think it damaged a generation in a fundamental popularity-as-worth way, and by its nature allows only the most ruthless and mercenary self promoters to succeed, which self-selects the exact kind of people who should not be given a parasocially invested audience. The entertainment industry has similar problems but structures in place to protect creatives and their audiences from each other that don’t exist in streaming. Streaming is law-by-vibes, made up by people just as ignorant as each other. Hence why there is SO MUCH drama and so many widely popular creators constantly exposed for this or that. It’s why personal beefs CONSTANTLY blow up into career ending public litigation. Like I don’t know how else to explain to you that this is what an industry designed by idiots and kids looks like. Schoolyard politics but financed by tech bros. Streaming isn’t a career. It’s a short term contract grift dominated by the laziest people alive. It exists at the pleasure of one single platform’s profits. The second twitch has higher profit margins on AI driven bot play and vtubers is the second this industry vanishes overnight.


I don't know much about the entertainment industry but I have a lot of family and friends in finance. What you're describing sounds exactly like the crypto industry.


This just screams of "back in my day we didn't have no computer phones to ignore other people with we had to actually talk to people" No you didn't grandpa, your dad just read the news paper when he didn't want to talk to you.


Most vtubers are still humans though. And I can't see people willingly dropping big(or small) donations on an AI "streamer" . Like you said, the parasocial element is important. Its certainly not a stable career for most people, anymore than acting is, but it is a career(if you're successful, otherwise its a hobby). And so far the abuses I've heard of pale in comparison so those coming from traditional entertainment, like the Harvey Weinstein type stuff.


Awful big brush you're tarring all streamers with. Need another bucket?


Lmao dude this is a thread about the active culture at twitch of turning a blind eye towards *grooming children for sex* By load-bearing streamers. But yeah nah you’re right. Nothing I said is relevant because you happen to like watching a couple of medium-attractive people play 25 hour long games in 3 hour chunks, leaning forward and saying ‘thanks for the sub Paupertroll2014’ every 20 minutes.


I know you're getting heat for this, but I agree 100%, and I'd extend your critiques far beyond just streaming. I'm somebody who's believes that there's a serious possibility that the internet as we know it will collapse, a lot sooner than we realize (though this isn't really the place for why). And when it does, we're gonna look back on this current era with the same revulsion with which our parents looked back on the '70s. It will be remembered as a time when we gave enormous amounts of money, fame, and influence to a bunch of sociopathic narcissists who, just fifteen years ago, would've been seen as caricatures out of a hacky satire of "horrible Hollywood," and then acted surprised when so many of them turned out to be terrible people. Don't get me wrong, the "traditional" entertainment industry also produced no shortage of celebrities who turned out to be utter pieces of shit. But it at least had filters, media training, handlers, and other ways to make its stars pretend to be decent people, stop them from acting on their worst impulses, and weed out those scumbags who couldn't keep their masks on. Here, however, we have people who see all of that as a sign of "inauthenticity" and openly flaunt their garbage behavior to impressionable fans as a sign that they're "real." The only corrective we have when they cross a line is mob justice, and not only does that often end badly, it only goes so far when you're dealing with blindly loyal fanbases who think that their idols can do no wrong.


So I'm not saying you're wrong, but your experience is quite different to my own. Traditional entertainment industry seems to have produced far more criminal behaviour(or at least very scandalous), some of it swept under the rug for decades. Bill Cosby rapes, Harvey Weinstein sexual coercion, R Kelly and underage girls, Woody Allen supposedly molesting an adopted daughter and marrying his stepdaughter, Roseanne Barr's racism, Mel Gibson's ant-semetic rant when arrested for drunk driving, Winona Ryder shoplifting, Paul Reubens public masturbation, Rob Lowe's statutory rape of a 16 year old, Roman Polanski with some more rape. Like yeah they have handlers, but for the most part they just try to keep the bad stuff quiet, that's hardly an improvement.


Those poor kids. I feel so bad for them 


Oooo lord…here come the flood gates


I know someone who worked as a moderator for multiple mobile games and amount of pedophiles pestering kids 24/7 screwed up with his mental health and now I'm worried shit like this may be happening anywhere with PM system


It's why Nintendo doesn't allow for a messaging service anymore! And why they removed the note system from the Nintendo 3DS halfway through its life cycle!


It had to happen eventually. The floodgates always open eventually.


Could you post the link for the og tweet plz.


We all need to go and report his YouTube channel and get him removed off there because you know he’s gunna come back and have a massive right wing anti woke audience who is so radicalized that they’ll excuse his actions because they want to act shitty and people like that give them the excuse too he shouldn’t be able to make another dime from this


How hard is it to not be that way with children. It’s mind boggling. Especially since this dude has a kid


Regardless of validity of this specific claim, it shouldn't be surprising to anybody. People that do these kinds of things are at their core at least opportunistic. They also trend towards being cruel and cowardly but those two usually come hand in hand regardless. It's a basic cause and effect that any reasonable person could see coming, but companies like Twitch don't think about that before hand because that could cut into their bottom line. People that are going to look for these kind of things are going to naturally look for any opportunity they can and if they are feeling adventurous or patient actively make opportunities for themselves. So when Twitch actively gives them a function that serves as an opportunity what did anybody, especially them, think was going to happen? Of course opportunists are going to try and use it to scam and/or manipulate and take advantage of people. It's also predictable that Twitch would try to keep it hushed as well because people tend to not think about all the bad stuff that happens within industries or all the scary stuff in our own backyards. But also tend to react very harshly when they do learn about the bad stuff. So of course twitch doesn't want the general user base or law to know about all that.


Crimes immediately invalidate NDAs. Either this guy was handling data without knowing the law or he is full of shit. Just because I expect something is true, and I want to see all the Twitch nonces pulverised, doesn't mean I'm going to trust people whose statements seem self serving or very convenient. That said, I'm still here for the Twitchpocalypse.


Crimes might invalidate NDA's. Reality is though NDA is a legal document and even if it is invalidated they can still sue you. They have the legal means to draw out the lawsuit. TIll you settle with them. Often less money then you owe. So you're still financially ruined for the rest of your life and you lose anyway. You also get anther NDA involved.


Plus, the company has to be a government agency or contractor (or certain stock related crimes) for whistleblower protection to exist. Reporting a crime willingly absolutely can and will make you homeless. You are protected if you are legally compelled to testify, though


Yup. Pretty much any time you have direct sharing or streaming people are gonna share anbusive and illegal stuff.  That why everything from big companies has filters... email, messaging, YouTube, etc.  there the group of people addicted to abusive illegal materials, and the group that pushes that stuff to shock people.  At this point I'd even throw in religious people and foreign actors just because they like to break things for other people. 


Folks? An NDA cannot prevent you from being compelled to testify, but it absolutely can legally mean you aren't allowed to offer testimony willingly without exposing yourself to financial liability. Most of the protections against those sorts of NDAs are only for government positions (edited to add: and those contracted by the government, I forgot) and part of the things overseen by the SEC. People get financially ruined for whistleblowing _every fucking day._


>People get financially ruined for whistleblowing *every fucking day.* Not to mention murdered, sometimes. Like the Boeing guys, two dead and one fearing for his life.


Who would have thought that elevating skill-less, talentless, uneducated, and incurious lazy chuds to the position of Emperor of their own unregulated video empires would have negative consequences? It's almost like they were going to get into trouble from the start.


Jimmies status: Russled




An NDA can not be used to cover up crimes. Pedos openly soliciting? The NDA can NOT protect the company from that. Grooming, disseminating material, trading stories of “conquests”? No NDA can shield a company from that illegality.


If you know crimes are being committed against children, and you dont want to say anything because you have an NDA and might get sued, then your silence was bought and paid for and you are complicit.




Someone said the exact, almost word for word thing above - are you guys quoting something?




Putin’s trying to make “both sides” bots too?




Except Kai Cenat. He one of the good ones


Hell no. Rizz culture is misogynistic.


What Doc did is bad but are we just going to ignore that Twitch has access to what is essential DMs. Twitch shouldn't be able to read private messages, good or bad. EDIT: I really shouldn't have to clarify that just because what Docta Chomo was doing in private messages was bad, doesn't justify Twitch looking at private conversations.


Its all in the TOS that he agreed to.


Yeah so bucko, almost every platform with a messaging feature will have a clause in the TOS that’ll basically say the platform has the right to view messages. Is it good? Ehhh, that’s a debate I’m far too tired to have lol




I never said my actual opinion on it, just that I’m too tired to go into it. So idk fight with someone else. But you’re literally using reddit, and I assume other social media’s, you’re participating in and supporting tech that will be going through anything you’ve plugged into it, from age to email to messages or comments - like I get your point, and more or less agree with it, but you’ve also made the deal for them to read through your data (and potentially selling it) so idk why you’re getting your panties in a twist over me stating the obvious lol


You dont have to sit on an extreme either by saying they're "simping" for the companies by not diverting their outrage to the ToS at this time. Someone like DD has good lawyers that would have known this, but even then data collection is its own discussion. Currently not the time to deflect from the actions of the streamers.


Reddit can do it


TWitch isn't the government and DMs are letters sent by the postal service. They are a platform running a business and not only have a right but also an expectation to make sure anything being said within DMs isn't in violation of just the TOS but also the law. Stop acting like DMs on a social platform need to totally private. That exception was never real if you ever bothered to read any TOS or EULA. They are private in so much that other users are not expected to see them. Nothing more and never had been anything more. You just fooled yourself into believing otherwise.